Comics Are Fun

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Jan 30, 2011


All the standard caveats apply. If you shouldn't be reading this, please leave. If there are any names in this story they're fictions, just like the story. I love hearing from people about the stories. Please e-mail me. Enjoy!

Comics are Fun! Part 7

"Well that just sucks!" I thought as I sat down on the couch. "That's why he was trying to get me to cum fast. So he could fuck me before he had to leave."

I looked up at the clock. 7:30 PM. Our whole encounter had lasted less than 30 minutes. I really felt down. I sat with my hands between my legs, feeling the wetness leaking out of my butt. I brought my hand up to my nose. Yeah, a real `manly' smell. Charlie's cum was leaking from my ass.

"Oh, shit, I'm leaking cum on the couch!"

I got up quick and made sure there was no visible stain, then went up to shower. I was under the warm water, cleaning out my slowly closing butt hole when I began to laugh.

"What the hell, he's a sex buddy, not a boy friend. He got me off before he fucked me. No harm, no foul! I wonder if Warren's doing anything tonight."

Chapter 7

Well, it turned out, not only was Warren busy, he had a bit of bad news for me.

"I won't be able to see you at all this coming week, Little Dude," He said, "I have to take off work next weekend, to get my folk's cabin in Wisconsin ready for the winter, so I need to make up the time during the week."

"Oh," I mumbled. Hell, not only wouldn't I see him tonight, I wasn't going to see him for over a week!

"I really wanted to spend some time with you, Warren."

I know I sounded disappointed and probably more than a little petulant, but, hey! I was 15! You don't take disappoint well at 15.

"Well, I think I can make it up to you," Warren said. "I'll be up there all weekend. Alone. Would you like to come with me?"

I was speechless. A weekend alone with Warren? Nothing to do but have sex, get to know each other better and then have more sex? My mind was racing a mile a minute. I was actually staring at the phone with a dozen things trying to get out of my mouth at the same time. As a result, I wasn't saying anything for almost a minute. Then Warren spoke, and now he was the one who sounded disappointed.

"I'm sorry, little Dude," Warren said. "I should have realized you'd have things to do on the weekend. I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position. I understand you not wanting to go."

"Oh, god, Warren! No, I want to go! I really, really want to go! I can't think of anything in the world I want to do more! We'll have so much fun! It'll be great! When are we leaving!?"

We decided to leave after school on Friday and come back late on Sunday. That would give us two nights together. We chatted a little more, then Warren had to leave for his job at the pizza place, and I was left sitting in the empty house, alone.

It's funny, but for the first time being alone in the house I felt lonely. Since we'd moved to Brookfield in the summer, I'd spent most of my nights alone. I didn't make friends quickly, so most of my free time had been spent reading and watching TV. Having Charlie over to the house two nights ago had been the first time I'd ever had a friend over. Now, after having had company (and sex) for two nights, here it was Sunday night and I was lonely.

All my homework was done. My chores were finished. I decided I'd hop on my bike and ride around a bit. As usual, I ended up in the small collection of stores that made up `downtown' Brookfield. As I passed the drugstore, I saw Jack, the 20 something clerk who was usually there walk out from the dark store and lock the door behind him. I was real curious. I knew the drugstore closed at 6 PM on Sundays and it was almost 9 PM. What was Jack doing there so late? I pedaled up behind him.

"Hey, Jack, what's up?"

"Oh, hi!" he said. "I was just getting some orders ready for the morning. I've seen you around the store a lot the last few months. You just move here?"

"Yeah. Over the summer. You worked here long?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "You are new here. I own the store. My Dad sold it to me when he retired. You know my name from my nametag. I don't know yours."

"Oh, sorry. Jerry Johnson." I got off my bike and stuck out my hand. He laughed and made a fist and, when I looked at it, he told me to make a fist and gave me my first fist bump.

"I'm on my way home, Jerry. You have a good evening."

"Where are you parked? I'll walk with you to your car, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind. I'd like the company, but I'm walking home. I only live a few blocks away."

"I'll walk with you, ok?"

I walked with him towards the ball field. He was really easy to talk to. I found out he was 28, had graduated from college and came home to take over the store when his parents retired and moved to Florida. While we were walking, I was sort of checking him out.

