College Story

By Silver Haired Dad

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Anyresemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2023. Comments welcomed.

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Danny and Billy were both brothers attending the same college when they met Tom. Both visited Tom's place after playing pool at a local bar and had initial male/male experiences. Billy was the first to return for "seconds."

Saturday had been a normal day. Tom slept later than normal, and as he awoke, what had happened the night before was fresh on his mind and compelling his cock to major hardness. He had met Billy, Danny's younger brother, at the same place he had met Danny, and--like his brother--Billy had come back to Tom's place, where a couple of joints got them both worked up and Tom eventually jerked off Billy, then used his hot cum to jerk himself off while Billy was in a post-orgasmic trance. As Billy was leaving, Tom had invited him back again, but he didn't really think that would happen, as things had moved pretty fast while they were stoned, and it sometimes freaked guys out when that happened.

Tom did some chores and then decided to go to the grocery store, where he got some food and snacks. He decided to get a 12-pack of beer as an afterthought. It was the weekend after all, even though he didn't have any firm plans. When he got back home, he put on some music as he unpacked the groceries. He thought about smoking a bowl, but decided to wait until he got all of his chores done. As he put the last of the beers in the fridge, he heard a soft knock at the door. Though he wasn't expecting anyone, he wondered...

Tom went to the door and opened it. His buddy Matt was standing outside. Matt was Tom's principal source of pot. "Hey," Tom said. "Wassup?" Matt had a shit-eating grin on his face. "New stash available," said Matt. "Want to sample?" Tom opened the door the rest of the way in reply, as Matt entered and walked toward the couch. Tom stopped and got his pipe out of the drawer, bringing it to the couch. Matt said, "I've only got four bags, but if you want some, I think it's even better than the last." He loaded up a bowl and held it toward Tom. "Try it out." Tom fired up the lighter and took a deep hit off the bowl. "Wow, that tastes really good," Tom said after the first hit. Matt was nodding as he took one himself. As Matt exhaled, he said "wait until the high settles in." It didn't take long before Tom got exactly what Matt was referring to. They finished off one bowl, and both had a nice high working. "I came over here first because I know you are a connoisseur," said Matt with a laugh. "If you want some of this, it's yours." Tom said "absolutely," as he reached for his wallet. Fortunately, Tom had gotten some extra cash while at the grocery store, and the exchange was quick. "Want to do another bowl?" Tom asked. "I'd love to, but I've got some more stops to make to get the rest of this stuff distributed and I don't want to get wasted too early in the day!" said Matt. Both of the friends laughed, and Matt got up to leave. "Enjoy the rest of your weekend," he said to Tom. "You know I will!" replied Tom with a grin. And Matt was gone.

Just that one bowl gave Tom a very pleasant buzz, and as he listened to some rock music, he went around his place straightening up and wiping down surfaces. As he looked down at the end of the couch, he noticed the wads of paper towels that had cleaned up the mess from his visitor the night before. He bent down to pick them up and couldn't stop himself from sniffing. Though it was much fainter than it had been the night before, the aroma of cum was still noticeable. The vision of his hand on a hard cock the night before immediately surfaced from Tom's memory. He couldn't believe that he had met Billy, Danny's younger brother, and jerked him off on that very couch, providing the opportunity to use the paper towels he was sniffing. Tom debated using them once again, as he had after Billy left, to jack off another load, but instead kept on with his cleaning, dropping the paper towels in the kitchen trash can. While in the kitchen, Tom made himself a sandwich. He debated grabbing one of the beers he had purchased, but instead got a soda and took them out to the living room. He turned on the TV and saw that a swim meet was being broadcast on the local channel. He ate his sandwich while he watched the lithe bodies in the small tight Speedos on the screen. He wondered if swimmers ever got horny for each other, spending most of their time together half naked. He chuckled at the nasty thought, and kept watching as he finished his lunch.

Tom went back out to the kitchen, where he washed the sandwich plate and a coffee cup, finishing up his chores. As he looked out the kitchen window, he noticed it was a nice sunny day, and, given that a swim meet was being telecast at that very moment, wondered if he should go by the main campus pool that afternoon for a quick swim, and to ogle some of the college bodies that would be there. But before he could make up his mind, there was another knock at the door. Tom went to answer it.

