College Internship

By David Stories

Published on Jul 23, 2006


=============================================================== Disclaimer::

This story depicts the sexual acts of two consenting adult men. Do not read this work of fiction if it is illegal where you are. Do not read this if you are underage, which in most states is those who are under 18 years of age, or do not find the subject matter to you liking. This story is mostly fictional any representation to people past present or future is coincidental, the parts that are not completely fictional the names, dates and events have been alter enough to protect the innocent. The characters in this story use safe sex at all times, you should always practice safe sex no exceptions. It is the belief of the writer that if there is no way to have safe sex then you should not have sex, safe sex or no sex. All rights are reserved by the author. All other normal disclaimers apply. Please enjoy. ===============================================================

David - 20 year old guy that is 6'1" blonde hair blue eyes Nick - 21 year old guy that is 6' black hair brown eyes

I was sophomore in college and doing college internship for a software company ever other semester. It was my second internship and there was a new intern that just joined. As interns we work in the quality assurance department and didn't have many benefits. There was something about Nick that was so attractive to me. We are such different personalities. He was a more typical kind of college student, he was a partier and drank and went out most nights. He had the more typical kind of athletic frat boy body which complements his natural Italian attractiveness very well. Along With this job he also worked as a server for a local restaurant. I on the other hand have not been much a partier and am relatively reserved but I am rather social and chat with most people that I am around. I didn't have the athletic body but I wasn't out of shape just wasn't in shape either. I had a flat stomach but no real abs and no real big muscles on my frame but was bigger than a twink, just an average guy.

When Nick joined up, I keep stopping by his cubical and would chat with him about random stuff. It was nice to hear about his life because it was all so different than my own and it was really nice since I would always check him out, he always wore these tight jeans and nice shirts which made looking at him a real pleasure. As interns we didn't get paid for holidays so we really needed to make up the hours and with his schedule between this job and his job at the restaurant and his parting, he would often work very odd hours and would come in on weekends to do work when no one else was there. It was when a holiday fell on Friday and he was talking about how he was going to be going out and really enjoying the night life and he would make up the hours on the weekend that made interesting things happen. I also was going to work this weekend because while I might not party I still enjoy holidays with friends.

It was Saturday afternoon; I was in my cube working by myself. Since there was no one else in the building, I keep the lights off so it was relatively dim since the only light came through the windows. I was working when Nick came in, he looked a little hung over and tired. He went to his cube and sat down; I got up and went over to chat with him. He looked so wasted and had his head slumped down. I playfully punched him, which is something that I do with people. I often don't make contact but just psych them out. But today I decided that he had a little too much fun last night so I should give him a hard time to be the `ohh so nice guy I am', so I hit him on the arm and he jumped up and we started to playfully wrestle, but I was pin in no time flat. He got off of me and stood up and offered me a hand which I gladly accepted and he easily pulled me to my feet. He told me how he did wrestling in high school and what not and how I really had no chance. I went back to my cube and worked for a while, the sun started to go down and the weather started to get bad since a tropical storm was coming in. Then luck would hold that the power went out, which is not good news for two reasons. One we work at a software company, its hard to test software when you cant turn on a computer. And two we work on the 6th floor, so we would have to take the stairs if we wanted to go anywhere to get food or to leave. Now I still had 2 hrs left to work, and Nick still had about the same so leaving and coming back wasn't the best option since it was around 30 min drive to and from work which makes the effort of going home pointless if you only have a couple hours left to do. So I dragged my chair over to his cube and we chatted a little.

"Hey Nick, great weather we are having"

"Yeah it's so great, especially since I rode my motorcycle into work today"

"That's going to suck, riding that in this weather"

"Its going to ruin my plans for tonight, I had this fine girl that I was supposed to meet right after work tonight"

"So what, the rain is going to stop you from driving to see her"

"No but it is going to stop me from taking her to watch a movie in the park, it was going to be that romantic shit that women all need to get in the mood. I guess I should call her up and try to save this evening. David, just chill out there a second while I give her a ring."

"Hey baby, have you seen the weather outside, it looks like we wont be able to go see the movie. Yeah I am disappointed in that too, I really wanted to see it too. (Gives me the ohh yeah sure look) Do you want to go to a theater instead? No that's cool; I will call you up tomorrow to see what you are up to."

"Rejected Nick, so what did she tell you as the reason."

"She said she will go hang out with her girlfriends since the night already ruined and we will do something next time."

"Sure, she just doesn't want to date you sorry ass." I said giving him a punch on the arm.