Jack was taller than me (not hard, I'm only 5'8") at about 6'2". He had kinda shaggy brownish hair and deep brown eyes. He was built thin and I could see from the arms sticking out from his tee shirt, he wasn't very muscular. The tee shirt was a little tight, so I could also see he had a flat stomach and not much of a chest. Being into wrestling, I was interested in how guys are built. Being into guy sex (as of two nights ago) I was now also interested in how guys are hung, so I checked out his package. There looked to be a nice bulge there. I think he saw me looking because he smiled right after I did it. His face was the kind you see on TV. Not the stars' face, the next door neighbors', interesting and pleasant, but not enough to take attention away from the lead.

We were chattering away, well, actually, I was chattering, Jack was just asking a few questions. I guess I was a little nervous. In a few minutes we were at one of the few apartment buildings in Brookfield. The building was a four unit job with big picture windows in each unit.

"Well, this is where I live. Would you like to come in, or do you have to get home?"

"I can come in. No one will be home at my house till after midnight."

This was a first for me. I mean, I was walking into an apartment that belonged to the person who invited me. In a kid's house, everything was his parents. Here, everything there belonged to Jack. Can you remember the strange feeling you got the first time you walked into some ones apartment or home? The little feeling of intimacy with the person you got? I felt it with Jack. It kind of made me feel more of an equal with him, even if he was almost twice my age.

"Would you like something to drink," Jack said as he pulled a pitcher of lemonade out of the fridge.

At my nod, he poured two glasses and said he'd give me the `fifty cent tour' of the place. It was a guy kind of place. Not frilly and not many little glass or porcelain things on tables. I kind of liked the way it looked. When we got to the bedroom, I knew I started liking it even better. He had a huge salt water fish tank on the wall at the foot of his bed! I always wanted one like that. I ended up sitting on the foot of his bed with him talking about his tank.

"Would you like some more lemonade," he asked?

I said yes, and he took my glass and left the room. I looked around and in the corner I noticed a weight set. Beside his bed on the nightstand, there was a picture of Jack looking a lot younger with his arm around the shoulders of a guy about my age. There was a sign behind them saying `Happy 15th Birthday Timmy'. The kid was looking up at Jack, obviously adoring him.

I saw a copy of `Men's Fitness' magazine in front of the picture. Jack was so skinny; I was surprised he might be working out. I walked over and picked up the magazine. I noticed the drawer of the nightstand was open a little. I could see a bottle of oil and a glossy magazine with a picture of a naked guy on the front.

Okay! I was right about the reason Jack let the good looking guys hang out around the magazine rack where he stood. Maybe I'd found another friend? I was still horny after the `quickie' Charlie and I had had less than an hour earlier. I wondered if I could get something started with Jack? I picked up a dumbbell and started doing curls with it. It was way too light for me, but I just wanted it as a conversation starter. When Jack walked in with the drinks, I started to put it down.

"Sorry, I can't help myself when I see weights."

No, problem, it's ok. Don't stop. You're pretty well built," he said. "You work out a lot?"

"Yeah. I'm on the wrestling squad at school. We do a lot of lifting. It puts on the muscle fast. See?"

I was feeling a little nervous, but I didn't think Jack would try anything unless I let him know I was interested. I skinned off my shirt and stood there in just my shorts flexing my biceps for him.

"Wow," Jack said. You've got quite a pair of guns."

That was a total lie. I knew I would be muscular one day, and I did show some development, but hell, I only weighed 130#! I was a good wrestler because I was fast, not because I was strong. But I wanted to give him opportunity, and with the little lie he just told, I could see he was willing to make the most of what I gave him.

"Here," I said, walking over to him, "feel them."

"Nice," he said, squeezing both my biceps, "you really have nice arms." His hand slid from my bicep up to my shoulders, then to my neck.

I was getting really nervous. This was the first time I'd tried to take the initiative in starting something with another guy. Charlie and Warren had both taken the lead with me. I just remembered they were confident. They made a lot of eye contact. They both assumed I wanted sex. I looked up into Jack's face. Confidence. Look him in the eyes.