Billy stood outside, with a bit of an awkward look on his face. "I wasn't sure you'd be home this afternoon," Billy said to Tom, "but I thought I'd stop by and say thanks for the great weed you shared last night." Tom smiled broadly. "You aren't going to believe this, Billy," said Tom. "What?" asked Billy. "I just got a new supply earlier today. Come on in and try it out!" Tom stepped aside and invited Billy in. Tom motioned Billy over to the couch on which they had both masturbated just hours before. "Let me get some music going," said Tom, as he stopped by the stereo. Then he sat next to Billy on the couch. "My friend brought some new stuff by this morning," said Tom. "We only smoked one bowl, but it was a nice mellow high." Instead of rolling a joint, Tom got the pipe out of the drawer again, and filled it with some of the new weed. As he was doing that, Billy stammered, "I'm not trying to mooch free pot off of you," he said. "Oh, stop," said Tom. "It's a lot more fun to smoke with a bud than it is alone. And I invited you back anyway!" They both relaxed and smiled as Tom handed the bowl to Billy. As the weed was torched, Billy drew a deep breath, inhaling the sweet smoke. He passed the pipe back to Tom, who did the same. As he exhaled, Billy said, "that was really smooth...and it tastes good too!"

Tom chuckled as he loaded up the pipe again. "Smooth and tasty is a good combo," he said. "Let's see what the high is like." He explained to Billy that when his friend brought it over earlier, they had only smoked one bowl, but it had given Tom a mellow feeling while he finished his chores. He passed the freshly-loaded pipe back to Billy, who took another deep hit before passing back to Tom, who did the same. As Tom refilled the bowl for a third hit, he asked, "Did your brother ever make it home last night?" Billy replied, "long after I was asleep! And he was still sleeping when I left earlier. I think he probably had a little bit too much to drink last night while he was out!" Both of the guys laughed, Tom still not acknowledging that he might know Billy's older brother.

As the guys finished off a third hit, Billy seemed to notice the swim meet on TV. "Is that taking place here?" he asked. "I'm not sure," answered Tom. "I turned on the TV just before you got here." "I used to swim in high school," said Billy. "I was wondering what the swim environment was here." "Really?" asked Tom. "You swam competitively?" "I was on the relay team," said Billy. "Interesting," said Tom as they continued to watch TV. Tom loaded up another bowl and passed it to Billy. As Billy drew in a deep breath, Tom asked "did you wear those tiny Speedos like they are on TV?" "Yeah," said Billy. "That's what swim teams do." "How do you keep it all packed inside that small a suit?" asked Tom inquisitively. This time Billy chuckled. "You just tuck it in and hope for the best." "Did you ever pop out of it?" asked Tom. Billy blushed. "You just have to be careful not to let your thoughts go astray!" he said with a laugh. "Yeah," said Tom. "You would certainly need to be careful about that," giving a knowing nod towards Billy's crotch. Billy blushed even more. The two were silent for a couple of minutes.

"How's the high," asked Tom. "Oh, it's good," said Billy. "I agree," said Tom. "It's different from the stuff we smoked last night, but I like how mellow it is." "Yeah, that stuff last night was something else," said Billy. "You want to switch back and do a bowl of what we smoked last night?" asked Tom. Billy looked directly at Tom. "I'm willing if you are," he said. Tom reached into his storage bin and pulled out the other bag, loading the pipe again. He passed it to Billy, who torched up and drew in a deep breath before handing the pipe to Tom, who did the same. They sat there silently while the two buzzes intertwined, still watching the swim meet. Then Tom filled up the pipe again with last night's weed and fired it up, handing it to Billy after he had taken a toke. The combination of the two strands of pot made for a very nice feeling.

"Do you still have a Speedo?" asked Tom. "Yeah, though I've only been here for a short while and haven't worn it to the campus pool yet." "Would you even wear it to the campus pool?" asked Tom with a quizzical look on his face. "Why not?" asked Billy. "Well, it's like wearing your underwear in public," said Tom. "Aren't you worried about people looking at you and..." Billy chuckled again. "I hadn't thought of it that way," he said. "What kind of swim suit do you wear to the pool?" Tom replied, "boardies." "Yeah, that may be better," said Billy. "Unless you like wearing your underwear in public," said Tom with a laugh. Billy laughed too. "Yeah, I guess I'm used to wearing my Speedo and didn't think about wearing it to the campus pool." Tom loaded the pipe again and passed it to Billy. As Billy took another toke, Tom said, "I'm sure you look good in it, though." Billy held his breath in as the pot continued to elevate his high. He passed the pipe to Tom, who immediately took in a deep toke.

"I'll model it for you sometime if you want," Billy said with a startling amount of honesty. Tom didn't know how to respond, but somehow he blurted out, "so you DO like to wear your underwear in public!" They both laughed. "Yeah, I guess so," said Billy, again with sort of a blush. "Well, go ahead and strip down, then, if you want," said Tom. "You aren't wearing a Speedo, but if you want you can practice wearing your underwear in public here." Again, Billy laughed, as Tom filled yet another bowl. They were both deliciously high now. "Are you serious?" asked Billy. "You don't have to," said Tom. "I thought you said you liked wearing your underwear in public." They both chuckled again. Billy lit the new bowl and breathed in deeply, then passed the pipe to Tom. As Tom torched the bowl, Billy was watching the TV, and there was silence for a couple of minutes.

