Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Cody Enters My Life, Part 28

I apologize to the readers for the long delay since the last chapter. There has been a lot going on, and I was having trouble deciding where to take the story. Hope you all enjoy.

Finally we were back at the ranch. Cody and Tyler had chattered like school girls on the flight back , with Tyler obviously blown away by the idea that this was a private plane, and that I was a man in a position to have such a thing.

On the flight, Cody had tested Mike a few times by asking him to do things.

"Mike, Tyler and I need Cokes, please get them" Cody said.

"Yes Sir, of course" Mike replied, as he brought the drinks to both boys.

"Mike, my shoulders a little tight, massage them while Tyler and I talk" Cody said.

"Of course Sir" Mike said, massing Cody as he sat next to Tyler and they chatted.

Tyler just looked confused but vigilant. He kept looking at Cody, then at Mike, as Cody told Mike what to do. They spoke excitedly, as two teen boys who have recently become friends do.

In a few hours, we landed at the ranch. I told Mike to carry all of the luggage upstairs and unpack my belongings and Cody's. I instructed that Mike's belongings should go in one of the empty bedrooms in the downstairs guest suite.

I then addressed Cody: "Son, I want you to show Tyler the lodge, the dormitories, the barn and henhouse, and explain to him how we behave and how things work here".

"OK dad, sure!" Cody said, apparently pleased that I was trusting him show Tyler around.

I hit the shower, as I always feel dirty after a flight, then came out still drying myself. Tyler and Cody were sitting on the sofa in my room.

As I dried my back, armpits, and stomach I looked at the boys. Cody was just smiling and waiting to talk. Tyler was clearly staring at my chest, abdomen, and arms. Noting this, I took my time drying my pubes, 8 plus uncut thick cock, and huge pendulous balls. Tyler was staring at my dick, practically drooling as I did this. The swelling in his pants was pretty obvious as well.

"Cody, did you show Tyler around the place?" I asked.

"Yeah dad for sure, like not everything but some. Maybe tomorrow I can show him around on a 4 wheeler?" Cody replied.

"Alright son" I replied, as I stepped into my boxer briefs.

"Let's get Tyler settled in" I said, and had the boys follow me downstairs to the guest's suite.

"Tyler, I think you have already seen your room downstairs. If you are still here in 2 months, we can decorate it however you would like" I said.

"Wow, Thanks John, that so cool to have my own room" he said.

I replied, firmly but not unkindly, "Tyler, I am not John to you. I own and run this ranch. You will call me `Sir'" I said.

"Sorry Sir" Tyler said.

"That's OK Tyler, but you need to learn the rules here. Cody is going to be teaching you, but when you misbehave I will be punishing him, not you. Afterwards, Cody will handle you as he wishes. I would suggest that you be a good kid and be polite since Cody has been so kind to you" I said.

"Yes Sir" Tyler said, looking at Cody with a expression of almost worship.

"Alright boys, I am clean but both of you need to get cleaned up". I lead the boys into the bathroom and tuned on the water, then stepping back nodded to indicate that they should get in.

Cody and Tyler followed me back upstairs, and I reached into the large shower and turned the water on, adjusting the temperature.

Cody stripped down almost immediately, and dropped his clothes into the hamper. Tyler looked hesitant.

"Hey Tyler, it s cool, were both guys" Cody said, and Tyler stripped down to his tight yellow briefs. I checked him out, and the thin boy looked vulnerable and feminine in the tight fitting briefs, a hint of an erection pressing out at the Y front of the briefs.

"Tyler, kill the briefs" Cody said, with authority that surprised me, and Tyler obediently dropped them, revealing his very average 5 to 6 inch semi hard circumsized dick and average balls. I was again struck that Tyler really was too hairy for a boy his age. His pubes were heavy, thick and curly, extending halfway to his belly button, then extending upward in an entirely too thick treasure trail.

Cody and Tyler spent the next 10 minutes showering. The boys showered separately, neither touching or assisting the other. None the less, I could see that Tyler had remained erect.

