Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I woke up automatically at 0500. Cody was still asleep so I shook him awake and said "rise and shine Cody, its chore time".

He stretched and stood up, and were both dressed in no time and off to the henhouse, which is about 500 yards from the dormitory and has around 50 chickens in it. It is of course far away because hen houses really stink and no one wants to be near one.

As we got close, Cody wrinkled his nose and said "what's that"?

I said "Chicken poop, but you can get used to it" and continued until we both entered.

I figured about all that the one handed Cody could do was grab the eggs, so I chased each hen off the nest, and he harvested the eggs. We wound up with two dozen, which is pretty good really.

Cody and I took all but 4 of them back to the dormitory and dropped them off for the guys. Then we walked back to the lodge and went to the kitchen.

"Cody, once you are better you will have more to do with the chickens, but I am just having you do a little bit until you feel better" I said.

"Looking forward to it" Cody said, as he held his nose and feigned disgust.

We chatted while I made us each omelette's in view of Cody's nutritional status, these were packed with vegetables. I even put avocado in. I poured him a huge glass of milk and a V-8 for vegetable servings. We sat and ate together.

Afterward, we sat back and talked. I sipped my coffee and he sipped his hot cocoa.

"Cody, your tutor will be coming by for the first time today. The first couple of times he will be doing testing to find out exactly what grade level you are at in each subject. Once he knows that, he will be tutoring you and you will be using an on line homeschool program to work at your own pace" I said.

"FUCK" he said.

I looked at him rather shocked as I had not heard him swear before.

"Cody, if you are upset about it there are better ways to express it than the F word. What's the problem?" I asked.

"Dad... I just hate school and homework. Its s boring" he replied.

"Cody, getting an education is your job at this age. The issue isn't open for debate. The good news about doing it on line is you can go faster and all of your school time is spent learning, not sitting around. Your school day will be from 8 to 12 every day, which is a way shorter day than most kids have" I said in a firm voice.

"Now about the F word Cody, it is a word I don't really want to hear you say. It's low class and crude. The next time I hear it I'm going to punish you for it" I explained.

Cody looked up at me, shrugged, and said "I'll try".

As we each finished our drinks, I looked at my watch and said "Hey Cody, time for some exercise. We are going to walk further today, and a little faster".

We put on our coats and headed off for a pretty brisk 4 mile walk. Cody was panting a bit and sweating, but I paced the walk to be a real workout for him, but not to exceed what he could do. About halfway into the walk, I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him and pointed about 30 feet off the trail where a group of deer were feeding. Later on the walk, I heard a woodpecker and we looked around until we saw that as well. Cody had never seen a woodpecker before and observed "doesn't he get a headache"? I laughed and said I guess that the ones who got headaches died a thousand years ago and only the ones that don't survived.

When we got back to the lodge, Cody was thirsty so I poured him a big glass of OJ and we headed upstairs to get cleaned up. We stood side by side as we brushed our teeth, then I shaved. Cody seemed quite interested in the whole shaving ritual, particularly because I use old fashioned shaving soap and a horse hair brush to make the lather. After I shaved, I put some on his upper lip and let him shave himself for the first time. There really wasn't anything to shave, but he was excited to be doing it.

I hit the shower first, came out and dried off, then helped Cody undress and I put him up on the shower table. As I did so, I noticed that he didn't look so terribly thin. I also noticed that his cast was looking pretty grubby.

"Hey son, we're going to need to change that cast. Also, I want to weigh you again and see how much you've gained. You look like you are starting to fill out" I said.

I then bathed Cody from head to toe in the usual order, ignoring the erection he got as I retracted his foreskin and cleaned his genitals.

I dried him off and then put him on the scale. He was up 3 lbs already in the short time since he had been at the Lodge. "Hey Cody, you're up 3 lbs, you are going to really grow now that you are eating good food and exercising" I said.

"Cool, I want to be tall and want to get strong" he said, as he then copped an exaggerated pose like a bodybuilder.

We got some clothes on and went down to the treatment room where I removed the cast. I felt the fracture site. Everything was well aligned, so I recasted him; this time with a fiberglass cast which would stand up to water a little better and which would be lighter for him.

By now it was 0745, so we went upstairs and sat in the Den. I handed him an old book from my youth about Jim Bowie, and had him read the first chapter to me.

At 0800, the tutor arrived. Introductions were made, and I admonished Cody to take it seriously and work hard, then left them for the morning. I went outside and felt like I needed a workout so I went to our large woodpile and spent an hour or so splitting wood. Of course, we have a gas splitter, but I like the rhythm and workout of splitting it myself. Besides, it is a fantastic shoulder and back workout.

As I finished splitting wood, covered in sweat and breathing heavily, I saw that Cody and the tutor had come out on the porch and were having a break. Cody looked to be in good spirits, but stretched several times, probably stiff from the exercise and having sat at the computer for over an hour. I went over to the porch on my way in, and asked how it was going".

The tutor replied "Just fine. Another day and I will know where to begin Cody in each subject".

I went over to Cody, rubbed his shoulders a little bit and said "you behaving?"

Cody said "yeah but it's so boring to do school". I replied that it is more boring to flip hamburgers for a living for 40 years, so I wanted him doing his best in school. I also told the tutor that if Cody wasn't working hard, I wanted to know about it.

They headed back to the Den to work on school, and I went upstairs and got on a conference call for an hour with Harrison. It was just the usual update regarding finances, investments, etc.

I came down at a little before noon, and saw that the tutor was finishing up.

"Good work young man, now I'll be back on Monday. Have a good weekend" he said.

"Bye" said Cody as he walked the man to the front door, then when the tutor was out of earshot said "school sucks".

"Cody, you just had a 4 hour school day and its Friday. Things could be a lot worse. Now let's grab some lunch" I said.

After lunch, we took another walk and then returned to the Den. We took turns reading the Jim Bowie book and talking in between chapters. By Supper time we were on the last chapter.

Cody ate a huge Supper, and belched loudly at the end.

"What do you say Cody"? I inquired.

"Huh?........... oh excuse me" he replied.

"Cody, I don't really care if you belch, but I have to teach you manners so that you won't do things like that around other people" I explained.

I then grabbed a pack of cards and said "every play blackjack"? Cody replied that he had not, and I taught him the game and we played until it was almost 9.

"Cody, get upstairs and brush your teeth. Its bedtime" I said.

A few minutes later I went up and checked on him. He was ready for bed but fumbling to get his jeans off. I helped out and put him in bed, then got ready myself and climbed in next to him.

"Dad, will you hold me" he said.

"Sure son, happy to" I replied and wrapped my arm around him as we both fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 13

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