College Magic Cycle

Published on Mar 5, 2022


My Roommate the Alchemist Chapter 11


The College Magic Cycle is my first attempt at writing a story for anyone else to read, even though I am a longtime reader and lurker.

Please be truthful but kind in your comments and feedback. You've been very encouraging, and I appreciate it. (I love feedback and respond as soon as possible to readers. I'm happy to discuss the characters and the background of the story. It helps me to develop themes I haven't thought of yet).

This is a fantasy story in two senses of the word. Not only is it an erotic fantasy of four young men, but it is also a story of magic and the fantastic. It may seem in parts to be non-consensual, but it isn't. My Roommate the Alchemist the story of two young men who are not only compatible but complementary. Each of them has traits that fully complement the other. It has strong D/s themes, but it is a love story. Jason couldn't hurt Kieran if he wanted to, and Kieran is drawn to Jason like a moth to a flame.

I am using an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. For this reason, it may take a while to respond to any feedback, but I will get to it when I can. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am about five chapters ahead of what's been published. Also keep in mind that everything Jason does to and with Kieran derives from his love for him. [If you have ideas for more brutal scenes save it for Elf Master when it appears later this month.]

This cycle includes two storylines that are currently being published and another that will join it soon. The stories intertwine. See the end of this chapter for details on the preferred reading order.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

You can contact me at

Summary of Chapter 10

It would be best to go back and read chapter 10 if you haven't done so. If you want to dive in, here's a summary of last chapter.

Jason woke Kieran up to get ready for class. He traced the bruises on Kieran's face and apologized for what happened at the mixer. Kieran didn't want to let him take the blame, but he insisted. After a shower, Kieran sucked Jason's cock and drank his piss, then Jason at Kieran's ass until he came. He pushed an even larger plug in Kieran's ass and told him that was the last one, and that he was going to fuck him that night. Jason insisted that Kieran be escorted by alphas to and from every class even though Kieran insisted that he didn't need a babysitter. The first alpha was Darren, the same Darren who had groped him in the laundry room then saved him in the bathroom on Sunday. Darren tried to apologize, but Kieran was rude to him. Darren got mad and called Kieran a prissy bitch.

Darren sat with him in his writing class. Their teacher was a TA who didn't seem to approve of them. Then he escorted Kieran to the history building where he left him with the TA from the class, Clarissa Spencer. Clarissa gave him a cup of hot tea with sugar, and he found himself telling her all about his attack. She took him to class and sat him where she could see him. Erik showed up to escort Kieran to his beginning art class. The professor was a middle-aged man who spotted Kieran's talent and asked him to stay after class. He offered Kieran a spot in his intermediate class that met on Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of the Monday and Wednesday class he was in now. He also pushed Kieran against a table and groped him. Kieran was feeling weak, but also aroused. He was disturbed because this guy reminded him of his Uncle Craig and was getting him aroused. Jason broke up the encounter and told the professor that Kieran was his boy. The professor apologized. He told Jason that Kieran really was talented enough to take the more advanced class.

Jason flipped through Kieran's sketchbook and saw a heart with the words "Jason and Kieran Lee". Kieran was embarrassed, but Jason thought it was sweet. He told Kieran that he wanted him as his luantong, which he translated as boy-wife. Back in the room, they were joined by Erik and Alonzo. Alonzo climbed onto the bed next to Kieran while Erik and Jason discussed plans for dinner. Alonzo was annoyed at being treated like less than Erik's equal, so he started kissing Kieran, trying to get a reaction from him. Erik seemed to find it exciting, and Jason just told him not to touch Kieran's dick or ass. The two boys made out some more until Erik and Jason decided they were all going to the pizza parlor downtown. Kieran was disturbed by the thought of going to a public place that he assumed would be full of men like Kyle. He began hyperventilating and went into shock. Jason told Erik and Alonzo to go out and have fun so he could take care of Kieran. He held Kieran in his arms and gently soothed him.

Hours later, Kieran regained consciousness and Jason helped him get ready for bed. He was going to give Kieran something to help him sleep, but Kieran cried and begged him to fuck him like he'd promised. Jason was skeptical but he gave in to Kieran's wishes. He fucked Kieran for the first time, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Author's Notes

·        I've reached that point where I must slow down publication of my stories, since I am catching up with what I have written. I will still be publishing at least one chapter every week, but not three every weekend. I'm shooting for one chapter every 3-4 days.

·        My darker story Elf Master has started. If you aren't into heavier BDSM, you may want to skip that story. Other than sharing some background characters, that story does not intertwine with My Roomate the Alchemist and Wishcraft_._

·        The Small Town Slave Boy story is only tangentially connected to College Magic because the narrator of the story is Kieran's cousin Dylan Morgan. There are no supernatural elements in that story so far, it is listed only in the gay/authoritarian subcategory.

·        A story about Drew Janowski and Simon Carter was posted earlier. It's called The Pack 1. More Pack stories will follow so long as there's interest.

·        Reader of both this story and Small Town Slave Boy have noticed a discrepancy between Kieran's claim that his younger cousins had always bullied him, and Dylan's recollection of trying to be nice to Kieran and being rebuffed. This is not a continuity error. Both Kieran and Dylan are unreliable narrators on this point. Kieran had erected so many barriers to hide his sexuality (sometimes even from himself) that he was incapable of recognizing Dylan's attempts to support him, and Dylan has so far not mentioned that his attempts to secretly support Kieran and be nice to him came after he had been forced to bully Kieran by his younger brother. Rest assured that the true story will be revealed over time.

·        There is a complete list of characters in this cycle at the end of the chapter. I will update it for future chapters when new characters appear.

My Roommate the Alchemist Chapter 11 (Hints of Normal)

I didn't hear Jason's alarm. It was after 7:00 AM when I felt him gently shaking me awake. He'd obviously been up for a while, since he was already dressed in his robe, and he'd already set out my tea and pills. I took hold of his hand and tried to pull him down on the bed. I wanted him inside me again. But Jason was stronger than me. He grasped my arm and pulled me out of bed instead. He had a smile on his face as he pulled me in for a kiss. I moved my hand down to his crotch. His large cock was iron hard and ready. I loved the way it twitched in my hand when I held it, like it was a living thing in its own right.

Jason grabbed my wrist, brought my hand to his lips, and kissed my fingers, sending shivers up and down my spine and a jolt of pleasure to my cock. He said, "We need to get back to a normal morning routine. I let you sleep in because you needed it, but we missed our run. We'll do it in the afternoon, after classes again."

I wrapped my hand around his erection and rubbed it gently through his silky boxers. "You're hard, sir," I said. "Please let me suck it for you."

"I'm always hard for you, my baby boy," he said, kissing me on the forehead. "That's what you do to me, but you have to take your medicine first." He gestured towards the tea and pills on the desk. I was sure that there were more pills than there had been on Saturday when he explained them to Erik. I no longer hesitated. Whatever Jason wanted me to take, I would take.

Once I'd swallowed the last dregs of tea, Jason pulled me into his embrace again. "We have about five minutes to kill, but no more," he said. Then he kissed me again. His fingers moved up and down my spine, teasing me. I was as hard as he was now. I rubbed my erection against his leg until he smacked my butt.

"That counts as rubbing," he said.

I smiled at him, but it faded quickly. I'd broken one of the rules, one of the big ones. And Jason had treated it like a joke. He given me a light and playful swat. I felt like a failure, and I felt like he was giving up on me, like I wasn't worth his effort. It felt like he didn't want to make me follow the rules, or just didn't want to take the time.