As they stepped out to dry off, I saw that Cody was also erect. I was taken aback. My son was showing a 7 plus inch erection, with a developing mushroom head glistening and extending such that half of the glistening swelling head was visible ahead of his tight foreskin. Cody's pubic hair was now over an inch in length, and extended onto the base of his penis, His balls, which now were perhaps 1/2 the size of racquetballs pressed out against his still tight scrotum. I estimated that Cody was around 5 to 6 inches in circumference. Finally, there was a strand of precum hanging off of the head of his penis.

Tyler was fully erect, but less than 6 inches. Each heartbeat caused his penis to jump up against his thin abdomen. Like Cody, he had precum dripping, but his scrotum was more low hanging than Cody's. His balls seemed small by comparison, but the very thin boy was attractive and hot, as he stared at my son's body.

"Cody, Tyler needs to get a physical. Would you please get my bag?" I asked.

"Yea sure dad" he replied, and exited the bathroom suite.

"Tyler, hop up on the shower table son" I said.

Penis still erect and dripping precum he jumped up on the table, just as Cody returned.

I began to examine Tyler, descending from his face and neck. As I looked at his eyes and ears, I saw a thin fairly attractive face, on a boy who had enough facial hair that he really should have shaved prior to our flight. His Lungs were fine, and as I listened to them I saw how his back and ribs narrowed down to a tight, probably 28 inch waist. Listening to his heart, gave me an opportunity to look at his chest. Some hairs were growing, and the chest was thin with tight nipples. Lying him flat on the table. I felt his thin abdomen: one could say he had a six pack, but really it was more the absence of fat than the presence of muscular development.

"Tyler, I'm going to check your penis and testicles, then look for a hernia" I said, as I grasped his hard dripping penis. Everything was fine in that department, so I then felt each millimeter of his testes, checking for any bumps. They were fine, though I noticed that the balls were very full as though he had not ejaculated for a time. I then had him cough as I checked for a hernia.

Next I stood him up and asked him to place his chest on the shower table. I inserted a lubricated finger into his very tight anus, and felt an engorged prostate, which was entirely normal. Though it was subtle, Tyler squeezed his sphincter around my finger, and pushed back a bit, as though he wanted to feel more pressure.

"Tyler, everything is fine, but I think you need some grooming. You have too much hair around your pubes and penis, as well as a lot of hair around your anus and between your anus and balls. Being clean is a priority here, and I think the hair may get in the way of it" I said.

"OK Sir, whatever you think" Tyler said.

I looked over at Cody, whose erect penis was now dripping strands of precum, like a leaking faucet, until they grew long enough to break off and hit the floor.

"Cody, you are going to be around Tyler a lot more than me, how would you like him groomed" I asked.

"Gee dad, I don't know. Like maybe to look like me? Not sure. Maybe all of it, but not sure what that would look like" he said.

"Son, I can show you what it will look like, no problem" I said, as I walked to the bedroom and called Mike in.

"Mike, strip" I ordered, and he obediently took off his boxers.

Cody immediately broke into laughter, saying "what's that on your dick dude? And you got no hair".

Tyler also looked amused as he stared at Mike, penis locked in the birdlocked device, and totally devoid of hair.

Mike looked a little irritated, and hesitated.

I stepped in immediately: "Mike, answer Cody's question, unless you want me to beat your ass right now in front of him and Tyler".

"Sorry Sir" he replied, and then answered "It's sort of a way to lock up my penis so I can't touch it".

Tyler and Cody both exchanged amused glances, and Cody said the obvious: "So like you can't jack off or anything"?

"No Sir", a red faced Mike replied.

"Dad", Cody said. "Why did you lock him up like that, like its cool to jack off, right"?

I replied to Cody "Son, its fine and normal to masturbate. However, Mike is a slave. He exists to serve real mean. However, he has little self control and was masturbating compulsively, focused on his own pleasure not mine. I got tired of punishing him for it and locked him up".

I looked at Tyler, who was still hard but totally slack jawed and wide eyed, not knowing what to make of this.

Cody then spoke up "So like he's just gotta please real men, and can't touch his dick without permission"?

