College 101


Published on Mar 1, 2006


This is a work of erotic story telling. It will contain graphic scenes of gay sex while having a story line of love, lust, pain, and greatness. If this is objectionable to or illegal for you, please do not read it. This story is by the author. His permission must be obtained for any use of this story other than reading it on the Nifty site. This story will be long. I will try to post chapters as rapidly as possible. I hope you find it very interesting. Thank you

College 101


I needed to shower and change and write the note. I guess to show J I am ok with everything I will go to the party. I just better make sure I come home with a girl. Because me taking care of business in the shower later won't be enough.

After J's cab headed off in the distance I decided it was best to head back to the dorm. I went inside and made my way up to the third floor via the elevator. I went to our room and went inside. On first appearance the room was very messy you could tell we were not the neatest guys. I went around trying to clean up a little. I noticed the stain on J's bed from last night. I went to pick up the bottle half sticking out of the bed. A shiny purple square wrapper was lying under the bottle. Man we are messy as I through all the trash away not catching the gist of the importance of what I through away.

Well I better grab some clothes, and head to the showers. Kind of of hungry need to go catch lunch before 3 o'clock. I went to the closet grabbed a Fubu tank top and a pair of jeans. The thought of boxers hit me but I might as well go without them. My theory is one day on day off, so there will be less laundry. I left the room and made my way to the showers, nobody around cool. I went into the shower stall and closed the door. Water was hot and steamy and I needed some relaxation. Piece by piece my cloths came off. I stopped mid way when I was taking off my boxers. "Shit, fuck me" I said looking at the perfect circled bruise right above my dick. Damn must of happened in the fall the bruise on my left hip was purple too. I stepped into the water and soaped up taking time to soap every inch of my body. By the time I got to my bruise above my dick I was sporting a major hard on. I am a well-endowed guy; I am not one to boast though. Looking at my shaft I have a purplish pink head circumcised, it has a long bulging duct on the underneath and plenty of skin that feels so fucking good when I start moving it up and down like this. Hmm its time to take care of business, I started closing my eyes and pictured my ex her body was so fine. The soap had given me enough lubricant to give a good motion going. I was bringing my hand all the way to the base and coming all the way back to the tip. God this felt so good. I pictured her bending over. I was nearing the point of Cumming, and I was pinching my left nipple. I was thinking about how hot his ripped abs were in my bed...wait who I just thought of J. God I had issues but what the fuck I'm about to cum. It would be great to see him fucking my x pending her with his dick as she screams yeah more. Fuck uh, I spewed my cum all over the wall of the shower, it was more than usual. My heart was beating so fast; I gained enough strength to compose myself. At first I thought of how wrong thinking of J was, but I realized something I wasn't any different the I was before I took a shower. Maybe J was right, I don't know, I just know this that I had started to feel different something new and it was about a guy.

I wrapped a towel around myself and went to the mirrors I put all my stuff down and shaved. I also took the time to brush my hair and style it. I wasn't looking to impress anyone at lunch because people are always to busy running around to notice anyone. I headed to the room and decided to just get dressed there. I was wondering when J was going to be back to change for the party. Maybe he took cloths with him either way I was going to go eat. I better leave him a note. I looked for a piece of paper in my dresser and then my stuff. I couldn't find any so I went to J's dresser and pulled open his drawers in the last drawer I found a pad of paper underneath was a porno box I was intrigued so I picked it up. Man it's a movie with two guys and a girl. My mind thought of my shower scene. I put the movie back and tore a piece of paper out. I placed the paper back and shut the drawer. Man was J Bi. Maybe it's a gag movie, I better not assume, I don't wana piss him off and then he move out. I hate to have to deal with a new roomy. Besides something about him I just can't put into words. Oh man I better leave the note for J to let him know I am going and I will meet him there because I have to get over to the library to sign up for a tutor. You see I am a jock, by all means in heart, so I always need help with work. Tom my best friend at home says I am a natural blond but I don't see it. Anyway, I hope J understands and we'll just talk after we kick the girls out we pick up tonight at the frat party. I didn't exactly know how to say in the letter that I was ok with what happened and that we relay needed to talk because I had some personal issues. At least that's what I wanted to write him instead I just wrote him a letter saying I was sorry, I was going to eat and go to the library, and that I'd meet him at the party. I signed it, I got up from the desk and dressed and made my way back to the food court down stairs.

