College Guys Next Door

By rimboy

Published on Dec 7, 2003


This story is the property of the author, and may not be reproduced in any form without his permission.

This a fantasy story involving many unsafe sexual practices. In the real world use condoms and be careful.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys, any suggestions are gladly received. I really like getting feedback to my stories.

This story is a departure from College Guys next Door. A couple of guys messaged me suggesting I give an account of why Smith turned out the way he is. The idea intrigued me. This is Smith's story. Let me know what you think. There may be another part.

Smith's Story

I love my fuckin dick and what I do with it. Ever since I was a kid and my boy started putting on some serious length and girth I've loved its weight between my legs and loved the way it and my low ballsac swing when I wear loose shorts and baggy jeans. I love how fuckin hard it is when I wake up in the morning. Fuck, what am I saying? I love how hard my boy gets all fuckin daylong. Sittin in class, driving on the bus, riding my bike; fuck sometimes I think my big dick will never go down.

I love the effect it has on other guys too. Well, guys and girls. When I was younger I was embarrassed by the way I threw boners all fuckin daylong. I used to find one of my bro's old straps to wear to keep it fenced in. But then the smell of sweat and piss from that ole strap would get me even harder and I'd get home with the strap all wet from my cock drool and I'd have to beat off 3-4 times before I could even think of doing anything else. Usually, I'll beat off 6-7 times a day, sneaking off to the john at lunch time to whack my boy until he spurts, and I always spray my load in the shower in the morning, sometimes waking up to find a dried, sticky load across my flat, tanned abs and hard pecs. In the evening I mostly jack to porn or to the sound of my brother making out with his girl next door when mom and dad are out. Once I came back early and found them at it on the freakin stairs. My bro's tight white ass bobbing up and down between his girl's tanned thighs and she moaning like a freakin bitch on heat. 'Oh fuck me Bobby, fuck my pussy hard'. Jeez I made my boy sore that night as I jacked so fucking hard thinking about what that slut kept moaning and yelling. I must have cum about 5-6 loads that night. I love my cum too. I cum in big loads - well, OK, after about 5-6 loads I can't spray the usual 4-5 feet, but it's still a good load. I love they way my cum feels and smells. I know this is gross but a couple of times I have even tasted my own cum. It sorta tasted OK; it didn't gross me out or anything but I prefer lapping up the cock drool that drips out as I am beating my boner. That's really hot.

But now I'm older I'm not embarrassed by my dick. Fuck I love the attention it gets. I get it too. I know chicks cream their pussies just looking at me. And guys hit on me all the time. I'm sorta cool with that. Well, I don't mind them looking but I've never messed around with a guy. I've got the sort of blond, lean, slightly mean looks that drive chicks wild. Ever since I lost my cherry when I was 14 I've never been short of girls to suck my boy or to lie on their backs and open their tight little pussies for me. I get plenty of attention. I love it when guys see my boy hard in my shorts on the bus; hell, I think one dude blew a load just looking at my dick poking out the leg of my shorts. Girls and women love it too. Even older pussy; I mean really old like in their late twenties and thirties. Women like that look at me all the time as I hang out or walk around. I have a job at the local video store on Saturdays and I have women hit on me the whole time. I ain't gone there yet. I have no shortage of young pussy at school; but jeez man I am wondering what it would be like with some of those older sluts.

