Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Apr 19, 2006


Codename: Phoenix: Chapter Six

Author: Jackie Q

Disclaimer: This story is rated R, for langue, Mutant violence and cross-dressing mutants with a obsession for young blonde boys. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or any other celebrities that I may use in the near future. And this story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the members of the group 'N Sync, Backstreet boys, and 98 degrees. All X-Men material and references is a copyright of Marvel Studios and Comics Inc. They do not belong to me and all of it is merely from my mind.

Rating: NC-17

The plan was set, it was going to be hard, but it would prove to Magneto that they were worthy of being in the same league as of him. "We got a mark on the school and we're ready to move whenever you are?" said Rex. Loki was put in charge of the plan and ready to take them down. "Get ready to move on my signal." he said in to his headset. "Jade, are you and Broc ready?" "Ready as we'll ever be." "Miss. Joon?" "Ready." "Jaws, Mecca Jones and Razor, ready?" "All set." "How about you, Jinx?" "Let's get this started." Everything was set. He was going to prove to Magneto that he was a powerful mutant and he was going to get respect from him. He could this. He checked his watch, looking to see that it was now midnight. He smiled to himself. Talking into the headset. "Let the fun begin." ________________________________________________________________ What the hell was he thinking? Kissing Howie? Was he crazy? He wasn't gay, he had never thought about another man like that before in his life. He didn't have a problem with gay people, JC and Justin were together and that didn't bother him, he was very happy for them. "What was I thinking?" he asked himself. He walked through the schools' hallway, thinking about what had happen. He didn't notice that there was someone in front of him until he walked into them. "Whoa. I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." he said to the person. "No, its alright, I should have been looking where I was going." the young smile at AJ. "I'm Bobby by the way." he held out his hand. "AJ." "I know, the professor told us you and your friends were saying here. I hope it been nice so far." "Yeah, its been okay." he said softly. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, why?" "You look like you lost your best friend." "I may have." Bobby looked at him, not understanding what he meant. "What I mean is that, well, I just made out hardcore with one of my best friends in the world and I came to my senses and left him there, but matters worse I made him cry, he sound so abandon. I didn't mean to do that to him, I just got so scared when I came to my senses." Bobby rubbed his back, trying to make him feel better, but not really sure if he was doing a good job at it. He hadn't make anyone who may have been gay, so he didn't know what to do in this situation. "Hey man, its alright, I'm sure that you'll be able to talk about this or something. I'm sorry if what I' m saying doesn't really make much sense, but hey, I'm trying here." AJ laughed, understanding where he was coming from. "I'll really should talk to Howie. This is something that you can't ignore, you know what I mean?" Bobby nodded. "Yeah I think that would be the smart thing to do. You wouldn' t want things to be awkward when your around each other." "Exactly! I don't want us to be like, not be able to talk whenever we're in the same room together. I mean we work together and it would not be easy to explain to fans or management." "Well, all I can say to you see, talk to him, try to set things right, tell him that what you did wasn't meant to be anything and due to the events, I wasn't thinking clearly. Once you talk it out, I'm sure things will be alright after that." AJ thought out it. It did make sense to him, it was just so simple. All he had to do was talk to Howie and things would be alright. He hoped. "Thanks, think I should go talk to him." "You go do that." said Bobby. He watch AJ run back to his room. "Since when did you become so all knowing?" asked a voice. Bobby turned around and saw that it was Jubilee. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" "I wasn't tired. Now are you going to answer my question?" "I've been in the same boat as him, I thought I should help him out." "Oh wow, your not, like, falling for him are you because I don't think you would be his type." Bobby looked at her in shocked. "Are you nuts, I've only known him for like, twenty-five minutes. Don't go jumping to conclusion." "Sorry, didn't know you were so touchy." she teased. "Am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too" "Am not." "Too" "Not" "Too" "Not" "Okay, that's enough." said Bobby. They stood there in silence, looking out the window, watching the night sky. Jubilee, looked at Bobby, a smile crept on her face. She stood on her toes and whisper to Bobby. "Are too." ________________________________________________________________ "Howie?" Howie looked up from the tear drenched pillow. Who was at the door? Was it AJ? "Howie? Are you alright?" The door open to reveal Brian. "Why are you crying." he sat beside Howie, pulling him in to a hug. Howie tried to pull away but then gave in. "I did something so stupid, Brian, so very stupid. " he sobbed. Brian continue to hold him, not really sure what to do. He didn' t even know why he was crying. "I think it would help if you told me why you are crying, D" Howie pulled back a little and look at Brian. He was contemplating whether if he should tell him what happen between him and AJ. "I kissed AJ." "That's great!" exclaimed Brian. He was happy for him, but then saw the sad lost look on his face. "No, not great, its bad. He ran out of here, like a scare dog with his tail between his legs." Howie got off the bed and started to pace. He was really upset. If he had not kissed AJ, then this wouldn't be happening right now. He and AJ could have just gone to sleep and AJ would never know how he felt about him. But of course he had to do something to fuck that up. Brian watched Howie pace. He had never seen him so worked up like this in his life. The only time he gets this way if it has something to do with AJ and this would be one of those times. He