Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 3, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

I stopped at the tree where I had hidden my clothing and got dressed. As I pulled on my boxer briefs, I again felt my swollen sore nuts and belted ass.

"What the fuck have I done here" I thought. "This is getting to be way too much. That fucker is really taking advantage..." These were the thoughts that occupied my mind as I walked back to the Lodge.

I went up to my bedroom suite and decided to lie down for a while. This morning had been way too draining. A few hours later, I was awoken by a disturbance downstairs. I went down to investigate and could hear it clearly:

"You fucker, you asshole, you can't make me do that much work. I goddamn hate Math and I'm not going to do it. I hate you; why do you come here and make me do this" was being shouted by Cody.

I threw open the door to the den and saw a red faced screaming Cody, and the tutor who seemed just appalled and at a loss for what to do.

"Cody!" I yelled sharply, and he turned to look at me. I was seriously pissed about this behavior, on top of the mood I was already in from my sore balls. Cody looked at me, and undoubtedly sensed how angry I was.

"Go to your room NOW and don't even think about coming out until I give you permission" I ordered sharply.

I then turned to the Tutor and apologized: "Dr. Wilson, I don't even know what to say. I have not seen this type of behavior in him before, and it is totally unacceptable. I will deal with this matter today, and you will have a cooperative and polite boy tomorrow morning to teach. I assure you that I don't tolerate this sort of thing in my home" I said.

"I should hope not" he replied and excused himself to go to the door. I stood there feeling really embarrassed by this. I was so angry that my hands were shaking.

I then went up to Cody's room, taking the stairs three at a time and thew open the door: "Cody, I don't know what the hell you thought you were doing down there. You can't even guess at how mad I am at you right now. I am going to deal with this when I cool down, as I know better than to discipline you when I am this angry".

Cody looked contrite and said, with some tears "I'm really sorry dad".

I found myself saying the words I thought I would never say when I was his age: "Not half as sorry as you are going to be Cody", and I shut the door.

I changed into some workout clothes and went for a 4 mile run, leaving Cody in his room. When I got back it was lunchtime, so I had two sandwiches brought up to him, but told the staff to just hand them to him and not try to comfort him or talk to him. Then I went into the gym and threw weights for about 2 hours, until I was totally exhausted. I then took a sauna, then a long cold shower, and went downstairs to eat. After a meal, I found myself settled down and ready to deal with Cody.

I knocked, and Cody said in a pretty glum voice "Come in".

I came in, and looked at the boy. He seemed pretty exhausted after his tantrum. He also appeared quite frightened of me, and was shaking a bit. I went and sat down on the bed next to him and put my arm around his shoulder, pulling his head down into my chest and shoulder and held him for a minute. Then I started talking to him.

"Cody, I need you to explain what happened today" I said.

"I got really pissed off dad" he said, as though that explained it.

"Cody, I sort of had that figured out, what were you so angry about" I asked.

"Math is really really hard. It always was and I'm way behind and he spent two hours on it this morning. I hate being stupid" he said.

"Cody, you are anything but stupid. My understanding is that you are making progress at an amazing rate and may be up to grade level by June. The problem is that you weren't paying attention in school with all the crap happening at home; probably didn't go to a very school; and then you were out of school altogether on the street. You may not believe me now, but I want you to remember this discussion because you are going to realize I'm right" I said, giving him another hug.

I then continued: "However Cody, this behavior is totally unacceptable. We treat people with respect here; do not personally insult them; do not yell obscenities at them; and do not ask like a spoiled rich kid who thinks he can boss around the teacher".

I then looked at him to see if he was getting this, and his eyes turned downward to avoid my gaze.

"Cody, you severely embarrassed me, and until today I have been nothing but proud of you. I think I understand why you snapped. However, in the future if you think this is going to happen, you will excuse yourself and come to me to talk it out" I stated.

"I'm really sorry Dad... now you hate me" he said, now openly crying.

That statement just about tore my heart out, but I remained calm: "Cody, I love you. You are my son, and indeed pretty soon will be my son legally. I would kill to protect you, and as you know have done so. I know you went through a lot of shit growing up. I also know, from how fast you are growing, that your 14 year old brain is being bombarded by testosterone. Boys at this age have trouble regulating their emotions. So, no! I don't hate you, I love you. Having said that, you have earned some pretty serious punishment young man".