I love feeling good about my body and I always feel horny. Don't get me wrong: I'm not one of those fucking dumb jocks that can't do anything much except kick a freakin football. I look after my body; but I don't need to work out all the time. My pa says his boys' good looks and lean bodies come from him and I suppose he has a point. I mean he's an old dude - probably 40 or some shit like that - but he's still got a good bod for an old guy. Women hit on him all the time in his job - drives my ma freakin crazy. But I guess she's cool with have three horny guys in the house. I work out maybe twice a week. Guys at the gym check me out all the time and I don't mind flashin em my big dick - seeing the effect it has on em. Sometimes I get boned, but what gets most of those guys is when my boy's half-hard. When it sticks out from my nuts but just bends at the tip. Fuck, they love that, drives em all crazy; they all throw fuckin boners. Sometimes I get hard too, but usually I try just to keep it like that then give em my best sneer, like I'm saying 'you sad faggot', then I walk away to get changed. Leave em begging for more eh? I see plenty of dumb jocks at the gym: overdeveloped bods and fucking underdeveloped brains. Jeez. It takes em 10 minutes just to work out which way to put their pants on. Meanwhile I walk through to the showers; my big dick slapping and they all throw their big, dumb boners. Lots of guys mess around at the gym. I've seen a few things and older guys hit on me all the time. But I ain't gone there yet either. I haven't got anything against faggots: except they're, well, like, faggots for Christ's sake, but I ain't ever had one hanging on the end of my dick. My bud Lloyd says faggots give better head than pussy, but that's a whole other story and we aren't there yet either.

Well, hell, I should stop going on about how much I love my dick and start telling this story. But you know guys, when you just feel so freakin horny, when your boy is starting to grow and your nuts churn in their sac? Hell, well guys I feel like that all the fuckin time.

This day, I was late and because my dumb ass brother was banging on the bathroom door to have his shower I hadn't had my first jack off of the day. So as I biked to school I was feeling even more horny than usual. My big dick swang half-hard in my shorts and my freakin nipples felt like they might snap off they were so fuckin hard. First class was with a new teacher. Mr Falkner. I don't know what it was but right off I had a feeling about this guy. He was in his mid-twenties and, if the way all the girls in the class reacted was anything to go by, not bad looking. Yeh, he was a good-looking dude and looked like he had a good bod under those baggy teacher clothes. To be honest I had him down as a fag at first look and well, maybe it was just that I was horny for my first spunk of the day, but I decided to put my theory to the test.

I have a certain way of sitting when I feel horny. Legs wide apart, my torso lent back, my arms spread open too. If you throw your head back, then sometimes hang it forward in this pose, believe me, you get pussy wet in no time. Well, I do anyways. Works with fags too. So I sat like that at my desk: not so slouched as to come across as seriously punk, but enough to show I had plenty of attitude. It was my best look; I did it a lot and if it wasn't for the fact that I was the brightest student those classes ever fucking saw, my 'suck my dick loser' pose might have got me into trouble.

I wanted to see how this guy reacted. So I sat there, shooting him the occasional look from under my longish blond hair. I felt I was right about him being queer. It wasn't so much how he looked at me as how he avoided looking at me. He was clever, but I could spot the way his eye didn't turn away quite quickly enough; the way it lingered a tad too long on my long, tanned legs. I stretched back so my short T showed my flat, tanned abs and the beginning of my blond bush and as I stretched I turned my head to give my pit a barely perceptible sniff, yeh, I was right; the guy checked it out. He must be fag. It was fun for a short while watching Teach avoid looking at me. But I was as hot as fuck and needed to beat off, and this little act I was putting on was getting me seriously boned up. Fuck I got so hot just showing off my bod, feeling my boy heavy in my thin shorts and smelling the clean masculine sweat of my blond-haired pits. As soon as the class ended I ran to the john to let loose the first hot creamy load of the day all over the stall walls and floor. Well, I figured if a faggot was lucky enough to go in there after me, all that hot stud cum would fucking well make his day. Who says I ain't all fucking heart?

