College Roommates Meet

By Tom The Writer

Published on May 26, 2013



Theo again drops his shorts and boxers and begins to slowly stroke his cock. Although still soft, it was quite thick and heavy. Slowly Theo's hand slipped up and down his thick shaft. Devante was transfixed on this and couldn't peel his eyes away.

"Like I told you last time, I'm going to need a little assistance to get this guy up."

"What kind of assistance?"

"Uhm, I don't know... Here, give me your hand."

Chapter 9:

"Whoa dude, you got to be fucking kidding me! You gotta be kidding if you think this is finna happen, between us, AGAIN!" said Devante.

"Dude just shut up!" Theo barks

"Hell naw! You not finna speak to me like that. I'm not your bitch!"

"Yes the fuck you are! You're gonna shut up, get down on your knees and suck this dick." Theo said rather forcefully as he pushes Devante to the ground. "You know you want this black shaft."

Devante tries to push Theo back but is overpowered. Theo rubs his dick, now leaking with precum, all over Devante's face.

"Taste it, you might like it Vaun"

"I'm not sucking your dick and my name is not Vaun!"

Theo thrusted his hips and pushed his dick into Devante's mouth. "Your name is whatever I call you."

Theo's dick slowly slid in and out of Devante's mouth. Theo's 9.5 inch cock was venturing deeper and deeper into Devante's mouth. The more he struggled, the more slid in. For some odd reason, this was arousing Devante. His pants were so tented that they looked like they might rip.

"Damn Vaun, it looks like you are enjoying this." Devante tried to speak without taking Theo's dick out of his mouth. "You can take it out so I can hear you."

"It's alright."

"Alright... Alright..." Theo removed is his dick from Devante's mouth and pulled him to his feet. "If it was just alright would you be hard as a fucking rock?" Theo said as he began to fondle Devante's buldge. "Don't worry about it though. I will take special care of my little bitch!"

Theo dropped to his knees, undoing Devante's belt and releasing his huge cock from its confinement. The mushroom tip gleamed with precum. It was a beautiful sight for Theo.

Without hesitation, Theo was swallowing as much of Devante's dick as he could. Bobbing back and forth to make sure that he got it all down his throat. Theo was no stranger to deep throating with his nose buried in Devante's pubes. Devante was panting and moaning.

"How you like this Vaun?"


"That's what I thought! And whose bitch are you?"

"I'm your bitch..."

"NO! Say my name. Vaun, whose bitch are you?"

"I'm Theo's BITCH!"

With that, Theo took the opportunity to massage Devante's virgin rosebud. Devante was in so much ecstasy from the blowjob that he barely even noticed. Theo's finger inched closer and closer to his puckering hole. Theo took Devante's cock deep into his throat and then attempted to push the tip of his finger into Devante's hole.

Devante was tight; Theo was only able to get the tip of his finger in, but that was enough. He took Devante's dick out of his mouth and instead grabbed it with his left hand and started furiously jerking it. He pulled his middle finger out of his ass and licked it to lube it up before he stuck it back in.

With one hand he jerked Devante off, while with the other he worked his finger more and more up his virgin fuck hole.

"SHIT, I'm close Theo"

"Vaun, call me baby!" Theo insisted.

"OK baby... uh.. oh yeah! I'm close"

Hearing that, Theo went back to work on Devante's big black pipe. Slurping on it and taking it deep down his throat. Devante's balls started to swell and Theo knew what that meant. One last suck and stream after stream of warm milky cum was flowing into Theo's mouth. Like a champ Theo swallowed it all.

Devante collapsed on the bed trying to catch his breath. Before he could recover, Theo had already stuck his dick back in his throat.

"Suck that shit bitch" Theo ordered.

Devante, now in ecstasy, happily complied. As Theo felt himself getting closer, instead of warning Devante, he simply pulled his dick out of his mouth and started blasting his face with cum.

"How are you feeling Devante?

For some reason Devante couldn't speak.

"How are you feeling Devante" he heard as he felt a shake.

Openning his eyes, he thought to himself "Shit, that was just a dream!"

"You ok dude, you were tossing and turning and moaning all night. Were you having a nightmare>"

"Far from it dude. But I'll be fine. What happened last night?"

"You said you wanted to sleep on the couch and I said ok. I left to go get you a blanket and I came back you were knocked out like a light. I didn't want to wake you so I just tossed the cover on top of you and flipped off the light. Anyway, if you want you can hit the shower real quick before I drop you off. I laid out a fresh towel for you."

Theo then left the room. Devante stood up and felt something running down his leg. He went into the bathroom to discover that it wasn't all just a dream. That cumshot was real and he had all the evidence to prove it. He showered quickly and was in the car with Theo headed back to his dorm room.

"Aye man, I just wanted to thank you again for accepting my apology and moving past our little incident" said Theo.

"Well I want to thank you for being so persistent and not trying anything last night! Well I'll text you later."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

Devante hopped out the car and headed inside. The rest of his day was pretty uneventful. His classes passed swiftly and before he knew it he was back in the comfort of his dorm room.

Quickly, Devante drifted off into a brief slumber only to be awakened by the entry of his loud roommate.

"Glad to see you back. You didn't come home last night... I didn't know whether to be worried or jealous."

"You shouldn't have been either. I just studied in the library for a while and then went out with Theo and crashed at his place."

"You guys are getting pretty tight huh?"

"Not really, but I mean I guess"

"Do you smell that dude? It reeks in here. We need to really clean this pig stye up!" Spencer announced rather forcefully.

"I agree, but not right now. I'm exhausted. Let's do it this weekend."


Just then, there was a knock at the door. Spencer yelled, "It's open." In stepped Lance.

"Hey boys" said Lance.

"Oh hey, wassup Lance" said Devante with Spencer just shooting him a quick nod of acknowledgment.

"Nothing much, how are you boys?"

"We're good. What brings you to this neck of the woods?" Spencer asked.

"Just being a good RA. Haven't seen much of you guys as of late and thought I would stop in and check on you. No new crazy escapades lately?"

"Just hitting the books" said Devante.

"Well Devante has been hitting the books. I've been looking for a little hottie if you know what I mean."

"Oh I know" Lance quickly reassured.

"You haven't gotten any new porns in have you?" Spencer asked without cracking a smile.

"Ha ha Spencer..."

"I wasn't joking. FOR REAL!"

"Wouldn't you like to know" Lance replied coyly.

"Yeah, actually, I really would."

"Spencer shut up. Obviously this is an akward conversation for Lance so just drop it." Devante said.

"It's not that ackward I just couldn't tell if he was joking. If you ever want to borrow something from my collection just let me know; although it's all straight so it probably wouldn't float you two's boat" Lance said as he burst into laughter.

"Fuck you" Devante said jokingly.

"Well I'm glad to see that you two are doing ok. I'll talk to you guys later" Lance said as he opened the door and left their room.

Once the door closed, Spencer dropped his shorts revieling his semi-hard dick.

"Eww dude, put that away."

"You wish you could have some of this" Spencer remarked.

"No the fuck I don't! Put some damn pants on!"

"I will, I'm just changing to go to the gym. Wanna come?"

"Naw, I'm cool. I'm just gonna chill out here."

With that, Spencer was changed and out the door and Devante was left alone with only his thoughts.

This is chapter 9 of College Roommates Meet. If any of these characters remind you of someone you know or even yourself, send me a pic. Naked pics gladly accepted :). My email address is below and as always email me at with any comments, questions, critiques, or suggestions. I love hearing from my readers and try my best to respond to every single post. Also, don't forget to donate!

Next: Chapter 10

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