Coming Home Series

By JimmyC

Published on Dec 27, 2003


=====================/begin Boring Disclaimer & Stuff=====================

The following story is a writing of fiction. Anything following that resembles similar experiences is a complete coincidence. Most places described are real. Take it for what it is, Fun!

The following stories also might depict intimate encounters between men. If this offends you, please don't read any further.

======================/end Boring Disclaimer & Stuff======================

Coming Home - Part 1 By: Jimmy C

"Where ya headed to?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" I replied. I'd totally forgotten someone was sitting next to me. I'd lost myself on take off looking out the window. Flying always had a way of making me space out forgetting what I was doing and what was around me.

He chuckled, grinned, then asked again "Where ya heading to?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm on my way home to Boise. You?" I returned the question. He was a pretty handsome guy, about 25 I guessed. About 6foot tall, short military cut brown hair, steel blue eyes and baseball player arms. Looking at him now I had a hard time figuring out why I hadn't noticed him earlier.

"I'm on my way to Boise too, visiting family while I'm on leave. I just got back from Iraq. What all is there to do in Boise anyways? I haven't been there in years." A small smile crossed his face as he stared into my eyes looking for something. "Oh, I'm Jake by the way." He stuck his hand out to shake mine

"Good to meet ya, I'm Jim" I shook his hand, squeezing tight. He had a tight grip. "Iraq `eh?!" I questioned "I just got back from Kuwait about a month ago. What branch are you in?"

With that we were both wrapped into conversation like long lost friends. He told me about his experiences in Iraq as a Marine, and I told him about my trip to Kuwait with the Air Force. We both turned out to be 25, both in the military for about 6 years, and both single (or so we told each other.) He looked at my left hand where I wear a ring when I told him I was single then looked back up to my face, back to the ring, then back to my face and just smiled... did he know?

My boyfriend had gotten me a ring for Christmas last year and I haven't taken it off since. So often I forget it's on my hand and say I'm single instead of saying I'm gay and have a boyfriend of almost 4 years.

"So what kind of bars are in Boise?" He asked.

"Depends on what you're looking for," I looked back into his eyes, looking for the impossible. "Dance clubs, pubs, country bars, R&B clubs, what's your taste?"

He sat back for a little bit trying to figure out how to answer. His eyebrow dipped and rose a few times, I could tell he was contemplating each one. "How are the dance clubs?" He asked quietly.

"There's only two in town, one is a Top20 club and the other is a techno and trance dance club called the Balcony." Anyone who's been to any of the gay clubs in Boise knows that the Balcony is THE gay dance club of the city. This was his test, did he know?

"Haven't heard of either of them, I like both types of music, I guess I'll have to check them both out." He said. He quieted down a little bit, sat back in his char and sipped on the drink that the flight-attendant had brought earlier.

"I need out for a bit, gotta take a leak" I said, motioning that I needed to get out. I figured he needed a little bit of space, if he knew about me and didn't like the idea I'm sure he wanted some, even if he hadn't, I needed to stretch.

"Oh, yeah sure." He said with a big smile. He got up and stood in the isle as I got up behind him and made my way to the restroom in the plane.

So many thoughts were running through my head as I pissed. With out realizing it I'd started slowly stroking my dick while thinking about his big arms, tan skin, blue eyes, and great voice. My dick liked the attention; it slowly got harder and harder. A bump of turbulence brought me back into the real world; I looked down and chuckled to myself. A few more quick strokes just for fun and I tucked my dick back into my underwear and zipped up my jeans. I looked into the mirror to make sure I still looked ok, washed my hands, and opened up the door.

I started to make my way out with out looking, there he was, standing rite there in front of me. Was he waiting for me or did he just need to piss like me? I stopped quickly so I wouldn't plow over him and stared him in the face. He wasn't smiling. His face almost looked like he was scared.

"You okay bigg..." Before I could finish another bump of turbulence shook us and he pushed me back into the small restroom. His face looked even more scared now, one of my hands was on his chest, one was on his waist, both his arms were over mine holding him from falling back into me. We both stood there for what felt like an hour, even though it was only about 5 seconds staring into each other's eyes.

He was breathing hard and his heart was racing, my hand pressed even harder to his chest, I could feel him press back by taking a deep breath. "I'm ok." He said quietly.

Before I could move out of his way he pressed his lips onto mine, gently squeezed mine with his then pulled back. His face had gone from scared to terrified, and he'd gone very pale. He pushed away from me and stood back on his own two feet. I took my hand off of his waist but left my left one on his chest. I could feel his heart was pounding out of his chest. I shot him a concerned look and asked again "Are you okay?"

"I ... I dunno... I've never... umm..." As he choked each word out I knew what he was going to say

I stopped him by shaking my head, he looked even more scared for a few seconds until I said "It's ok, I won't tell anyone." I gave a sincere smile and patted him on the chest "I'll see ya back at the seat bigguy." With that I nudged my hand at his side, we spun around each other and I backed out of the restroom. I flashed him another smile and winked at him as I turned around and headed back to my seat.

