Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Nov 6, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

Cody and I woke up at 6 am. After I checked and saw that Tyler was fast asleep, I put on some running gear and I told Cody we were going for a run. As we stepped outside the door, I saw the filthy backpack and a bag of clean clothing outside the door. I moved the clothing inside, and took the backpack with us, depositing it in the first trashcan I found.

We retraced the same long run we had previously, with Cody again wanting to race, and worked up quite a sweat. Afterward, we sat down on the Waterfront to talk.

Cody expressed to me how lonely he was without another teenager around at the ranch. It was kind of cute the lengths to which he went to be sure I understood that it was not about me, and what a great dad he thought I was. That said, he argued well the point that not having another kid to do things with was difficult for him.

I just listened and nodded, knowing where it was going but not inclined to interrupt.

Cody then shifted to Tyler, and his situation and how great it would be for Tyler to be at the ranch, finally asking me if Tyler could come home with us.

My response was calm and measured as I said "Cody, you must understand that I have a son already, that's you, and I am not interested in adopting a second kid. I feel for Tyler, he is in a terrible position, and we can help him out, but I am not adopting a brother for you".

Cody then replied, surprisingly rationally for a kid his age: "Dad, I don't expect you to adopt me a brother. I just wonder if maybe Tyler could get a job at the ranch. He is already working. Maybe he could live at the ranch, and his job would be like doing stuff with me and keeping me company".

I responded "Cody, that is not out of the question, but I would not want to be responsible for raising Tyler, holding him accountable, teaching him to behave properly, and all of those things that I am teaching you. I don't really want to manage a 16 year old employee".

Cody thought for a minute and said "So how about if he just works for me? Like I'm responsible for him and his behavior and teaching him what to do"?

I was taken by surprise by that suggestion, so I had to think about it for a while. On the one hand, Cody would be managing things at the ranch some day. On the other, he is pretty young and would of course need a lot of help with managing someone now. However, it could be a great way to teach Cody some things.

I responded "Cody, I am open to that, but if Tyler decides to come with us, it is a trial period. I can fire him if I want to. Further, if you take this on, I will hold you accountable for Tyler's behavior, and you will have to work out how, as his supervisor, you are going to get him to behave well. Just to be clear Cody, you could get grounded or spanked for Tyler's behavior, in addition to your own.

Cody thought for a couple of minutes and said "But if it didn't work out we could fire him"?

I replied that yes, we could and that in any case Tyler would be provided with help to become an emancipated minor so that he would be a legal adult.

Cody was satisfied with that and said "So can we go ask him"?

I said "Not so fast, there is still a business arrangement here. He is not going to be anywhere near as useful as the men who work for us. He has no skills, little job experience and no real education. So here is the deal, and I think it is more than fair. For as long as Tyler is employed with us, I will deposit $500 a month into an account for him. I will pay all expenses that are appropriate: food, clothing, travel when he comes along, entertainment, etc. When Tyler leaves, whether he quits or is fired, he gets the money and a flight to whatever city he wishes to go to".

"I understand Dad" said Cody, and we got up, in tacit understanding that we had a deal, and walked to the cable car station, riding up to the hotel.

When we got to the room, Tyler was cleaned up and dressed in his somewhat tattered jeans and t shirt. I said "Tyler, Cody and I went for a run and both stink. We're getting cleaned up. I want you to call up room service and get a big breakfast delivered for all of us. Here's 10 bucks to tip the waiter".

Tyler nodded, and started to look at the menu. Cody and I went to my room, stripped down, and Cody showered while I shaved and brushed my teeth. Then I showered and we dressed and went out to see what was for breakfast.

After we all ate, Cody looked at me as though I was to start the conversation with Tyler. I indicated with a nod, that this was his job not mine.

Cody went into great detail with Tyler about what he had in mind, and Tyler listened intently. At the end, I simply reiterated what the deal was, emphasizing that Cody would be managing him, and that Cody would be held responsible for Tyler's behavior. It took Tyler about a minute to say "yeah... For sure... I want to go with Cody".

I looked at Cody and said, "Maybe you need to start by explaining to Tyler how we address adults". Cody quickly explained that adults are "Sir or Maam", and Tyler looked sheepish at his error and said "Sorry Sir" looking at me. I said "Apology accepted, but you should also apologize to Cody for making him look bad". Tyler then turned to Cody and said "Sorry".

At that point, I handed Cody a credit card, and a signed authorization to use it. I called the driver, and asked him to find a shopping mall and take the boys to it for the day. I verbally indicated all of the clothing and other items that they should get for Tyler to take to the ranch, and that I would see them for dinner. Once the boys were off, I got on the phone and called Slave Mike, instructing him to dress normally, but bring the punishment items, and to meet me at the Suite.

When Mike arrived, I told him to strip down and to kneel at my feet as I sat on the sofa. I was pleased to see Mike's erect uncut penis bobbing up and down as soon as his clothing came off. Clearly Mike was enjoying his slave role.

While Mike massaged my feet, I told him what I had on my mind: "Slave, I have decided that you are going to be more of a full time slave to me. We will be spending a lot of time together. You will be sleeping in my room much of the time, and will be taking over more duties caring for me. You will keep my quarters clean; wash my clothing; fetch things that I need; and keep me sexually satisfied. However, you will follow a number of rules and I will tolerate no violations.