My thoughts were interrupted by a rumble in my bowels. I went towards the bathroom then stopped and looked at Jason. "Can I go to the bathroom, please sir," I asked. He hadn't stopped me like he usually did.

"Yes boy," you can go. The look on his face was blank. I had no idea what he was thinking. I went in and sat down. I felt tears coming to my eyes. It was like I was losing Jason, like he was becoming indifferent with me. It didn't take long before I was empty and clean as a whistle inside.

When I got back to the room, I walked over to my man and knelt on the floor in front of him, shaking uncontrollably. I looked up at him and said, "I'm ready for your morning piss sir."

Jason looked into my watery eyes, and paused for a moment, like he was trying to figure something out, then he said, "Take my cock out boy."

I reached up and pulled his boxers down and his cock sprang free. His erection bounced in front of my face. I leaned in and took his dick in my mouth. I didn't suck it. I just held it there. It took several minutes for his erection to go down enough for him to piss. I swallowed it as quickly as it flowed. When he'd finished, I looked into his eyes and said, "I'm not weak sir. I'm stupid sometimes and I forget what I'm supposed to be doing, but I made a promise to follow rules and that means something to me. Don't give up on me!"

By the time I'd finished, I had tears in my eyes. God! Darren was right. I was a whiny bitch.

Jason grabbed my arms and pulled me up into his firm embrace. He kissed me, pissy breath and all. Then he pulled me over to the bed and we lay back down, his arms surrounding me in a cage of hard muscle. "You're not weak Jason," he said, rubbing my back. "And I am not giving up on you. It's not weak to be a little fragile right now, after all you've been through. If I've been too afraid of breaking you, that's my mistake. I said that you need to get back to normal and if you say you're ready, I'll believe you."

Jason was stroking my face with his hand, then his hand moved down my neck. He gently grabbed my throat and kissed my lips. I froze when his hands encircled my neck and Jason pulled away quickly. He swallowed hard and said, "You've broken the no rubbing rule several times, and I've lost count of how many times you've forgotten to say sir. I'm going to call it twenty swats this morning."

"Yes sir," I said. My first thought was how happy I was that Jason wasn't walking on eggshells around me anymore. My second thought was Oh crap! He's giving me twice as many swats as last time.

Jason pulled me over his lap and carefully arranged my dick so that it was between his thighs. "We're going to go faster this morning. Be sure to count them."

Jason rubbed my butt and then his hand came down hard on my ass. "One sir," I said.

Then he smacked me again, and again. I made sure to count each one. He was not backing off or holding back. At the fifth swat, the stinging in my ass was no longer fading between swats. At the tenth, my eyes were filled with tears. At the twelfth, I was gasping in pain and my nose was running. At the fifteenth, I was sobbing and wishing I'd never taunted him into spanking my ass. I don't remember when I came. It was sometime between the fifteenth and twentieth.

Jason stood me up and pulled me close. He licked the cum off my abdomen and then kissed me, pushing the cum into my mouth. "Clean me up boy," he said, pointing to his thighs.

I dropped to my knees and licked him clean. Jason ran his fingers through my hair while I cleaned his thighs. Then he pulled me up onto the bed and turned me face down. He rubbed my stinging ass and said, "Your ass is bright red boy."

It hurt like heck when he grabbed my cheeks and pulled them apart. He bent down and kissed my ass, first on the cheeks and then on the hole itself. I gasped when he kissed me there. "I love you sir," I moaned.

"I love you too, Kieran," he said. Did I really say that I loved Jason? Did I love him? And did he love me? What did love even mean?

His tongue licked around the outside of my anus, then pressed gently inside me. My cheeks were burning, but my hole was relaxing. Jason's tongue was making me feel so good. I thought I was going to pee, but I realized it was another orgasm approaching. "I'm going to cum sir," I yelled.

Jason stopped and flipped me over. The sheet felt rough on my red ass. He rubbed his massive cock on my asshole, then lined it up. He gently pressed into me. His tongue had made me ready for him, but he was big enough to hurt me anyway, but it was the kind of hurt that I liked. My urgency had faded a bit, and my erection had wilted with the pain of his entry. But I could feel that familiar stirring in my cock and in my taint as his cock rubbed over my prostate.

Jason took his time. He thrust slowly into me and then pulled out. I could feel him, and I could feel my hole contract when he touched my gay button. I saw the look on his face when I clamped down on him involuntarily, so I began to squeeze my anus consciously, like it was trying to devour his cock.

"That's my baby boy," he grunted. "Milk me with that sexy ass of yours." His strong hands were gripping my thighs and pulling me onto him as he thrust deeper.

"Fuck me harder sir," I yelled. "I can take it. Make me yours again!"

"You are so beautiful," he said. "You're too good for me. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

Jason picked up speed. We fell into a rhythm. I was filled and fulfilled more completely even than last night. My legs were splayed wide around his waist and my hairless cock was throbbing with each thrust. I felt the tightness begin in my taint. Then it spread to my asshole, my dick, and my navel. It shot like electricity up my spine and made the hair on my scalp stand upright. My cock tightened and then relaxed, forcing cum to ooze out of my dick. My ass gripped his cock. Jason yelled something in Chinese. Then he collapsed on top of me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he nuzzled mine. I heard him mumbling in my ear, "I knew it. I just knew it. You fit me like a glove. You are perfect."

We lay there for a time, Jason slowly deflating inside me, and me trying to catch my breath. "You're perfect for me too sir," I whispered, and I knew it was true. I'd never imagined that I would ever find someone like Jason. He made me feel small and weak, but also cherished and valued. He made me feel beautiful.

When we got up, Jason led me to the shower where I washed him, and he washed me. I didn't know whether I liked the feeling of his firm muscles under my soapy fingers better or if I preferred the feeling of his strong fingers running over my own body. I sucked his cock again, taking my time and trying to pull it all inside my mouth. I didn't know if it was possible or not. When he was a little more than half-way in, his cock pressed against the back of my throat, and I started choking. But Jason didn't seem to mind my failure to swallow him whole. He was smiling at me the entire time I was trying, his eyes staring into mine. When he came, I swallowed it all. He'd been kind enough to pull out so his load could pool across my tongue; He knew how much I wanted to taste him.

Jason held an oversized towel out for me when I got out of the shower. I stepped into it and let him dry me off. The towel was soft, and he was gentle. I did my best to return the favor with a fresh towel, but I knew that my maneuverings were clumsier than his. However, I did spend enough time drying his front that his cock started to rise again. It was his backside that fascinated me though. It was firm and muscular, with a very light scattering of fine dark hairs. I kissed the cheeks of his ass, then sniffed at his crack. I put a tentative tongue between his cheeks and tasted mostly the light soapiness left over from our shower. I touched his anus with my tongue and his cheeks clenched. There was a faint muskiness that I found enticing.

"Do you like it," he asked.

"Everything about you is amazing, sir," I said. "I was just wondering what it felt like inside. Not that I would try anything back there ..."

I stood up, a little embarrassed by my presumption. Jason turned me around and looked into my eyes like he was reading my mind. "Did you want to put your dick inside me?" he asked.

I blushed a deep red and shook my head vigorously. "No sir," I said, but then I asked hesitantly, "Did you want me to?"

Jason threw an arm around my shoulder, put his other arm under my legs and lifted me up in both arms. He said, "No, boy. I didn't want you to, but I love you so much that I would do it for you, if that's what you wanted."

"No sir," I replied. "I ... don't think I would be comfortable with that. It feels wrong to me."

"Why does it feel wrong to you," Jason asked, carrying me into the other room.

