Colin on the Train

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 3, 2022


So, you probably guessed that when I told the driver we were going to a "nice romantic inn" I actually had something else in mind. (I'm grinning ear to ear now that I've written that). Whether the driver had any suspicions or not didn't concern me. Over the years, I've learned that just about everyone harbors some degree of "kink." At some point, the shame and the embarrassment of it may end, and then that person becomes, to one extent or another, a kinkster. Where our driver was on that "kink spectrum," I'll never know. The dungeon was in the home of a good friend of mine: Graham, who was in London with his long time sub and husband, Carlo. They made a VERY sexy couple: Graham with his thick, throwback moustache and his full head of gray hair (WAY thicker than mine), and that former swimsuit model who now modeled only for Graham. I began to think about having some kind of get together after I had broken colin and he had gotten used to what was going to be his new life. I could predict with some certainty how long breaking him would take: it had been a while, but anatomy doesn't change and my methods hadn't. MAYBE three days? More likely two. Admittedly, they'd be intense days, but I knew what I was doing, even if I hadn't done it in a while. I hadn't taken the blindfold off of Colin when I pulled him out of the car. I think he had fallen into some kind of rough sleep on the way because he had been very quiet. Now, he began to rage. "WHERE THE HELL AM I YOU MOTHER FUCKING FAGGOT?" The car was gone, and there was no one around. Maybe a cow or a horse heard him. No human did, and I laughed. "You're commuting with mother nature, Colin." I pulled off the blindfold. I saw him look around at no buildings, no sign of... anything. "MOTHER FUCKER... WHERE THE...." "Home for a few days. That's all you need to know." I grabbed his bicep. "That way. The door is that way." "I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU FAGGOT." He pulled and tried to get away, but my grip is strong. "Want a zap stud? You immune to this?" I showed him the control panel and I felt his muscles sag. "No. Ok. I'll go. Don't hurt me." "That all depends." I opened the door. It's a spare structure , at least upstairs. Downstairs is a bit more... elaborate. That's where I do my training. About a third of the basement was taken up by a cell. The cell itself was pretty Spartan. There was a military style cot , a functional bathroom, and a military shower . OH YES. One of my pride and joys: the "behavior modification chair." Graham had one, and because he did use it when Carlo needed some "behavior modification," I had asked the designer to make one for me. It looked like a pretty standard chair, except it had an exceptionally long back. That was so I could use rope at more than one place on my target. But the best part was the rotary circle in the center, with the three dildos: 6, 8 and 10. I could turn a switch and move the dildos so that a different size was positioned where the boy sat. I was trying to decide which one was for Colin for when we moved to that. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight...

He wasn't happy about it, but I moved Colin down to the basement. His hands were still cuffed in front of him and I turned the shock collar to a love level as I released the cuffs, and then opened the door to the cell. After we were in, I slammed it shut. I saw a look in Colin's eyes: he had no idea if I had a car up here (I did, but it was about half a mile away), or where the key was, or where he was, but he was thinking... still, he didn't rush at me. "You'll be here for a few days Colin. Cherry knows we've 'gone away', so no one's gonna look for you. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS YOU CRAZY FUCK" he yelled. Spittle was at the corner of his lips. For some reason, that got me hot. Not as hot as what was about to happen. "I took off those cuffs for a reason Colin. Strip. EVERYTHING. OFF. I wanna see nothing on that body of yours but the cock cage. "YEAH FUCK THAT. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" I increased the shock. "Start stripping boy. " "OK. OK. YOU WIN FUCKER. YOU WIN." I saw the look of desperation in his face: it's a look I love, and one I hadn't seen in a LONG time. His clothes were filthy and sweaty, and that was ok: we'd deal with that. And soon, that beautiful body was in front of me. "OK. NOW WHAT FUCKER? YOU GONNA TAKE MY ASS AGAIN?" I laughed. "Only if you ask me too, Colin. The next time I take your ass, you'll be begging me to fuck you." He snorted. "IN YOUR DREAMS ASSHOLE." "In my dreams I'm IN your asshole, boy. And I'll be there. Soon." I tossed him the handcuffs. "See that pipe?" There was a horizontal pipe that came across the room. Nice and solid. "Cuff your wrists to that pipe. Above your head. "FUCK YOU. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" This time, I put the shock at 8. It had been 6 just before that. He began to whimper. I got harder. And he locked his wrists. He was helpless. And he knew it. He didn't even fight when I added the nipple clamps. "Spread your legs boy bitch. Nice and wide. " He began to say something but thought better of it. Instead, he grunted, and did what he was told. "WHAT A FINE SPECIMEN!" I stood in front of Colin, grinning. He tried to look away, but I grabbed his chin and pulled it back. I thought about spitting at him, but his face was so beautiful, especially with that mixture of hate, frustration, defeat and all the things I love in a sub. "You're gonna look even finer after we polish that alabaster chest of yours." Colin isn't all that bright and he didn't know what I meant. I could tell he had never heard the word 'alabaster' before. "But that's for tomorrow. Tonight, we prime you for sleeping: by yourself." Again, I chuckled. "Trust me stud. Soon you'll be looking forward to having me join you in bed." "I HATE SLEEPING ALONE BUT I'LL HATE SLEEPING WITH YOU MORE, ASSHOLE. " The scream that came next was not from a shock, but from me grabbing his balls behind the cage, and twisting them. "I bet you wish you didn't have that cage on. Even though you're not even hard." "DUH! YOU THINK I COULD GET HARD AROUND YOU." I just smiled. I pulled the vibrator out of my pocket. All six inches of it. "This is gonna get you primed, Colin. The charge is good for two hours. And I think two hours of anal stimulation is just about what you can take tonight. " His eyes got big. I began to laugh. "Oh, you KNOW what this is, Colin. You've seen them in your chickies bedrooms. Well, chicky..." I stepped behind him and began sliding the lubricated toy into him. I heard one loud yell of FUCK and then the whimpers began. I wasn't surprised. Colin is a beautiful man, but his nerve endings are where everyone else's nerve endings are. I left the cell and went back upstairs. I watched on the spy camera. He did everything I expected him to: he squirmed. He tried to get out of the cuffs. He tried to scream and then.. he seemed to try to get the vibrator in deeper. OH, this was FUN. What was the most fun? I could zoom in with the camera and I saw: his cage was filling. EXCELLENT.