"Yeah right, I have so many chicks that want to go for a ride on this thing (he said grabbing his crotch) that I have to beat them off with a stick"

"Yeah yeah, if that was the case you wouldn't be going back home to your hand. I bet its the case that its so small that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to find it."

"Oh looks who talking, I never heard you say anything about the girls you score, what is it, are you gay or something"

Now here is where you separate the gay boys from the gay men, you don't get tripped up about a guy calling you gay. That's the number one flaw with people and lying, they don't understand how to keep it going.

"What are you asking, do you want to go for a ride. While I never have done a guy before, you wanna bend over and I will show you what a real man is."

"Pss get out of here. But seriously what about you, where is your girl"

"Too much work being there for them and all that shit, its just better to go out now and then and score with a new babe"

"Talk about work, you have to go through the new person phase with all that small talk and what not, that's where I have it over you, I am past that when I go out, she gets to go do her thing now and I don't really have to care like the dumb movie and later I get to do it to her no questions asked."

To good fortune or bad as you look at it, the power decided to come back on and I returned to work. I was working for no more than 10 minutes when Nick surprised me out of the blue and grabbed me and started to wrestle me. I guess payback is well deserved. While I knew he was going to win, it didn't mean that I would give up on trying. He pinned me a couple times but I would bounce free, and when I knew he had me, I grabbed his crotch on reflex alone and he moaned and his grip slackened long enough for me to break free and flip him over and pin him. I got off him and claimed victory, he declared foul and I made the wrong declaration of

"All is fair in love and war"

"So David, you love me"

"Uhh no, I was talking about the war part"

With that I stood up picked up my chair which was flipped in the struggle and sat back down in my cube. He got up straightened out his clothes and when i sat down leaned real close to my face and just stood there breathing. At the close proximity and the fact we just wrestled, I shuddered at one of his breaths and he just said

"I knew it"

And at that point I knew I was had. He backed up and stated

"I knew you were gay and hot for my body"

While wiping his chest showing how muscular his body was under his clothes. I stood trying to recover my ground,

"I don't know what you are talking about; I don't go for the guys"

"Sure" he said and looked around. I also looked around curious at what he was looking for and he walked away. I stood there confused at what was going on. Once he was gone from my sight I sat back down and started to work and once again the power went out. I dropped my head to the desk and said a rather loud

"That's fucking great",

And was surprised to hear Nick say

"No this is"

In a rather low sexy voice and I lifted my head and turned to see a rather shocking sight that there was only one appropriate reaction, which was to drop my jaw. In front of me was Nick in his full unclothed glory. Once I regained my composure I was like,

"What the hell Nick, you are naked"

"Calm down David, we are the only ones here, I checked. And with the lack of power we have to do something to keep busy."

"What part of the fact that I am not gay don't you get"

"Drop the act, and drop to your knees, I don't care and I saw the way you drooled at the sight of my cock"

He had me there, the sight of his nine inch dripping piece of Italian sausage was too much for me and I slid out of my chair and approached him on my knees where I just looked up to see him looking down smiling and he calmly put his had on the back of my head running his hand through my hair. And slowly applying pressure, I got his hint and began my journey down his beautiful piece of meat. While I might come across as a well experienced straight guy, that couldn't be further from the truth. I was rather inexperience gay guy and half way down my gag reflex that I have not been able to get past kicked in and I had to come off that delicious piece of meat. To this reaction he said

"Awe I have a newbie, don't worry I will take it easy with you, I have broke in my fair share of guys. But we should do this proper and he pulled away from me".

I was confused, he got nude, he got me on my knees and he got his cock in my mouth but then he walks away from me yet again. He came back in a minute with his clothes thrown on in a hurry, his shirt was on him but not buttoned, I could still see his well defined chest and rock hard abs that are covered in a fine dusting of black hair. He looked down at me who was still on the ground confused at what is going on, and he said

"Come on look at the time, we have worked the necessary hours and I think its time we go enjoy ourselves."

I looked at my cell and yeah, we actually had been there longer than needed, so I proceeded to get up and forget about the awkwardness of the situation, got my stuff together and followed him down the hallway to the elevator and stairs. Since the power was still out we proceeded to take the six flights of stairs down to the outside, and it was nice to see the way his butt looks going down a flight of stairs. It was raining and the roads were wet, Nick put on his helmet and jacket and yelled for me to follow him. I don't know why but I didn't question anything just went along as I followed him on his motorcycle as I drove my jeep right behind him. The weather was treacherous and many street signals were out. But I followed to what turned out to be his apartment. I followed him up to the third floor, looking at his dripping wet figure that showed very well through the soaked clothes. He said nothing the but open the door let me in, once inside he started to peel off his clothes in a very slow seductive fashion but not so much to or for me but it was like he was in his own world and I was watching but invisible to him. First came off his leather cycle jacket and he peeled off his shirt once again exposing his muscular chest. His chest had well defined pecs and hi washboard stomach that was had light coating of black hair which is now matted to the skin from the rain. I got a better look now than before which was due to the shock of the situation but now it was calm and relaxed and I enjoyed every movement he made. I studied his body I longed for the touch but I waited for him to make the first move, this was his show and I was following his lead.