"Because you're a man, sir," I said. "Your body is made for fucking, not for getting fucked."

Jason stood me up in front of the mirror and stood behind me. "What are you, and what are you built for?" he asked me.

I looked in the mirror and saw his large golden-brown body surrounding my smaller white frame, his large hands spread across my chest and my abdomen. "I'm your boy sir, and I think I was made to be fucked by you."

"Now you're beginning to understand why we're so complementary for one another," he mumbled against my neck.

Then he led me to the bed and pulled me across his lap. He pulled out the bottle of his special lotion and rubbed it on my asshole. Then he worked more inside me. His fingers were thrusting in and out of my ass, like a tiny cock fucking my hole. My heard cock was dripping again.

He motioned for me to get up, and I asked, "Don't you need to be plug in my butt, sir?"

"Not anymore," he replied. "I can fuck you without hurting you now."

I played naked valet for Jason again, a task I loved. He always dressed so nice. He was masculine and sophisticated. While I was waiting for him to choose clothes for me, I glimpsed myself in the mirror again. My curls were hanging below my ears, and I was developing the slightly swollen lips of a dedicated sucker of large cocks. When Jason moved behind me, I noticed again how small I was compared to him. He was taller than me by a few inches now.

"How much smaller will I get sir," I asked. I didn't question Jason's right to make me smaller if that was what he wanted, but I wondered when it would end. It felt right somehow to be smaller than him, to fit in his arms so neatly.

"We'll have to wait and see boy," he replied. His eyes betrayed nothing of his thoughts.

"Do you like me smaller than you sir?" I asked.

"I do," he said. "I liked you when you were my height, but if you are asking what I prefer, the answer is that I do think you are even more beautiful now."

"How big am I now sir," I asked.

Jason pulled out his pencil and the scales. He backed me up to the wall and drew a line where the top of my head was. It was several inches lower than the first mark. "69 and 3/16th inches tall," he said. That was almost two inches shorter than on Saturday and I'd thought that measurement was shorter than it should have been. Jason stood me on the scale, and we waited until the numbers stopped changing. It read 159.18 pounds, a full 15 pounds under Saturday morning's weight.

Jason went to my dresser and pulled out one of the revealing outfits he'd purchased for me.

I was still looking at my erect penis in the mirror. I couldn't tell if it looked smaller or not, but shouldn't it look bigger if my body were shrinking? "Sir," I said. "Can you measure my penis?"

"Are you sure?" he asked. "It looks beautiful to me."

"I want to know sir," I had a sudden need to know. "Please."

Jason grabbed his tape measure and came over to me. I was already hard, so it wasn't hard to measure. "Are you sure you want to know," Jason asked.

"Yes sir," I said, a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Jason measured me. He said, "4 and 13/16ths inches long and 3 and 7/8ths inches in girth."

I felt ice water running down my veins. "Sir," I said. "My dick was almost 6 inches long. It's shrunk two inches, sir. Why?"

Jason held me tight from behind. "Don't worry about it," he said. "It looks perfect on you. It's beautiful."

"That doesn't answer the question sir," I whined.

Jason cupped my penis in his hand, holding it gently. "I can't explain why it's happening right now," he said. "You will know everything when the time is right. But that time is not now."

I wanted to cry again, but I'd told Jason that I wasn't weak. I held back the tears. I turned away from the mirror and leaned against him. I'd given myself to him. I'd surrendered ownership of my own self and my own body. I had to live with it, didn't I? If he owned me and made decisions for me, didn't he also own my cock?

After a few moments I steeled myself to press for an answer. I said, "I don't want you to take my penis away sir. I want to be a boy, and boys have penises."

Jason seemed to find that funny. "I'm a gay man," he said, "and I want you to be a boy too. I couldn't love you as much I do if you weren't a boy. If you want to have a penis, then you will have a penis. I promise you that I'm not taking your penis away. You're going to have to trust me, just like I'm trusting you."

"But it's shrinking, sir," I complained.

"You'd look silly with a big penis at your size," he said. "Boys should have small penises. They don't use them for fucking. They're so cute when they're small. Men like to touch them and play with them, and they let a boy's man know when the boy is excited, but they aren't the source of a boy's pleasure."

His fingers stroked the ring of my anus. "Here is the source of a boy's pleasure." I gasped.

He turned me around. With his arms still around me, he held out my mint green jockstrap. "Step into it boy," he said.

Once I had, he adjusted it. It was looser than yesterday, but still fit. He then helped me into my baby blue shorts and a lavender muscle shirt. As I was putting on my sandals, Jason said, "I want you to think about what kind of porn you liked. What did you use to masturbate? Then see if you can answer your own questions."

"Yes sir," I said. I still didn't feel good about my shrinking dick. But Jason was right that I was getting more pleasure from him playing with my butt than I ever had from stroking my dick.

We ate breakfast in the dining hall. The food wasn't great, but it was passable. Jason filled both our trays. He chose whole grain muffins, fresh fruit, and yoghurt. We'd taken bottled water from our room again. I was picking at my food, but Jason made sure that I ate it all.

"Sir," I asked, poking at the food. "If you're giving me a pill because of my poor diet, why can't I eat sausage and egg biscuits for breakfast?"

Jason replied, "Your diet is terrible. You need to learn to eat better. You can't do everything with herbs and remedies. The pill I gave you keeps you from putting on fat. It doesn't substitute for eating well. Besides, we're going to be living together for a long time."

"A year isn't that long," I said.

Jason looked up and said, "Are you planning on leaving me next year?"

I blushed. "That's not what I meant sir," I said. "I just ... we haven't talked about it, I mean."

Jason said, "I will let you go if you want to. But I told you last night that I love you. If you want to stay, I plan to keep you."

I put my apple down. I was staring at Jason in amazement. "You meant that sir?" I asked. "You've only known me since Friday, that's five days."

Jason reached across the table and took my hand. He calmly responded, "I've told you that we were more than compatible; we're complementary. Each of our parts fits perfectly with the parts of the other."

I laughed. "We found that out last night sir," I said.

Jason didn't laugh. "That we are physically complementary is obvious," he said. "I am talking about our minds, our psychological makeup. I wasn't joking. I will probably never find anyone who is so strong a complement to me as you are."

I stopped laughing. He wasn't joking when he said it this morning. "Sir," I said. "I don't know if I really understand what love is. I've told you about my background, about my parents dying and my uncle and his wife, but I don't want to leave you. Even when you confuse me and you won't explain why you're doing things, I want to be with you. You make me feel safe and valued."

"Good then," Jason said. "I reiterate. We will be together for a long time. If you were ready, I would make it official as soon as possible. You're my boy, and I will never deny you as my boy."

We ate in silence after that. I had no idea that Jason had been planning on being with me indefinitely. I was scared, but I also felt something else, something warm in the pit of my stomach, something I didn't recognize.

After we'd finished eating, Jason went over my schedule. He still didn't want to leave me alone.

"I changed your schedule," he said. "I dropped your biology class because I didn't want you to be overwhelmed. That still leaves you 15 credits this semester. Your new art class is first. I'll walk you there, but I haven't been able to get anyone there to pick you up. You're going to have to get to the math building on your own. If you feel uncomfortable, I want you to give me a call. Don't text, just call. I'll come get you. In math, you will meet up with Meghan Connelly. She'll find you because I'm sending her a picture. She's one of Drew's people. She's a junior, but she still needs her math credit so she's in your class. She can walk you to the psychology building after math. You'll go to the second-floor study lounge and work on homework there until I'm done with class. We'll go to lunch and then our last class is together."

