College Boys

By Cool Dude

Published on Jan 15, 2006


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it is illegal where you are, please leave now!

College Boys - Part Six

My relationship with Bobby blossomed. On that first night I slipped into the house just before eleven and tiptoed up to his room. The door was slightly ajar and I gave a little knock and entered. I had no idea what to expect but was certain that there would be a sexual encounter. Despite my misgivings, I had taken a shower and made certain that I did not have that slave odor about me. If he had rejected me. I would have been mortified.

"Come in, dude." he invited. "And lock the door." I did as I was told.

Bobby was dressed in PE shorts and was wearing new sneakers with white socks. Nothing else. His hair was wet indicating that he had just showered and he smelled good. Fuck! I thought to myself, what is happenin to me here?

"Dude, why don't you take a shower? You'll find scented soap in the cubicle and deodorant and some cologne in my cupboard. If you want there's a new toothbrush and toothpaste in the cupboard too."

I needed no second invitation. The thought of having a luxurious hot shower was intoxicating to me and he must have realized it too because he let me shower without interruption. After I had dried myself, I went back into the bedroom and waited to be told what to do. I just couldn't throw off that slave mentality. He was sitting on the bed with his back against the pillows. He smiled and patted the bed next to him. I hopped up on the bed and sat next to him, waiting for something to happen. The reader should understand that a slave never takes anything for granted and this boy literally had the power of life and death over me. He took my hand and placed it on his thigh. I rubbed his thigh slowly and decided to take the plunge. I lifted my hand and placed it over his cock and balls and slowly massaged them through the thin material of his shorts. In no time his dick stiffened and he told me to remove his shorts. He lifted his ass and I slipped them down his legs and over his sneakers. He then told me to remove his socks and sneakers and he was completely nude. I had never for a moment considered myself to be gay and had never had the slightest interest in guys. But when I looked down on this boy's beautiful body, I was consumed with lust and went down on his dick which was by then standing to attention. He came in short order and I swallowed his cum. We lay back and in a short while the most amazing thing happened. He lifted up on his elbow and brought his lips down on to mine in the most delicate kiss I had ever experienced. Then he ran his tongue down my chest, over my stomach, and took my dick in his mouth. After I had orgasmed he pulled a single sheet over us and he lay in my arms throughout the night. At about 5 o'clock the next morning he woke me with a kiss and told me I should leave before the household awoke.

After that interlude, Bobby would summon me two or three times a week and I would spend the night with him. I became besotted with him and, of course, to be able to enjoy the comforts of a free man, even if only for a few hours, was intoxicating to me. James, the old slave, was a co-conspirator in our trysts and it was clear that he was fond of Bobby who he had known since birth. Outside the bedroom, Bobby treated me as any other slave and I was careful to keep my place. One afternoon, in fact, he summoned me to his room and had me orally service his friend Randy Matthews while he watched. It was clear that he had no intention of letting me think that my position in the household had changed in any way.

More and more frequently I heard snatches of Rick's conversations that would refer to his leaving for college. I would hear him chatting with Charlie and, surprisingly to my ears, with Dallas too. It seemed that Dallas would be getting his greatest wish fulfilled and it was like a knife in my heart that I should have been the one getting ready for college not Dallas. On a couple of occasions Rick took me along when he went into town to buy new clothes and, despite having adapted to my new status, I found it profoundly demeaning to have to trot slightly behind him carrying bags while free people, especially young kids and teenagers, made derogatory remarks about my appearance. He was also wont to park in the streets, as opposed to parking lots, and thus there were always folk around who would watch me have to hop into the trunk of the SUV while he got up front.

One Saturday evening Rick summoned me to his room and instructed me to take down three valises from his cupboard and to start packing his clothes. He indicated what was to be packed and I folded everything neatly and filled the cases. All of the stuff was brand- new and mostly carried designer labels. He instructed me to report to his room at 8 o'clock the next morning and load the cases, as well as his sporting stuff, into the SUV.

