Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Oct 13, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

In the morning, Cody and I went about our usual routines, except that there would be no school today because we were going to the courthouse to finalize his adoption. After chores, workout, and getting cleaned up, I had him dress in nice worsted wool pants, a blue button down shirt, tie, blazer, and nicely shined shoes. I also dressed for the event, selecting an Armani suit, silk shirt, and silk tie.

We drove into town, but this time rather than taking the truck we drove the Mercedes. Cody was excitedly chattering about the adoption and kept asking me "Are you Sure dad, Are you sure it will happen"?

I reassured him that it would and that sitting with the judge was just a formality. Cody was literally vibrating with excitement, and couldn't stop talking the whole way in.

We met the Judge in chambers at 11 am as scheduled. He invited Cody and me to sit down in front of his massive oak desk, and he placed a folder on the middle of the desk.

He then took off his glasses and stared carefully at Cody, then at me, and began to speak.

"John, I have some reservations about this adoption. Being adopted by you is an opportunity beyond the wildest imagination of most kids, but I am am concerned by things I have heard about Cody's behavior" he said.

Cody's jaw dropped and he looked like he wanted to crawl under the desk.

I replied calmly: "He definitely has a lot of work to do Judge. He hasn't been brought up in a structured or disciplined home. However I think he will be fine".

The Judge replied "Perhaps, but what little I have heard suggests that he has not made a good impression on folks here. For example, his tirade at Dr. Wilson is well known. Also, his manners both at the Barbershop and the Diner are well known. You have a reputation to uphold, but also a responsibility to this town John. As our number one citizen, you have a high standard to uphold".

Cody was staring at me, then the judge, looking like a deer in the headlights.

I responded "Judge, I believe that with firm discipline and proper education, Cody will be a fine young man who will make all of us proud. I know it won't be easy, and that I will probably have a boy who still acts out for a while, but I am prepared to get through that".

The Judge responded: "I just want to be sure. This generation is by and large is undisciplined. We both know how you were disciplined, and I even saw it a few times and heard it when you were getting punished on some of those hunting trips with your grandfather. Are you prepared to be consistent and as harsh as necessary to straighten this boy out"?

I replied that I certainly was, and that indeed Cody had already had two trips across my lap: one for the rudeness in town, and one for the rudeness to Dr. Wilson. I went on to explain that I had spanked Cody to tears, and beyond until I felt he had learned a lesson and that this would continue when there was misbehavior. I also explained that Cody, like me as a boy, would be receiving the switch across his bottom and thighs for serious infractions and that I would be no softer on him than my grandfather was on me.

The Judge then addressed Cody directly:

"Son, look at me" he said.

Cody looked up, on the verge of crying, with is lip trembling, and said "Yes Sir".

"Son, John has every right to adopt you. It is clearly in your best interest for him to do so, and that is the legal standard upon which I must base my decision. However, I do not want to see you in this courtroom in the future for getting yourself in trouble. Further, I am telling you right now that I will expect your dad to raise you strictly. Are you sure you want this adoption under those circumstances" he said.

Cody replied, quite enthusiastically: "Yes, and my dad will punish me when I need it. He's a good dad but strict".

The judge replied "Alright, I will sign these papers then hand them to John to sign".

Once that was all done, the Judge said "Congratulations John you are now legally Cody's father".

Cody jumped up, hugged me, and effusively thanked the Judge, after which we left the courtroom. All of this had taken about an hour.

"Cody, did you understand what the judge said about my responsibilities?" I asked.

"Yeah dad, I did" he said. He then went on to say "I'm so sorry I got a bad reputation and embarrassed you in town. I feel really bad about it. It won't happen again".

"So just understand that when you behave poorly, there will be consequences and they won't be pleasant son" I said.

"Yes Sir" Cody replied, then, changing the subject as boys do, he said "Hey dad, I'm kinda hungry".

I replied "Alright son, but this time I am taking you to the Diner and expect flawless manners".

"I will dad" he replied and we walked the two blocks to the diner. The same waitress was working, and looked at Cody who very politely said "Good afternoon Maam" and she responded "Afternoon". I noticed that it was the lunch rush, and that there were a few whispers and exchanged glances as people saw me with the boy they had heard about.

We sat down and ordered, this time with Cody getting the meat loaf plate. He ordered by saying "May I please have..." He thanked her when she brought things, continuing to address her as "Maam".

Afterward, I had Cody go to the register and pay, then asked him to calculate a tip. I explained that a standard tip is 15% and how to calculate it by moving the decimal point on the bill then adding half back again. He calculated it well. Then I explained that folks in this business live on their tips, and left 50 bucks. We walked out of the diner and headed down the street.

I took Cody to the barbershop to see Bob, and told him I expected a very sincere apology to him or he would get another trip across my lap. As we entered, Bob was cutting a man's hair and there were two waiting, but he said "Hi John, Hi Cody".

Cody, as if on cue said "Sir, I wanted to apologize to you".

John looked mildly surprised and said "Ok, what for".

Cody replied "Sir, my manners were really bad when I came in here before. My dad is teaching me to mind my manners and he punished me and I learned my lesson. I am never going to be rude here again".

Bob looked at Cody and nodded "OK Son, we all have to learn these things. Just mind your dad in the future".

Cody replied "Yes Sir", and we left the shop. I could see a bemused expression on the other patrons faces, but knew the word would quickly get out that I had disciplined Cody and he had been very polite when apologizing to Bob.

Next we went down to the movie theatre where they were playing "Avatar" and watched the long movie together, with cokes and candy. Afterward, Cody thanked me for taking him to the movie and we headed back to the Lodge, now almost time for dinner.

We had a celebratory dinner, just the two of us. It consisted of Maine Lobster and filet mignon Steaks, then went upstairs and took a sauna. Cody kept calling me dad and saying "I can't believe it; it really happened... Dad? are you sure it happened... can anyone take me away Dad". I reassured him that it was really all permanent and that, even when he would get pissed at me which was bound to happen, he would still be my son.

We moved out into the Jacuzzi and stayed up a bit late: until 11 pm, then I took my son to his bed and kissed him goodnight.

Next: Chapter 21

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