"I can walk across campus on my own sir," I said. He was treating me like a child again and I felt a need to pushback.

"It wasn't a request Kieran," Jason said. "I was telling you the plan upfront, so you could be aware."

I started to say something else, but Jason put his hand up and waved me to silence. "If you argue with me," he said. "I will take you into the bathroom and spank your butt. Then you will follow the plan anyway, except that I will be late for my first period class, and I will spank you for that when we return to the room."

I pursed my lips and looked disgruntled. Jason said, "Don't pout at me, boy. It won't work. You made it clear to me that you were ready to go back to normal. Normal is that I tell you what to do and you obey. End of discussion."

He was playing with his phone, and I saw my screen light up. "This conversation has convinced me that you're not as ready as you think you are. I'm adding a panic button to your phone. Touch the button and I'll get your location and a warning. Don't hesitate to use it. I won't discipline you if I miss class because you need me."

"Yes sir," I said. I put my phone in the cross-shoulder bag Jason had insisted I wear.

Jason got up and took hold of my arm. I followed him out of the dorm. He put an arm around my shoulder, and we looked like boyfriends walking across campus. I felt everyone's eyes on us as we walked towards the art building. A couple of times, I noticed big guys in sweats looking my direction. My breath would speed up and I would pull closer to Jason.

When we got to the art building, Jason walked me inside. The new class met in the same room as the class I was dropping. Jason looked around the hallway and sighed. "I'm going to wait until the professor gets here," he said. "My next class is history. I'll be a little late today but it's in a large lecture hall. No one will notice. If I can't find anyone to be here, I'll change my schedule, I promise."

"Sir, you don't need to make yourself late for class," I said. "All these students are here without supervision. I can wait without a babysitter."

"Not a babysitter," Jason replied sharply, "a guardian."

I wanted to ask why I needed a guardian. But I didn't want to earn another punishment.

"I'm sorry beautiful boy," Jason said. "I can't always explain things to you. Sometimes I just need you to do what you're told."

Then he held me in his arms and kissed me right there in the lobby of the building with a dozen other students watching. His hand moved down and grabbed my ass. I didn't resist. I was feeling like I was on display, like everyone was judging me for being gay. I was frightened, but I Jason's arms had become my safe space. I don't know how long we stood there, but my pulse slowed, and my breathing grew steady. We didn't break apart until Professor Gordan showed up.

"Kieran," he said, patting me on the shoulder. "I got the notification that you had changed sections. I approved it on the way down. Welcome to Intermediate Art."

"Thank you sir," I said.

Jason walked me into the class and then followed the professor to the front of the room. He was talking to my professor in a low voice, but I could hear him if I strained.

"I think I can trust you with Kieran now professor," he said. I didn't hear what the professor said in return, but I heard some snippets of their conversation.

"... major debilitating panic attack ... bouts of anxiety ... fear ... "

When Jason came back to my table, he said, "The professor is free before class on Tuesday and Thursday. He's agreed to let you stay in his office, or on the bench across the hall if he has another student in. He'll walk you to class from now on."

Then he kissed me again and left. An Asian girl came and took the seat next to me and started unpacking her stuff. She had black hair, pulled back into a ponytail, and skin darker than Jason's. Her backpack was fuller than mine and looked rugged enough to take hiking. I noticed that she had a large calculator with a lot of buttons and a textbook that said Vector Calculus on it.

"Hi," I said. "My name is Kieran. It's good to meet you."

"Sarah," she said, extending her hand to shake my own. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sit here all semester. I get tired of guys trying to flirt all during class, making it hard to study. Since you're gay, I don't think that will be a problem."

"No, it won't," I replied. "I had the opposite problem in high school. Girls were always trying to distract me during class, and I was so closeted that I had to pretend it was working."

Sarah laughed at that answer. She seemed happy, even exuberant. "Looking around this room, I think you'd have a similar problem in this class to mine. Don't look now, but there's a guy ogling you from two rows back."

My face must have shown my panic because she put her hand on my arm and said, "He won't get you. I'll protect you from him."

She was laughing, but I realized that was exactly what made my heart race. As soon as she'd said someone was ogling me, his face jumped into my mind. I realized that every face I saw out of the corner of my eye looked like him until I made sure that it wasn't.

She picked up my phone and took a selfie of us together. "Your boyfriend seems a little overprotective," she said. "Send him that picture and tell him that I'm babysitting you in class. Assure him that I'll keep my hands to myself. It won't be easy, though. I'm an anime fan and your very bishie. I had no idea what she was talking about.

She wrote her name and number on the cover of my sketch book. "Then send me a copy of the picture," she said. "If you don't annoy me too much, you can be my GBFF, and we can work together out of class. Most of my friends have no time for art."

I sent the picture to her, then I sent it to Jason. The message read; Sarah Minh wants you to know that she plans to babysit me this semester so don't worry. Sarah talked a lot, like Alonzo, and I had trouble following her conversation since it jumped from point to point all the time, also like Alonzo.

I got a text back from him reading; I'll talk to her later to make sure she's suitable. That may work. See if she can walk you to math. And TEXT ME BACK with an answer.

"Sarah," I said. "For some reason my boyfriend doesn't want me walking across campus on my own. He wants me to ask if you can walk me to the math building after class. I don't know ...."

"Sure thing," she said, cutting me off. "The way he's got you dressed, he's probably afraid that someone will try and rape you."

My breath caught in my throat, and I started hyperventilating; vertigo overcame me. Sarah wasn't very strong, but she kept me balanced on that stool until my breathing returned to normal. She put my arm on the bench and bent me forward to rest my head on it.

"Shit!" she whispered, suddenly quiet and serious. "I had no idea. I'm so sorry for my mouth. I don't always think before I start talking."

When my head cleared, she was brushing sweaty hair from my brow. "I'm sorry," she repeated. "I never would have ... It's just not funny. Tell your boyfriend that I've got you. Give him my number."

I texted Jason her number and a message that read; She says yes.

Then I sent another message that read; Thank you sir for looking out for me. I think I understand now.

He texted back; what?

I texted; Let's talk later.

I put my phone face down on the table and began to pay attention. This class was more my style. The curriculum expected you to know the basics, so we were moving right into more advanced techniques. Sarah kept whispering to me during class. I didn't say much; I just listened, and that seemed to be what she wanted.

Professor Gordan walked the room a lot while we were working. He still spent a lot of time behind me, with his hand on my shoulder while I was sketching, but he didn't press an erection into my back. His entire body language was different. He was like a trusted uncle, not like a hot daddy who was cruising me. I was still getting aroused from his touch, but he wasn't trying to take advantage of it.

After class, Sarah and I walked to the math building. Her class was right next door in the chemistry building, so she waited around until a young woman walked up to me holding her phone up to show me a picture of myself. She must be Meghan Connelly. She was taller than me, with shaggy brown hair and goth makeup. She wore jeans and a leather jacket.

"This looks like you," she said. "So, you're the little gay boy I'm babysitting in class."

"Yes ma'am," I said. Her tone was a little demeaning, like she was trying to put me down.

"Darren says you're a prissy bitch," she said. "Watch that around me."

"Yes ma'am," I said again. I didn't want to anger her. I wondered why Darren was talking bad about me to his friends.

She looked at Sarah and said, "I'll protect the princess now." Sarah gave me a concerned and puzzled look. I shrugged and told her goodbye, that I would see her on Thursday.

Class went by quickly. I'd already had Algebra and Algebra II in high school, but I must not have done well enough on the placement test to skip this class. That sucked because I had planned on majoring in math, and this class wouldn't count towards that major. But Jason had said that I should major in art if that's what I liked. It had been Uncle Craig who'd insisted on a practical major. I would have to think on this one, or would Jason try to make that decision for me too.

