College - He Came Out of the Blue

By Ryan Andrews

Published on Apr 12, 2006



This story is a work of fiction, adapted from a real-life situation I've found myself in for the past several months. This story includes explicit details of sexual acts between young adult men. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story, don't read it!

This story is dedicated to JCG, the inspiration behind the character of


He Came Out of the Blue

By Ryan Andrews

Last November, I was just cutting my teeth in the world of gay activism. I created a community for queer news and opinions on a popular blogging website, combining my gayness with my professional passion, journalism. I posted advertisements for my community in other queer communities, sat back, and waited to see if people began to join.

About three hours after I posted my appeals and the first article in the community, the first person joined the community. The site identified my community's newest member as "swordmansea"...a fellow 19-year-old living in Seattle, Washington, named Carey Jeffries. I sent Carey a text message through the site, welcoming him to the community, and added his AIM screen name -- CareyedAway515 -- to my Buddy List. Another few hours later, after school, I was surfing the Internet when Carey signed online. Being that I found him to be attractive, but mostly because I'm just a friendly person in general, I decided to say hello. Here's our first conversation, saved for posterity. (My screen name is Smithereens429.)

Smithereens429: Hey. CareyedAway515: Hello. CareyedAway515: Who is this? Smithereens429: I'm Andy, the moderator of the queer news community you joined this morning. CareyedAway515: Ohh. Hi! That was such a cool idea for a community. I hope it has a lot of success. Smithereens429: Yeah, me too. So, anyways, I saw in your profile that you live in Seattle. CareyedAway515: Yup. Lived here all my life. Smithereens429: Cool. I live just outside of Dallas. CareyedAway515: Well howdy then. :P Smithereens429: Oh, hush. :P. I'm from Chicago originally, so I don't even have the accent...and I DEFINITELY don't say "Howdy." CareyedAway515: XDDD CareyedAway515: you have any pics? Smithereens429: Yeah, what's your e-mail? CareyedAway515: Just Smithereens429: Hold on a sec. Smithereens429: Okay, sent. CareyedAway515: I'll go look. CareyedAway515: Awww, you're cute. Smithereens429: Um. I think you are too. blush CareyedAway515: Hehe. Aww. CareyedAway515: Well, I hate to cut this short, but I gotta get ready for work. Smithereens429: Oh. Okay. Have fun then. Talk to you later maybe? CareyedAway515: Sure thing. Let me give you my cell phone number, maybe you can call me later? Smithereens429: Alrighty. Mine's 972-555-9312. CareyedAway515: 206-555-7331. Smithereens429: Okie dokie. When do you finish work? CareyedAway515: Call me about 11, okay? Smithereens429: Okay. Have a good afternoon. CareyedAway515: You too, sexy. CareyedAway515 signed off.

Let me take a moment to describe Carey and I, so you know a little bit about us. Carey is 6'4", about 200 pounds, with piercing blue eyes and light brown hair. He wears glasses, and likes to keep a little bit of stubble on his face.

I am 5'8", about 140 pounds, I have brown hair and eyes, and I too wear glasses. I tend to keep my face pretty clean-shaven.

So anyways, after Carey signed off, I stared aimlessly at his picture on my screen for awhile, then got working on a little bit of my homework. I had a monster history test the following day, so ended up working pretty diligently on school from mid-afternoon until it was dark outside. I must've really gotten into my work, because I was so distracted that I didn't have any clue who was calling when my cell phone began vibrating about 11:15. The display said "206-555-7331." I answered, curious to see who from such an odd area code would be calling at that hour of the night.


"Hi, Andy?" The softest, most angelic voice I'd ever heard was on the other end of my phone.

"Umm. Yeah? This is him," I said, still not getting who it was on the other end of my phone.

"Andy...this is Carey."

I sat there, holding the phone, looking across my room at the computer screen that still had Carey's picture on it.


"Oh. Yeah. Sorry, Carey. And sorry I didn't call you before...I've been working on some studying for history."

The voice on the other end of the phone soothed me. "Don't worry, Andy. No biggie, I just was getting a little lonely and wanted to talk to you."

"Aww. Really?" I said.

"Yup. I...couldn't stop thinking about you at work tonight," Carey said, his confidence fading for the first time, replaced by insecurity and a tinge of self-consciousness.

I giggled. "Must've made it HARD to work then."

"Oh, just shut up!" Carey said between chuckles.

Carey and I spent the better part of the next four hours on the phone, discussing everything from politics and religion to our first boyfriends.

At one point, I turned over on my bed, and looked at the clock. "Oh crap Carey, it's after 3 a.m., and I've got an exam tomorrow morning."

"Damn," Carey muttered. "Well, I should let you get to bed then."

"Um...Carey? There's something I want to say to you...but we've only known each other about a day. I don't know if I should, I don't want to rush--

"I love you, Andy." Carey interrupted my bumbling justification with the words I was working up to. Tears formed in my eyes, and for a moment I couldn't respond.

"You there?" Carey asked worriedly.

"I love you, Carey. You are really awesome. I just wish you lived closer."

"Me too. I'm so glad I know you," Carey responded. I could hear Carey's voice choke as he said these words.

"Anyway, good night. Talk to you tomorrow?" I asked him.

"First thing in the morning. `Night sexy."

"G'night cutie," I responded.

So there we have it. Chapter 1 is in the books. Looking ahead to Chapter 2, Carey and Andy tell their friends about their new-found interest, and the two begin to explore deeper feelings and emotions. And, after being hurt in long-distance relationships before, Carey must decide whether Andy is worth risking the pain again.

I'll be working on Chapter 2 over the next few days, and hopefully I'll have it ready by the end of the weekend. E-mail me with comments or plot suggestions. My e-mail is

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