Falkner made quite an impression at school. All the girls seemed to wet their freakin pussies every time he walked past and I heard a lot of talk about what a shame it was he was married. Some shit about a ring on his wedding finger or something. Married! But then I didn't really realise then that being married means nothing for guys: fuck now I think most married guys are faggots at heart, but then I was, well, just call me naïve. I guess I gave Falkner a lot of attitude in class. But he knew I was bright and my grades topped everyone elses', so he didn't hassle me too much. I got the feeling he liked our confrontations in class. He'd come and stand close by my desk and try to make fun of me in front of the class 'well, Mr Parker, you seem to think yourself one above the rest of us. Please do enlighten us'. And most of the knuckleheads would laugh along when, hell, both Falkner and I knew I was several heads above the rest of those dummies. I would sneer back, then wait my moment to undermine something he'd say later. It was like a game. Jeez occasionally I got it into my head he'd make some stupid mistake just to have me pull him up in class. I'd point out some error or defect in his thinking and he'd walk over, ask me to tell the class what I thought, and then argue with me. I usually let him win: and he knew it. I swear sometimes I saw his groin twitch as he stood over me making some clever, sarcastic remark about my attitude or point of view. And I swear too he found it hot when I proved him wrong in class. But I held back. It wasn't like we had serious issues or anything. I guess I was just playing with him. It amused me and, I guess, it amused him too. Anyways, I didn't give a lot of thought about how it was for him. Concentrating on me and my big dick takes a whole lot of attention.

One afternoon after last class, probably around 4 weeks after Falkner's first class, I was racing to leave. Marilyn Turner was coming round that evening and mom and dad were out, so I wanted to get ready for some serious dicking. I'm not saying Marilyn is a slut, but sometimes I think she'll pull my boy right off the way she can tighten that pussy of hers. We're cool. She loves my big dick; I love her tight pussy. Hell, we have fuck all to say to one another, but then it wasn't freakin conversation we were both looking for.

Just as I raced down the corridor, Falkner opened the door and came out of his room carrying way too many files and paper and books. I yelled and swerved and missed the dude, but he reacted to my shout, lost his footing and dropped the whole freakin lot on the floor. 'Course I stopped.

'What a mess you got there teach' I grinned at him, as he knelt down to pick up all the shit. He looked up. I suppose his face was about 9 inches from my crotch and I suddenly became very aware of my dick behind the thin shorts. I caught him looking again. He looked at the bulge just a second too long. I smiled to myself, but also felt my boy twitch. Fuck what a freakin time to throw a boner.

'Well, help me pick them up Mr Parker, don't just stand there. You know you aren't supposed to run down this corridor'.

Now it was my turn to stand there a moment too long. Hand on hips pushing my crotch bulge out just a little too far I stood and smiled. Fuck I was getting hard.

I knelt down and we started gathering up the papers. 'Do you want a hand with these to your car, Teach?' I heard myself saying. Jeez, what was I turning into, Mr Ass-licking student of the Year or what? What made me say that?

'Yes, thanks Mr Parker, that would be helpful'. I took the stuff out to the parking lot and he stowed it in the back of his big estate. 'You need a ride, Mr Parker?' I think I live in your neighborhood'.

'Nah, that's cool Teach, I've got my bike'. The dude looked at me and smiled, 'Why not stow it in the back here, plenty of room'.

There was something in the situation that made me agree. Back there in the corridor, when I'd stood with my cock bulge nearly in this dude's face had been a moment. My boy had reacted. I was intrigued again. Was Falkner after me?

I loaded my cycle in the back and got in. I put my arm along the seat as we drove off. I could smell the tang of my pit sweat. My dick jerked. That smell always gets me fucking hot. Sometimes when I jack I sniff my blond-haired pits or scratch my buttcrack and sniff my fingers; I love that smell. It goes straight to my boner.

'Yeh, it's been a warm day, I guess you are heading home for a shower Smith?' Falkner's comment brought me back to the present. 'Sir?' I said, not really believing what he'd said. 'You were sniffing your pits Smith, but don't worry I don't find the smell at all offensive. More the opposite'.

Jeez the guy was coming on to me. I needed to be cool with this. 'Yeh, I like it too teach', I said with my best suck-my-dick sneer. But he just ignored my tone and smiling said 'Hmmmmm well a guy of your age should be at ease with their body and you certainly seem to be. Do you mind if we drop these things off at my house before I take you home? I need to pick something up from the house and talk to my wife'.

