College Fairy Tales

By Father Goose

Published on Nov 6, 2014


College Fairy Tales Chapter 1: Red By Father Goose (

Red had finally decided to get his cherry popped. The young horny jock boy came to the realization while sitting in his dark room jacking his throbbing cock. He lived alone, off campus, in the town he went to college. As one of the best swimmers on the team, he had an enviable body. Cut, lean, perfect definition of each muscle on his chest--his impeccable pecks, his rock hard abs, those wonderful fuck muscles just above his waist. He ran his finger around the taught rose tip of his left nipple, searching through some hot Tumblr porn.

The image in front of him showed a bearded dude, hair streaming down his chest, plowing an enormous dick into a young college guy like himself. Just like Red, the guy on bottom was smooth, with short-cropped orange hair on his head, armpits, and around his cock. He looked like he was in heaven as the hairy guy dicked him deeper and deeper.

Red's fingers were full of lube. He had two of them stuck up his tight virgin ass as his other hand jacked his solid eight inch cock. As the built top on the screen long-dicked his partner, Red stuck another finger into his hole. Damn, he really wanted a cock up there.

Despite the many hours of gay porn he worked through a week, Red had only come to accept his sexuality recently. He had yet to even tell anyone. And he realized another thing--he had no idea how a 21-year-old dude was supposed to go around getting other dudes to fuck him. But he assumed it couldn't be that hard. After all, there were tons of guys fucking on screen, and he'd heard about clubs and message boards and all that.

Suddenly overcome with desire, he stopped his jack session. He cleaned his hands and pulled out his phone. There was that app, Grindr, that everyone in the news was always talking about. Hooking up with hot dudes was supposed to just be a click away.

He downloaded the app, choosing the name Ryder4356. It needed a pic. Okay, he'd have to take a good one. Standing in front of his computer, he tried a few different poses showing off his six-pack, as he pulled out his erect cock from his underwear. But it didn't feel right. He wanted something more teasing (after all, he was just a virgin).

Red grabbed a hoodie, the crimson one hanging from his bedpost. He slipped it over his nude body. Turning around, he snapped a pic of his ready ass below the hoodie, his face turned in profile as if to say "Come and get it boys." Damn, that looked hot. He uploaded it to the app.

Pretty soon, he was getting chats from lots of different guys. Most of them were too old, or not his type. Worst of all were the ones who just said "Sup." The absolute worst was this guy who went by DaWolf6969. He was good-looking, but a little older than what Red wanted. And he came off as a total dick, saying over and over how he wanted to give Red "the ride of his life." After a few messages, Red started ignoring him.

Nearly dismayed, Red thought maybe he'd just turn back to his porn and try again another day. But then, a message came that made his dick pulse. "I would lick each of those cheeks, spread them apart, and do some nice work."

He checked out the new guy's profile. Username UrYoungUncle. Mid-20s. Fucking fine as hell. Furry chest, steel-blue eyes, long straight hair, incredible brown beard. He looked like one of those beautiful coffee-shop boys that Red was always secretly lusting after. Even better, he was a near perfect match for the top from the porno he'd just been watching.

Red chatted him back. After a short conversation, Red had explained that he was looking for an experienced guy to show him how to fuck. UrYoungUnlce was extremely down. He even came off as a little sweet; offering to go over things beforehand, really warm it up and take things slow. He didn't want to make Red's first time a chore. Especially when he sent a pic of his dick: A massive eleven-inch cock, ramrod straight and beautiful.

Red had stuck his fingers into his waiting pucker so many times, he didn't think he'd have too much of a problem. He'd probably end up being a size queen when all was said and done. He told UrYoungUncle to meet him at a nearby bar (he didn't want to just go to some strangers house before sussing them out) in a short while.

Red threw on some clothes: tight jeans, white shirt, and that red hoodie. He headed to the bar a little early, hoping to down a drink or two to take the edge off. No doubt, he was excited. But you can't help but be nervous your first time. He ordered a whiskey on ice and went to wait.