Lunch was boring; I hate being alone in a new place. People passed buy girls and guys I wonder if anyone has ever gone though what I am. I set there and ate a big lunch, as I wasn't going to eat dinner on account of the party. The partway cool my first official college party. Lots of girls and booze. J will love it yeah J will I wonder if he's made it back to the room yet? I have nothing else to do until sign up time I will finish this burger and head back upstairs. I left the food court and decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Had to walk a quarter of a mile to them it seamed like. I bounced my way up them feeling excitement for the party. I reached the third floor and went to our room; the note was still in the place I left it. I looked at the alarm clock I still head 2 ½ hours until sign up could begin. I'll take a nap so I can be ready for the party. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep rather fast.

Hay it's my turn cool he's asleep so I can talk now. Not to confuse everyone but I am hijacking this story for a short duration. I plan on doing this a couple of times because I want to let you in a few facts that Ian is either to shy to say or has forgotten. I won't confuse the fuck out of you by starting in the middle of the story and taking you back to the past I'll just pop in and hijack to update you about my thoughts time to time. Enough said, you all are wondering my sexuality well stay tuned to Ians stories you will find out. He'd kill me if I told you. You can put 2 and 2 together especially after I tell you this. I am kind of a tease anyway I'd just disappoint you!! No relay here we go first when we met on the elevator let me describe Ian to you. Justice I could not give you to his true appearance, but yeah I was sort of intrigued at first site. Here is this old man I see when I ask to get into the elevator and behind him I see Ian as I walk in. Ian is sporting a baby blue shirt with a white sweater, and jeans. I noticed his muscles protruding through his cloths, I just do that with most guys, as I want to see if they are stronger than I am. Ian had blonde wavy hair, oh so bright baby blue eyes. He was well tanned, and had on a pair of canvas shoes. I am not clairvoyant but my first thought was this was my roomy and low and behold he was. His attitude was great and I relay felt comfortable. When he offered me the use of his computer and then agreed to party that night with me I thought whoa this guy is cool. I found out though as time went on that Ian may had lived a little sheltered life, and never relay got too drunk before, Boy was he like a caged animal. Well I know you all want me to go into detail about last night so.... you'll just have to wait. I warned you I am a tease. I left Ian on the sidewalk and got back into the cab that afternoon. I have no idea why I chased him down or why I said the things I did. But I decided to clear my head and have the cab take me to Karst Farm Park. My dad was one of the engineers who had help build a few updates there last year. So I found it a place to relax, the cab dropped me off and I took to the trails. I grew up not to far from here in Ohio, my mom and dad is divorced and my older brother was a dick and still is a asshole. My idea to come here was to get away and to excel in sports as everyone knows its good here at this university. My parents were always open and understanding they loved us both growing up but money was tight and living with dad was my choice as my brother lived with mom. Dad traveled for work, which meant I was alone a lot, or I went out. I grew up fast, until I decided to relive some youth in my years here, but you'll find out more as Ian gives you more detail. Speaking of him? Stay tuned and I can promise you this, it's going to be a learning lesson for either Ian or me, probably both. Seems like he's waking up so I'll let him take back over. I have to tell you this I am a tease but here it is Ian has the smallest testicles I have seen but that's ok because ten solid inches of thick long dick can be good.... For the ladies.... Maybe. HEHE

I started to wake up as the sun was setting there was still no sign that J had been back so I got up and decided to head off to sign up for tutoring. It was unusually cold out so I caught a bus and road it to the library. I walked in and followed the signs posted to the area where we were to sign up. A nice looking librarian she didn't look to bad asked me a few questions. Man I needed to hook up with a girl. The assistant librarian handed me info on my tutor and times. I started to turn to walk away and she told me my tutor was in the library right now and I should go meet him. She pointed over to a guy sitting at a table he was peering into a book. Jet-black hair was all I could see and a black jacket with writing in the arms.