Jeez, so he did have a wife. So what's with all the sweat talk? Hell, this guy has just told me he liked the smell of my pits, how much more fag can you get? He pulled into his drive and I helped him carry the stuff into the house. I turned to go, my house was only a couple of blocks away, but Falkner stopped me.

'No, wait Smith (suddenly he was using my first name; he'd always used a sneery Mr Parker before) I want you to meet my wife. Lauren, meet my brightest student. Smith, this is my wife'.

I turned to say hello. Fuck was she one hot bitch! Blond, tall, slim and good tits. Like one of those ice power bitches. Short pink skirt revealing smooth tanned legs and a tight white T that made my eyes center on her amazing nipples that seemed to stick out like little lumps of rock. Jeez, my estimation of Falkner just rose. These guys looked good together. My mind immediately pictured them fucking and my boner grew again. I bet this bitch liked to take control.

'Well, Smith, hello. My husband is always talking about you. Nice to meet at last. Let me get you a drink - a beer OK?'

I managed to say 'yes, thanks' without seeming like a complete dork. I tried to concentrate on being cool, when what I really wanted was to slip my boner between those slim, long, golden thighs and make this bitch moan like a slut. We drank the beer. They chatted about the house, how much needed doing and shit like that. Married couple shit I guess. I switched off and concentrated on checking out this bitch's hard nipples. When I next tuned in Lauren was saying how she really needed someone to help with some of the heavier chores in the yard and house to help get things sorted out. I could spot an opening when I saw one. Time for the Mr-ever-helpful-student I seemed to be turning into.

'I could help Mrs Falkner. I live nearby, I'm sure we could work something out'.

Was I imagining it or did they swap a quick smile? Hell, who gives a fuck? This bitch was hot, and she seemed to like me. It was quickly arranged. Five minutes later I was riding back to my house with an arrangement to head back to the Falkners' the next day to help clear trash from the yard, and I had a big smile on my face and my boy throbbing at the prospect of dicking Falkner's wife.

Next day I headed over about ten thirty like we'd arranged. I didn't beat off that morning: I wanted to save all my cum for Falkner's wife, so I was, like, so fucking boned as I cycled the short distance to their house. I'd used my brother's jock to keep my boy from tenting my shorts and the warm smell of my bro's sweat kept wafting up as I peddled along the street. I'm not sure what I expected at Falkner's, well, yeh I expected to get my full rocks off, but that Lauren bitch certainly had me working hard for a couple of hours clearing the yard. It was warm, not hot, but enough to bring out a sheen of salty sweat on my tanned, lean bod and I'd shucked my T-shirt after about 10 minutes. At one point I leaned back and stretched my arms and couldn't help myself sniff my sweaty pits; the musky smell hit my boy like a shot of Viagra and I started to bone up, when suddenly I looked over and saw Lauren coolly looking over at me from the back door. She smiled.

'You look ready for a drink: fancy a cold beer?' I walked over, feeling my big dick tight in the damp jock and we ended up in the kitchen, me draining the tab, while she looked me over.

'Hot work, but nothing for a fit guy like you' she said half-smiling. Fuck, she was one cool bitch. 'Yeh, I've worked up quite a sweat' I said, holding her eye as I wiped my forehead with my arm, revealing my damp, blond pit hair.

'Mmmmm I can tell. Smell's good, just like a young guy should'.

Fuck what was it with these two? Were they sweat freaks or something? She was coming on to me so heavy I couldn't stop myself.

'If you like it so much Mrs Falkner, why not come over here. It smells much better close up'.

She smiled, put down her water and walked over. I raised my arm a little and she sniffed the air and the cool façade cracked an inch, she moaned quietly. I guided her face to my pit while my hand felt under her skirt. I worked my hand up her smooth hard thighs and found her underwear. Jeez this bitch was wet! I teased the fabric aside, my fingers found her wet, hot pussy and I pushed them in. She groaned and I pushed further. With my other hand I went under her shirt, found her nipple and squeezed. I louder moan. I worked my fingers in her cunt, while my mouth dropped to her erect hard nipple. Her tits had goosebumps all over as I gently bit her swollen nipple. She moaned loud, my fingers thrust I harder and as we stood there she fucking well came.

