College Awakening

By Dave Sarver

Published on May 26, 2017



This story is based on my actual first time experience. The situations and actions all occurred as I have written them with some of the details coming from my personal journal. Conversations are not exact quotes, but rather based on emotions, journal entries and memory of the experience. Enjoy.

I had been cruising the men's restroom in the library on my college campus. This particular restroom was on the administrative floor of the library where all the offices were located. I had stumbled across it one day and had noticed a lot of graffiti on the stall walls. I was really turned on by the idea of meeting some guy very anonymously and getting a blow job or hand job. It was all I could think about.

This particular day I was trying to study for an exam (biology), but I couldn't stop thinking about the graffiti in the men's room I had discovered. I was very horny and really wanted to get off. I'm one of those guys who have a lot of pre-cum when I get aroused and I mean a lot. I was getting a big wet spot in the front of my jeans from all the pre-cum I was leaking. I really needed to release some serious jizz.

It was a Saturday, so the usage of that restroom would be very minimal. I took the middle of three stalls and waited for someone to enter. Waited for an hour and nothing; well, it proved my assumption on restroom usage. I had been beating-off, edging and thought I was going to explode. I needed to walk around a bit, because my butt was getting numb. I left the stall to wash the pre-cum stickiness off my hands.

I was standing at the sinks when someone entered the restroom. We locked eyes as he entered and we held the stare longer than was socially acceptable in this situation. He was very good looking, obliviously a student and had that jock look about him. He walked over to the urinals to take a leak as I was still finishing rising the soap off my hands. When I looked up I could see him in the mirror and his pants and underwear were down at his knees while he was still facing the urinal. I thought that's a bit odd, but very cute butt when I then noticed his hand motion. One which every guy in the world knows; he was jerking off. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure I was watching. I froze, turned red, eyes wide open, staring and mouth agape. I thought holy shit this could be an opportunity!

I tried to regain my composure and figure out what I could do at the sink to delay my departure and just kind of landing up standing there looking really stupid. I looked in the mirror again and he was standing there facing the urinal, but was kind of arching his back a little and pushing his butt outward. He again looked over his shoulder to make sure I noticed. My heart was beating so fast all I could hear was pounding in my ears. I weakly smiled and rubbed my crotch, more as a reaction than any kind of signal.

He made a last visual sweep of the room, to make sure we were the only ones there and turned around so I could see his hard cock that he was stroking. I turned away from the sink toward him and smiled; then thought "what in fuck am I doing!" But I kind of went into autopilot and started to undo my belt and pop the buttons on my 501's. I didn't have time to think, he was on top of me in a flash, pushing me against the sink and tongue fucking my mouth. I pushed him back and said "Whoa buddy, what if someone walks in, this is my first time."

Why I said that I'll never know. He stared into my eyes and then had this wicked little grin on his face. He took my hand and led me over to the last stall and with a hand on my back and pushed me in. As he locked the door and turned around, he said "You're not lying are you? This is really your first time? With a guy?" I turned very red and looked down at the floor and mumbled "Ever". He said "What?" I tried to be a little more forceful and said "Ever. This is my first time having sex, ever. With anyone." Now it was his turn to stare with mouth agape. After what seemed like an eternity, he dropped to his knees and started trying to get my pants down. I said "What are you doing?" He said "Just relax; you're really going to enjoy this..." As my cock sprung out of its confinement, he said "And so am I..." and proceed to suck me.

I gasped as his warm wet mouth enveloped my aching dick. I was not going to last long, I was already feeling light headed and my knees were weak. I said "I'm going to cum soon, if you keep that up!" He looked up at me and said "Isn't that the idea?" He then stood up reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a little satchel of lube and a condom and handed them to me and said "But I want you to fuck me in the ass when you cum." I just stared at him.

He pushed his pants all the way down to his ankles, turned around, bent over and spread his ass cheeks so that I could see his little pink asshole. He looked over his shoulder and said "Take a little of the lube and start by working it around my asshole and then a little more lube gently working your finger into my hole." I thought "what the fuck," here is this guy, who I don't know, bent over in front of me showing me his asshole; the most intimate part of him and wants me to stick my cock in it? Gross! He must have seen my expression and said "Don't worry I douched this morning, so we won't have to deal with any shit." I had no idea what he meant by "douching", but my cock was rock hard, leaking copious amounts of pre-cum and aching to be placed into something. I looked down at the pink asshole again and thought "well this looks like a place as good as any."

I tried to follow his instructions, but I was so nervous, I now know, I was a lot rougher than I needed to be. He grimaced as I tried to work my fingers in to loosen him up. And when I finally slipped my cock in, I used more pressure than I should have and went all in at once. It took his breath away and as he gasped for air and he started swearing up a storm. I thought I had hurt him and started to pull out, when he shouted "Stay there! Don't move! Don't move! Let me get use to it." (I didn't use the condom as it was pre-AIDS and I knew he wouldn't get pregnant.)

I wanted to move so badly! He felt great, all warm and soft wrapped around my cock; like my cock had found the place it was suppose to be. I was trying to enjoy and remember this sensation, but my primal instincts were starting to cause me to twitch and make my cock pulse. He threw back his head and moaned "Slowly... slowly..." I started to back out slowly; god he was so tight! His sphincter contracted around my cock and I said "Don't do that, it will make me cum too soon!" He moaned again and said "A little demanding for our first time aren't we?" I thought "you little bitch" and shoved my cock back in as hard as I could. He yelped and I immediately felt remorse for what I done to him. He growled back "You like that tight hole don't you, virgin boy! You like having a man pussy to shove your cock into don't you? Come on virgin boy, fuck that ass!"

I was stunned and shocked. Why would anyone talk like this while having sex? It was suppose to be an intimate pleasurable experience wasn't it? At first I didn't know what to do, but he kept telling to fuck his ass, so I did. Unfortunately, I didn't last very long, before I shot my load in his ass. He asked me not to pull out while he jerked himself off and left his white sticky load on the wall. He turned around and kissed me and said thank you. Then he got this odd expression on his face, reached down between his legs and used his fingers to swipe up some cum running down his legs. "Christ, how much cum did you shoot into me?" I intelligently said "I don't know." He raised his fingers to his nose and sniffed "Heavenly, do you want some." I said "No, thanks." He stuck his fingers in his mouth licked them clean. He smiled and said "Know what?" I said "What?" He smiled wickedly and said "You're no longer a virgin and I got the first time!" He kissed me again and was out of there in a flash, leaving me to contemplate the whole experience. I never saw him again.

What I learned was: I had a lot to learn. I have done a lot of exploring since then. I now know that I like being the bottom and being fucked for hours. I like being the center of attention in a sling with multiple guys banging me. I love the dirty nasty degrading talk when being fucked. I love eating my own cum. I love eating my partners cum. I love being rimmed, but I love rimming my partner more. I've had a lot of one-night-stands, dozens of boyfriends and fuck buddies, and three signification long term relationships. This includes one heterosexual marriage that produced two children who I love dearly. What is amazing is, all of my sexual exploration started from this one experience, which I will never forget.

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