Meghan put me in a corner in the back of the room and sat next to me. No other student would be able to interact with me unless they turned around. And she snarled at anyone who tried. She was more like a watchdog than a babysitter. If Jason trusted her enough that he left me in her care, then I had no choice but to trust her as well, but I didn't have to like her. She didn't seem to like me at all. Whenever my mind wandered, she snarled at me in a low tone, "Focus on you work, princess."

After class, Meghan made me wait until everyone ahead of me had left class, then she hurried me to the Psych building. She didn't go around groups of students, she barked, "Out of the way people! Princess coming through."

I was getting tired of her behavior. She seemed to be trying to get me upset. When we got to the lobby of the psychology and social science building, she pushed me along ahead of her up the stairwell. She seemed upset because her instructions said to take me to the second floor. Once she got me to the second-floor lounge, she bowed and gestured to a small couch. "See you later, princess," she said and stalked off after delivering me, muttering something about precious little bitches.

I had about an hour to wait for Jason, so I took my smaller sketchbook, not the larger one I was using for class. I decided to draw a picture of Jason. I thought he looked so good in his mandarin jacket that I started to block in the lines for it over the rough human shape I'd drawn. As more of Jason's features came to life beneath my pencil, I found myself becoming aroused. I even imagined that I could smell him. I was caught up in my work, sitting cross legged on the couch, licking my lips like I often did while working. So, I didn't notice two other students come into the study lounge until they spoke. It was just the three of us.

"That your boyfriend faggot," said one of the guys. I looked up and saw a skinny guy with bad acne and brown hair looking over my shoulder. "Look Gil," he continued. "He's just sitting here with a hardon drawing his fag boyfriend."

The guy wasn't much bigger than I was, but he had a mean look on his face and he smelled of stale tobacco. I stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. Then his friend leaned over the arm of the couch and planted a meaty hand on my shoulder and said, "Leave him alone, Pete. "The little fag isn't hurting anyone; he's probably just feeling lonely."

Gil was bigger than his friend, about six foot three or so, with light brown hair and a scruffy beard. He was overweight and had small eyes. His large hand was squeezing my shoulder. He put his index finger and thumb against the side of my throat. I was having a hard time breathing again.

"You soft on faggots Gil?" Pete said to his friend, walking around to the front of the couch.

"Faggots don't bother me none," he said. "Sometimes they have their uses." His other hand went to my other shoulder. He was standing behind me, holding me down, while Pete was in front of me with his hand on my sketchpad.

I'm not weak! I thought. I can take of myself.

I jumped up from the couch and ran into Pete. I was just trying to get away from them, but he must have thought I was attacking. He grabbed me around the neck from behind and jerked me to a halt. I lost control. I started thrashing around and kicking my legs. Gil grabbed my legs and tried to hold them still.

"What the fuck's wrong with him?" Pete yelled.

Gil let go of my legs and stepped back quickly. "Just let go of him," he said.

Pete let go of my neck and fell to floor and hit my head. Gil was calling, "Calm down guy!" but I needed to get out of there. I scrambled to my feet and stumbled down the hallway. I could hear Gil saying, "No one's going to hurt you!" but I ignored him.

I found a bathroom and went inside and flipped the lock. I ran into an empty stall and locked the door. Someone came out of another stall. I could hear him washing his hands and drying them. The electric towel dispenser whirred in the distance. Then he walked to the exit and said, "What the hell?" I heard him unlock the door and leave.

I crawled back into the corner between the toilet and the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest. Then I heard Gus's voice outside the stall door. He was trying to open it. "Come on out guy," he said. "Pete didn't mean anything by it. He was just talking shit. He's like that."

I refused to say anything. I just sat there, staring at the door. I saw my backpack being placed against the stall door. "I brought your stuff," Gil said. "I'm leaving it here."

I heard footsteps, then the door opening and closing. I wouldn't be fooled again. I knew that they were still out there, waiting. I reached into my cross-shoulder bag and took out my phone. The panic button was visible on the lock screen. I punched it with my thumb. It didn't make noise, but it sent concentric rings from itself every second or so. I clutched the phone in my white fingers and waited.

It felt like an eternity, but I later discovered that it was only 70 seconds. I could hear Jason outside the door. He'd picked up my backpack. "Let me in Kieran," he said. He had to repeat himself twice before I managed to get up and open the door.

"Come on," he said, holding out his hand. I took it but didn't leave the stall. I was still having trouble breathing. "Kieran!" he said, more forcefully. "Come out here at once."

He gave a gentle tug on my hand. I gave in and followed him. He had both our backpacks on his back. and was holding the straps with one hand. He pulled me in close with the other. "Let's go," he said. I followed him out of the bathroom.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your class," I said.

He looked into my eyes and replied, "I'm glad you did. I'm going to take you someplace private where we can have lunch and talk."

I clung to him as we walked out the building, and his smell was calming me. By the time we'd reached the Student Union, my head was no longer spinning. We grabbed a pizza to go, and Jason led me to the elevator. We rode it to the third floor. Then we went to a door that said No Admittance. Jason pulled a tool out of his pocket that opened like a Swiss Army knife and stuck the blade into the lock and turned it. The door opened, revealing a set of stairs inside that led to the roof. We found a spot that wasn't visible from the larger admin building next door and sat down to eat our pizza.

Jason didn't chastise me for making him miss 15 minutes of class. He didn't ask me any questions, he just waited expectantly. I told him about the incident in the lounge, and he ran a single finger along my neck to see where I'd been held.

Finally, he said, "Kieran. I don't want you to get mad at me and start arguing. Just listen. You are not alright. You're experiencing trauma and even more anxiety than normal."

"I don't normally have anxiety sir," I said.

Jason responded, "You were hiding your anxiety pretty well when I first met you, but I could hear it in your words when you spoke. Now, your barriers are down, and you've been going through some serious trauma. You need help on that front. I can't give it to you, and you can't go to student health services. They'll say that our relationship is part of your problem because they won't understand it. I have a solution, and you have to just obey me and do it."

He waited until I said, "Yes sir. I promised to obey, and I'll do my best. What do I have to do?"

"I'm arranging for you to talk to my uncle," he said. "He is a psychologist, and he understands the kind of relationship we have. He won't let me know what you talk about unless you tell him it's okay."

"That sounds fine to me sir," I said. I didn't want a therapist. All I needed was to suck Jason's dick and I would be alright.

Jason pulled me close to him and we lay back on the roof watching the clouds. He whispered in my ear, "Now do you understand why I want you to have a guardian at all times when you're not in the room?"

"Yes sir," I responded. "But I need to confess that I broke a rule this morning. When those guys asked if you were my boyfriend, I didn't say yes. I ... I denied you. I didn't mean to!"

He rolled over and kissed me gently, then said, "I'm not going to spank you for that because you were having an anxiety attack – not even if you want me to. If you forget again when you're not melting down, then I'll spank your butt for you."

I blushed deep pink. "I didn't tell you that so you would spank me," I said. "I told you because I broke the rules, and you need to know." After a hesitation I added, "But I do like it when you spank me sir. I didn't think I did when you did it the first time, but I think about it sometimes and I get excited, like I am now."

"Let's talk for a minute Kieran," Jason said sitting up. He was looking down into my eyes from above. "There are two types of spanking. One is for punishment and the other is for pleasure. I can't punish you for having a break down, but I can spank you for pleasure so long as we make it clear that's what we're doing. If I spank you now, with my hand because both of us like it, I will have to make a punishment spanking different. I will have to start using the paddle and it will hurt more. Do you understand?"