"About last night..." said Billy with some tension in his voice. "Yeah, sorry if I came on too strong," said Tom. "But pot does that to me as well." Again, there was a short silence. "Oh, no, it was all right," said Billy. "I just didn't want you to think that..." and his voice trailed off. "No problem," said Tom. "I'll try to be a little more reserved in the future." "No, no, I didn't mean anything by that," said Billy. "I just haven't done that before." "Understood," said Tom. "Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Again, there was some silence. Then Billy said, "is it okay if I practice?" While he said that, he stood up and pulled his t-shirt over his head. He turned toward Tom and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his shorts, letting them drop to the floor. He stood there in high tighty-whiteys, an obvious boner already tenting his briefs. "Wow," you do have a nice body," said Tom. "Clearly, swimming keeps you fit."

Billy stood there, his breath coming in short bursts. "Come a little closer to me," said Tom. Billy did as he was told. Tom reached out and rubbed his hands over Billy's chest and stomach. Billy involuntarily shuddered. Tom's hands ran down the front of Billy's thighs, then circled back to his bulging crotch, where he lightly rubbed and squeezed. Billy's moan was a sign that this was okay, and he thrust his hips towards Tom's touch. Tom reached for the elastic band on Billy's briefs, lifting it out and away from Billy's body and pulling them down. Billy's turgid cock throbbed. "I was hoping it would be like that," said Tom. "Why don't you sit back on the couch and let me take those off you." Billy did as told. Tom reached over and pulled both Billy's shorts and briefs away from his ankles, leaving him entirely naked on the couch. Billy was shivering.

Tom quickly loaded the pipe again and handed it to Billy, who took another deep toke. Billy's cock throbbed even harder as the buzz intensified. "Do you mind?" asked Tom softly as he positioned himself in between Billy's muscular legs, his hands lightly pushing them apart. Again, Billy simply moaned. Tom couldn't help but recall another recent night in which Billy's older brother had been in a similar position on this same couch. In fact, Billy looked a lot like Danny, though Billy's cock may have been even bigger. Tom ran his hands up the inside of Billy's thighs. Another moan escaped from Billy's lips, and as Tom's hands got closer to the throbbing cock, he saw a bead of precum bubble up from the tip. Using one hand to reach down and fondle Billy's balls and another to spread the precum on the head of Billy's cock, Tom took Billy to a place he had apparently never been before. Billy's head swayed back and forth on the back of the couch as his body stayed tense and his breath irregular. "Just relax," said Tom. "Let me make you feel good."

Tom's hand grasped the full thickness of Billy's cock and he stroked it up and down a couple of times. As he did so, Billy took a deep breath and thrust his hips towards Tom's ministrations. As he continued stroking, Tom whispered, "can I?" Billy moaned. "Can I?" Tom asked again. "Yessssss," said Billy, giving in to the pleasure. Tom repositioned himself in between Billy's outstretched legs. He leaned forward and nuzzled Billy's pubes and lower stomach, making Billy's stomach muscles taut. Tom let out his tongue, and with a long wet swath, licked from Billy's nuts all the way to the tip of his cock. Billy gasped. Tom repeated. As his tongue got to the tip the second time around, Tom engulfed Billy's cock with his mouth, going all the way down--farther than he thought he could with such a big cock--until his nose was again in Billy's pubes. As he came back up, he suctioned softly and allowed his wet hand to twist around Billy's girth. "Ohhhhhhh," gasped Billy. "Do you like that?" whispered Tom. "Oh, yes," Billy said with total acceptance. Tom slipped Billy's cock back into his mouth, and Billy began involuntarily thrusting his hips upward to press his cock in and out of Tom's mouth. Tom's tongue was rapidly swirling around Billy's cock as his mouth and hand continued to heighten Billy's pleasure. Tom came back off again, and leaned back to take in the incredible view he had from in between Billy's legs. As he was looking, Billy said pleadingly, "please...." So Tom went back to work, fondling Billy's balls, licking his throbbing cock, suctioning a constant dribble of precum, and using his other hand to jack up and down.

Billy seemed to lose control. His hips began thrusting wildly into Tom's mouth as Tom continued to suck and fondle and jerk. "Make me cum," said Billy. "Please, make me cum!" Tom had every intention of doing that. He continued to suck and stroke until an eerie sigh started from deep inside Billy's stomach and grew louder as Billy got closer to orgasm. "OHHHHHHH..." gasped Billy, and he thrust his hips deeply, impaling his gorged cock deep into Tom's throat as he shot a massive load of hot teen cum. Tom continued to suck and stroke as he swallowed, wanting to capture everything Billy had to offer him. Finally, after several spurts, Billy's writhing began to calm down, and Tom more gently used his mouth to continue the hot feeling for Billy's cock. He pressed under Billy's balls, sliding upward to get any remaining juice, then softly let the spent cock out of his mouth.