I've never had any problem getting the chicks I've fucked to come, but Jeez this felt and sounded different. Deep groans came from the bitch's throat as I found her clit again and again with my fingers. I needed to fuck. I pushed her round and bent her over the table. Raising her skirt I ripped off her sodden underwear, my shorts fell round my legs and I hooked the jock under my balls and thrust all 9.5 inches of my veiny, swollen fuckpole into her pink, fleshy cunt. She came again, she kept moaning and groaning as I slammed into her pussy. I was so hot I thrust crazily, the sweat dripping off me. It didn't last long; I was too close. And when I came it felt like I was emptying a quart of hot fresh boy cream into her greedy cunt. Jeez, we made one helluva noise: the whole kitchen just smelled of hot sex.

We fucked all afternoon. My boy just wouldn't go down and that ice- bitch just couldn't get enough. She loved it down on her knees while I fucked her pretty mouth, the red lips sliding over my swollen fuckpole. She couldn't take it all down her throat - who the fuck could? But she swallowed more than any of those inexperienced chicks I'd been fucking before now. She liked my cum too. Most younger girls find it gross; it felt so good to see her lap up those ball juices like they were pure, tasty cream.

Well, guess what I was doing for the next few weeks? I think I was round there every fucking day dicking that hot bitch. Usually Falkner stayed late after classes finished: after school groups, admin stuff and shit like that. And as I usually finished early, that gave us at least 3 clear hours a day when we could fuck our brains out. And fuck we did; she loved it all and loved it that my young, solid dick hardly ever went down. Boy, she just couldn't get enough. She told me stuff about Falkner too. They had a good sex life, but she was in charge. Jeez, I thought, that much is fucking obvious. She liked that, she liked it that she made him kneel and beg for her pussy, she liked it that usually she sat on top and fucked herself stupid on his dick, she liked the fact that she called the shots in bed, as well as every where else in their marriage.

But with me, she liked to serve. And I liked to watch her become a total pussy slut for my cock. It was a bit like a game we played, but fuck, we both meant it too. I liked to hear her beg for cock and she liked me to fuck her as rough as I wanted. Jeez we were the perfect couple. Or is that threesome? Lauren had it all. A handsome husband to treat like shit and a hung stud like me to fuck all that shit outta her.

After about 3 weeks when, like I said, I think Lauren and I had fucked every single day, I was just heading over to her place after school when Falkner called me over to his room. To be honest we'd been getting on fine. The confrontations in class seem to have quietened down. I suppose I was more interested in dicking his slutty wife than I was scoring points over him. But, of course, there were lots of times when I sat there half-boned looking at him thinking 'in half an hour your wife is going to be begging to suck my cock'. It gave me a buzz; jeez sometimes the thought made me hard. Now the dude had something to say: maybe my grades had started slipping now I was so freakin busy fucking his bitch of a wife. I don't think so.

'Smith, my wife just called, she had to go out just now so she won't be there when you go round. She said to let you know, but there's work in the yard if you still want to go'.

Fuck I was disappointed. Well more like frustrated. I'd stopped jacking off the 2-3 times a day at school as I used to, saving all my juices for that hungry bitch, so now my balls had been churning in anticipation of her warm, tight pussy milking me dry. Suddenly, nothing, nada. I felt my boy go soft in my shorts, and believe me that doesn't happen often. But fuck, I had to say something.

'OK, thanks Teach for letting me know, I'll head over and do some more clearing in the yard'. I turned to go. But he stopped me.

'I'll give you a ride Smith, wait a few moments; there are things I want to discuss with you anyways'. Again my heart sank. Or rather my boy did. I'd thought that at least I could go over, let myself in with my key and jack off into a pile of that bitch's sexy lingerie. She'd like that; coming back and finding all her stuff sticky with my ball juices. I knew she'd find that hot.