Red wasn't an experienced guy in either fucking or drinking. One whiskey in he was feeling good, two he was damn near drunk. Sitting on a stool near the back, he was shaded in half light. An older gentleman approached him. For sure, he was fine, with jet-black hair combed back in a Don Draper style. His shirt was open, revealing an amazing profusion of fur. But Red recognized him right away: DaWolf6969 had come hunting.

The guy was probably in late-30s, with salt and pepper hair at his temples and in his beard. He introduced himself as Big and asked Red where he'd seen him before. Red, in his tipsy state, probably let loose more than he should have. He outed himself as Ryder4356, but politely declined any further advances. Big narrowed his eyes, asking why Red didn't want to do anything with as distinguished a man as himself.

Red told the guy to shove off. He was a virgin, and he was meeting up with a guy who was going to take him gentle and nice (like I said, he was a bit drunk). Big pressed forward, a musky scent rising off him. He told Red that he knew the little boy wanted it rough and that he could give it to him just like he needed. He even reached in to try and plant a kiss, but Red pulled back.

Whipping out his cell phone, Red called up a pic of UrYoungUncle. "This is the guy who's going to fuck me," he said, taunting Big. "You're not my type."

Furious, Big peeled out from the bar. He was horny and raging and quite a few drinks in himself. He probably wasn't in the best state of mind (not to mention a jerk). He wanted that young hot jock to take his dick one way or another. So he thought up a plan.

Big had recognized the hipster coffee-shop guy on Red's phone. They'd chatted on Grindr before, and UrYoungUncle had even met up with him once. He'd fucked the guy, fast and without even giving him the benefit of a reach around, because that's how Big operated. UrYoungUncle had never responded again. Luckily, Big remembered where he lived.

A short while later, and a few blocks away, Randy heard a knock at his door. "Damn," he thought, "Who could that be?" He had just stepped out of the shower, getting himself prepped and ready for a nice date with that boy from Grindr who wanted to get his cherry popped. He pulled a towel around his waist.

Through the peephole, Randy caught sight of an old lame flame. The lug must be drunk, Randy thought. Big was knocking on his door, practically howling to be let in. He was promising that he'd come to make amends, to set things right and give Randy a proper fuck. Worried about what the neighboring apartments might think, Randy opened his door a crack.

"Shit," said Big, looking up and down Randy's sculpted chest, the white cotton towel he had dangling so low that it revealed his pubes. "You are fine," he growled.

Big pushed open the door, knocking Randy back. Randy was scared. This was definitely one of those Grindr scenarios you always worry will happen, when things are just about to go to hell. As he backed away, his towel dropped. Somehow, he had a raging fear boner.

Big looked at him mischievously. He'd love to get in this hot young ass again, maybe after he'd finished with Red. Big knocked Randy out and tied him up in the closet (like I said, he's a major asshole). He located Randy's phone on the nightstand.

Back in the bar, Red got a text from UrYoungUncle. The message said that he couldn't wait to see him. In fact, he wanted Red to come to his apartment and get things started already. Now deep into his third drink, and against his better judgment, Red decided to go for it. He took off toward the address.

Red stood outside the door. His excitement and nervousness were at an all time high. Even with the alcohol dulling his senses, he couldn't wait for the culmination of tonight. He was going to finally experience all the great sex he'd been holding himself back from. To touch another guys cock was going to be a revelation. To hold it in his hand was going to be heaven. He wanted to suck the enormous dick on the other side of this door, feel it filling up his mouth and going down his throat. And, when it was nice and slick, to let it disappear inch by inch into his tight virgin hole, and watch as another man fucked him hard.

Red knocked. A gruff voice came from within--not exactly what he expected. The door opened and standing before him, shirtless, was that mother-fucker from the bar who didn't know when to quit. Before Red could say anything, Big whisked him inside, a twinkle in his eye.

