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As with most Saturday nights, every student on campus is out partying at the frats or in some off campus apartment. But not me. Or my roommate Mateo. Or our friend Harry, who lives in another dorm building on campus. The three of us are a bit geeky, not very fit, and don't hang around the "cool" crowd or party all that much, though sometimes we'll dip our toes in the water. We like drinking, at least. But we spend most of our time huddled up in the library or in the computer lab, trying to perfect or expand upon our latest assignment. All three of us are straight A students. And almost a year ahead in our computer science curriculum. We're sophomores but we'll be graduating a whole year early. Three years in undergrad, then grad school for each of us, I suppose.
On nights like these, we typically meet up and show off the programs we've been working on, but on this night, we were feeling wiped from the long spring semester and thought it might be fun to let loose and do something we haven't done since our freshman year--Beerio Kart.
Beerio Kart is when you play a Mario Kart tournament, but in each race, before you cross the finish line, you have to finish a whole can of beer by yourself. Doesn't matter whether you chug it at the beginning, sip it throughout, or drink it right before you cross the finish line, as long as you put the remote down to drink. You can't "drink and drive," is the official rule.
"Hey, Declan," My roommate, Mateo, says to me as he sets a beer at my side. "Think you can take me this time?" All three of us are sitting cross-legged on the cheap green Target rug in our cramped dorm, side-by-side in front of the small TV. Our friend Harry couldn't host in his much larger dorm since his roommate was having a girl over. His roommate is a 6'-2" blonde Adonis, fit from tennis playing and has the most gorgeous smile you've ever seen. Harry's not bad looking either, and just as tall, but he's a pretty chunky guy. Short, blonde hair and a full reddish beard makes him look like one of those Vikings you see on TV. You can tell he's just as hairy too because he always has little blonde hairs poking out the top of his shirt, and sometimes, when his shirt rides up, I can see his the bottom of his hairy tummy peeking through. He eats a lot. He always brings the good snacks to the study sesh. And although he's opened up a lot over the last year, Harry's still pretty timid, and his hot commodity roommate tends to invite a lot of women over, so he often ends up at our place to avoid the late night hookups. We're glad to have him, he adds some calm and level-headed energy to the room.
I scoff at Mateo. "You bet. I've been practicing during your recitations." Mateo's always beating me at Mario Kart, which is infuriating, yet motivating. The two of us are fairly competitive with each other, whether it be about grades, or video games, or basically whatever we're doing. We both come from intense families, which is sort of how we bonded our freshman year at some ice cream mixer. Mateo comes from a Mexican family and is a first generation American and college student, and they're extremely close to one another. His parents every chance they get and he gets a call from either of his dad, mom, sister, brother, cousins, or grandparents at least twice a week. I get the sense that his parents, though obviously proud of him, put a lot of pressure on him too.
I can relate to the pressure, although in a very different context. I come from a strict Irish Catholic family, and although we're not as close, my parents have always pushed me and my older sister to be the best at what we do. My sister went into law school, and I decided to pursue computer science. Mateo and I hung out quite a bit our freshman year, bonding over our overbearing parents, our geekish interests, our inability to grow any sort of facial hair, all the while supporting and pushing each other to be better. So by the end of our first spring semester we both knew it'd be a great idea to room together our sophomore year.
And it was. Mateo and I spend almost all of our time together, in the food hall, in classes, staying up in our room late at night arguing about God knows what. But we've never gotten sick of each other, at least not yet. It's been a stressful year, and I'm not sure I could've gotten this far without him there by my side, and I'm sure he would say the same for himself.
"Practice chugging beers, too, then?" Mateo raises an eyebrow at me.
"No, just the game, idiot."
"Huh, could've fooled me," he teases, poking my gut and smirking. "Looked like you might've put on some weight."
I give him a punch, saying, "I could say the same to you! Though we both know it's those damn cheese curls you're addicted to..."
"Yeah, yeah, we both could stand to lose a few..." Mateo turns to switch on the game.
It was true. Mateo and I both had average builds going into our freshman year, but now, nearly two years later, we had packed on a few, or more accurately, nearly 30 lbs of weight. Just last week, when I was putting on my shorts (of which I was glad for the elastic band), I was shocked at how difficult it was to see down past my belly fat. I looked in the mirror and thought, Shit. I'm really letting it go. Maybe I should try working out this summer. I'd seen Mateo struggle to put on a pair of his jeans, too.