First, since you will be in the house more, I want to be clear that Cody is alpha to you. You will address him as "Sir" as though he were me, and obey his orders. Second, you will not engage in any sexual activity without my ordering it. That applies to everything from looking at porn to masturbating to flirting to having sex. Third, you will no longer be permitted to have pubic hair, and if I find any pubic hair or hair around your pussy, you will be punished. Fourth, you will be on call to provide massage to myself, Cody, or anyone Cody tells you to massage".

I then gave him an opportunity "Slave, you may ask any question at all now, and I encourage you to do so".

Slave Mike looked up and said "Sir, what if Cody orders me to do something you have said not to do, like do something sexual"?

I responded that he will politely say that must be cleared by me, and report the incident to me.

Mike seemed to have no further questions so told him to stand up and go to the bathroom. I followed him in and took out a razor and shaving cream and proceeded to remove all of his pubic hair. His balls and pussy were already free of hair. As I did this I spoke to him:

"Slave, I am taking the hair off now, as I am emasculating you. You are now a boy, not a man, and will not be permitted pubic hair" I said.

"Yes Sir" came the reply.

"I see you like this too boy as your cock is hard and dripping precum. That's good, your only goal should be to serve and be a good boy" I said.

"Yes Sir, I understand Sir" was Mike's reply.

I then turned my attention to his balls and felt them thoroughly. He moaned a little bit as I did it, finding it pleasurable. However I was not pleased by what I felt.

I then ordered Mike to turn around and bend over the sink. I took my index finger and probed his pussy, settling my finger on his prostate. It was not full, as it should have been.

"Turn around slave" I ordered, then grasped his nuts in my hand.

"Have you been masturbating boy" I asked.

The slave hesitated and looked away, clearly thinking about lying to me, so I slapped his nuts hard this elicted an "Oooow" and he bent over.

"Get back into position boy" I ordered, squeezing his nuts.

"Sir, Yes Sir, I jerked off Sir. I was thinking about you last night and I did it. Sorry Sir" he said.

"Boy, you have previously been told not to cum without permission, and have been punished for it. This however is much more serious. You did not accidently cum while I was fucking you, rather you made a conscious choice to disobey me" I said, with real anger building in my voice.

"Sorry Sir" Mike whined.

I led him by the nuts over to the bed, and took a necktie to tie his nuts to the frame of the bed so he could not move much. Then I took out the cane and told him to put his arms on the bed.

"Slave, direct disobedience will not be tolerated. We will start with a dozen strokes to each ass cheek, and each thigh. You will count them and say "Sorry Sir" after each one" I directed.

I really was pissed, and was going to make sure the bitch did not repeat this behavior. I pulled back the cane and whistled it through the air until it raised an angry red weal across his ass.

"One Sir, Sorry Sir" he called out.

I then applied the cane as hard as I could without breaking it 11 more times to his left ass cheek. He was no sobbing uncontrollably and begging.

"Please Sir... OOOOW... OH FUCK... OH... 12 Sir, thank you Sir" he cried out.

I paused and switched sides, touching his right cheek to test the distance.

"Count out these 12 boys" I said gruffly, and slashed into the top of his right cheek.

"One Sir, Sorry Sir... Please" he whined out.

"Two Sir, Sorry Sir...AUUUGH... Three Sir, Sorry Sir... Oh, OH... Please... Four Sir Sorry Sir...".

This progressed through the 12 to the right cheek, and an openly bawling snot nosed red faced begging slave was the product.

"Boy", I said. "You disobeyed me. You had better not to that again. You are going to learn a lesson, and that lesson will continue now with your thighs. Count them".

As the cane slashed into his left thigh, he screamed like a woman "Auuuuuuuuugh... one Sir Sorry Sir". This time he jerked up and pulled on his nuts which were nicely secured to the bed frame.

"AUUUUUGH... Two Sir, Sorry Sir... Sorry... I swear Sir... Please Sir" he begged in a high pitched voice.

"Should have thought about that before boy" was my response, and I rapidly slashed his right thigh 8 more times with no time for him to recover.

"Ow, Ow, Ow, 10 Sir, Sorry Sir" was the response. I finished the last two and switched sides.

As I did so, I realized just how engorged my thick 8 plus uncut dick was. I felt like my balls were going to burst at any minute. Looking down, I had a huge stain on my jeans. I stopped and undressed, noting a long strand of precum as it went from my cock almost to the floor, then broke off.

"OK Bitch, last 12 now" I said, and furiously slashed his left thigh 12 times in perhaps 60 seconds.

The boy was now just sobbing, crying in loud wails, nose running, and apologizing.

Itwas so horny that I just had to fuck him. Reaching for a condom but no lube, I drove my big dick into his bowels. He screamed at entry, as ordinarily I took my time at first and this time I just rammed in as hard as I could. I fucked him just as hard and fast as I could and, unusually for me, shot a lot in under 2 minutes. Withdrawing, I took the condom off, put it in my hand, then stuffed it in Mike's mouth:

"Bitch, suck the cum out of that Condom" I said, and left him there as I went out and grabbed a glass of water, I had worked up quite a sweat on him.

