Cody Enters My Life

By John Jones

Published on Sep 15, 2023


Cody Enters My life By John

This series of completely fictional work could be categorized in either the Gay Male Authoritarian section, or the Adult Youth Section of the Nifty Archives. You must be of legal age where you reside in order to view this. If you are offended by material pertaining to the humiliation, spanking, punishment, or sexual abuse of adult males, do not read this. If you are offended by material pertaining to sexual relationships between an adult male and a teen boy, then do not read it either.

The night passed fairly uneventfully, with Cody waking up once with a nightmare, but he settled quickly and went back to sleep. I woke up early, around 0500, needing to piss and having a raging hard on. This felt awkward to me in the presence of Cody, who fortunately was still asleep. I hit the bathroom, and then changed into my workout clothes. I decided to let Cody sleep since he was still healing, but I noticed that the two black eyes were improving, with the color fading and a green border forming as the blood was reabsorbed.

I was about halfway through my workout when Cody came in. He had gotten up, and then come in for company.

"Hi John" he said.

In between grunts as I was lifting, I said "morning Cody, what's up"?

He replied "Not too much. My arm doesn't hurt much today and I think my bruises are getting better".

"Cool, you are starting to heal. I should have some of the lab results on you on the fax machine so I will check those later" I said.

I finished my workout, and Cody sat on one of the benches and watched. Afterwards, he followed me back into the bedroom suite and I said "hey let's get cleaned up then have some breakfast".

We headed into the bathroom, and I asked him to floss his teeth, using one of those premade flossers since Cody was effectively one handed. He said he had never done it before, so I showed him and he eventually managed to do it using his left hand (he is right handed). Afterwards we each stood at the dual sinks and brushed our teeth, and then he watched as I shaved. I stripped down and hit the shower then came out, dried off, towel dried my hair and brushed it. Cody was kind of looking at me like he wanted to ask a question.

"Um... How come yours is so big" he asked. I looked down and said "well I guess it's because it must run in the family. I mean it just grew".

"Wow, I hope mine gets like that" he said. I replied honestly saying "Cody, yours is as big as mine was at 13 so you have nothing to worry about at all".

He beamed and said "cool".

It was time for Cody to get cleaned up, and he still wasn't able to wash himself so we went through the same ritual as the day before. However, when I had to wash his genitals, he told me something. "John, my balls are hurting". I was initially surprised, because the swelling had gone down. I asked him "Like the same as when you got kicked." Cody replied "No, just really aching". I couldn't believe I was having this conversation, particularly with a kid with a hard on who I was washing. I said "let me check something" and I felt the testicles, including the epididymus. It was pretty full and swollen, and he said it hurt when I did that.

I finished washing him and helped him dry, then asked him to look down at his scrotum. I held the right testicle and found the epididymus and asked him to touch it with his finger and feel all around the testicle. "Cody, you see how your testicle is really smooth and there aren't any bumps or lumps"?

"Yeah" he said.

Well when you wash you should always feel around them and see if you find any lumps that weren't there before and tell me if you find them because that could be a medical problem.

"Like cancer?" he said.

I then said "That's right, but you don't have it". Now feel this little tail that comes off your testicle: it's called the epididymus. Cody felt it and said "that's the part that aches". I then said, I know, let's get dressed and I can tell you about it".

We got dressed together and sat down on the sofa. I wasn't sure how much Cody knew about his body, even though I knew at this point that he had been molested.

"Cody, do you know what it is to ejaculate I said?" He shook his head. I said well have you ever heard of "cumming"?

Cody replied that he knew what that was and he mumbled that someone had done that in front of him.

I then asked "Have you ever had that happen to you"?

Cody replied that he hadn't ever had it happen when he was awake, but that sometimes it happened at night and he would wake up all sticky.

"Well Cody, that's how your body gets rid of semen. It is stored in the epididymus until your body gets rid of it. As it stretches out, you start to ache. I bet your nuts ache right before you have a sticky night, and feel better the next day, right".

"Yeah he said, that's right. But I hate it when they hurt. Sometimes it hurts to walk".