"Dec, Matty, don't'll never get as fat as me," Harry says cheerfully and pats his belly. We all laugh.
"Thanks, big guy. Can always count on you." I give him a hard slap on the back. True, Harry is packing a bit more weight than us, but because Mateo and I are a few inches shorter than him, I honestly think it shows on us just the same.
"Vamos, let's get this party started!" Mateo shouts. The game begins.
In the first race, Mateo and I chug our beers as soon as the race begins. Harry chooses to sip his throughout. In a shocking turn of events, I beat Mateo out at the last moment, securing us 1st and 2nd places. Harry secures a modest 5th place spot.
"Shit!" Mateo laughs. "Lucky fucker." He's smiling, but I can tell it bothers him.
Second round starts. We both chug in the beginning again, while Harry takes his time with it. Mateo beats me, placing 1st and I get 3rd behind a computer.
"Fuck..." I grumble. That's not good. Mateo snickers.
Third round. Mateo and I chug, this time the beer feeling a bit rougher on the way down. My stomach already feels heavy. Thankfully, I snag 1st and Mateo 2nd. Turns out I am getting better at this.
Fourth round. Mateo and I are locked in, neither of us bothering to chug until the end. He gets to the finish line just before me and starts downing his beer before he crosses. I follow suit. Our eyes are locked on each other, determined to beat the other. Suddenly, Mateo stops to cough. I finish, slam my can down and press my thumb into the accelerate button to cross the finish line. 1st place.
Moments later, Mateo throws his can down and picks up the remote, but it's too late. Two computer's have already crossed before him. 4th place.
"No!" He yells at the screen. "Bullshit!" I howl with laughter. Mateo's brow furrows with frustration, and wet with perspiration. He's so funny looking when he's angry.
Harry casually makes it across the finish line almost a full minute later, content with his 10th place finish. "Wow, that's the best I've done, I think." He beams at us happily.
Mateo's just shaking his head, fuming. "Let's go again."
"Alright, but prepare to get your ass beat." I stifle a burp. I forget how bloated this game gets me.
Harry shrugs. "Sure, I'm down to play again!"
So we do. Mateo and I butt heads this time around, elbowing each other, accusing each other of cheating, using more items and sabotage in the game to direct at one another. Alas, I lose this time, and I begin to feel more than just a little drunk.
Mateo stands and points a finger in my face. "Hah!" he shouts, almost losing his balance. "I am better than Declan!"
"Oh shut up, dude, I just beat you last game."
"Barely. I smoked you this time, see?" He gestures at the screen.
"Whatever, man..." Now I'm feeling a little PO'd. He's such an asshole sometimes. I look away, and open my phone to distract myself. "Asshole..." I mumble.
Mateo shakes his head, scoffing at me. "Sore loser."
That does it. I stand too. "Round three, then," I say into his face. We both reek of cheap beer, and both of our guts look distended underneath our graphic tees. His is some black tee with a Metroid reference, mine's white with a Cyberpunk 2077 print on it.
"Guys, I don't think I can do another..." Harry looks up at us. "Kinda full of beer at this point, ya know?" He looks down to his gut.
"Just me and Declan, then," Mateo says firmly. "Duel to the finish. Whoever wins this time is the real winner, except this time--" he pokes my gut. "--we play with stakes."
I look at him quizzically. "What, like money?"
"No, I mean...Well, I don't know." Mateo turns to Harry. "Harry, look something up."
Harry gladly brings out his phone and does a quick Google search. " that doesn't make sense..." Then he chuckles softly. "You could play..." He leans into his phone, squinting. "Strip Mario Kart."
Mateo and I blink at him.
"Fuck that," I say, guffawing.
"Why, afraid for everyone to see your flabby ass?" Mateo prods.
"No, I just don't want Harry here to be subjected to your man tits." I flick him in the chest.
"Jeez, you guys really need to chill..." Harry mumbles, now having scooted himself back to the side of my bed and propping himself up.
"Harry, what do the rules say, exactly?" I say.
Harry shakes his head but keeps reading. "This guy on Reddit says that you play a string of single races, no tournament. Whoever loses to the other or others in a race has to take off a piece of their clothing, until one person has no clothes left to take off. They're the loser."
"Simple enough," Mateo says and looks me up and down. "We both got, what? A shirt, shorts, underwear. Three pieces of clothing. I'm game." Then puts out a hand. "May the best man win."