I crawled over his lap and lay face down. "Yes sir," I said. "I understand. I want you to spank me now."

Jason checked his watch, then he stood up, pulling me with him. He said, "I will only spank you if you're naked."

I looked around at the other buildings. We were between air conditioning units so we wouldn't be visible when lying down. This was new and exciting. I stuck my thumbs in in my waistband and dropped my shorts. Then I went to remove my jockstrap. "Wait," Jason said. "Leave that for now. Take off your shirt and your shoulder bag."

I did, and I stood before him naked but for my jockstrap and sandals. Jason reached into his bag and pulled out one of his spray bottles and removed the cap. He pulled the front of my jockstrap down and sprayed my cock and balls with an icy spray, then he pulled them back up.

"Do you remember this spray boy," he asked.

"Yes sir," I said unhappily.

Jason sat and pulled me across his lap and said, "I think my boy is forgetting that he's not allowed to ask about orgasms, that it's my choice if or when he gets one. I'm going to spank you, and we'll probably both enjoy it. Then you're going to suck my cock because only one of us is going to cum for the rest of the day. No orgasm is your punishment for breaking the rule. I think you like the spankings too much."

When I'd asked for a spanking, I had been asking for Jason to give an orgasm. I knew that before he said anything, but he'd been letting things slide for a while, probably because he'd been convinced that I need special handling right now. I reminded myself that I had begged him this morning to continue my training.

I felt his hand descend on my butt. It was firm, but not too hard. "One, sir," I said.

The strange thing was that my body was reacting like it always did to him spanking me. It wasn't just my cheeks that were warming. My whole body was warming up. My asshole was clenching, and my dick was growing hard. I knew from experience that the spray Jason used would allow me to reach the brink of orgasm but wouldn't allow me to get there. It would also keep me from dripping precum all over Jason's pants.

Three more smacks struck my butt in rapid succession, each increasing in force. I counted them out. When I got to the last count I said, "Four, sir! I needed this sir."

When those words came from lips, I knew that it was true. Jason's hand striking my butt was somehow centering me. Despite the pain, I was feeling calmer and more relaxed than I had since ....

Tears welled up in my eyes, not from the spanking, but from my thoughts. The nausea was returning and the vertigo. I focused on the spanking. The fifth swat was even harder. You could hear the sound clearly. I was glad that no one was on the roof with us.

"Five, sir," I sobbed. My dick had started to soften when memory of that night reared its ugly head but focusing on Jason's hand on my ass made it stiffen again.

"Six, sir!" I yelled. The swats were beginning to really hurt. I imagined my cheeks turning red under Jason's firm hands.

"Seven, sir!" My cock was trying to cum, but it couldn't.

"Eight, sir!" I sobbed, both from pain and from frustrated attempts to orgasm.

"Nine, sir!" I said as my hips bounced.

"Ten, sir!" I said with relief. Then to my surprise I felt another smack even harder the last.

"Eleven, sir!" I yelled.

Jason laughed and rubbed my red ass. Then he bent down and said, "That last one was because I could tell from your tone that you thought we done. I don't want to be too predictable. You'll get bored."

Jason checked his watch again. "Sit cross-legged boy," he said. Then he stood up and unzipped his black jeans and slid them down, along with his silk boxers. His large cock was bobbing in front of my face. I licked my lips and said, "Can I suck your beautiful cock sir?"

Jason looked down at me with a slight smile on his face and said, "Yes boy, you may suck my cock now."

Jason's cock was the most beautiful cock I'd ever seen. Of course, my experience had been limited to internet porn, but I'd never seen one that even came close to his. It was 8 inches long and more than 7 inches around. My hand would almost but not quite close around it. The color was slightly darker than the golden brown of his skin. His foreskin covered the entire head when it was soft, but the head peeked out a little when it was hard. His balls were hairless and large enough to fill my hand when I cupped them. His public hair was short, soft, and silky, the same black color as the hair on his head.

The first thing I always did when given a chance to worship Jason's cock was to take a deep breath and inhale his masculine scent. A chill went down my spine and my heart raced. Jason's smell was a contradiction; it made me feel calm and centered, but at the same time aroused. It made me feel vulnerable but protected at the same time. I leaned forward and kissed the head right on the spot where it peeked through the foreskin. Then I kissed it along the shaft on both sides. Following my nose, I began to kiss him in the groin. The smell and taste of Jason was stronger here than at any place on his body. I made sure to kiss his heavy balls in gratitude for what they were about to give me. Finally, I pulled back his foreskin and slipped the head in my mouth. I liked to take Jason as deep into my throat as I could, but I loved the way he moaned when I held just enough of the tip in my mouth that I could alternately massage the head and that sensitive spot just below the head.

My own dick was hard as rock and throbbing, but I decided to stop thinking about it. I knew I wouldn't be cumming, so I put that thought out of my head and focused on Jason's cock. I took my time and practiced my skills, alternating between working on the head and taking as much of him into my mouth as I could. I was getting better at swallowing him, but I still couldn't get more than half of his cock into my mouth without gagging. I ended up gagging and choking a lot.

"Your mouth feels like warm velvet on my cock, Kieran," he said, twining his fingers in the curls of my hair. "And your hair is like soft rose gold, my beautiful boy."

I felt a warm glow as his praise suffused my body. At that point I didn't care what my own cock was doing. Since I couldn't work towards my own, I focused on Jason's impending orgasm. It was like my whole world was narrowing down to the cock of the man in front of me. His leg muscles contracted first, then I feel his balls drawing up close to his body. His cock tightened and then swelled, and my mouth was filled with Jason's delicious cum. Six times he came. I swallowed it all.

I had just finished cleaning him off when a thought occurred to me. I pulled off his cock for a moment, looked deep into his eyes and asked, "Do you need to piss sir?"

Jason smiled at me. That smile made melt a little inside. He seemed happy about something. "Yes boy," he said. I took him back into my mouth and held him gently while he released his bladder muscle and let loose a stream of warm piss. I realized that his piss was only acrid first thing in the morning. At this time of day, I didn't mind the taste. It may not be my favorite flavor in the world, but it came from Jason and that made it precious to me.

Jason pulled me into his arms and kissed me again, his tongue roughly invading my mouth and making it his own. Then he pulled back and said, "Get dressed boy; it's almost time to leave."

As I was putting my clothes back on, I had another insight. Without my own orgasm to worry about, I had been able to concentrate fully on Jason. I'd felt every pulse in every vein of his cock. I'd felt every movement of muscle beneath the silky skin. I'd been more of aware of his needs than I ever had been before. I almost wished that I hadn't been hard. I'd blocked my erection out partway through our encounter, but it had been a distraction until I'd learned to ignore it.

We went back down to the stairs and then snuck out the door we hadn't been supposed to enter in the first place. This afternoon we had the only class that we shared, a freshman literature course. We walked to the Modern Languages building together, Jason's arm around my shoulder. So long as I was with Jason, I didn't care if anyone saw me. I also knew that no one would touch me with him around.

We got to class early and had to wait 30 minutes for the class to begin. There were a few chairs in the hallway. All but one of them was taken. Jason sat down on it and pulled me onto his lap. We should have been using this time to study, but Jason wanted to talk. We didn't say anything inappropriate, but I was sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck and he was holding me around the waist. We drew some looks, but no one said anything.