He loaded my cycle in the back of the estate and we drove back, chatting about his plans for the house and shit like that. When we arrived we went out into the yard. Now you didn't have to be a genius to see that I had done shit all work in that yard. Course, I'd been too fucking busy getting my dick up his wife's tight pussy to do any work in his freaking yard. I smiled to myself; this sucker had been paying me $15 an hour for the privilege of dicking his bitch of a wife. He looked at me.

'Seems there's quite a lot more still to do here, Smith. Maybe my wife has been getting you doing other things? She says you are round here most days, yet the yard still seems a mess'.

I tried not to laugh at the dude. 'Well, Sir, I'm busy all the time I'm here, your wife has lots for me to do'

'I don't doubt that Smith. Let's go in the garage and discuss it'.

This felt weird. And for the first time I started thinking about whether he had guessed something was going on. I was right. As soon as we got in the garage he turned to me and smiled.

'Smith I know all about you and my wife. I know you have been fucking her since the first day you met. I've even watched you fuck her. She tells me everything. She told me that first day though I knew when I introduced the two of you that you were going to end up fucking'.

I almost lost my cool. What the fuck was going on here? Had they set this all up? And what the fuck did he mean 'I've even watched you fuck her'? What sort of freaky husband watches his wife get fucked by a 17 year-old student? I started to worry, was the fucker going to beat me up? Jeez he might make sure I failed: I was his best student and he could fuck up my college applications and everything.

My head raced with thoughts and suddenly I knew I had to take a chance on this. He'd watched us fuck. That Lauren bitch had told him all about us. Probably the sad fuck got hot on all this - I remembered all Lauren had told me about Falkner liking to be dominated, how he liked to be told what to do. I took a chance.

'Yeh, Teach', I sneered. 'Your slut of a wife loves me dicking her. She can't get enough of my young dick here'. I grabbed my bulge. 'She's always begging for more. You get off on watching me hard dick your wife's tight pussy, Teach? Yeh I bet you threw a boner watching my cock fuck your wife's pussy and throat. Bet you'd like to taste my cock yourself'.

Where the fuck all that shit came from I don't know. I'd never done anything fag or queer in my life and here I was telling my teacher that he wanted to suck my cock. I guess just instinct struck in. I'd seen Falkner check me out in class, I guess I thought I knew what he wanted. Me.

The effect of my words on Falkner was impressive. He bent his head down, then looked up at me sort of coyly like a fucking bitch and said quietly 'Yeh, I want to taste your big dick'.

'What's that Teach? You gotta speak louder. What do you want?

'I want to suck your cock'; Falkner said looking at me. 'Fuck my throat with your big dick'.

I was surprised he'd said it straight out like that. Fucking amazed. But my boy jerked in my shorts. Jeez I wanted this. I wanted to see Falkner take my dick. I grabbed the front of my shorts and waved the bulge at him. 'Well, then Teach strip then get over here and kneel and beg me just like your pretty wife'.

Falkner didn't really hesitate. He started to strip. I was right, Falkner had one hot body under his teacher clothes. It was obvious that he worked out. He stood there in his tented CK's looking at me, then he pushed his fingers under the waistband and pushed them down over his hips and tanned thighs. Not only was Falkner built, he was also hung. He looked about 8.5, I had at least an inch on the dude, but his cock was thicker. It looked huge and his balls were big and hung low too. Next surprise was that Teach was shaved. Except for a little patch of buzzed pube, my Teach was shaved smooth as a baby.

'Get over here and kneel cocksucker'. The words came straight from some queer porn I'd watched one night at the video store with my buds Lloyd and Cole. We'd cracked some tabs of Bud and laughed our way through the video. It was then that Lloyd had told me that fags gave the best blowjobs: Cole watching all the time to check out my reaction. Guess I'm gonna find out now whether Lloyd's right or not.