Cody sort of nodded, clearly knowing this was coming, and asked "what's going to happen Dad".

I answered him thoughtfully: "Cody, really I ought to switch you for this, as this was a very serious set of infractions. However, I am not going to do that today. What is going to happen is some time with Ivory soap in your mouth, then a paddling until I think you have been punished enough".

Cody sort of gulped, then nodded.

I continued: "Follow me into my room Son", and led him in, with an arm on the shoulder.

"To start with, you are going to spend 45 minutes with soap in your mouth. You swore way more than that, but I don't want to cause mouth sores for you so 45 minutes will have to do. You are going to be drooling so get undressed and stand in the shower".

Cody undressed, and as I watched I was surprised to see that in such a short period of time he was maturing. He was getting downy hair on his calves. His chest was starting to get a little shape on it, with the slightly downturned tight nipples of a boy who has been working out. His back and shoulders were starting to change as well, probably due to the workouts and wood chopping. Finally, he was clearly developing more pubic hair. I thought to myself "wow, he really will have to shave by Summer I think".

I stood him in the shower, and carved off ¼ of a new Ivory soap bar and inserted it into his mouth.

"Hold it there Son, and think about your behavior" I said, then went back to my room to read while Cody did his time.

I checked on him after 15 minutes, and he was drooling soap down his chest. By 30 minutes, the soapy drool had gone down his tight abdomen. By 45 minutes, there were strands of soap drool extending off of his penis and breaking off before they hit the shower.

"Spit it out Cody" I said, and he did so, continuing to spit for at least a minute.

"Cody, shower off and rinse your mouth, but I'll warn you that you will still taste soap for a while. I had a lot of experience with soap when I was a kid until I got my mouth under control" I said.

Cody turned on the shower and was in there maybe a half hour, dragging it out as he contemplated what was coming.

I heard the shower go off, and looked up to see Cody toweling off. When he looked dry and made eye contact with me, I said "Cody, bring me the bathbrush and come over here".

Looking as though he were going to the gallows, he got the long handled wooden bath brush and slowly came over to me. I sat down on the sofa and called him over.

"Cody, I want you to lay across my lap now" I said, noticing that Cody was semi erect, but ascribing it to the fear and excitement of not knowing what was going to happen next.

Once he was there, I took my hands and gently massaged his back and bottom while explaining to him: "Cody, I love you. It is my job as your dad to help you become a well behaved good man. That means I have to punish you when you do things like this. You are probably going to cry and squirm and beg, but I am going to make sure you are punished. Finally, remember, this is a spanking not a beating".

With that, I began hand spanking his bottom, relatively hard but certainly taking no chances on bruising him.

"Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap" came the sound, as Cody squirmed and his bottom started to turn pink.

"Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap" continued in a rhythm of probably one spank a second, as I alternated cheeks. Cody was now squirming quite a lot, and I had to shift position to hold his legs under my right leg, and grasp his wrist with my left hand to keep him from trying to cover his increasingly warm bottom.

"Slap, Slap, Slap" I continued, and could hear him starting to sniffle. His bottom was getting pretty red now I noticed. I also noticed that his semi erect penis seemed to have become fully erect, or that is what it felt like as he bounced on my lap. This caused me to also realize that I was hard. While I hated hurting Cody, there was something exciting to me about being on the right side of the spanking.

I then paused for a minute and got the brush.

"Cody, this is going to hurt like hell, but I'm not going to injure you. Tomorrow when you apologize to Dr. Wilson, I am going to make sure you remember this and really are sorry" I said.

I then grasped the heavy bath brush, remembering how badly it hurt when I was a kid. I began using it, about one whack a second, using my wrist as if it were swung heavily it could bruise.

"Whack, Whack" came the first two and Cody gasped.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, whack" came the next four and Cody was really struggling as I held him, and he was obviously crying.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came the next four, and he began negotiating as boys do: "Please Dad, I'll be good; it won't happen again...OOOW... Please... Please stop" he said, assuming the mantra of the spanked boy that I clearly remember when I was in his position.

"Cody, I'm not going to stop until I decide to" I said, and continued, but picked up the pace to perhaps two whacks a second.

As I did this, I realized that I was really getting into being in charge. To be clear, I was not into hurting Cody, but rather being in charge for once. I reminded myself to be careful

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came the rain of spanks with the bathbrush striking his now very crimson bottom. Cody was now sobbing while begging me to stop: "OOOW... PLEASE... OW, OW, OW... STOP, Please STOP" he said.