Now he just kicked off his black boots, and walked over to the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer. I followed suit and removed my shoes as I didn't want to track any mud into his place. He quickly drank the whole thing down and walks back over to me. He seemed to finally notice my existence and came over to me, he in a very sensual manor lifted my coat off and unbuttoned my shirt. He didn't look me in the eyes but as my chest was exposed he took his hand and let it wander across my torso. He pulled the rest of my shirt off and nuzzled his head into the nap of my neck where he proceeded to kiss and suck on my skin. I had not moved since I walked into the apartment, started to react to the situation that was unfolding before me. I moved my hands from my side and started to feel his strong back and moved them down to his very well defined butt, where I followed the top of jeans around to the front and unbuttoned his jeans and started to pull them down and soon the object of great desire came into sight as he was going commando this fine night. I guess it was the cold rain water that stuck to his skin meeting the cool air of the room or the situation itself but he shivered and broke away from me. He then pulled his jeans down with much effort as they attempt to stay clung to his muscular body, which who can regret them for that desire I knew I had the same desire within me. I once again got to see that tasty dick of his, but this time it was Hanging there five inches soft in his bed pubes which shimmer with drop of water like dew on a flower. As he stepped out of his jeans, I finally got a good long look at his body which shimmered in the damp rain from the trip, while I had seen him nude earlier the sensual nature of this situation compared to shock of the previous one made him seem all the more desirable. He looked me in the eyes, which is a first time all night and said

"Follow me; we are going to go to my bedroom"

And started walked away I followed in tow and asked

"Why did you stop before at work"

"When I knew you were into me I thought I could get a good blowjob out of you maybe more, guys know how to treat another guys cock the best but when I realized you weren't that experienced I thought I would show you the ropes and like you said earlier, show you what a real man is" (saying that with a quirky smile)

Once inside his bedroom, he grabbed a towel from the floor and dried himself off and closed the door behind us. Then he did something most surprising, he came up behind me and held me tight as he nibbled my ear and felt my chest. Then he spun me around and pushed me onto his bed and jumped on top of me. Then he looked me into the eyes and said nothing but got clothes and pressed his lips against mine subtlety and softly. I felt his tongue peak through the connection as he continued kiss. I wasn't the person I acted to be and it seems he wasn't so much either. I don't know if he is gay, bi or whatever, but I do know that he wasn't at all apprehensive about the kiss because it continued for a long time only taking pauses for breathing. Also he was so romantic and tender that it made his rough jock attitude appear all the more fake. The kiss continued as his naked form began to grind his rapidly growing cock into my very hard jean covered crotch. His hands moved from my smooth chest down the top of my pants where he unbuttoned them and proceeded to pull them and my boxers down. Suddenly and quickly he broke the kiss and pulled the last remaining clothes from my body. Then he quickly swallowed my whole seven inch cock down to my blondish brown pubes. The shock and the feeling of it made me jerk and his was response was to pull off and crawl back up to eye to eye and say

"I don't typically do that with guys but there is something special about you that made me want to show you a good time too"

With that he spun around and swallowed my cock yet again but this time with his cock push at my mouth I opened up and let in the very welcome guest. He didn't put more than a few inches and let my tongue circle and suck the head while he showed very expert technique on my own dick. Slowly he started to fuck my face with more and more, and when my gag reflex started to kick in he sensed it and pulled out, but quickly I became adapt to it and my desire for the nine inches of grade a meat outgrew any adverse reflexes I had and I was able to take the whole thing. My nose touching his balls was apparently the signal he was waiting for because soon he started to face fuck me out full, I was feeling his balls bounce against my face and his delicious cock slide in and out of my mouth and throat. All the while he was increasing his speed on the pleasure he was bestowing onto my own family jewels. He was started to leak pre-cum, and when I say he was leaking, it was a strong river of sweet and salty warm goodness that I would gladly swallow. His hands also began to wander, they made their way to my butt where they caressed my warm cheeks and spread them apart, he pulled off of my member long enough to wet some fingers which he started to probe my rosebud and then went back to work on my cock. I was a complete virgin in the anal sex part which he soon sensed at my jerky reaction when his fingers broke through the barrier. He pulled off once again and said