Falkner came over and knelt so his head was barely inches away from my bulging shorts. Yeh, I found this really hot and I was boned. It's all fag stuff I know, but fuck, the power I had over this guy made me feel seriously hot.

'Get my cock out fucker. Time to see how good you throat your student's dick'.

He pulled my shorts down and my hard cock slapped up to meet my flat belly. A big drop of pre smeared my belly, and another drop immediately formed. Falkner went to lick it. I pushed him back.

'Not so quick cocksucker. This what you want?' I asked slapping my hard boner across his face. 'You wanna taste my hard dick'.

'Yeh, please, please, fuck my throat with your hard cock, I wanna taste your dick and cum'.

Jeez, the sad fucker was really into this! But his begging just got me hornier. I bent down and reached his hard nipples. I twisted hard and he groaned a deep moan of pain/pleasure. I pushed my cock down to his waiting tongue. A drip of pre drool fell onto his tongue. Still twisting one nipple I pushed my hips forward so the cock head entered Falkner's mouth. The guy ate like he'd been starved of cock for months. Jeez he loved my dick. It took me about 30 seconds to realise Lloyd was right: faggots give the best head. His hands went behind me and started pressing my ass towards his face; he wanted more cock down his throat. I used my hand to press his head forward and amazingly my whole shaft disappeared between his lips. Jeez this guy just swallowed my whole dick.

I started seriously fucking his throat then. I was way too hot to think about holding off: I needed to spunk and this guy's hot mouth and throat was giving me sensations I'd never felt before. I felt my cock head fuck the entrance of his throat. Sometimes he gagged and I pulled out; sometimes I just enjoyed the sensation as he gagged round my cock head. My spunk started bubbling in my nuts and my big hangers started to churn. Fuck I was gonna cum. I fucked his throat again and again. On the out pull, Falkner's tongue lashed the underside of my cockhead. Again and again he did that, and after a few seconds it was too much. I yelled, pulled his head backward and forward and came. The first spurt down his tight throat, the second, even bigger shot, onto his greedy cocksucking tongue. He took it all. Sucked all my balljuice outta me. I collapsed on top of him briefly: the orgasm had been so intense. Seconds later I stood up: pulled my cock out of his still sucking mouth and stepped away.

Jeez I felt good. I looked down. Fuck, it was obvious Falkner had had a good time too. Big puddles of the cocksucker's own jizz pooled on the garage floor. Both his and my cock were still hard. He knelt in his own cum and crawled over to me. I didn't stop him. Why the fuck should I? He started licking my balls, gently sucking those egg-shaped low hangers. He got one in his mouth, sucked gently, rolled it round with his tongue. Awwww man it felt so good. I pushed him away slightly. I took a pace or two back and sat my ass half on the workbench and spread my legs. At my signal he crawled between my legs. Started licking my balls again, he was sucking on them, eventually getting the whole freakin sac in his mouth. Man I was in some sort of heaven here. He started licking further back and it felt so fucking good. I raised my butt slightly to let him in. Then I felt it. Fuck it felt like an electric shock, straight from my asshole to my cock; jeez Falkner was licking my asshole. I had heard that faggots did this kinda shit, but never knew how good it felt. Teach was like a pig between my legs: licking eating my sweaty hole. I started urging him on in low groans of pleasure. I moved forward and spread my legs more. I pressed his head into my buttcrack with one hand and jacked my cock with the other. The pure sensation of his hot tongue pushing deep into my hot, sweaty asshole overwhelmed me. He ate harder, I beat my meat faster then just as I was about to cum, I pulled his face outta my crack by his hair and shot my second load of spunk in less than 10 minutes all over my teacher's handsome face.

I looked at him. Spunk ran down his face and he pushed out his tongue to catch what he could. Yeh, he wanted more. I suddenly remembered something I'd seen in the video. A guy fucking himself on a dildo. Lauren had a dildo, a big 11-inch, thick, black rubber prick. She used it, she told me laughingly, when Falkner couldn't satisfy her or when he had to make trips away. I'd made her get it and watched as she'd fucked herself on the big black dick. I'd jerked over her as she fucked herself, finally splattering my load of thick boy cream over her face and breasts as she fucked herself to orgasm on the thick, black fuckpole.