"Cody, there are ways to get it out when you are awake, and it feels fantastic. When you are old enough and with someone you love, then you might have sex. When we don't have someone like that, men do something called masturbating, or "jacking off". Do you know what that is"?

"I've heard it joked about it, but not really" he said.

"Cody, what guys do is to think about whatever things make their penis hard. Then as they think about those things, they start rubbing their penis. Usually they use something slipper y to help. Sometimes they make a tube out of their hand like this (I showed him). Pretty soon you get this incredible pressure, then it all shoots out and feels incredibly good".

"Um... OK, so you can make yourself cum. I want to try that" he said.

"No problem Cody, it's totally normal, but something guys usually do in private", I said. "Come on over to the bed stand and I will show you something".

I opened the bed stand and pulled out a bottle of personal lubricant "Cody, this is the slippery stuff you can use. Most guys just lie on their back and do it, and after they cum the wipe it up with a towel. I'll get you a towel, and go make breakfast, and you can try it" I said. I got him a hand towel and went downstairs to get some breakfast, leaving him in private.

I took my time cooking up a couple of omelettes; bacon; toast; sliced fruit; and milk for him, then went up to the bedroom again with everything on a tray.

Cody was lying on his back in the bed, with the towel on his abdomen, just enraptured. When he saw me he said "Wow, I never felt anything like that before".

I replied "Yeah, its great. Throw on some boxers and throw that towel in the hamper and let's eat, your testicles will fell ok in a couple of hours".

We sat and ate breakfast. Afterwards I helped him get dressed, put a too big adult sized parka on him and a woolen hat, and said "Ok, were going to take a little walk".

I took it really slowly, but we eventually made it down to the dormitory. Cody was more winded than he should have been from such a walk. When we walked in, the guys made a big deal over Cody being up and around, and how much better his faced looked. Two of the guys involved in his rescue gave him a hug and faked a punch to the arm. It was a jovial atmosphere, and made it really clear that all of these guys liked him and were happy to have a kid around.

We sat in front of the fire there for a while, and Cody listened to me talking to the men about the ranch. We talked about the snowfall, whether we had any trespassing issues this Winter, the livestock (We kept a few Dairy cows) and the chickens (we kept a few dozen hens for fresh eggs). I asked about the Deer population, and my suspicion that there were too many was confirmed. The wolves had come back in Canada, but weren't this far south yet so overpopulation was a problem. I suggested that maybe we all eat fresh Venison for a while, and the guys laughed and said "no problem". Cody didn't say much, but eagerly listened. It was pretty clear he had never heard men talk about stuff like this, and he was just soaking it all in.

After that, we walked slowly back to the Lodge, and I noticed that Cody look even more winded, which concerned me a bit given his age. I had him sit down in the Den and relax for while, and during this time I went up to get my faxes.

Most of the results had returned, except for the HIV test. First of all, he was really anemic, and it was at least in part related to iron deficiency. There was no sign of infection in the blood work. The liver was fine, and the kidney function was fine. Thyroid was fine. He was quite low on Vitamin D, Thiamine, and Folate. Worse, the throat and rectal tests were positive for Chlamydia, but there was no evidence of gonorrhea or syphilis. What worried me about the Chlamydia tests, is that this increased the likelihood of a positive HIV test.

I felt incredibly angry that this kid had been subjected to all of this, and now required treatment of an STD. However, there was nothing I could do about it. I went down to the medication cabinet in our treatment room and got the appropriate antibiotics. The good news of course was that Chlamydia is easy to treat. I went into the Den where Cody was watching the fire.

"How you doing Cody", I asked.

"OK, just got awful tired on that walk. Cool to see the guys though and hear all that stuff you talk about", he said.

"Cody, there are a couple of reasons why you are so tired. First, you don't have enough red blood cells. We call that anemia. Second, you don't have enough iron, and without that you can't make new red blood cells. Third, you don't have enough of a bunch of vitamins. I gotta ask, what were you eating?"

Cody replied "Well there wasn't enough food at mom's by the end. Then on the street I ate out of trashcans until I met those guys. I got some money from them so I went to KFC a few times, but didn't get much to eat".

"So any vegetables or fruits", I asked.

"Nope nothing like that" he replied.