Returning I said "Bitch, get dressed" and then led him down to the lobby. Flagging a cab, we went straight to a store we had previously visited "Mr. S" down in the South of Market area.

Upon entering the store, I noticed that there weren't many customers, it was still early and there were just a few older guys wandering around. Approaching the front Counter I said "My slave has a problem controlling himself. He is jerking off without permission, could you show us and advise us on the chastity devices"?

The clerk, who was around 30 smiled broadly and said "Why of course Sir, right this way".

The clerk showed us a variety of devices, comparing their advantages and disadvantages: The CB2K; CB3K; Curve; a handcuff device with steel penis tube; a sort of metal case that would encase the cock and balls, and a new device called "Birdlocked".

Really it was a matter of wearability and visibility. As I wanted my slave in it full time, I quickly got down to the CB 2K, 3K, Curve, or the birdlocked device.

The clerk then said "If you would like, I could measure and we could see what fits well".

By now, the other guys in the store were watching and looking aroused at the whole display. I replied "Why yes, of course. Thank you. Slave, drop your jeans and shorts".

Mike undid his belt and slipped them down to his ankles and stood. The guys watching murmered and commented on his badly striped ass. The clerk also noticed and said "My my, Master knows how to punish a bad body doesn't he"?

Mike looked embarrassed as this somewhat feminine clerk commented on his ass. I piped in and said "What do you say to the man Slave, or do we need to punish you again right here".

"Sorry Sir... Yes Sir, he really can punish. He caned me hard" Mike said, now even more redfaced.

The clerk sort of clucked his tongue and said "My, My, well you will just have to be locked up so that you can't play with this any more".

The clerk then started stroking Mike's cock which quickly became erect. Commenting he said "Well took big for a CB 2 K. The curve would work or the CB 3K would work. The birdlocked device would work too. Does the slave do much physical labor or athletics where he could be hit in the balls"?

I replied that in fact my slave did. The clerk then said "Well the problem with most of these is that they can break if hit, and that could really end the boy's days as a boy... (the clerk laughed a bit). The birdlocked device is silicone, so it won't crack or cut, but of course he could cut the device off".

I replied that we would take the birdlocked device and that my slave had better know not to cut it off. I then asked the clerk to put the device on Mike, but that proved impossible due to the fact that Mike was so erect.

The clerk then asked "May I suggest a way to make him go soft"?

I replied that I was open to suggestions. The clerk went over to the electrosex section of the store and returned with a cattle prod.

"I think this would get the job done Sir" the clerk said, a malicious grin on his face as he watched Mike's reaction. Mike was staring at me and the cattle prod, begging with his eyes that I not use it.

I replied "I think you are right, is it all charged up"?

The clerk assured me it was, and I took the device, placed it against Mike's cock, and depressed the trigger.

Mike screamed the loudest scream I had ever heard, and hit the ground. It took a minute to get him standing up again, and he was quite soft. The clerk then applied the chastity device, locked it on, and handed me the keys.

I told Mike to get dressed, then paid for the item and tipped the clerk 100 bucks.

I took my now chastened slave, pun intended, to lunch on the Wharf. I had a long discussion with him about how his life could be quite pleasant if he is obedient, and that I can be a kind Master if he behaves. However, I also emphasized that what happened today was an example of the severity he could expect if he disobey me. After lunch, I told him to go to the hotel, pack, and be at the plane by 0645. Leaving, I got back to the hotel suite a few minutes before Cody returned with Tyler in tow.

They were carrying the suitcase I told them to buy, as well as a new backpack. An entire wardrobe starting with undershorts and ending with a winter coat and boots had all been purchased. I had to chuckle a bit at the undershorts: apparently Tyler is a "briefs man" (Indeed pretty revealing nylon briefs that I might have expected in a little boy, but not a young man). There were workout clothes, jeans, shirts, t shirts, sweaters, running shoes, a blazer, dress shoes, etc. Tyler was brimming with excitement over all of these items and sort of modeled them for Cody and I.

I said I approved, and then told Tyler and Cody what to wear as I called downstairs to be sure the barbershop was still open. I took the boys down and waited as Tyler lost the unruly hair to be replaced by a more military haircut consistent with what we wear at home. After that, I took us all to dinner, and then went back to the hotel room. Looking at my watch I said "Cody, we will need to be up and showered and packed at 0600. We are flying home. Make sure you and Tyler are ready. Tyler, you can sleep on the sofa or in Cody's room, wherever Cody tells you to sleep".

We all went to bed, Cody telling Tyler he could sleep in his room, and I could hear the boys chattering about the ranch and Tyler asking lots of questions as I drifted off to sleep. In the morning, we were out the door at 6 and taking off by 7 am. Slave Mike was on the plane, and I introduced him to Tyler indicating that Mike was now my personal assistant. I also explained to Cody that Mike would be addressing him as "Sir" and that if any issues came up I wanted to know about them. This led to an interesting exchange of glances between Tyler and Cody.

Next: Chapter 28

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