The Literature class focused on American Literature. It didn't look like it would be too hard. Jason and I found seats together in the back of the room. There were long tables with chairs, so we pushed our chairs together and Jason rubbed my thigh during the lecture. Periodically, he would lean over and whisper in my ear to pay attention. I would have to work hard to maintain my focus during this class going forward. I thought that Jason was probably just enjoying sharing a class with me and that he would probably settle down in time, but for now I was so excited that I could hardly concentrate and him touching my body wasn't helping with that.

After class, we walked back to the dorm and changed clothes for our run. My shoes were loose enough that they were uncomfortable on my feet now. We no longer had time for running in the morning, so I assumed we would be doing it in the afternoons from now on. We ran around the exercise track that surrounded the campus. This time we stopped to do the workouts at the stations on the track. There were too many other students out and about for me to blow Jason again, which is unfortunate because I wanted to taste him again. Afterwards we stopped at the dining hall to get an early dinner. Jason chose a salad with shrimp, cashews, and mandarin oranges for me. He only allowed me to use one third the dressing that came with it. He had a roasted chicken breast with pasta.

I made a joke about being hungry again before bed, but Jason didn't laugh. He just said, "You're smaller now boy. You don't need as many calories."

I was a little annoyed with him. He was giving me a pill that he said would keep me from putting weight; why did he have to make me eat low calorie food as well? I hadn't eaten much salad growing up. Uncle Craig had been a meat and potatoes sort of guy, so that's what we'd all eaten.

After dinner, I had a chance to undress Jason again and sniff his feet. He hadn't been joking about making that part of my daily routine. I licked the sweat from his feet, pits, and groin. When he rolled over this time, I carefully licked between Jason's cheeks. He didn't use the poop tea (as I called it), so I wasn't sure if I would find any unpleasant surprises. He was musky back there, but not in a bad way. I cleaned him up good.

Then we showered again, and I was allowed to suck his cock again. We were falling back into a routine that had felt disrupted, and I was glad.

Jason insisted that we schedule two hours for homework because he wanted me to get good grades. Then he threatened to spank me with the paddle if I got anything lower than a B. Despite having desks, we worked on the bed. I was lying on my stomach with my old laptop at the foot of the bed and Jason was laying on his back, propped up against the wall behind the head of the bed. His feet we near my face and I kept wanting to close my laptop and suck his toes, but Jason flicked my nuts whenever my attention wandered. He was gentle as he could be, but a flick to the nuts still stung.

When Jason said it was time to stop studying, I closed my laptop and put it on my desk. I was hoping Jason would use the other spray, the one that gave me back my orgasms, but he told me to wait at my desk while he put some shelves up. I sat down and began to look through my social media. I had a message from my high school friend Steve. It read; I saw your picture on FB. Are you openly gay now?

My blood ran cold. When I'd followed Jason's lead and changed my status to In a Relationship with Jason Lee, it hadn't seemed real. Now there were real world consequences. Steve was okay. I'd been closer to him than to anyone else in school. His younger brother was in school with my youngest cousin Dylan. I hoped that my newly admitted gayness wouldn't get back to my uncle. He'd blow a gasket. He'd drive out here and .... What would he do? Jason wouldn't let him do anything to me.

I started to message back No, but then I thought about Jason's rules. I'd already denied him once today. I sent a message that read; I guess I am. Jason Lee is my man. I'm his boy.

He responded immediately with a message that read; You don't sound gay. You sound like a faggot bitch. No offense intended. You're his boy_?_

Me: If that make me a faggot bitch, I guess I am a faggot bitch.

Steve: No offense, for real. I always thought you were gay. If I'd known for sure back in school, I would have made you suck my dick. I'd probably have been nice enough to suck you in return – if you were a good boy.

Me: Are you gay too?

Steve: If sucking cock and fucking ass makes me gay, I guess the answer is yes.

Me: Please don't tell anyone that I'm gay. I don't want my uncle to find out yet.

Steve: Everyone always thought you were gay in school, even though you tried to pretend you weren't.

I didn't respond to his last text. I had no idea how to respond. Had all my other high school friends thought I was gay?

Steve: I'm glad you're out, even if you're not with me. Your man is super hot. He'd better treat you right or I'll drive over there and rescue you. Keep in touch gay boy. I mean that.

Me: I will.

Steve: I know it's too late now, but I had a crush on you in high school. Think about that. I'll text you later.

"Time for your tea Kieran," Jason said.

I looked up and saw that he had put small shelves on the wall over the bed. He'd put a small folding table near the foot of the bed where there was no wall. On each of the three shelves and the table, he'd placed a candle and two small cubes, one red and one black. He held my tea and pills on a small tray. I looked at the clock and it was still early, only about 9:15.

"Don't you want to ... you know ... um ... fuck me before we go to sleep?" I asked.

"Are you asking me to fuck you, boy?" Jason asked.

"Yes sir," I said. "I would really like it if you would fuck me before bed."

Jason shook his head. "That's not your decision boy," he said. "I decide when and how we have sex. You'll have to be punished for that later. Now drink up and take your pills."

"Yes sir," I said. I took the pills and swallowed the tea.

While we were waiting for the tea to take effect, Jason said, "Don't forget the rules, boy. You reminded me that I've been allowing you too much leeway because of what happened Sunday night. I won't be doing that in the future. Your training is back on schedule."

"Yes sir!" I replied with contrition in my voice and a pout on my lips.

It wasn't long after that I felt the need to poop. I remembered to ask permission to leave the room, then ran to do my business. I was always amazed at how clean I was after one of these treatments. I also noticed that I had very little in my bowels to void. I wondered if that was a good sign.

When I got back into the room, I saw Jason holding a small silver cup. When I got closer, he handed it to me and said, "Drink this before lying down."

"What is it sir," I asked.

"It's something I've given you to drink before you go to bed," he replied. "Drink it."

I took a small sip. The taste was so strong that I nearly spit it out. It tasted of mint, something bitter and something sourer than lemon juice.

"Drink it fast," he said. "That's the best flavor I can get in that elixir. Just swallow it down. Sipping makes it worse."

I tossed it back and swallowed it fast.

Jason took my cup and set it down on the desk. Then he took my arm and guided me to the bed. Before I could lie down, my eyes started growing heavy and a severe lassitude overtook my body. I remember Jason arranging my arms and legs in a comfortable position, but then I fell into a deep sleep.

College Magic Cycle Characters (Readers' Version)

This list includes all the named characters introduced in the story so far.

Major Characters

·        Alonzo Ramos. An 18-year-old Latino American boy from El Paso, Texas. A cute power bottom and foundling mage. He's powerful, but untrained. He begins the story with a height of 68 inches and a weight of 150 pounds. He has deep olive or very light brown skin, amber eyes, and long black hair. He's a singer and a dancer. He's a little flighty and very flirty. When his powers awakened, he accidentally cast a spell that cursed his roommate Erik. He loves hardcore BDSM porn but is discovering that he doesn't like it in real life. He and Erik are suitemates with Jason and Kieran.

·        Darren Groves. A 21-year-old college junior from Montana. A heavy-set man with shoulder length brown hair, a short beard, and brown eyes. He's powerfully built under his extra pounds. He's of average appearance. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. He's Drew's right hand man. In a fit of lust, he groped Kieran in the laundry room. Who knows what would have happened if Drew hadn't broken it up? Despite this, Drew is a good guy. He's become a kind of avuncular figure for Kieran as one of his protectors on campus.