I smiled at Falkner. 'Go get your wife's dildo'. I knew he'd know where it was. Sure enough, a few minutes later he was back, cock still hard, his face still wet with gobs of my thick cream, carrying the obscene rubber phallus. I made him clamp the big black dick in the vise on the workbench, and then I made him grease it with some oil. I tied his hands behind his back with cord and made him get up on the workbench and squat down onto the dildo.

'No, no it's too big'; he started to protest as he felt the tip of the dildo at his wet asshole. But I just shoved down hard on his shoulders and the tip of the greased black dildo slid into his gaping ass pussy. He slid down the shaft. A big deep gutteral groan escaped from his throat.

'Fuck yourself' I ordered him, 'Fuck yourself on this huge dick. Let me see you fuck your pussy with the dildo'.

As he began to fuck himself. He managed to take more every time he squatted down; his cock grew and jerked as the dildo hit his prostate. I got more cord and tied it round his big balls. Then, tugging hard on the cord to stretch those cum-filled fuckers, I started slapping his big, swollen cock.

He began to fuck himself harder. Thrusting up and down on the dildo held upright in the vise. His thighs worked up and down and his ass pussy stretched wide over the thick base of the black dildo. I slapped his cock more and pulled hard on the cord tied around his balls. I knew he was gonna shoot soon. His balls were swollen and his cock was purple and the veins stood out like they would burst. I kept ordering him to take more, to fuck himself harder. I kept slapping his dick and tugged hard on his tied nuts and suddenly he bellowed. 'Aggggghhhhhhhhhhh', he yelled as a thick rope of spunk shot out the wide slit in this cock head. His cock bounced crazily as he came in 3-4- 5-6 spurts of thick, bleachy-smelling cum. He sank down onto the dildo, driving it right into his guts, and then he fell back, resting against the wall. I stood back, admiring the sight. My teacher with a huge dildo deep in his ass and a look of half sated lust on his handsome face.

My cock ached. The sight of my teacher tied and abused, the smell of sweat and cum in the garage and the total power I'd held over him as I slapped his cock and made him fuck himself to orgasm on the dildo all raced around my head. My cock throbbed and need release. I looked at Falkner. Jeez, his cock was still hard!

'Get up', I ordered him. As if in a dream he obeyed and lifted himself off the dildo with an almost audible slurp. He jumped down and nearly stumbled because his arms were still tied. I pushed him across the garage floor until he reached the car, then made him lie face down over the front. Fuck, what a sight. His ass was paler than the rest of his tanned body, but was muscled and round. I didn't have time to think what I was doing. My cock needed release. He raised his ass, spreading his legs. His hole was still gaping from the thick dildo and greased from the oil. I pointed my cockhead at his ring, then holding his muscled back, I drove my hips forward and thrust my curved cock deep into his guts. I held him down as I fucked him. The pure power sensation took over and my hips bucked crazily. I couldn't stop. Thoughts raced through my head. I wanted this guy's ass; did that make me queer? But the sensation was stronger, my mind went into a fog of pure lust and I could barely register Falkner's moans and deep, gutteral groans of pleasure. I heard, somewhere, his voice urging me to fuck him harder and harder. The sweat poured off us both and at last I began to feel the cum boil in my slapping nuts. My balls churned and my cock seemed on fire. I held Falkner down; I held all the power as I thrust into his hard body again and again. I felt his ass muscles contract and milk my cock as he groaned loudly and came over the car. My last thought as his spasming asshole sent me over the edge into wave upon wave of shuddering climax was that this was the ultimate sex. Power over another guy made my spunk shoot outta my cock, deep into the hot, wet, tight ass of my handsome teacher.

Next: Chapter 7

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