The following morning at seven thirty James called me into the kitchen and told me to take Rick's breakfast tray up to his room. Rick was in the process of getting dressed and ignored me until I was about to leave. "I'll ring for you when I've finished my breakfast. In the meanwhile bring the SUV around to the front. Then you can load it up. Oh, and by the way, you'll be accompanying me to college dude. Ask James for a shopping bag and get your shit together now so there's no delay." I was stunned and could barely utter "Yes Sir, Master Richard". Bobby must have been aware of what was going on but he had given me no inkling. This was evidence of the maxim, espoused in the textbooks, that communication with a slave took place strictly on a "need to know" basis and just how uncertain the day-to-day existence of a slave really was.

Promptly at eight Rick drove away. I was huddled in the back with the luggage. He drove over to Charlie's house where Charlie was waiting and, after brief farewells, climbed up front. Charlie turned around, saw me and laughed. "Hey Ringo! How you doin?" I replied "I'm fine, thank you, Sir." Charlie laughed again and said "Good boy!"

Rick enquired "Did Dallas collect your stuff OK?"

"Oh yeah." Charlie replied "But that SUV his dad bought him is really an old clunker! I hope he makes it college." They both chuckled.

We drove for some hours and Rick and Charlie were in high spirits, as could be expected, about being out of their parents' house. This was their first break from parental control and they were understandably upbeat. Much of the talk centered on girls and partying. I was getting hungry and needed to piss so I was glad when Rick pulled into a large roadside establishment which advertised itself as "Motor Mecca". He entered slowly looking all around until Charlie said "Over there!" Rick pulled the car up at an entrance with an overhead neon sign which announced "Slave Parking". A slave attendant came running up to the SUV and asked Rick whether he wished to park a slave and Rick confirmed it.

"We'll be back in about an hour after we've eaten." Rick informed the slave. "The slave is to fed and watered and of course allowed to use the ablution facilities."

"Very well, Sir." the slave replied. "Would Master please unlock the trunk?"

I was unceremoniously pulled out of the SUV and the slave produced a perforated two-part numbered card which he tore in half. He gave one half to Rick who was asked to produce it when I was collected and the other half was snapped on to my collar. He then attached a short leash to my collar and led me off into the entrance.

From outside the Motor Mecca would not have been out of place on the strip in Las Vegas. However, once inside the slave facility, one was greeted with the usual bare white-washed walls and unpainted concrete floors. I gave a rueful smile and thought to myself that few things really change. I found myself in a medium sized hall which contained twelve floor to ceiling square pillars. The four sides of the pillars each had an implanted iron ring to which was attached a three foot chain. There were about ten slaves in the room and they were each attached to a pillar by the chain which was snapped on to their collars. They were literally parked in a standing position. There were both male and female slaves and some were nude while others had on the usual slave attire. At the back of the room there were about twelve slave squat toilets. A wall separated the toilet area into two and it seemed that the left was for females and the right for males. From the front however the whole area was visible. I was parked and shortly thereafter a slave appeared and handed me a sealed ration of slave biscuits and a mug of cold unsweetened black tea. After I had eaten I was led to the toilet area where I was allowed to shit and piss. I made sure to hose myself completely clean. Some time later I was collected by the outside attendant and led back to the SUV. The engine was running and Rick and Charlie were already seated up front. Rick said to me "Move your ass Ringo. We aint got all day." I replied "Yes Sir, Master Richard." and hopped into the trunk. We were on our way again.

At about three o'clock that afternoon we pulled into the college grounds and Rick and Charlie let out whoops. It was the start of a new adventure.

A few years at college is something that every young person aspires too. It is that period of one's life when one moves from adolescence to adulthood and is normally the first time that one flees the nest which is one's parents' home. It is a period of total freedom from sexual restraint and one in which society makes many allowances for minor indiscretions. All this is true insofar as it affected free boys and girls. For young persons who had been enslaved, however, the reality was far different. I had been enslaved into a household which brooked no nonsense from its slaves but it was an environment nevertheless where one could lead an existence free of harassment if one embraced one's status as a slave and the need to serve one's Master totally without reservations. To be a slave in the college environment, I found, was a different matter. Slaves on campus were the responsibility of the campus police and they were never far away. Wherever one went one would be accosted by the police who kept a tight rein on all movement and who were always free in their use of the flick whips they carried. A number of them, I discovered, were college dropouts who bore a grudge.