As I walked over I looked at the sheet she had given me. He was going to be my tutor for all three of the subjects I needed. What, can't be, no he's is. He had fraternity letters bearing the making of Sigma Nu. I walked up to the table and he didn't even look up. I was still a little dazed "um hi you don't know me" He interrupted :Ian is it right" he asked? "Yeah um how did you know?" I asked? I always take notice of athletic guys I am going to tutor guess it's the pledge master in me," he said. "Thought of rush when it starts next summer" he asked? "Me no I am to busy", I replied. "Well I hope I can teach you a few things this semester and talk you into pledging, we are the best fraternity here", his grin was ear to ear as he got up from his seat and extended hi hand. "Thanks I'll keep it in mind, I'll see you later", I said. "Why not come to the party tonight and meet everyone", he asked! "Um sure I was going to come anyway, I was meeting my roomy there", I told him. Well if you're going just wait a minute and I'll drive us there, you can get in free my treat." he grabbed his coat and stopped. "Oh how rude of me, my name is Ryan." he smiled reel big. He turned again and we headed out the door he led me to a sporty red camero. He looked at me and said, "My dads a banker"! "Cool", I said. A few streets and a few blocks and we pulled into the fraternity. He parked and we got out, we walked through a fence and into a lower lot were there were to glass doors. "Not a lot of people are here but your welcome to follow me around and check everything out, and if anyone asked you are with me," Ryan was telling me this as me entered the doors. A flight of stairs to the right the dining room to the left a few doors and a lot of wooden seating. "The stairs lead to formal and to the left is the cafeteria you can hang out there or come with me to my room." "I am going to change and probably fire up a joint join me if you wish, he asked as we stood there." I had never relay got into pot I had tried it once but didn't like it, but nerveless I told Ryan I'd join him so we headed up to his room. His roommate was already putting on cologne as we entered. "Role one", Ryan said. The guy introduced himself as Toby and begun pulling everything out to role a blunt. "Sit down, you should feel privileged usually we only share this with brothers, but I figured I get you and your roomy trashed tonight, and help you with a hook up maybe you would think about pledging." he smiled at me as he took his shirt off. His chest wasn't shaped as tight as J's or mine but he was healthy and not fat. In all he wasn't bad looking. God I am sizing up a frat guy. I must be gay. I had a smile on my face as the logger was handed to me. "Your honors", Toby said. "Wait chug this first it'll help cut the harshness down," Ryan through Toby a beer can. "Tilt you head back and do not stop swallowing or you'll get my bed wet," Toby had the can held long ways getting ready to picture it. I had done this once and knew I wasn't about to piss off a frat guy so I did as he said. He punctured it put it near my mouth and then relay let her go. Man it was like gushing but I didn't drop a bit. "Got us a little party animal here it looks like you should pledge it looks like you are Sigma potential at its finest," Toby said. "I'm trying to talk him into it man, him and his roomy are going to have fun tonight," Ryan was smiling as I lit up the logger.