"Now that's better," said Big. "Just do as I tell you, and everything will be fine."

Red's horniness turned to fear. All he'd wanted to do was get a nice boy to dick him well, and now he was in this shitty situation. He said he'd do whatever the other man wanted. Big parked himself on a chair, running a hand through his bushy chest.

"Take it off," he said.

Red began to strip. He pulled off his black tennis sneakers. He took off his long white socks. He shucked his pants, and then his underwear, his soft dick springing out. He removed his hoodie and then his shirt, standing before Big naked as the day he was born.

"Mmm," growled Big. "Now put the hoodie back on."

Red did as he was told. Big stood up, walked over and shoved his face down for a kiss. Red had no choice but to take it as Big's tongue invaded his mouth. Despite the situation, Red's cock gave a tiny jolt. (I'm not saying it's right, but this was Red's first man-on-man kiss after all).

Big pulled down his own pants. He had a huge dick, one of the biggest Red had ever seen. It throbbed with a mighty power, the head so big it could have worked the gearshift of a sportscar. Big turned Red around, rubbing that massive tool against the smooth cheeks of his ass, against the tight college-boy hole it was so hungry for.

"Please, don't," was all Red could say. "This won't hurt a bit," purred Big in Red's ear.

Just then, the door burst open. A strapping man, older-20s, stood there, wearing one of those red checkered lumberjack shirts that are so popular these days. He had thick arms and a golden beard that shimmered in the light. "Hands off," said the man.

What had happened? Well, Randy had woken up in his closet, naked and hog-tied. He had a strap around his mouth and his arms behind his back. He couldn't move. But, he noticed that big lug Big had dropped Randy's cell phone right next to him. He must have thrown it in the closet when he was done.

Randy wiggled around, pressing his phone screen with his nose. He couldn't work the device well, but he managed to open up one of the most recent Grindr profiles he'd contacted. A nice dude with the screen name Woodsman88. They'd met up a week or two before for beers, hitting it off, and then smoking a bowl and fucking. Randy had been hoping to do it again, just maybe not under such dire circumstances. "Help," he'd texted.

So here was this new guy to the rescue. The blonde Adonis wrestled Big away from Red, pulling him down to the floor. Big put up a good fight but he was no match for the man. Red scrambled to his feet and heard Randy calling from the closet. He untied the naked dude.

As Randy got to his feet, he looked at the muscular guy in front of him wearing nothing but a red hoodie. They stood in shock, tracing their eyes up and down each other's bodies. Red liked Randy's curly body hair, which spread down from his nipples, across his belly, and pooled around his dick. Randy loved Red's alabaster skin, and the shock of red surrounding his cock. The two boys kissed.

"Hey," called blondie. "Can I get a little help here?"

Woodsman88, whose real name was Hunter, was sitting atop Big, pinned and defeated beneath him. Randy and Red went over and tied Big's hands behind his back, and then tying his feet.

Jubilant, the three guys pulled beers out of Randy's fridge and rolled themselves a joint in celebration. As the haze cleared, and the previous events settled, they realized what they needed to do. Hunter removed his clothes and dicks began to rise in the air.

The three boys kissed each other, and then started moving lower. Hunter nuzzled Randy's neck, who had his hand on Red's chest. Red could not believe how good it felt as the two other guys began to lick his nipples. Soon, there was an eager mouth on his waiting cock, and then Hunter and Randy passed the all-the-time-less-of-a-virgin's dick back and forth between them.

Big watched them hungrily. "Can I get in on the action?"

Randy got down and whispered into Big's ear. "Sure. How'd you like to get fucked tonight?"

Big's eyes widened. "No!" he called. "I'm a total top."

But the other two boys were already running their hands over Big's body. They had the lube out. Hunter's finger was probing Big's crack, and soon slipping into his hole with ease. "You seem pretty loose to me," he said.

Randy took his mouth from Red's dick. "Why don't you start us off? Get your first taste of ass tonight."