On arrival at the college Rick drove to the administration building and sought out the Admissions Department. After he and Charlie had registered and received their dorm room numbers, he was told to see the campus police in order to register my presence. The attitude of the police was evident in the surly manner they displayed even in dealing with Rick. I was allocated a bed number in slave dormitory two and Rick was given a list of requirements relating to my presence on campus. Rick then sought out the dormitory building he and Charlie had been assigned to. It turned out to be the most recent addition to the student housing and it was apparent that Rick's dad held some sway. Each student had a single room with attached shower and toilet. While Rick and Charlie looked the building over, I carried Rick's stuff upstairs and when he returned, I did the unpacking while he showed me where everything was to be stored. We had no sooner finished when Dallas arrived amid high fives all around. He also had been allocated a room in the same dorm. I hauled his and Charlie's stuff upstairs and went through the same unpacking and storing routine with each of them.

Rick accompanied me down to the slave dorms which were situated behind the student housing. There were two dormitory buildings, the first for the dorm slaves and the second for the student-owned slaves. The dorm was sparse and bare, as was to be expected, and I soon found the numbered bed which had been allocated to me. I learnt later that the janitorial slaves were owned by an outfit in the adjoining town and were contracted out to the college. They were housed in barracks on the firm's premises and were transported to and from the college each day. The official dress for slaves on campus was not dissimilar to what I had been used to. It consisted of short pants and a tunic and heavy slave shoes. The dormitory and privately-owned slaves wore dark green and blue uniforms respectively in order to differentiate between them. The janitorial slaves wore orange jump suits. Each slave was issued with a plastic-coated identification card, which recorded the slave's official SIN, the college-issued slave number, slave name and owner's name. This was clipped on to the slave's collar and had to be on display at all times. There was a tiny office at the entrance to each of the slave dormitories and it was occupied around the clock by a trustee dorm slave. If a student required the presence of a slave, he would call through to that office and the trustee slave would dispatch the slave as was required.

Rick accompanied me to the slaves' supplies store on campus and purchased two uniforms for me as was laid down. Thereafter we returned to his room and he rounded up Charlie and Dallas. He then informed me that I would be serving all three of them, not just himself, and that any instructions emanating from either of them were to be obeyed as if they had come from him. I was a little taken aback by this unexpected turn of events but merely acknowledged what he had said with a "Yes Sir, Master Richard".

A routine was soon established and I became accustomed to their individual requirements although the basic elements of what a servant performs were there. I would wake them individually each morning with coffee and croissants, lay out their clothes for the day, and after they departed for classes, make their beds, clean their rooms and bathrooms, and pick up and hang discarded clothes. Thereafter I would do the laundry and the previous day's ironing, polish their shoes and boots and clean their sports equipment. In addition I kept both SUVs washed and waxed. Each day they would leave with me a list of other chores to be done and errands to be run. In the evenings I would be on call to fetch pizza and beer and that type of thing. There was much to be done and I had little time to myself. On two occasions I was handed over to the campus police to receive a caning of ten cuts for supposed "tardiness" in the first case, and in the second case, for not having my hair gelled and spiked to Rick's strict standards. It was really just another manifestation of Rick's theories on slave management. All three of them witnessed the canings and these episodes rankled with me.

Possibly the most disturbing thing to me about my enslavement was my younger brother Dallas's involvement in it. One of the basic tenets of slavery as it had been re-introduced was that a person once enslaved lost all his privileges and rights as a citizen and was in fact de-registered from the population register and re- registered as a slave identified officially by only a number. Family members were encouraged to think of an enslaved relative as no longer existing in the family structure and, as far as possible, the authorities made it a practice to make slaves untraceable. Rick was an avid slaver so it is quite probable that he accepted the theory but I often wondered whether his main motivation in involving Dallas was to observe how he and I would react towards one another. It was almost as if he were a puppeteer pulling strings.