Are we really about to do this? And then I think of the look on Mateo's face when I beat him, and how humiliated he'll be when Harry and I are laughing at him, butt naked. "Fine." I shake his hand, hard. "Let's fucking do this."
We both sit down again, about as close as you can get to the TV screen. Harry's still behind us, scrolling his phone. He doesn't seem interested in watching us play, or seeing us get worked up.
The game starts. I'm glad we're not drinking anymore so I can focus on the controls. But a few minutes later, Mateo's beat me.
"Alright, you know the rules." Mateo sneers at me.
Begrudgingly, I slide my shorts off and throw them to the side, revealing my pale chubby legs and navy briefs, which have little spaceships on them.
The second race comes and goes. Mateo loses.
"Them's the rules." I tell him. Mateo frowns at me, and strips his shorts off too. He's got a pair of light blue briefs.
Third race. Mateo loses again.
"Fuck!" Mateo slams his remote and puts his head down into his lap, hands on his head.
"Well take it off, fatass!" I grab the bottom of the shirt. He bats my hand away and grimaces. He looks back at Harry, who quickly looks back down at his phone, not wanting to get involved.
"Fine..." Mateo quickly strips his shirt off and throws it into my face. When I pull it off, he's crossing his arms over his chest, hiding his nipples. His whole body is a smooth caramel color, and pretty hairless except for a handful of dark hairs around his belly button. The fat around his stomach rolls over the top of his briefs, just like I know mine does. He's staring back at the screen.
"Round four," I say to him. We take our remotes and start the race.
This one isn't going so well for me. I shout a few expletives over at Mateo, during which I catch some glances at his chest, now uncovered by his busy hands. He has no hair on his chest save for some fine dark hairs ringing his nipples, which are big and dark.. Otherwise, just a couple of flabby man tits. For some reason, I can't stop myself from sneaking more glances, and it costs me the race.
Mateo laughs softly and presses his hands into his thighs, looking pleased with himself. I take a deep breath, suddenly feeling anxious about my friends seeing my soft body. I've never been this exposed in front of anyone before, never having had sex and always feeling shy in the high school locker room. Then, I realize, Harry and Mateo probably feel the same way. They haven't had sex, yet, either. That relaxes me a bit.
In my drunken stupor, I struggle a bit with my shirt. Mateo, now giddy with delight at having bested me, helps me pull it off. "C'mon, big guy, let's see it!"
The shirt comes off, and Mateo and I look at each other, scanning up and down. We're essentially the same in fat content, both having modest man tits and chubby bellies from all the junk we've snacked on in the library. My nipples are big like his, except pink in color. I notice Mateo staring at them a little long.
"Can't grow much hair either, huh?" Mateo rubs his chest and stomach.
We both stare for a moment longer, then at each other's crotches, and then I clear my throat. "Well then, last round, huh?"
"I guess so." Mateo starts to look a little nervous. I can relate. The last thing I wanna do is have my friends making fun of my dick.
The race is tense. About halfway in, I nudge myself closer to the screen.
"Dude, back up," growls Mateo. He scoots up next to me, and places his elbow in front of my bare stomach.
"Uh, how about you?" I say, pushing him back with my shoulder.
"Dude, stop, you're messing me up!" And he punches my gut, forcing me to drop the remote.
"Dude, what's your problem?" I knock the remote out of his hands. We turn to each other, fuming. Mateo pushes me hard in the chest. Before I know it, the two of us are grappling with each other, trying to push the other one down.
"Fuck off, Mateo!"
"No you fuck off, Declan!"
We're kicking and punching, pushing and grabbing at any piece of flesh we can. Both of us are quite sweaty, and I can't help but think how pitiful it must be to watch us, two fat geeks wrestling over a stupid game. But it feels more important than that. I guess we had some pent up issues after all.
The TV screen shuts off. Harry is there, towering over us, having unplugged the game console. "You guys need to seriously chill the heck out."
This is the first time Mateo and I have seen Harry look so agitated. Now he really looked like one of those gruff Vikings, just not nearly as profane.
Mateo and I sit there perched on our knees, huffing and puffing at each other. Neither of us feel chill right now. I, for one, have some rage to get out that I honestly didn't even know needed to be released.
Harry sighs and shakes his head. "You both look...pathetic. Either fight it out, or figure it out."
