College Lover

Published on Jan 17, 2018


College Lover Chapter 2 by mike loggerman

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Jimmy and I didn't have any courses together the next semester, but it really didn't matter since we lived together. Jimmy fucked me twice as much as I fucked him, which is why I felt more like his girlfriend than his boyfriend. Uncle Jeff sent us some money for an air conditioner which made things more comfortable, but we only wore clothes when we went out or had company.

The week after school was out, my mom called and wanted me to come home for a week. I started to make excuses, but she said to bring Jimmy along. I asked why, and she said she wanted to meet him. I asked why. She said uncle Jeff said he was nice. I asked if that was all he said. Mom said she wants to meet my boyfriend. I said ok and hung up.

I looked at Jimmy and my heart melted. I said he jad a choice: he could miss me all next week, or he could come with me and meet my mom. He frowned and said that's not much of a choice. He asked when we leave.

We loaded up my car and drove eight hours and stayed in a cheap motel. We were going to sleep in the car, bit we were both horny. I licked Jimmy's pits and sucked his cock. He slid his big cock inside me and fucked me slowly. I watched him fucking me in the mirror. I felt his cock swelling onside me as he emptied his balls in me.

In the morning, I woke up hard and he rode my cock. I sat up and held him and we rocked back and forth until I came. We showered together and he fucked me in the shower. We had breakfast, and were on our way.

We got to mom's house about noon. She hugged me and kissed me. O said this is Jimmy. He smiled, and she hugged him. As we had lunch, she said Jimmy told her everything. I asked if she was ok with it. She said she has a gay brother, and she always knew I was like him. I asked why she never said anything about Uncle Jeff. She frowned and said it was my grandfather. She said she always kept in touch with uncle Jeff, but it was complicated. She said Jeff and Bob were coming for dinner.

She watched Jimmy and me, and I said we were tired. We went up to my room, and mom moved a second bed in and it was next to mine. We were too tired to do anything so we just took a nap. Mom peeked in and saw is cuddling as we slept.

The uncles showed up later, and we had a nice dinner. After dinner, uncle Jeff took me for a walk. He asked how I first knew I was gay. I told him about my body hair fetish and seeing guys in the locker room, and sucking guys cocks after school. He asked if Jimmy was the first guy who fucked me. I told him about my landladys 16 year old son and how hung he was. I told him the sex was good, bit he didn't give a shit about me. I told him about Jimmy, that I was first attracted to his hairy legs. O said Jimmy's pubes are dense and wide, and he has a big cock too, but with Jimmy, it's not just the sex, he's sweet and kind, and I love that its him I'm with, whether I'm fucking him or he's fucking me. Jimmy hugged me and said love is hard to find, don't lose Jimmy.

I asked uncle Jeff how he fingered out he was gay. He said he was attracted to pubes as well. When je was 15, he slept over a friend's house and while his friend was sleeping, he slipped down his friend's briefs and felt his pubes and balls. His friend got hard and he stroked his cock. His friend woke up and told him to suck it. He played with his balls as he sucked, and swallowed his cum. He sucked his friend all the time after that. Jeff also used to suck the Hispanic guy who mowed their lawn, and was the first guy to fuck him, leaning against his dad's car. Jeff had sex with one of his dad's friends on a regular basis, and his dad found out. Grandpa was angry and embarrassed and Jeff left home.

He was eventually taken in by a wealthy older gay man. He was his companion, put him through school, and Jeff stayed with him. After he died, Jeff met uncle Bob. They were attracted to each other, and lived together for five years before they got married. I felt really close to Uncle Jeff, like he was the dad I didn't have.

We got home and had a great meal. Uncle Jeff said he wanted to get ice cream and told Jimmy to come along. On the way, he asked Jimmy how he first knew he was gay.

Jimmy said he wasn't that popular in school. He knew he was different. Three guys invited him to hang out after school. They were in a guy's basement, and they said if he wanted to hang out with them, he had to get naked and suck their cocks. He got undressed and they unzipped and took out their cocks. He said if they wanted their cocks sucked, they had to be naked too. They laughed and got undressed. They stood next to each other while Jimmy sucked them one at a time, playing with their balls and pubes until they shot their loads. They saw that Jimmy liked sucking cock and made him part of the group. He sucked their cocks several times a day.

Jimmy told Jeff he used them as much as they used him, but when he met me, it was different. He said its different when you do it with someone you care about and love being with. Jeff hugged him.

Before they went home, Jeff said of I ever need him, to call him.

When we went to sleep, Jimmy told me about his conversation with uncle Jeff. I told him about mine. Jimmy said he wants to make sure we are serious about each other. I quietly slipped my cock inside Jimmy's ass, feeling his smooth white cheeks, and fucked him lovingly.

Jimmy said when I fucked him, ot was so different than anyone else. His friends in high school used his mouth and ass to get off. When he started college, he had two hispanic neighbors with dark hair and big cocks who came over when they were drunk and fucked him like he was a cum dump. He was glad when they moved out.