Dallas was clearly not of the same intellectual capacity as Rick and had displayed for a number of years a resentment of the fact that he was unable to compete with his wealthier friends. It was relatively easy therefore for Rick to manipulate him. Dallas had seemingly slipped into the role of "Master" in his dealings with me very easily and, of course, the fact that I had to respond to him in exactly the same way I did to other free boys, re-enforced his confidence. So it was that when the new arrangement as far as I was concerned was put into force at college, he seemed to have no qualms in dealing with me as he might have dealt with any other slave. And, if the truth be known, I was now responding to Dallas as I did to the other two without the thought in the back of my mind that he was my younger brother.

Rick and Charlie had very quickly started to move in a fast set at college and, as these things invariably happen, the rich kids tended to gravitate towards one another. To give them their due they did not try to exclude Dallas but he did not have the means to keep up and thus to actively pursue a girl friend in that set. Many was the time therefore that he would decline an invitation to accompany them to a social event citing the excuse that he had to catch up on his studies.

One evening I had already gone down to the slave dormitories after our meal and was chatting with a young slave I had become friendly with, when the trustee dorm slave on duty shouted to me that I was required in Room 103. That was Dallas's room. "Move your ass boy!" he encouraged me. I knocked on the door of Dallas's room and he shouted that I should enter. He was sitting at his desk and had swung the swivel chair around to face the door. "Take a seat dude." he invited, indicating the bed. I was suspicious and told him "I would prefer to stand Sir." He responded with a little smile "Have it your way then."

"Ringo, the three of us are well aware that you were messing around with Bobby before we left Sunninghill. Rick maintains that you slept with him most nights. That being the case, the probabilities are that you were giving him head. Right?"

I wasn't sure where this was leading but I knew better than to be caught in a lie. "Yes Sir, it's true Sir. But I was ordered by Master Robert to do it and........."

"I'm not interested in your excuses boy." he interjected. "The fact remains that you have been introduced to sucking cock and I see no reason why both you and I shouldn't have a little fun. Lock the door and get over here." I did as I was told and performed oral sex on my brother. It was the first of many times after that, always when Rick and Charlie were elsewhere.

It was an ambivalous relationship. One night after he had cum, I was about to leave when he told me to stay. He said he something to do in town and that I should accompany him. He had me hop into the trunk of his SUV and drove to the other side of town. He pulled into a drive-in restaurant and ordered two cheeseburgers with fries and cokes. When the waitress brought the food, he passed one portion over to me in the back. I couldn't believe my eyes and wolfed the food down. I couldn't remember ever having tasted anything so good. We did similar things thereafter. If Rick had become aware of what he had done, he would have severed ties with Dallas immediately.

None of the three boys seemed to be paying the too much attention to their studies and, despite my own situation, it rankled with me that Dallas should not take full advantage of the opportunity he had been given, particularly in view of our father's limited means. Rick and Charlie of course were rich kids and college to them was a glorified holiday and it would be sufficient if they managed to walk away with some sort of ordinary diploma. In view of the influence their fathers brought to bear, the chances were minimal that they would not. Patronage existed in all its virulent forms at institutions of higher learning.

As far as I was concerned, my chief problem was to allay the boredom of continually having to clean up. I have mentioned that I was kept very busy and the less Rick, Charlie and Dallas were called upon to do for themselves the more slovenly they became. Every piece of clothing they took off was left lying around on the bed or on the floor, and they thought nothing of changing their shirts two or three times a day. The amount of laundry mounted considerably. Their use of the bathrooms was another case in point. Water would be splashed all over the floor and sodden towels were left lying around. Charlie seemed incapable of urinating without piss ending up on the floor. The running of errands also became a nightmare for me. If a slave was called upon to visit unaccompanied any place of business on behalf of his Master, he would have to use the slave entrance/counter and so long as there was a free person wanting attention, the slaves would be made to wait in line. One's movements were continually checked by the campus police and one needed a "Master's Pass" to move around campus.