"Well that explains it Cody, now I have to ask you some other things that might be hard to talk about. You don't have to answer, but I hope you do. First, did anyone every put their penis in your mouth"?

Cody turned kind of red and looked like he didn't want to answer, then quietly whispered "yes".

I said "Cody, it is OK, but I just have to know what happened. How many different people did it"?

He thought and replied "Probably 6, two guys before that night, then the four guys that night". He started to cry then.

"Cody, it is OK, I just need to know for your health" I said.

Then I asked the harder question: "Cody, I could tell when I examined you that some things had been put up your butt, what went up there"?

"Like I said before, they fucked me... so their dicks" he said.

"Cody, how many people's dicks went up there, and did they use condoms" I asked.

He replied "just those four guys that night and nobody used rubbers".

"Anyone before", I asked.

"Yeah there were two guys, two of the ones that made me suck them, that did it to me. That was all put on camera for the internet" he said.

"Jesus Christ, they filmed it?" I said.

Cody started crying hard and saying "It wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault, they paid the guys and made me do it".

"Cody, sorry, I'm really sorry, I wasn't mad at you, I am just mad that someone did that to you", I replied and gave him a hug. I added "Cody, I will find those guys and deal with the situation".

Cody settled pretty quickly, then looked up at me and said "you probably think I'm a faggot".

I looked down at him and said "Cody, I don't even like that word. Some guys are attracted to guys, others to girls, and some to both. It's all cool with me. I don't call people faggots or judge them. Besides, when I was your age, I didn't even really know what I liked yet. Just because you were used by guys doesn't mean anything. You might be gay, straight, or bi: it's all OK with me".

"You mean it?" he said.

"Yeah Cody, you are a great kid and whatever you like is fine with me" I said.

He threw his arms around me and gave me a big hug.

"Cody, those guys gave you an infection called Chlamydia, and I am going to have you take some pills for 10 days to get rid of it" I explained.

"That sounds bad John, what is it" he asked.

"Its caused by a bacteria that you can get when you have sex with a man or a woman, it's easy to treat, so don't worry about it" I explained.

"Do I have AIDS" he asked.

"Cody, you don't have AIDS. I don't have the results of the test for the virus that calls AIDS, called HIV. I will probably have that tomorrow" I explained, honestly.

He started to cry again, saying "I probably got AIDS, I'm going to die".

I gave him a hug and said "Cody, it's pretty unlikely that you have HIV, and even if you do we have good treatments now, don't worry about it".

"OK" he replied appearing satisfied with my statement.

"Hey Cody, let's go grab some lunch, then you need to take a nap" I said. I then led him down to the kitchen where we made some chicken sandwiches, to which I added avocado, tomato, lettuce, and onion.

Cody looked at it dubiously and said "I don't want that on my sandwich".

I looked at him a bit sternly and said "Cody, you need these things to heal. You haven't eaten good food in a long time. You need to eat what I give you and learn to like it".

"But I don't want to" he whined.

"OK Cody, I won't let you eat vegetables until you beg me to let you" I said.

"Really" he said.

I replied, "really, and I'm not going to stop tickling you until you beg me to stop and let you eat those vegetables". Without a pause, I then grabbed him and started tickling his sides and tummy until he laughed hysterically, and tried to drop to the floor. Then I held him, and tickled his armpits. He hyperventilated and begged me to stop. I just told him he hadn't said the right words yet, and eventually he said "Please, please let me eat those vegetables".

I stopped and handed him the sandwich. He looked at me with a sheepish grin and I said "I think you'll like it buddy".

We ate our sandwiches together, and now it was close to 1 pm. I had him take his first antibiotic dose with some juice, then told him it was nap time. He tried to argue about it, but I just looked at him, held up my finger and said "Doctor's orders Cody".

We went up the stairs together, and Cody undressed down to his boxers and lay down on the bed. I covered him up and sat down next to him reading.

After a few minutes he said "John, will you take a nap with me?"

I got out of the chair, put the book down and stripped down to my boxers, then I got under the sheets with him and lay down. I laid on my back next to him.

Cody then rolled over, and just as I had done on the previous night for him, wrapped his arm around my chest as I lay on my back, and he went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 9

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