"I'm not pathetic, man, he is," I say, pointing at Mateo's face. "He can't even take being beaten at something he's kinda good at. Can't stand the thought that someone could be better at something than him...It's probably why he barely has any friends." I immediately regret saying that.
Mateo looks stunned, and a little hurt. The he scowls at me. "I'm pathetic? What about you? Look at you, no wonder you can get a girl." He slaps my paunch which is hanging over the edge of my briefs. It jiggles.
"Me? Look at you, fatty!" I pinch one of the fat nipples hanging from his body.
Mateo, furious, grabs me by the waist with both hands, shaking my fat. "Oh yeah, and what's this? No girl wants that, right?"
That does it. I shove him hard and he falters, landing on his back. I leap on top, and we both struggle to gain control. We enter a full on wrestling match, writhing and shouting and grabbing at each other, trying to pin the other down under our weight. One of us has to be the winner. And it's going to be me.
At one point, Mateo pins me down, his ass planted firmly on my stomach. Fuck. I suddenly remember how full I am.
"Give in?!" He shouts, breathing heavy. I look up at his hefty frame, and I have a wicked idea. I reach up with both hands and twist his dark-colored nipples.
The face Mateo makes next shocks me. Instead of looking pained, or furious, or confused, his eyes flicker and his face relaxes. And then, he moans. Not a painful moan.
I look down, and Mateo's briefs are tented.
"You like that?" I say, twisting harder.
"Oh..." Mateo falters, deciding whether to give in or fight back. He decides, swiping my hands away from his chest. "No, but I bet you like it, don't you?" He reaches down and squeezes my soft tits. And almost immediately, my dick starts to harden.
Unsure how to feel about what's happening, I've suddenly figured out a new way to best my roommate. I manage to flip Mateo over instead so he's lying on his belly, then I flop myself on top of him facing down, and start grinding his ass with my chubbing crotch. He starts moaning again.
"You like that?" I breathe into his ear. My stomach is pressed against his chubby backside.
Then he reaches one hand back and shoves it into my briefs. Before I can stop him, he's already gripping my shaft, moving his hand up and down.
"No, but you might." he replies, then elbows me right in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. I fall to the side and onto my back, trying to catch my breath.
Mateo stands and then bends over me, ripping off my briefs with one hand and revealing my rock hard cock nested in a black bush that I've never needed to trim. He smiles down at me.
"Look at that little Irish pecker. Hard as rock and not even, what, four inches?" He guesses, cocking his head.
Furious and erect, I sit up and pull his briefs down. His cock swings out, cut like mine and precisely the same size. Clearly, he also hasn't been trimming his pubic hair. It's curly and thick.
"Jesus." Harry whispers. We glace over at him. I hadn't realized he made his way back to the bed, this time sitting on the edge, shaking his head. "You guys are fucking weird." But he's rubbing his crotch a bit. We ignore him. More important things to deal with right now.
"Looking pretty horny down there, Declan," Mateo teases me from above. His stout body glistens with a light sweat.
"As do you," I say, stroking his hard cock. I've never felt this excited in my life, and I can tell Mateo feels the same, leering down at me and wide-eyed.
"So how about this..." I pose. "First one to cum loses?"
And before Mateo can respond, I wrap my mouth around his tiny cock and start to suck.
"Ohhh, what the hell..." Mateo leans back, clearly enjoying it. "Oh, fuck, yeah that feels good...don't stop..." He pushes my head further into his crotch.
I don't stop.. In fact, I really fucking like it. Everything we're doing feels nasty and wrong, and it turns me on more. And I need to win.
Mateo suddenly palms my head with one chubby hand and forces it back, remembering the goal of the game. "Uh uh, I don't think so," he says to me. He plants one foot on my chest and kicks me back to the ground, then in a swift motion, positions his ass back on top of my stomach, this time facing away from my face.
"Your turn." He bends down and starts to suck my cock. I jerk with ecstacy, never having felt someone's mouth on my cock in my entire life. I can't believe how fucking good it feels. I start pumping my cock to meet his mouth. Why haven't we done this sooner?
His ass is right in front of my face. It's hairless and plump, like the rest of his body, if not a bit paler. It gently bounces off my chest each time I thrust my cock deeper into his mouth. His ass looks...juicy.
Without giving it another thought, I grab his fat ass and pull it back to my face, all the while Mateo keeping his mouth locked onto my junk, never letting up.