"Calm down and relax, I would never do anything to hurt you"

I don't know why that relaxed me so, he never seemed like the loving kind type but the rough jock type but my body trusted him and I relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of his cock in my mouth, my cock in his mouth and his fingers sliding in and out of me. He started with one finger and added another and let me readjust, this continued till he was getting close and so was I. He sensed this and pulled off of me and rolled over to the nightstand and got a condom and rolled it on his long schlong. He climbed on to of me lifted and bent my legs and started to place himself at the entrance. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, I guess he saw fear and apprehension because he said

"We don't have to do this unless you want to"

This was the first time he actually asked me if I wanted have sex, all the rest I guess was implied or he didn't care but this time he was caring. I shook my head yes because the words could not come out of me, to this he bent forward and proceeded to kiss me. I tasted a little of my own precum in his mouth and I imagine he tasted the same from mine. While kissing he proceeded to push forward and entering me. I felt a fire of pain shoot forth and my whole body tensed up, he removed his hands from holding my legs and I kept them in the same place for him, as he took his hands and rubbed my arms and chest. It was like he saying 'its okay, I know it hurts, I'm sorry' as soon as some of the pain subsided he pushed forward and more pain resurfaced and he again was comforting to me. This continued till all nine inches of his cock were inside of me, and he broke the kiss and moaned a sweet moan of pleasure. He leaned back down and kissed me and slowly began to rock his cock deep within in me while his hands roamed my body. The pain was gone and pleasure was now taking hold, with each thrust a surge of pleasure went through me and I moaned into his mouth which he responded by longer thrust till he was really fucking me. This continued and without warning my own cock erupted between us surging forth cum with no look to stop any time soon. After the twelfth large volley of cum we were dripping and my cock proceeded to shrink and just ooze more. This was all to much for Nick as soon my organism started and I clamped down on his dick and he started to fill the condom with his sweet nectar of his own. He collapsed on top of me and scooped up some of my jism which he feasted on and continued to make out with me. The taste of my own semen from his mouth during a kiss was too much. I sighed and soon darkness over took me and I was asleep.

The next morning I woke in his arms and sighed contently in the events that happened last night. I guess me stirring awoke him because Nick then pulled me closer and whispered into my ears.

"Hello babe, hope you slept well, you went out like a light last night."

"Hey, yeah but I want to ask you something."


"I have been getting so many mixed vibes from you what is going on"

"Okay here is the deal, last night at work, I thought I could get a easy lay, but then I found out you weren't experienced so I thought I would bring you here and we would still have sex but take our time and I would show you the ropes, but then I looked into your eyes and I saw something its hard to explain but I had this feeling that I didn't want a quick fuck but something more so I followed my heart and every time I look into your eyes I feel it so much more"

At those words I rolled over and stared into his eyes and said

"I think I am starting to fall in love with you"

And Nick said "and I you, but before any more love we should go take a shower to get rid of some of this dried jism"

He then gave me a quick peck on the lips and dragged me to the shower. There he started to wash me and I washed him. I got real close and said for him to fuck me again, and stepped out and got another condom and put it on and got back in the shower. He turned the water away from us but still on where it filled the room with hot steam and proceeded to enter me from behind and placed his mouth on my neck and kissed and sucked at my skin. It was slow, hot and steamy and sensual and it was only the beginning. We spent the rest of the day together going out to place and doing things, and he once again invited me over to his place that night. He broke up with his girlfriend the next day, saying that he no longer feels for her the same way he used to. He told me that he feels for me more than he ever did with anyone else, even the other guys, its something in my eyes he says it's like a window to my soul and he feels complete and happier with me than he ever was with anyone else.

The rest of the semester of work went by quickly as possible. I was always around the guy I wanted to be around and everything was great. And he taught me a lot of things that I will never forget. But alas all good things must come to an end, the relationship was great but like the girl I took him from, he lost interest in me for someone else. But it was the love of a lifetime and I will never forget it. It has been a year since then I sill intern at the same company but Nick is no longer there he decided to go on study abroad instead. I have heard that Nick is now engaged, I feel good for him and his new her and hope they stay together forever but only time will tell. Work is different without Nick but I enjoy my job and now there is a new guy for me to be interested in, Chase, but we will see where that goes.

=============================================================== --Writers Note

This is the first story that I have written, I hope you enjoy. I would love to hear your feedback just please no flames. It was not my intention to write a story but I started to type something and boom I was writing the story. Also the story adapted from what I was starting out to be to what it ended as, so if there is any loss in continuity I apologize. I hope you enjoyed my first work, and I may write more if I am so inclined.

Next: Chapter 2

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