Billy was still a sight to behold. Totally naked, his muscular body entered into a softer rhythm of breathing, though Billy's cock remained mostly hard. Tom changed his position so that he was sitting next to Billy on the couch. He reached over and softly rubbed his hand over Billy's lower stomach. Finally, Billy "came back to earth" and lifted his head off the back of the couch. First looking down at his body, then over at Tom, he said "That was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Ever." "I'm glad you enjoyed," said Tom. "More than you can imagine," said Billy. Tom reached around Billy's shoulders and hugged him. "Thanks for letting me." Expecting that Billy might be like his brother and rush to put his clothes back on, Tom was surprised that Billy continued to sit there naked.

After a couple of minutes, Tom suggested they do another bowl. "Oh, man, that would be awesome," said Billy. Using the new mellow pot, Tom filled the bowl and handed it to Billy, who toked deeply. Billy handed the pipe back to Tom, who also took a hit. The mellow vibe made Tom realize that he had achieved great satisfaction performing on Billy, even though he himself had not cum. However, he was definitely hard and throbbing himself, even though he was okay with the one-way process that had taken place. Tom filled the bowl again and passed it to Billy. When Billy was done, he passed it back to Tom, who followed suit. "Are you okay?" asked Billy. Tom looked over at him, and Billy nodded his head towards Tom's bulging crotch. Tom followed Billy's gaze and looked while his own cock throbbed in his shorts. "Hey, I just had an incredible experience too. This is a natural result!" Tom's cock throbbed again.

"Why don't you get it out?" asked Billy boldly. Tom couldn't believe his ears, but an invitation like that couldn't be ignored. He unzipped his shorts, and in one movement pulled his shorts and underwear down to his ankles. His hard cock fwapped against his stomach. As both Tom and Billy looked, Billy reached over and grabbed Tom's cock in his hand. "I may not do this right, but I owe you something for that amazing experience you just gave me." He began to jerk Tom's cock up and down. "I guess it's no different than doing it to yourself," said Tom, as he watched Billy's hand jack him. Billy seemed to take special interest as he jerked Tom's cock up and down. "Does that feel all right?" he asked. "Damn straight," said Tom in reply. Mixing a gentle squeeze with his up and down motions, Billy soon had Tom at the brink. "That's going to make me shoot," Tom said. "Will you finish yourself off while I watch?" asked Billy, removing his jerking hand. Tom took over and expertly guided his cock toward a climax. "Look closely," said Tom. "I'm going to squirt my load." No sooner had he said that than three massive spurts shot quickly from his cock, covering the front of Tom's t-shirt and his crotch. As he slowed his pace, he looked over at Billy. Not only were Billy's eyes transfixed on Tom's still-hard and dripping cock, but his hand was busy as well! Billy's cock had fully engorged again, and as he watched Tom savor the pleasure of his cum, he was jerking himself off again, just minutes after Tom had given him his first blow job! "Ohhhhhhhh," moaned Billy as his frantic jerking continued. "OHHHHHH....," and another hot dollop of cum shot out on Billy's bare stomach, followed by generous oozing that covered his pubes with another load of fresh cum. Almost simultaneously, both Tom and Billy whispered, "fuuuuuck."

After a minute or so in post-cum bliss, Tom reached down beside the couch and grabbed the roll of paper towels. He ripped off a few sheets and handed them to Billy, then took some for himself. Neither said anything as they cleaned up the gooey mess. "Just drop them on the floor like you did before," instructed Tom. And Billy did so. Neither Tom nor Billy seemed to feel awkward sitting beside each other, Billy naked and Tom with his shorts and briefs around his ankles. Tom looked over at Billy, and though Billy's cock was now soft, there remained a droplet of cum at the tip. Tom pulled off another paper towel, reached over, picked up Billy's cock, squeezed it again, and wiped off the remaining wetness. Billy laughed. "Thanks," he said with a smile. "I guess I needed that." Then he stood up and put his clothes back on. Tom did the same, though his t-shirt still showed a wet streak where he had shot his wad. They both sat back down and stared at the TV set. Tom said, "we can do that whenever you want." Billy chuckled. Tom continued, "but I still want to see you in your Speedo." "You've got a deal," said Billy.

Almost as if on cue, Billy said, "I've got to get going," and stood up to leave. "Thanks for stopping by," said Tom. Both were still quite high, but steady on their feet. They walked to the door, which Tom opened for Billy. "See you again--soon, I hope," said Tom. Billy blushed. "Okay," he said. "Have a good rest-of-your-day." And he walked off. Tom slowly closed the door, catching a glimpse of Billy's butt as he walked down the street. "Damn, those brothers are hot!" said Tom to himself.

Next: Chapter 4

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