"Your hands feel good on them," I was looking straight into his eyes.

He stared back into my eyes for a bit. When I didn't object to his hands on my neck, he began to slowly massage it. Neither one of us said anything.

"Why," Jack said, "do I feel like I'm being seduced by a 17 year old boy?"

"You're not," I said. "You're being seduced by a 15 year old boy."

"Somebody up there," he said looking at the ceiling, "must really like me!"

He bent his neck and pulled me forward into a way too gentle kiss. I pressed into him, sealing my mouth to his. When he registered how eagerly I was kissing back, the kiss got a lot more passion in it. His arms wrapped around my torso and one hand slid between my skin and my shorts to cup one of my butt cheeks. He squeezed it, feeling for the muscles.

"By any chance are you into fucking," Jack growled at me.

"This is your lucky day, Dude. I pitch, I catch and I'm really horny."

His fingers slid between my butt cheeks and found my hole. They explored a little and I could feel that I hadn't totally closed after the pounding Charlie had given me less than an hour before. I actually felt a little embarrassed. With what was about to happen, I realized I will have had sex with three different guys in three days. Four days ago I'd been a virgin. Four days ago, I felt awkward talking to guys even my age if I didn't know them. Now I was in the middle of seducing a guy almost twice my age. Oh, well. I always had been enthusiastic when I picked up a new hobby!

"It feels like you've already caught at least one today," Jack laughed as his fingers teased my slightly open hole.

That brought my whole world crashing down. What must he think of me? He could tell I'd just been screwed, and here I was trying to have sex with him. What kind of a slut must he think I was? I guess what I was thinking showed on my face. I spun around, freeing myself from his arms and grabbed my shirt off his bed and bolted. I was half way to the door when his arms wrapped around me from the behind.

"Dude, dude, relax. It's okay. I was just kidding around," he said. "No problem you've just had sex. Sex is fun. It feels good." He kissed the back of my neck. "Just promise you'll introduce me to your friend."

As I relaxed, his hands slid down my chest to my stomach. I leaned back into him, my head lying back on his upper chest. The embrace felt a little different than it had with Warren and with Charlie. Warren's chest was layered with muscle. With Warren, my head was supported by the firm give of his pectorals. With Jack, there was almost no muscle there, just soft skin and hard bone. My back rested against a hard surface, not a giving one. Warrens' arms were thick with muscle, Jacks' were almost slender.

Charlie's chest felt a lot like Warren's as far as the give went, but Charlie was a lot shorter than me, only 5'4". His lightly muscled arms wrapped around me a lot lower than Warrens' or Jacks' and I couldn't lean my head back on his chest when we stood up. Did every guy feel different? Was every embrace just a little new and unusual? Would sex with a new guy always be a new experience? Maybe it never got old!

Jacks' hand paused for just a second on my lower stomach, and then moved down between my pants and briefs, pausing at the top of my pubes. He gripped some between his fingers and gently tugged at them.

"Are they red to," he asked?

His free hand came around and popped the button on my shorts. They dropped to the carpet. Jack turned me to face him and knelt down in front of me, urging me to step out of my shorts. He untied my shoes, gently removing first one, then the other. I rested my hands on his thin shoulders for support. Socks followed the shoes, until I stood there in front of him in just my briefs. His hands followed the outside of my legs to the waistband where his fingers gripped.

"Can I take them off?" he asked softly.

At my silent nod, he slowly pulled my briefs down. My rock hard cock caught in the waist band, bending down towards the floor, pushing out the front of my briefs obscenely until the head popped out and slapped against my stomach with an audible "plop". My dick bounced a bit, finally stopping at about a 60 degree angle.

"Oh, my god," Jack whispered. "That's huge!"

I really wasn't ready for that remark, and I wasn't sure how to take it. I'd only seen two erect dicks in my life, well, three counting my own. Warrens' was significantly longer than my 7 1/2 inches and Charlie's was longer and a good deal thicker for most of its' length. Jacks' reaction to my dick was the first time I realized I might be bigger down there than most guys. Until that minute, I'd thought I was smaller than other guys. And come to think of it, my dick was shaped a lot different than Warrens' or Charlie's. Theirs were both about the same thickness from top to base. Mine started out kinda small at the head, but got thicker and thicker all the way to the base, where I couldn't quite get my hand all the way around it. Were all hard dicks shaped different? Well, I guess I was going to find out about at least one more. I was getting really anxious to see Jack's dick.