We took turns smoking I have to say I kept up pretty good but I was stoned and relay wished I had someone there to watch out for me, not that I thought I was in any danger but I didn't know this place well. I wished J was here although we had just met I found I was truly feeling safe with him last night. After giggling for about what seemed a hour Both Ryan and Toby agreed it was time to see what was going on downstairs and to see what girls had arrived. We left Ryan and Toby's room headed down steps and through a little hallway past a big screen TV and through two wooden doors back into the utility room was the doors were we first came in at. The dining room was full of people and the light had been dimmed somewhere in the corner of the dining hall a band was playing. I looked around and didn't see J. I hope he got my not. "Well let's get some beer." Toby said. We walked over to the table and 3 kegs lined the floor. "Wana have some fun Ian", Ryan asked? "Sure I'm game." I said. "The attitude of a brother, I am loving that," Ryan said. "3 kegs and three of us we each are going to do a keg stand and here's the bet." If we both outlast you then you have to at least come to the initial Rush greeting, one night that's all I ask." Ryan was yelling this trying to make sure he heard me over the noise of the band. I took a second and agreed, I was pretty good about downing liquid. So we all took are places the guys manning the kegs put the flex line taps in are mouth a nice cut girl bent down and held mine in place. The people around us began to cheer as the guys behind the keg began to pump. Thirty seconds went and I felt like I was going to explode. I couldn't stop the flow to take a breath through my nose. I had consumed the equivalent of a six pack by now and all I could think damn these guys were good in all I lasted 69 seconds which everyone around me said was great but Ryan and Toby lasted almost a minute and a half. Little did I know there was a little deception in play, I'll clue you in later on in the story. But for now I accepted defeat. In all I was getting a hard buzz on and was told to make sure I didn't forget my bet of the whole house would come to the dorm and carry me here. I laughed and promised them. I turned around to pick up a cup from the table. In the far right corner of the cafeteria near a fridge, I saw him. He was standing there talking to a fraternity brother. J had not noticed me, he was wearing tight blue jean pants, a tricky dick shirt and his hair was wavy and sparkling. I kind of felt overdressed did he think a girl would wana go for the jock look? I could not break my stair when Ryan came up beside me and asked me if that was my roomy. I told him yeah and he said well lets go over and have him join in the fun. I turned to look back at J and are eyes met, he was looking at me. I nodded and motioned for him to come over to us. He looked back at the brother and they began walking to us. "Grab a bottle and lets go sit outside for a while until the chicks start showing," Ryan said. Toby grabbed 3 bottles of Southern Comfort. "Hey I missed you at the room by a few seconds, John said he seen you leave he came to the door to see if anyone coming to the party needed a ride, and come to find out he's a brother her", J was talking a little slurred. "Sorry man I got here early and was doing shots up stairs in Johns room, your not mad are you," J asked. "No man I am half backed and partially drunk". J slung his arm around my neck as the 5 of us walked outside. "Man this is my roomy the one I told you about," J was introducing me to John. I shook his hand, it was quite cool out for August and he all formed a circle. Ryan clued J in on his agreement or I should say my loss to their bet. J was excited and told Ryan he was also trying to get me to pledge with him. I heard them whisper that they were going to break me by the end of this semester. Toby passed out the bottles. We all just passed them in a circle each taking drinks from the bottle by the time the 5 of us had finished the bottles I was trashed again. I was riding on cloud nine man, and it was the most alive I had felt in well ever. We all talked for 15 to 20 minutes until three girls came out pretty drunk themselves. They made their way over to us and instantly attached themselves to the conversations that the brothers were having with us. Ryan whispered, "See man it's a perk guaranteed pussy". I had forgot about that fact I wasn't having any luck. "Well they wana see are room, stick around maybe we can talk later," Ryan said as the three brothers got up grabbed each their own girl and walked off into the house. It was just J and I leaning against the outdoor grill.