Most of the slaves, and certainly all of the dorm slaves, had shorn heads and, as was the case elsewhere, they were commonly referred to as "bulbheads". At least they had some respite from the taunting in view of their numbers. My own unique hairstyle invited much ridicule and comment. It seemed to me that every time I came into Rick's presence, the first thing he would do would be to check to see that my head was properly shaved and gelled and spiked.

On top of my already full schedule, I would also be called upon to serve guests who were invited to the boys' dorm rooms and sometimes be "lent" out to assist if a larger party was taking place elsewhere on campus. At all these functions the slaves were invariably mocked and fondled in some way or another.

Such was life for a slave on campus.

Two years had flown by and the time was fast approaching for us once again to return home for the holidays. I would no doubt be returned to duties on the estate and around the house but I was looking forward to seeing Bobby once more.

Rick had always had a problem with the female house slaves snooping around his room and bathroom and thus decided when he returned home for the summer vacation that he would retain Ringo as his personal slave. He had trained Ringo to serve his personal needs to his satisfaction at college and saw no reason to disrupt the situation. Meanwhile, Bobby had just graduated from high school and would be returning with Rick to college as a freshman. He had enquired of Rick whether he thought their Dad would agree to his having a slave at college too but Rick had poured cold water on the idea. At the end of each of the last two years, Rick had been instrumental in having his father sell off two of the estate slaves and Cato had now to manage the upkeep of the estate with sixteen slaves rather than the twenty he had had previously. Rick knew that this was cutting matters to be bone but he believed in keeping the pressure on to maximize productivity. He therefore told Bobby that a slave couldn't really be spared and suggested instead that Ringo be used to service Bobby as well as himself, Charlie and Dallas. He knew full well that Ringo was kept pretty busy but thought it would do him no harm to move his lazy ass a little quicker. It fitted in with his maxim of always keeping the pressure on a slave. He suggested to Bobby too that, until they returned to college, Ringo serve not only as his personal slave but also as Bobby's. In this way Ringo would become conversant with what Bobby required of him before they returned. Of course, Bobby had no real alternative but to agree although the thought of not having his own slave, which he felt would have given him huge standing among his freshman peers, was a little deflating.

I had expected when we returned to Sunninghill to be simply assigned to my old duties of working on the estate under Cato in the mornings and assisting old James around the house in the afternoons, at the same time carrying out any tasks Rick and Bobby might have for me. It was somewhat of a surprise therefore when I was summoned to Rick's room soon after our arrival. Bobby was present too. Rick informed me he had decided that, until we returned to college, I would serve in the house as his personal slave and that I would serve in that capacity for Bobby too. On our return to college I would be serving Bobby as well as himself, Charlie and Dallas, and in order to have no disruptions then, I should familiarize myself before we returned with Bobby's needs. He then dismissed me. I really felt some trepidation about the whole situation as I was already barely coping.

During the course of the next few weeks a number of social events were arranged. In addition to Rick's regular card games at which I served, Bobby held a graduation party for his friends and both Rick and Charlie threw parties. I no longer felt embassassment when I was forced to confront people I had known before I was enslaved and I recognized that I was now in full acceptance of my slave status and no longer had anything in common with those people. However, my appearance (the cheap uniform, comical haircut, the large earrings and the heavy iron collar) always attracted attention and smiles. It no longer concerned me.

One of the guests at Charlie's party was Cindy Draper, the girl I had accompanied to that graduation party two years ago, and who had falsely accused me of sexually assaulting her. I had expected that, if I ever saw her again, I would be overcome with rage. Strangely, however, I felt no such emotion and it was almost as if I had now accepted my slavehood as something that had been handed down to me by fate. It was difficult to understand. During the course of the evening at the second party at the Parker estate, I was aware that Cindy had her eyes on me and although I caught her eye I quickly looked down as was expected. I had no wish to resurrect unpleasant memories about which I could do nothing.

If I had expected to carry on with Bobby as before, I was to be disappointed. He was quite often visited by a friend and, when cleaning his room, it became apparent to me that something of a sexual nature was taking place between them. He did, however, summon me to his room late at night on occasion and I would then spend the night with him. I realized that my feelings for him were undiminished.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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