I continued as he soon stopped begging and was just blubbering away on my knee, fairly limp. At this point I knew I had made my point, and stopped.

Cody lay across my lap for the next 5 minutes, nose running, sobbing, then crying, then just wimpering a little bit as I rubbed his back and told him "it's all over Cody. You did well".

Once he stopped crying, I had him sit up next to me, which he did with some care as his bottom was pretty tender and also fire engine red.

"Cody, that was a spanking not a beating. The difference is I wasn't angry at you; it wasn't about what I wanted, but rather about what you needed. It was measured and careful and did not bruise you" I said.

Cody nodded and leaned into me and said "I know dad... but God that hurt so bad".

I replied: "Yeah Cody, believe me I know what that felt like" and then held him for a while.

"Hey Cody, let's get you cleaned up and get some lotion on that" I said, and led him over to the shower table, where he had not been in quite a while.

"Lay on your stomach son" I said, then sprayed warm water all over his back, and then took a lotion soap and started massaging him, using the soap the same way massage oil would be used. When I got to his bottom, I was especially gentle, but thoroughly cleaned all of the nooks and crannies as I massaged him.

As cleaned his anus, he seemed to pick his butt up a little bit as though pressing back toward me. I then soaped up his scrotum and inner thighs, and continued down to his feet, which I slowly massaged with soap.

Then I rinsed Cody off and had him turn over. I was immediately greeted by a bobbing rock hard erection, which he made no effort to hide.

I started with his neck and chest and worked my way down to his genitals. Soaping him up, I gently retracted his foreskin and noticed that he needed a refresher course on keeping himself clean there. As I washed his penis and scrotum, not trying to stimulate him, he suddenly erupted with at least a tablespoon of cum, shooting over his head and on his chest.

"Jeese Cody, I wasn't expecting that " I said, quite honestly surprised.

"Sorry Dad, I was just really horny. I didn't mean to do it" he said.

"It's OK son, you are growing up and that is just part of being a man" I replied, then continued down to wash the rest of his legs. I then sprayed him off thoroughly and had him sit up on the table.

I stood behind him and shampooed his hair, feeling the healing scars where I had sutured, and noticing that his hair was growing pretty fast and he would soon need a haircut. I rinsed his hair, then put conditioner on it. While that sat, I took actual massage oil, and worked his shoulders and neck with it, as he sighed.

After rinsing him off, I helped him to dry, patting dry his remarkably red and tender bottom. I was however pleased to see that there were no bruises at all. I then got some lotion, and squirting it liberally on my hands, massaged it into his very hot bottom (so hot it warmed my hands).

I then had Cody come out and get dressed, and said: "Hey Cody, let's go eat dinner and then take a walk together". We grabbed a quick meal, then walked a few miles, and stood next to the stream in a place where I often caught trout in the Summer. The weather was getting cold though, and we could both see our breath as we talked. To my surprise Cody said the following:

"Thanks dad" he said.

"For what son? I replied.

"For saving me; for being my dad; for loving me; for punishing me but not beating me" he said.

I found myself shedding tears as I looked down at him, not knowing what to say.

"Dad, what's wrong" he said, in a tone of concern.

I just kept crying leaned over and held him and said "Nothing at all Cody, everything is great, I'm crying because you make me so happy". We stood like that for about 15 minutes, and then slowly walked back to the Lodge.

"Cody, I want you to do that Math homework now in the Den, but I will be here to help you".

Cody worked on it for an hour, without complaint. He had questions, but was doing well. I complimented him on how he was doing. Once the homework was done we headed off to dinner, then went upstairs to the Jacuzzi on the deck.

Although it was very cold, the Jacuzzi was 102 degrees. We undressed and got it with my handing Cody a coke and my taking a beer. We just sat there next to each other, not saying all that much, until both of us were almost falling asleep. We got out, with my watching carefully to be sure he didn't pass out when he stood up, then ran inside and dried off.

I said "Bedtime son" and he nodded.

"Dad can I sleep in here tonight? I want you to hold me" he said.

"Sure Cody, I'd like that" I said and I tucked him in on the left side of the bed under the down comforter, and crawled in on the right side. He curled up so that I was holding him with his back against my chest, and we both fell asleep quickly.

Next: Chapter 17

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