He must have been pretty shook up because it took him almost 20 minutes to get back to his seat. He was still a little pale, and still had a worried look on his face. He sat down in his seat quietly trying not to look me in the eye. I could tell he was uncomfortable about what had happened, I reached over and grabbed his hand as I turned towards him in my seat. He looked over at me with wide open eyes.

I broke the tension by trying to calm him down a little bit. "Dude, its okay what happened back there. I'm not mad at you or anything like that." I was trying to relax him a little bit with out telling him I was gay and actually enjoyed the whole encounter. "You didn't bother me with it, and I don't think of you any different because of it. If you want to talk just let me know." I let go of his hand and leaned back in my seat.

He let out a deep breath like he'd been holding it for a few minutes and let himself collapse deep into his seat. He was still breathing hard, but at least he'd calmed down a little bit. His head turned towards me a little and he whispered "I'm sorry man."

I chuckled and held up my left hand to look at my ring. "It's funny how people look at things like this," I said as I spun the ring around my finger a little bit. "Some think I'm married, some think it's just a ring that I wear. I got it last year for Christmas from someone special to me. We've been together almost 4 years now."

"Shit dude, I'm really sorry then, I didn't mean..." he blurted out

"He won't mind." I said quietly with a smile.

I heard him take a deep breath, almost a gasp. He let out a big sigh again. "He... You're..."

"Yup." I said with a chuckle.

I'd stunned him again apparently because he fell back into his seat and just sat there for a minute or so. I let my focus return to the window and let him deal with his new-found knowledge. After another few minutes he tapped me on the arm and I turned back towards him. "How do you know... umm... that you like..." He was quietly trying to ask.

"I don't know. It's just something I know deep down inside. No one told me I was. I just am" I said quietly.

"How do I know if I... if I like guys or not?" he whispered.

"That's something that only you can answer. But if I had to make a guess I'd say you do. Guys don't just go around kissing other guys." I said, flashing him a devilish grin.

He chuckled a little bit and smiled. I was making progress, he was finally relaxing and finding what he'd been searching for in my eyes earlier on the flight. "Yeah, I guess that's not something that everyone does huh. I still feel kinda foolish for doing it though."

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked quietly

"Yes," he said shyly as he blushed. "I've never felt anything like that before. I don't know if I can be gay though." He quietly whispered the word gay.

"You don't have to be `gay'" I said. "You just need to be true to how you feel. You don't need to label yourself like that. It's not something that you just jump into one day. You're just you. You don't have to be gay or straight, just be yourself."

"How did you know... about you?" He asked.

"I've known ever since I was a little kid that I was different' and hated the idea. I didn't want to be like I am, I wanted to be normal' like the other boys that I hung out with. Eventually I realized that I liked guys, that's what the `different' feeling was deep down inside." I didn't really know how to explain it. I'd never had to explain it much before to someone who didn't know anything about it.

I have a few straight friends, and they've just accepted that I'm gay. They don't really want to know how I came to terms with it and all that boring stuff. This guy sitting next to me thinks he likes guys, I'm sure he's felt a little bit of what I'm explaining. I did my best to explain how I came to realize that I was gay, and how most of my friends took it when I told them. He just sat there listening like a little kid listening to a bed-time story. He nodded his head a few times here and here, smiled a few times at a few of my experiences and was even shocked a few times.

"How does all that work in the Air Force?" He asked

"I don't tell anyone that doesn't need to know." I chuckled "Only my closest friends know about me and my boyfriend. They're the only ones who need to know. As long as you don't openly come out and say something about it, they can't do anything about it."

He nodded some more as he thought about it some more. He smiled shyly again, I was beginning to love it, and said "I've never met anyone like you before Jim." He was staring into my eyes again.

"I've never met anyone quite like you either bigguy. Most guys in your situation aren't man enough to talk about this kinda stuff." I replied "And on top of that you're a Marine!" I winked and grinned at him.

He chuckled. Over the intercom we heard the flight-attendant telling us that we were preparing for landing.

"Umm, can I get your number?" he asked, "Unless your boyfriend will get upset. I just don't have anyone I can talk to about... Me..."

I chuckled "No, he won't mind." I dug through my backpack and grabbed a pen. I wrote down my number and email address on a napkin for him and handed it to him.

He grabbed my whole hand as he grabbed the napkin. "Thanks." He said, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back and smiled.

We touched down at the airport, got off the plane. "You got a place to stay, rite?" I asked, just making sure.

"Yeah, staying with the family." He said, he didn't sound too enthused about it though.

"Well, if you need it, you've got a couch to crash on in town as well if you need to escape the family for a day or two." I offered.

"I might have to take you up on that." He said with a huge smile. He dug through his pocket and pulled out the napkin. "I've got you rite here." He said as he shook the napkin.

I chuckled. "Call if you need to. I really would like to see you again while you're in town."

He nodded in agreement. "You take care Jim." He put out his hand.

"You too Jake." I grabbed his hand, squeezed tight and shook.

We both went our own ways hoping to see each other again in the future.


If you enjoyed this story, want to make any comments or suggestions, or just want to say hi; feel free to drop me a line at Please put "NOT SPAM - Coming Home" in the subject line. I hope to hear from you.


Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Next: Chapter 2: Coming Home 2

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