could remember back when Howie had first told him that he was in love with AJ. He was happy for him, but sad for him also, because AJ wasn't gay, at least he didn't think he was. "What am I going to do?" Howie flopped down on the bed, letting the tears flow. All Brian could do was rub his back. He looked up when he heard a knocking at the door. " Come in." he said. The door open to reveal AJ, he looked over at Howie, seeing that his best friend was crying buckets. Howie hadn't notice that he had enter the room. Brian got up and walked over to AJ. "I think you should talk to him, he's really upset." Brian said. "Thanks Bri." he said. Brian gave him a pat on the back, then left him and Howie to figure things out. Howie looked up to see AJ seating next to him, with his back turned to him. Howie sat up and wiped the tears away. They both sat in silence, not knowing what to say. Finally Howie got sick of the silence and he turned to AJ and spoke. "We need to talk about this." ________________________________________________________________ Kevin sat in the information room with the Professor, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Strom and Beast. He sat shifting uneasy in the chair. He usually wasn't so nervous when he was in front of people, but this time was a lot different from a interview with a some teenybopper magazine, these were the people that his father fought against. The same people he hoped would be able to help stopped Magneto in his tracts, before its too late. "Its to my understanding that you have spoken to Magneto. What is it that you have talked about?" asked Professor X. Kevin cleared his throat. "The last time that I have spoken to him we had, well it's more like he talked about finally finding what he had been looking for. I didn't know what he meant until he spoke about Nick and Justin." "Professor, what is it that he wants with those boys?" asked Jean "I don't see anything so special about them, utter then the fact that one of them can use Strom's powers." said Wolverine. "Oui, what is it they, got special about em' selves anyways?" asked Gambit. "I'm not so sure myself, but I'm sure Kevin can tell use something." said the Professor. Why didn't he see that coming, he wonder. "Well, he did same something about searching for someone who had the power to destroy nations." "And that lead you to believe that he was talking about Nick and Justin?" asked the Professor. "Well, yes, I wasn't that sure about Justin until today, but I did have a feeling about Nick once he had turned Fourteen. I could feel a strong sense of power coming from him. When that happen that was when Magneto started to show up, of course the guys had no idea, because I wanted to keep this all away from them, but it looks as if I failed in that area." The Professor was about to say something, until a loud boom was heard form the other side of the school. A girl who had appear through the wall came running to the Professor. "We have trouble, the schools be ambushed." ________________________________________________________________ "What was that?" asked Howie in a panic. Not again thought AJ. He moved from the bed and walked to the door. He took a peak out side and saw in a cybernetic armor. "Alx....AJ what's going on?" AJ frowned when Howie didn't call him `Alex' "I think we're being ambushed by the guys that attacked the meet and greet today. Look I want you to stay here, I'm going to look for the others. " before could say anything, he was out the door. ________________________________________________________________ "Let's get this thing started!" yelled Broc, he stomped his foot creating a huge mini earthquake. Screams from the younger children could be heard. "Hey! Rocks for brains! Don't you think its impolite to go stomping in other peoples house." said Rogue, she delivered a punch right across his jaw. "X-men! Go!" commanded Cyclops. Blasted and crashes could be heard throughout the whole house. "Now where are those little shits?" Loki said out loud to him self. He kicked door after door open, he was starting to get pissed off. "I KNOW THAT YOU ARE HERE!! YOU CAN"T HIDE FROM ME!" he yelled. Looked behind him when he heard feet hitting the floor. "Fee fay foo fum, I smell the blood of a dead one." he started to cackle out loud. "You can run, but you can hide." he took off chasing after them. ________________________________________________________________ "Your fighting against your father, you do realzie that right?" asked Jinx. She and Kevin circle each like two deadly cats, daring each other to see who would go first. "For the last time, he is not my father!" he let his temper get the best of him. A wave energy came toward Jinx's way, it sent her flying backwards. She landed back on her feet. "That was good, better even, then your father. He is very strong man, but you are powerful. it's a shame that you don't fight with us, you would have love it." "Being a homicidal maniac, no thanks I think I'll stick to being plain old NORMAL." Kevin flew up and over her head, making large metal Armor fall on top of her. He didn't look bad. He knew it took a lot more to kill her, but that was far from his mind. He needed to find Nick and Justin, Fast, before it was too late. ________________________________________________________________ "Come on Justin, we need to get out of here." said JC. They had heard the exploration and they were lucky to have gotten out of there a live. "Shouldn't we look for the others?" asked Justin. JC was about to answer. "So, there you are, do you two realizes how long I have looking for you. Now JC, is it? Can you be a dear and hand over your little boy toy?" JC stepped in front of Justin. He wasn't going to let this crazy person anywhere near Justin. "Over my dead body, he isn't going anywhere." Loki looked at him blankly, then a smile started to spread on his face. Holding his hand out to reveal sharp claws growing. "Oh I think that could be arranged." TO BE CONTINUED...... Okay well, that's chapter six. Sorry if its so late. Now feedback is a big plus and I would love more of it. What you liked, what you didn't like, etc, etc, etc. Plus I'm going to add chapter two of Lovely Temptation maybe tomorrow. SO until then Hugs and Kisses.

Next: Chapter 7

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