I replied "Yes Cody, that's it. If you want, you can examine the device and see how it works".

Cody then walked over to Mike and, again with surprising authority said "Slave, put your hands on your head".

Mike instantly complied, mumbling a "Yes Sir".

Cody then grasped Mike's balls, separated by the device. He pulled at the balls and device; tried to withdraw Mike's penis out of the top, then laughed and said "Dude, you are so screwed, no way you can cum with that on".

"Yes Sir" Mike replied.

"Cody and Tyler, now that you have checked out Mike's situation, it is time to groom Tyler. Do you want no hair at all, or just the grooming that will allow Tyler to stay clean"? I said.

Tyler looked at Cody, waiting for him to respond.

"Dad", Cody said. "Since Tyler isn't a slave, just trim him up to look like me, OK"?

"No problem Cody" I said, and then turned to Tyler.

"Tyler, we are going to start with the hair around your anus and balls. Get on all fours on the table for me, then spread your legs as wide as you can" I said.

Tyler got on all fours, spreading his knees wide. I reached for shaving cream and a fresh disposable razor.

I began by massaging shaving cream all around Tyler's anus. Then I applied it to the area between his scrotum and anus (the perineum). He started to moan as I did that, obviously very turned on. Finally, I coated his scrotum with it, as he moaned and thrusted.

I systematically shaved around his anus, perineum, and scrotum. Cody was watching all of this, with his hard cock dripping precum in amounts that were hard to believe. As I looked over at him and nodded, he smiled back at me, understanding that dad was proud of his physique and how he was handling himself.

I then told Tyler to lie on his back, and reached for my clippers. I grabbed a blade that would leave all of his hair at about ½ inch, and trimmed him up. Poor Tyler was so hard, so dripping, and so horny that I worried that he would ejaculate just from the vibrations of the clippers.

After completing that part of the grooming, I lathered up the top of his pubes and the hair on his inner thighs and carefully shaved his pubes, treasure trail, and the hair between his genitals and thighs until he looked more like Cody.

As I did this, I looked over at Cody, who seemed beyond what he could contain in terms of excitement, and was reaching down, not exactly stroking but certainly touching, his purple mushroom head.

Next I applied lather to Tyler's penis, primarily the base. Grasping his throbbing penis with my left hand to hold it in one place, I carefully shaved back the hair from the shaft of his penis.

"Cody, can you give me a hand here" I asked.

"Uh... yeah sure dad" Cody replied.

"Cody would you hold Tyler's penis still while I finish shaving the shaft" I asked.

"Sure dad" Cody said, as he reached out, likely touching the penis of someone who he found attractive for the first time in his life.

I carefully and slowly shaved the shaft of Tyler's penis, and as I did so I saw Tyler thrusting toward Cody's hand. Cody was not resisting, and really sort of stroked the head a bit with his thumb and forefinger.

Suddenly, Tyler erupted: he moaned loudly and shot 4 separate strands of sticky thick cum onto his abdomen and Cody's hand.

Realizing what he had done, Tyler said "Sorry Sir, Sorry Cody, didn't mean that".

I laughed and replied "Tyler, sometimes a man's dick has a mind of its own. I think you have left Cody looking pretty sore and horny though. Maybe you could help him ejaculate before he gets the blue balls".

Tyler then reached down and grasped Cody's much larger penis. He began to jack it, slowly at first then more quickly. It only took about 2 minutes before Cody was erupting massive shots of cum onto Tyler's hand. Cody moaned and said "oooh fuck" as he shot. Tyler was wide eyed, probably not believing the volume Cody shot from his much larger balls.

There was an awkward moment, at which point I said "Hey boys why don't you both wash off your hands then get dressed. Mike and I will be out in a few minutes".

As the boys exited to dress, I looked at Mike. My balls were unbelievably sore after what I had just seen, and Mike was dripping heavily from his caged cock. Bending him over the shower table, I fucked him hard, fast, and with very little lube. He cried out as I shot my load, hoping this would relive my sore full balls.

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