I don't know what comes over me, but the next thing I do is something I never thought I would ever do to another guy. Then again, I guess we're both doing some pretty unexpected things tonight.
After taking a deep breath, I plunge my face between his soft asscheeks and start to lick my roommate's asshole.
Mateo yelps. "Whoa!" He sits up and looks back at me, forgetting about the task at hand. "Dude...Oh, man, that feels..." We stare into each other's eyes. I continue slurping his hole. "...amazing," he finishes.
Then he returns to pleasure my cock. I carry on rimming, moaning into his ass, and I reach around to stroke his cock. We stay in this position for a good ten minutes, and I can feel myself getting pretty close.
Shit, I think, I need to act fast before I cum first. So I grab Mateo's flabby sides and scoot him back farther to insert his dick into my mouth.
In response, Mateo sort of slides off of me, and then we're both lying on our sides in a 69 position, furiously sucking on each other's cocks, on a tight race to the finish line.
"C'mon, you fat fuck," Mateo growls, "Cum for me."
"You first, big tits," I breathe back at him.
The two of us are lost in complete ecstasy. We don't even know where Harry is or if he's even in the room anymore. We're completely single-minded about attaining victory.
Just then, I feel Mateo's body start to jerk against mine. "Oh...!" he cries.
That strikes something in me, and my body jerks too. "Ohhh..." I moan back.
And then it happens. We both shoot our hot loads into each other's mouths, jerking and moaning and sucking on each other. I guess I'm swallowing his cum down, but I don't even notice. Finally we both start to relax, a few more squirts making their way out of our fat cocks, and we sit up on our elbows, breathing heavily. Just two chubby roommates heaving in relief after some mutual oral. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"Alright, so..." Mateo eventually manages. "...Who won?"
"I was a tie." I breathe, wiping my brow. I look down at my pale belly which is slick with my sweat--or is that Mateo's?
Mateo nods. "Fine...we're even then." He gives me a smug look, and winks. Whatever anger we had felt towards one another, has dissipated.
"Holy crap, you guys."
We turn our heads, surprised to see big Harry still sitting there on the bed facing us, and completely nude. He had thrown his clothes on the floor while we were 69ing. He's stroking an 8-inch dick, uncut and girthy. His hefty body, as I suspected, is covered nearly head to toe in a blondish-brown pelt. There's hair on his shoulders, his upper arms, and I can imagine his back is covered in the stuff too.
"I gotta say, that was kinda hot to watch." He says, licking his lips.
Mateo and I both have to laugh at that. It was hot.
"I think Harry's beat us pretty good in at least one category," I say, still admiring his burly frame.
"Agreed," Mateo nods. "Harry, you're one hairy fut fucker."
"Mmmm..." Harry strokes his dick a bit faster.
"Need some help with that?" Mateo asks.
Harry nods, looking down at us. "Get up here, you two."
Mateo and I sit at each of his sides. I cup one of Harry's furry breasts. His nipples are gigantic, hell, bigger than mine and Mateo's combined . They look nice and soft and warm against his field of golden hair...I bend down and start to lick one.
"Ooooo...just like that," Harry moans, and then he lays back. Mateo and I follow him down, and lock our mouths on his meaty tits, sucking and playing with them with our tongues. I love how soft his hairy flesh feels inside of my mouth. I wonder how Mateo's chest would feel, all hairless like mine.
"Yes, yes...oh, don't stop. Keep going, boys."
Harry's stroking rhythm quickens, and then he bellows, "Ohhh, yeah!" as his cock spurts a thick, white semen all over his furry, rotund belly. His head falls back, relieved.
Mateo and I rise up and look at one another, satisfied with sharing in the experience of making our friend climax. We instinctively lock lips, and it's the first time I've ever kissed someone. It's Mateo's, too. We kiss passionately, rolling our tongues on the inside of each other's mouth, exploring and massaging. He tastes so good, and all this time I had no idea. He sleeps across the room from me, and all those nights we could've been making out and swapping head. Maybe even more.
After we break the kiss, we look at each other with wicked grins. I reach out and playfully tickle one of his nipples, watching his chest lightly quake in response. I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. He bats my hand away, and then starts stroking my cheek, feeling the patchy stubble that matches his. We're smiling at each other, longingly.
Both of our dicks start rising again, sticking straight into Harry's tummy.
"Round two?" I ask.
Let me know what you think. I've got some ideas for continuing the story and would love your support.