Lost in a daze of bliss, Red allowed himself to be led cock-first toward Big, who had been maneuvered up on his hands and knees. "Yeah!" said Hunter with a laugh. "Doggy-style."

Though outwardly indignant, Big's enthusiastic ass was open and ready. Red pressed his cockhead against Big's hole. Big grunted, moaning with a pleasure he hadn't felt in a long time. Red placed his hands on Big's back and began to slip his dick inside. Before he knew it, his manly instincts were kicking in and he was bucking back and forth, in and out of that slick hole. It felt amazing. He pulled his head back and, without knowing why, howled.

The other two boys laughed, howling along with him as they fisted each other's dicks. The sight of this young jock pounding away at the beautiful man beneath him was incredible. "Let me get in there," Randy finally said. He wanted a little revenge.

Red slipped out and Big accepted another dick, this one much larger, into his ass. Randy took it easy at first, though soon had worked his entire massive cock up that hungry hole. He fucked Big with all his might. Big's dick was at full mast, loving every minute of what the other boys gave him.

When Hunter took his turn, grinding away at Big's amazing ass, Big couldn't take it any more. The blonde boy wasn't as large as Randy, but his dick was thicker. As it moved in and out of Big's hole, Big could feel his entire body on fire. He panted and soon began to moan. "Oh fuck, oh fuck," he said. "Fuck my hole. Fuck it good. I'm going to fucking cum."

And he shot ropey load after load, without anyone even touching his dick. Hunter pulled out with a plop, and Big collapsed on the floor.

The three other boys stood above him, all of them still ready to go. Randy turned to Red. "So, how'd you like to pop that virgin hole tonight?"

Red nodded like a kid asked if he wants more ice cream. They each took another pull of pot and headed to Randy's bed.

Randy once again devoured Red's dick, and then started moving lower. Red was on his back on the bed with Hunter's cock stuffing his face. He could soon feel Randy's probing tongue licking his horny hole. "Oh god," said Red. "That feels amazing."

Randy flipped Red over, spreading his cheeks far apart and really diving in. He licked every inch of the beautiful ass in front of him, digging his tongue far up into that hole. Red could feel himself wanting it more than ever before. Randy straightened up and rubbed against that virgin ass. Before giving Red what he needed, he dove back in with his tongue, proceeding to alternate between tongue and cockhead until Red was driven wild.

"You ready?" Randy called.

Hunter's dick filling his mouth, Red could do little more than moan. Randy pressed forward. He spread a glob of lube on his knob. Slowly, tenderly, he pushed the tip of his dick into Red's hole. As it disappeared, Red sighed and whimpered with pleasure. Not only did he have a beautiful giant dick finding its way into his eager hole, but another equally amazing cock was full in his face. He tickled Hunter's balls just because he could, receiving a hearty laugh from the blonde boy as he did so.

By now, Randy was halfway into Red's ass. The tight virgin hole felt incredible, like the greatest hole he'd ever fucked. Moist and amazing, it welcomed his massive cock. He slid in further and further until his pubes bottomed out. "You good?" he said, in heaven.

Red took his mouth off Hunter's cock for a moment. "God yes. Fuck yes. Fuck me."

So Randy obliged. He moved in and out in long strokes, working that beautiful hole like nothing before. His rhythm was perfect, sometimes synchronizing with Hunter, and other times just pounding away. Red moaned, enjoying every moment of what he was given.

Eventually, Red could feel it in his balls. Randy had his hand on Red's dick, giving him the reach around he deserved, and Red couldn't take it any more. He came. Hard, and pulsing. White cream shot from his cock over and over. His ass contracted around Randy's dick, sending him over the edge as well. Randy came, filling Red's amazing hole. Not to be left out, Hunter lost it at the sight of these other two boys coming. He pulled his dick out and covered Red with ropes of cum.

The three boys collapsed together on the bed. Later, they'd kick Big out to the curb. But for now, they just wanted to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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