I went back to Colin's cell after an hour. He looked at me with sad, doleful eyes. None of the hate, or anger, just helplessness looked at me. "I think you've had enough of the clamps Colin, although... when I take them off, you might wish I left them on." "Why are you doing this to me? I ... I could have been nicer but..." Then he screamed as the clamps came off. "You'll get another hour of the vibrator, stud, then we'll teach you all about alabaster." "WAIT! WAIT. COME ON. AT LEAST.. AT LEAST..." Then I heard him whining as I walked out of the basement. Again, I watched. I had planned to leave the vibrator for another hour, but after half hour, I decided he had had enough. It was time for the next step.

"Please. Please tell me what you want. " I could barely hear the tiny voice that came out of Colin's mouth when I came back. "Well, I want you to ask me to fuck you, Colin. I already told you that." I saw the look on his face and he twisted the cuffs, with what little strength he had left. I produced the key. "I'm going to unlock the cuffs, Colin, but you won't do anything because.. you can't. You're beaten. " "I'm... not... beaten.." He barely got it out as I took him from the pipe. I took the vibrator out of his butt, and I wrapped my arm around his substantial middle. He'd normally be a lot to handle, but he was weak. Exhausted from struggling. And hard. I laughed because his cock seemed to have enough strength to lift the cage a little. "Now about that alabaster. You don't know what it is?" "Isn't it... white stone?" "Yes. And you know what looks like white stone? That beautiful chest of yours. And it's going to look even more beautiful without hair. "NO... NO.. PLease. Not....." He barely put up a fight when I chained his wrists to the wall. He was completely exposed and he saw what I did: his cock was engorged. "You're gonna be a bottom boy, and bottom boys don't need fur, Colin. " I had set up a table with cream, and a single edged razor. "Normally, I'd shave all of you at this point, boy, but for now... just your pits and chest. Chest, to take away your masculinity and pits... to make you feel..." "LIKE A FUCKING WOMAN. I'M NO BITCH" His spirit impressed me, as did his pull against the shackles, but it did him no good. "Calm down. I don't want to cut you, and I'm SURE you don't want to be cut." I heard the muted sounds of his weeping as I got to work and cleaned his chest, and then his pits. "bastard," he muttered at one point. I responded by holding out his cock in the cage. He moaned at the handling. "Eventually, I'll shave this too. Not tonight though. Tonight, you've had enough. I'm going to get this blade put away and then, after I take off the shackles, I suggest you clean up and get as much sleep as you can. Tomorrow...." I pointed to the chair. "I'll finish the job and prepare you for your new role... boy bitch."

I turned on the camera three hours later. He was sound asleep. I pulled out my cock. There was my prize. And tomorrow, I'd complete the job: he'd break and Colin the stud would become colin the sub.

Next: Chapter 4

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