Jimmy and I loved each other and sex was an expression of that love. Our friends knew we were a couple, and they were good with it.

Over the next couple of years Jimmy's chest got pretty hairy and he started going bald. He grew a short beard, bit was worried I wouldn't like how he looked. I said he looked like a viking and I wanted him to ravage me. He may have been going bald, but his cock hot a little longer and thicker. I never got real hairy, and felt I looked like a teenager, but when he saw me naked, Jimmy couldn't wait to impale me on his cock.

When we graduated, mom, uncle Jeff and uncle Bob came for the graduation. The uncles invited us to come to their house and discuss our futures. Jimmy had a business degree, and I had a degree in computers. We moved our stuff out od the apartment and had it in the trunk of my car.

Jeff and Bob jad a big house on a lake. After we arrived the four of us relaxed in their hot tub. Jimmy and I had been there a few times before and we had been naked with Jeff and Bob on the hot tub. We enjoyed being naked with them. Uncle Jeff looked like an older version of me. Jimmy said it was nice to know what I'd look like in a few years. Bob said it was nice to remember what Jeff used to look like. Jeff and I smirked. Jeff and Bob asked what our future plans were. Jimmy said we want to find jobs, buy a condo, and get married.

Uncle Bob and Uncle Jeff owned four bed and breakfasts that made a lot of money for them. One of them was out in the country, but wasn't making money because of mismanagement. They asked if we would be interested in running the place for a year, to see of we could turn it around.

Jimmy wanted us to be on our own, but Uncle Jeff put me through school and I felt I owed them. Jimmy liked the idea of being out in the country, so we agreed.

The place was nice. It was a Victorian style place with a dozen out cottages. It catered to a gay clientele. There were three employees; Wilson, a black guy in his late 20s who did repairs, Billy, the cook, Justin, who did housekeeping. We figured out the problems the first week. Most of the guests were single men. Some were there so Wilson would fuck them. The others came to fuck Justin and Billy.

We closed for a week. We told them this isn't a whore house. We moved the three of them into a cottage and said if they wanted to keep their jobs, they only fuck each other, not guests. Jimmy did online ads and we had the place cleaned top to bottom. The first month we were slow, but then we started making money. Wilson left, bit we hired two more guys. The uncles were amazed and we told them what we did.

Six months later, they sold the place at a profit. We moved on temporarily with the uncles. One afternoon, we thought we were alone, and Jimmy lifted me out of the hot tub and slid his hard cock inside me. I moaned as I enjoyed his hardness inside me. Jeff and Bob were watching from their bedroom. Bob slid his cock inside Jeff. We heard them moaning bit we didn't stop. Jimmy shot his cum deep inside me. I hadn't cum yet. He bent over and I felt his beautiful ass as I slid inside him. It didn't take long for me to cum. We went to our room, showered and dressed.

Later we saw Bob and Jeff. Jimmy asked of they saw us. Jeff said he hoped we didn't mind, but it was beautiful to watch. Jimmy said it was beautiful to do. I said we heard them. Jeff said watching us made them horny.

Bob helped us get jobs through business contacts. We got married. As a wedding gift, and payment for the job we did, they put a large down payment on a condo we wanted, except that they got us the larger model. Mom sold her house and got a smaller apartment in our building.

It bothered me that Jimmy never talked about his family. One evening, he told me why. Jimmy sucked several of his dad's friends. When his dad found out about it, he sent him away to finish school and paid for his college, bit told him not to come home. He hadn't seen his parents in years.

I wrote to his parents and told them Jimmy graduated and is doing well. I said I was his husband and we are happy. I said I know they don't talk, but I just wanted them to know that we are happy and have a good life. It was two months before I got a reply. Jimmy's mom wrote and thanked me for reaching out. They are glad he's well, and asked of they could visit. I said I'd like to surprise Jimmy, as long as they were coming out of love. Jimmy's mom wrote back quickly and said they miss their son, and would like to meet their son in law. I suggested they come for Christmas.

I arranged for them to stay with my mom. Jimmy knew nothing about it. I invited Jeff and Bob. It was going to be a small family gathering. I cooked all day. I made Jimmy get dressed up. He looked amazing. He asked why we had to get all dressed up for family. I said I wanted good pictures. He laughed and said ok. The table was set for buffet style. The fireplace was lit. Bob and Jeff came first. They were in on it and didn't say a word. The doorbell rang and Jimmy went to the door. He stopped short and stared. His parents were smiling and crying. Jimmy breathed deeply and sobbed. His father hugged him and said he was sorry. Jimmy collapsed on his father's shoulder. His mom hugged him. My mom was behind them in tears. We all were crying. Jimmy pulled me to himself and said thank you. He introduced me as his husband. We had already met, but they hugged me just the same. I whispered in Jimmy's ear, "Merry Christmas." Jimmy cried a long time. Now we really were a family.

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