A long thread of precum hung from the head of my dick. Jack reached out and caught it on his fingers and transferred it to his mouth. I could feel the slight movement as the slime released from my dick. Jacks' tongue slid out, just a little from his mouth to gather my nectar in from his fingers.

"You've got a lot of foreskin. I've always wished I was uncut."

He slid my foreskin back from the head of my dick, releasing a small flow of liquid. His head moved forward, lips sucking the head of my dick into his mouth. I felt his tongue washing the liquid off my knob. My knees started to buckle at the incredible feeling shooting through my dick to my nuts.

Jack's hands grabbed my hips and swung me around to sit on his bed, hard. I looked down at myself and saw my erect dick looking back at me, slime dripping from the slit, dribbling down my shaft. As I looked up at Jack, he was standing and his shirt had just cleared his head.

There wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere on his body, but there also wasn't much in the way of muscle either. He wasn't like, emaciated or anything, but he was skinny. I kind of liked it. There was no trace of hair on his chest or stomach, even between his nipples. They were brownish, and bigger than mine. I could see the center nub was enlarged. He undid his belt and his pants hit the floor, revealing the first pair of bikini briefs I'd ever seen. They were a bright red, and the pouch was a nicely filled lump.

Jack hooked his fingers under the waistband of his shorts and pulled them slowly down to the floor, then stood up and stepped out of them. Five thin inches arched out of a slight patch of light brown pubes. I was surprised to see he wasn't hard; his dick looked a little plump, but definitely not hard. I hadn't seen either Charlie or Warren soft until after they'd cum at least twice, so I was a little confused. Didn't he want to have sex with me?

Come on guys, remember I'm 15 here. I'd only had sex with two guys, one 16 and one 17. At that age, you get hard when you hear the Star Spangled Banner! At 28, some guys need a bit more encouragement!

He stepped towards me, his soft dick swinging just inches from my mouth. I knew he wanted me to suck him. This would be a new experience for me, sucking a soft dick. I lifted it to my mouth, putting just the crown inside. I licked it and explored with my tongue, finding and teasing the piss slit. I liked it! It was like sucking on a skin covered marshmallow. Having a soft dick in my mouth was fun! In only seconds, it was swelling, beginning to fill my mouth. But I wanted to feel it all the way inside while it was still soft, so I sucked the shaft in and eagerly attacked it with my lips and tongue. It was a strange sensation. It tasted of that musky, masculine flavor just like Warren and Charlie, but the texture was so different! It moved in my mouth like a snake!

Jacks' hands were on my shoulders, massaging them as he murmured to me.

"Oh, Jerry, your tongue feels so good on my cock! You have such a sweet little mouth," he groaned. "You're a fantastic cocksucker, Dude!"

"Cocksucker!" I thought. "Where does he get off calling me a cocksucker?"

I was really offended for a second. Then it sank in. Yeah, I was sucking cock. I was a cocksucker. I liked sex with guys. Was I queer? Nah, queers wanted to be like women. I sure didn't want that! I didn't know what I was, but I wasn't queer. Probably most guys liked doing this, like most guys liked jacking off. This was just something I enjoyed right now and I'd probably switch to girls later. Those were the thoughts going through my mind as I eagerly brought Jack's dick up to full hardness in my mouth.

I could tell he was hard now. His dick was like a bone in my mouth, but something wasn't quite right. The head of his dick barely reached the opening of my throat. With Charlie and Warren, I could feel their meat force my throat to open, feel their dicks press into my wind pipe and block the flow of air with a fun tingle of fear about being suffocated by their dicks. No matter how hard I buried my nose in Jacks' pubes, his dick wouldn't invade my throat.

"No, jerry, I'll cum too fast this way," Jack said, pulling his dick away from me and out of my mouth. "Let me suck you and get you ready to fuck me."