·        Domenic Chase. A 24-year-old Elven-American from New York City. He has an alien mindset that others find hard to comprehend. He stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 130 pounds. His skin is pale, and his hair is almost white. His eyes are purple. When he's not glamered to appear more human, you can see his pointed, lobeless ears, solid purple eyes (like he has no white in his eyes, just purple iris) and sharp feline teeth. He's physically tough (he claims to be tougher than the werewolves), fast and has strong, claw-like fingernails. He can weave illusions and powerful charms, although the charms require some level of acceptance from the target. He's a friend of Sebastian. He enslaved Kyle Mason as punishment after he raped Kieran and beat up Simon.

·        Drew Janowski. A 22-year-old werewolf from rural Pennsylvania. He's 74 inches tall, with blond hair and green eyes. He wears a short, well-trimmed beard. He has a powerful build and weighs 220 pounds of solid muscle. He runs the local werewolf pack and helps Sebastian keep order on campus. He's bisexual. His girlfriend Dawn commands the female werewolves. He also likes handsome men and pretty boys. He took Simon into his room after he was attacked by Kyle.

·        Erik Rucker. A 19-year-old from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. At the start of the story, he stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Despite his small stature he likes weight training and is extremely muscular, although thin. Once he's affected by Alonzo's spell, he begins to gain height and weight. He has blond hair and ice blue eyes. He is a bit of a slob, but he's also very smart. He's a total top and ends up fucking his roommate Alonzo on their first day in the dorms. He and Alonzo are suitemates to Jason and Kieran. He's learning from Jason to expand his definition of what it means to be a top. Thanks to Alonzo's spell, his mind has been invaded by the cruel fictional character Einar Ironblood. He struggles between the two personalities. He's in love with Alonzo and wants him to his boy forever. He's not sure that Alonzo feels the same way.

·        Ethan Lowry. An 18-year-old boy from Long Island. He stands 67 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. He has golden blond hair, blue eyes and always has a golden tan. In this story he was working with the hunters. His story will be told later.

·        Jason Lee. A 19-year-old (about 6 months older than Kieran) Chinese American college freshman with golden brown skin, brown almond shaped eyes and collar length black hair. He is already an accomplished alchemist. He is a dominant, looking for a submissive boy. He finds what he's looking for in Kieran Morgan. He takes charge of Kieran and begins training him as a submissive. He gives Kieran alchemical elixirs that change his body, and he uses psychology to lead him to embrace his innate submissiveness. He has allowed himself to fall into tantric entanglement with Kieran, bringing them even closer. He believes that Kieran is his complement, the other half of his soul. Jason and Kieran are the suitemates of Alonzo and Erik.

·        Kieran Morgan. An 18-year-old boy with pale skin, golden-red hair, and green eyes. At the beginning of the story, he is deeply closeted (he is unaware that said closet had glass doors everyone could see through) and stands at 72 inches and 180 pounds of muscle. He was a high school athlete who was on the diving team, the swim team, and the track team. Jason took charge of him shortly after they moved into the dorm and began training him to let his inner submissive out. Jason gives him alchemical elixirs that are changing him physically. He sometimes struggles with the idea that he's losing himself inside Jason, but he can't go long without his lover's touch. Jason is somewhat naive. During the story he loses height, mass, and penis size. Jason says that he's not doing it, but Kieran is sure that he is. After being raped by Kyle Mason, he suffers psychological trauma and only his relationship with Jason gives stability to his life. He and Jason are suitemates with Alonzo and Erik. He has an artistic soul. Jason has decided that Kieran will change majors to Art.

·        Kyle Morgan. A 19-year-old college freshman from Kentucky. Kyle begins the story as a high school athlete who's let himself go a little. He's 74" tall and 250 pounds. He has a muscular build with a layer of fat and a small gut. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He's a closeted gay man and a homophobe. He has a history of beating on gay acting guys who get him aroused. During the New Student Mixer, he raped Kieran Morgan. When he got back to his room, he beat on his smaller roommate Simon until he orgasmed in his pants. In return for these acts, Domenic Chase enslaved him and is turning him into a hot jock bitch. His life has become a prolonged slave training session. He begins to show remorse and even to accept his sexuality but tries to find a way out of his magical enslavement.

·        Sebastian Trent. A 24-year-old graduate student. He's the RA for his floor and he helps Professor Thorne to wrangle the mage and supernatural scholars on campus. His female counterpart is Clarissa Spencer. Sebastian is 70 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little overwhelmed with the fallout from Alonzo's spell and Kieran's rape, so he allowed Domenic the leeway he needed to enslave Kyle. Now there's nothing he can do about it. Sebastian is bisexual but prefers men. He has older men on campus who blow him in exchange for favors. He seems to have a lot of influence on campus for a grad student. He has no current boyfriend.

·        Simon Carter. A 19-year-old gay college freshman. He's an African American boy (although his biological father was white) who was raised by two moms. He stands 68 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's of average size, but the men he likes best are muscular jock types, most of whom aren't interested in bottoming for a skinny black boy. After getting beaten up by his roommate Kyle, he is moved to Drew's room.

·        Xav Janowski. A 24-year-old werewolf who is spirit speaker (priest) for the werewolves. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He has long blond hair he wears in a French braid and deep sapphire blue eyes. He's Drew's older brother, and his closest advisor in the pack. He is the spiritual leader for the pack and gives spiritual advice to mundane clients who don't know he's a werewolf. He's flamboyant and campy. He is a total power bottom and fucking him can be a spiritual experience as well as a physical one.

Minor Characters

·        Christopher Thompson. A big guy, over six feet tall and well-muscled, with blond hair who looks like a jock; he has a very small penis; Matt's roommate (and possible submissive); a member of the Nerd Squad.

·        Clarissa Spencer. RA for the supernatural girls in the dorm. She works for Professor Sybil Thorne, the local representative of the Conclave.

·        Daniel Burns. A stocky guy with light brown hair and a goatee; one of the Nerd Squad

·        Dawn Schiller. A muscular blond woman who stands 70 inches tall. She's the female alpha of the werewolf pack and Drew's girlfriend. She is bisexual and usually has at least one girl on the side.

·        Jake Miller. An African American guy with dark skin and curly hair; one of the Nerd Squad.

·        Joe Peters. A freshman in Kieran's writing class who was in the same religious program before school that Kieran was in.

·        Josh Higgins. Overweight and unhygienic guy who introduced Kyle to Nerd Squad.

·        Dr. Kamon Zhang. Jason's maternal uncle, a mage and psychologist who is helping Kieran to come to terms with his trauma, and his true nature.

·        Larry Gordan. Kieran's Art professor. He reminds Kieran of his Uncle Craig, and arouses him, a fact that disturbs Kieran but seemed unsurprising to Jason. He tried to put the moves on Kieran after his first class but backed off apologetically when he found out that he was Jason's boy. He is a mentor to Kieran.

·        Matt Silver. A sturdy guy with olive skin tone and brown hair; he has a very large penis (almost 10 inches); the most sadistic of the Nerd Squad.

·        Meghan Connelly. A female werewolf who is one of Kieran's watchers.

·        Michael Shank. A skinny guy with dirty blond hair and pale skin; one of the Nerd Squad.

·        Millicent Bierce. A TA who teaches the writing class that Kieran and Darren are in. She appears to be very religious and doesn't seem to like Kieran and Darren, probably because they are gay.

·        Sally Minh. An engineering student who is in Kieran's art class. She ships Kieran and Jason and draws pictures of them in anime style. She's a friend to Kieran and becomes one of Jason's watchers to keep an eye on him.

·        Sybil Thorne. Kieran's history professor. She's also the overseer for the magician's Conclave here on campus. Her two assistants are Sebastian Trent and Clarissa Spencer.

Next: Chapter 20: Wishcraft 6

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