"Ready to go find some women," I asked J who had now shifted to look right at me. "HE started turning a bright red and ran past me. Vomit flying out of his mouth as he bent over. I came up beside him and he put his hand on my side to steady himself. He stopped briefly after, "Man thank you for being there I would have fallen over." "Its cool man it looks like maybe I should keep my eye on you," I told him as he stood back up. He curiously looked at me, "You would do that for me"? "Yeah man I think a roomy should be there for his bud," we were both trashed but I was determined to keep my composure. "Lets go look the prospects," I said as I stared to the door." "Man we'll be lucky if we get a girl the brothers here have them eating out of their pocket, I mean hands," J was slurring pretty bad but made his way through the door. There was a lot of people everywhere now and by the looks of it every girl there had a frat brother around their arm or at least right beside them. "Man this sucks there isn't any available women anywhere," I said as J stood there looking. He turned to me and said, "It's a sausage fest man lets just bolt and go home." I was surprised to hear this from J as he wanted so much to be here. "You tired," I asked. "No man I just think we need to finish talking and work out some issues I have or we have or I mean fuck you know what I mean," he smiled real big and I agreed to go. We asked a frat guy and he let us use his cell to call a cab but not before asking us why we were leaving. I told him it was a cool party but we both wanted to go eat. He told us to come back, but I didn't reply. I thanked him and we went out front, we waited about 4 minutes shivering from the night air. The whole ride back we hardly said a word we were so trashed. "Stop here man," J had motioned him to stop at a liquor store. "Is that a good idea," I asked J. "Trust me," He said as he went in. He was so trashed yet he went in and from the window he looked like he was trying to be straight. To my surprise he grabbed a bottle of Jack and made it out of the store without being questioned. I was uneasy about drinking so much tonight, and thought about a motive if any that J might have had.

He got back into the cab and we headed back to the cab he must of seen the expression on my face as I was looking down. H e placed his hand behind my neck I looked up at him. "Its ok were going to talk," he said. His face and expression put me at ease yet as I looked at him and felt as though there was butterflies in my stomach. Why? I don't know but I was sure about to find out.

We arrived at the dorm and both got out of the cab I paid and we headed up stairs via the elevator. We never could have survived the stairs. We came into the hallway and the RA was hanging a posting. J had stuffed the bottle in his pants in the elevator, but the RA stopped us both. "Gentleman, you can party all you want just please keep it in your room, no streaking in the hall," he said looking at me. "Yes sir," was both are reply. We made it through are door of our room and I plopped down on my bed. J took a seat at his desk and started unwrapping the bottle from the bag. "Man I'm buzzing hard," I said trying to start a conversation. "We'll take it slow tonight," J slurred. "So I'll start", I said. J got up walked over to me and handed the bottle. "I meant talking but I guess I will take a shot first," I raised the bottle to my mouth and took a good size gulp. " I don't relay know how to talk about what happened last night, I don't remember much but I know that I'm sorry for snapping at you," I said looking at J who was still standing about 4 feet from me as he grabbed the bottle I was passing to him. He was so silent, he didn't say a word he walked over to the desk and put the bottle down. He turned around and walked over to me he had to be only a foot from me. His crotch at my eye level. I looked up and he was looking down back at me. He reached down and grabbed my arms lifting me to my feet. For a moment I was scared as shit my heart was pounding. We were face-to-face and no more than a few inches from each other's face. "Have you ever fell in love at first sight," J asked staring right into my eyes. "No," I said. "I am so overwhelmed when I am around you and I have only known you for two days yet I feel like I have known you my life," He said. He slowly turned his head to the side and moved his head and are lips touched. My first thought was to push him but it felt right, He raised back up and looked for a response from me. "Do you think I'm gay," I asked. "No, but I think you must feel something for me, and I think this is new to you." " You need to trust in the fact that I am not going to hurt you, or take advantage of you, in the end you will see that just because you do things with me doesn't make you gay." "No one can tell you that you are its just something you feel, he said all this yet I was staring at his eyes thinking to myself for the first time in my life I was infatuated with a guy and how beautiful he looked to me. I moved forward leaned my head to the side and I initiated a kiss. It felt like it lasted for hours, and to me it felt I was melting. All my worries and all my questions seem to just end for the moment I felt things stir in me I would have earlier never thought about. Was it all going to change with me and J? I don't know but for now I am enjoying this kiss.

Is everything happening to fast? Is it love at first site? Stay tuned

Look to the next part as this chapter as J and Ian explore their feeling along with some other body parts.

Next: Chapter 4: Party Night 2

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