He backed up a step, and I saw his dick hard for the first time. Cut, he was 5 inches soft and maybe 5 ½ hard. It was a bit thicker, but I understood why he said I was `huge' earlier. 5 ½ thin inches on a 6'2" guy wasn't very impressive. Unfortunately, I think my feelings showed on my face. Jacks' hands dropped to cover his dick.

"I guess I'm a shower. Not a grower," he said, sounding a little embarrassed. "Don't worry Dude. I'll make you feel real good."

He went down on his knees in front of me and spread mine where I sat on the bed. Actually, as his head went down between my legs, I was feeling really ashamed of myself. Where did I get off making him feel bad about his dick? I sure got off on sucking it and I bet it would feel real good inside my butt! Should I make Charlie feel bad because he was short? Should Warren make me feel bad because I wasn't as tall or as hung as he was? I had to let Jack know I wasn't disappointed or upset about his dick. I was having sex with a guy, not a dick and the guy was the part that made it fun!

Well, I might only have been 15, but I knew trying to say something like that would only make him feel worse. I decided I'd let my actions show I appreciated his dick!

By that time, Jack was demonstrating he really knew how to suck dick. Warren was a talented sucker and Charlie was enthusiastic. Jack was both. He used his lips and his tongue together to drive me to the brink almost before I knew what was happening. He was gathering my foreskin together with his lips and massaging my crown through the skin, then peeling it away and attacking it with his hot, wet tongue. He caressed my nuts with one hand while he teased my butt hole with the other. First he would pleasure my crown, then deep throat me, then work the top half and start all over again. When we started, I thought I could go for hours without cumming. In just under a minute, he had me at the point of no return.

I pushed him off my dick and scooted back onto the bed.

"You're gonna make me cum too fast," pulling him onto the bed with me. "I want to show you something."

I moved us facing each other on the bed and reached for his dick. He tried to push my hand away, but I ignored him and grabbed it touching his crown to mine. I could see he didn't make much precum, so I thought I could give him a treat. I stretched my wet, drippy foreskin over his dick head and slid it back and forth, masturbating him with my precum as a lube and my foreskin supplying the friction.

"Here, now you can feel what it's like to have foreskin. You can use mine!"

He stared down at the sight of my foreskin engulfing his dickhead. It was like he couldn't look away.

"Oh, my god, Jerry! That's awesome!"

"It's called docking Dude," as my free hand grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a really hard kiss.

"You gotta fuck me, Timmy," as he pulled away, scrambling over the bed to reach into the nightstand.

"Timmy?" I thought.

He turned around on his knees and smeared oil from a small bottled over the length of my pulsing dick, then into his ass. He turned away from me and on all fours, presented me with his small, hard butt.

"Please, Dude! I need yer dick inside me now!"

I pulled his hips lower, until they almost touched his heels and leaned over his stretched back. My dick is attached kinda firm. I can point it where I like it without using my hands, so as I wrapped my arms around Jack's chest, my dickhead found the opening of his ass and introduced itself, slowly opening his hole to my shaft. I slowly entered him, every inch of my length thicker than the last, stretching his hole to accommodate my meat. Jack was mumbling softly. He wasn't doing sex talk; it wasn't meant for me. He was in his own little space obviously in a fantasy he was really enjoying that I was there for, but not really sharing.

"Oh such a big dick," he mumbled very softly. "Finally mine, little bro finally doing it. Love you so much."

I looked at the picture on the nightstand. `Happy 15th Birthday Timmy,' Jack's little brother, Timmy. Okay, I knew what was going on now. I thought about how much I loved my big brother (even if he was a dipshit) and thought maybe I could share the fantasy with Jack, a fantasy I could really relate to.

I stretched my neck up to jack's shoulder and gently bit the side of his neck. I hunched another inch of my dick into his butt.

"Hey big Bro", I whispered in his ear, "your butt feels so good wrapped around my dick."

"Ohm god, Timmy! Fuck me!"

I still wasn't all the way in. At the base, my dick is really thick and I didn't want to hurt Jack. I needed to open him up slowly. With my arms wrapped firmly around him, I dragged him down to our sides. Laying behind him, I stroked my dick into his butt, feeling his soft, wet insides clutch the length of my cock, feeling his backdoor move my foreskin, first exposing my crown, then covering it in its' own wet cocoon. I reached around to wrap my hand around Jacks' dick, and found his hand. He didn't seem to want me to touch it.

"Please, Jack? Please let me. I really want your dick in my hand."

He moved his hand away and I felt the rock hardness of his dick. It was covered by incredibly soft, loose skin that almost floated over the surface. At the crown, I could still feel the residue of my precum. I spit on my hand and spread my saliva over his tip. Through the rigid throbbing of his dick, I could feel when I stroked his prostate and when my rhythm was just what he needed. The only thing was, I was beginning to need to cum, and I wanted to be looking into Jacks' eyes when I did. And just one other thing. I was holding back. I still hadn't gotten the last couple of inches inside him and I really wanted to let go and fuck.

I pulled my dick out of his hole and flipped over on my back. "Awww, Jerry, no!" "Come on Jack, ride me?" I pointed my horn up towards the ceiling.

He straddled my hips in a second and swiftly lowered himself down to the three quarters mark and started a really enjoyable ride. It was funny though, in a way, Charlie, Warren and now Jack all seemed to think they had all there was to be had when there was a little over two inches left, and two really thick inches at that! I moved my feet up until my heels were almost touching my butt.

"Put your hands on my chest, Jack."

He thought I wanted him to play with my nipples, and he was more than willing. He teased them and twisted them and it felt truly great. But what I really wanted was for him to have some balance.

Using my shoulders as one point of the arch and my feet as the other, I used my back and thigh muscles to snap up into a bridge, driving the last two inches of my dick forcefully into Jacks' ass. Only his hands on my chest kept him from being thrown over my head into the wall. His mouth dropped open.

"Oh, Fuck!"

I started to jackhammer into his butt. Actually? You use this arch move in wrestling and a lot of the exercises you do in practice strengthens them. I could do this for days. Jack was really enjoying it. The unexpected extra inches and the forceful prostate massage I was giving him really seemed to be doing it for him. His dick was finally leaking precum and he was actually drooling! To tell the truth, I wasn't far behind. I REALLY liked cutting loose like this. But I was thinking I maybe could take it a little further. Maybe I could help the brother/brother fantasy along for Jack. I called my brother Frank, Frankie, maybe Timmy...

"Jackie?" Jacks' eyes popped wide. "Am I doing this right, Big Brother? Is this okay?"

"Oh..." He looked at me for a long moment, bouncing with the force of my thrusts. He looked unsure, then, "Oh, yes, Little Bro, you're doing it so right. I love you little bro! I love you!"

Maybe I should have felt weird about this. But I didn't. Jack wanted me to be his little brother, great! I was his little brother. Maybe he could be the big brother I wanted but never got. That thought made my dick swell. I was fucking my Big Bro Jack. Awesome!

Maybe the fantasy was helping, maybe it was the intense muscle contractions of the arch I was using to drive my dick into him or maybe it was Jacks' tight butt, but I was almost there. Jack was fisting his dick, but I grabbed his hands and held them away from his dick.

"I'm gonna fuck the cum out of you, Jackie."

I started slamming into Jacks' butt. I had thought I was on the edge of cumming, but the curve kept rising. The pressure in my nuts grew and the need to cum grew and grew until I thought I was going to rupture something. All I could think about was the friction on my dick. I needed to drive it deeper into Jack. I heard myself grunting with every thrust into his welcoming ass. I had to cum! I had to cum NOW!

Then Jack exploded. His dick erupted cum, spewing out in all directions. Every thrust of my dick into his ass forced a high powered spurt out of his dick.

His butt clenched around my cock and totally launched me into an orgasm like I couldn't believe. I spasmed into the arch and my body went rigid as I poured cup after cup of cream up into Jacks' butt. Every time he spewed out another rope of cum, his butt clenched on my dick and I delivered him another portion of cum enema.

Finally, I collapsed so fast, my dick pulled out of Jacks' butt, and a shower of cum splattered on my stomach. Jack sat down into the puddle of cum and I could feel it growing as my sperm oozed out of his butt hole.

He leaned forward and kissed me gently.

"Thanks, Little Bro."

"Any time, Big Bro."

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