Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Sep 27, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

Chapter 14


William sat there in the living room with Davis; nervous about what was going on in Carl's bedroom. He didn't know what to say to Davis, and was feeling awkward being here without Carl.

As he started to get up to leave, "Where are you going?" Davis stated firmly.

"I, uh?. I think I'm going to go out for a while, seeing that things are a bit tense here. I'll come back after Marcus has had time to cool down." I continued towards the door. I felt a hand stop me and take hold of my wrist. Davis pulled me into a tight hug while saying, "It's going to be all right, William. I don't think Marcus is angry; he's more shocked than anything."

"Are you sure, Davis? I don't want to be the cause of anything between those two. I love Carl, but I don't want to end a friendship that's as good as theirs is." Davis stepped back from his embrace, releasing William and leading him to the sofa. "Listen to me William, I know my future husband. He isn't angry, he's just shocked and a little upset that Carl hid this from him all these years." Davis replied.

"It was Carl's idea to keep this hidden until he was ready to come out. It was hard for me to not speak of this to anyone, but because I love him, I didn't want to betray his trust."

"I can definitely respect that," Davis continued. "Actually, I do appreciate that very much. Will, you are a good person inside and out, and I am glad that my cousin is in love with someone who is kind, smart and very loyal to the one he loves. I just want to say, 'William, welcome to the family!' I love Carl like a brother and I will always love you the same way." He embraced me again and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Tears were starting to well up in my eyes. A warmth filled me through as I heard the words I had waited for. Ever since Carl introduced Davis to me, I wanted to be family. I observed how similar our backgrounds were. Like me, his parents disowned him for being who he was. He fell in love with a hunk of a man who treats him like a king. "Davis, it makes me so happy to hear you say that. It is as if a burden was lifted from my shoulders. I do not have my 'regular' family anymore since they found out, as you know. And for you to welcome me. . ." I started choking up. "I love you and Marcus." I held Davis close and sniffled a little.


"What the hell, Marcus?!"

"I could ask you the same thing, Carl. You have been 'secretly' dating William for almost three years and never told me!" Marcus shot back.

"I'm sorry, Marcus, it just happened with William, and I wasn't ready to tell anyone. Maybe I kept it a secret too long. I'm sorry for that, I really am, but you should know how hard it is to come out."

"So, what brought it about?" Marcus questioned with piqued curiosity.

"Well, for me, it became obvious when he was beaten by his parents. I had so many mixed emotions going through my head, but I knew I had to protect him. I wasn't going to let anyone hurt him again. While he was thanking me, he kissed my neck and I felt passion pouring out from him. And on top of that, I started to get aroused, so I had to pull away from him. For the following four weeks, I had to figure out what the hell was going on inside with me, but every day that passed had me only thinking about William; how I wanted to kiss him and hold him; be near him. Then, while I was trying to avoid him while I brooded over this, William confronted me as to why I had been distant with him. I was straightforward as I told him I was developing strong feeling towards him; he had the same for me and it went from there."

"Look, bro, I'm not upset with you, just a little hurt. Now, I understand why you did what you did. Come here, buddy." Marcus reached his hands out towards Carl, and after a few brotherly hugs, back slapping and a peck on the cheek, they were now on the same page.

William and Davis were still seated on the sofa when Carl and Marcus came back into the room. "See? I told you my big ape isn't mad."

"First, babe, I do not look anything like an ape, mister. I will get you back for that later. Just remember payback's a bitch!" Marcus turned towards William, "Will, I'm deeply sorry for storming out earlier. I don't fully realize why I reacted that way, but I am very sorry. Please understand, when I heard what Carl said, I was deeply offended. And to hear that you both hid this for three years made me feel as if I wasn't the close a friend I thought I had been, that I was not trustworthy, and that drove the pain deeper into my heart. And now, after speaking with Carl, I understand why y'all chose that particular path and I am very happy for the both of you."

"William, I love Carl like a brother so you better treat him right and don't break his heart, or you will deal with me." Marcus said in a serious tone while hiding the beginning of a smile.

"I would never hurt him, Marcus. I love him too much, especially after what he did for me." William beamed. Marcus came over, lifted Will from the sofa and gave him a bear hug, almost squeezing the wind out of William. Immediately, their conversations carried on as if there was never a gap in their friendships. "The time is getting late, guys. Let's finish this tomorrow." Carl was grinning.

It was a short walk to Will's place, they arrived quickly; it seemed as if time was standing still. No sooner did the door latch, in that split-second between the door latching that William pulled Carl into a very passionate kiss. As they kissed, the world and its cares faded away. Carl moaned as William's lips brushed against his own. He only had a moment before he felt William's tongue pressing against his lips and entering deeper. Both were making sounds of enjoyment as their tongues wrestled for position.

They were slowly grinding their crotches together as they continued their kiss. Each could feel the other growing hard. Will reached down and cupped Carl's bubble butt and pulled their bodies more tightly together. Carl was nibbling on Will's neck, starting on the tender area just behind the ear. There was an unmistakable sound of pleasure, growling from William's throat. Carl knew that William's resistance had just crumbled. He lifted Will and carried him to the bedroom and laid him gently on the bed. "I love you so much, Carl," William whispered. "I love you too, gorgeous." Carl was slowly climbing on top of William.

Carl was slowly undressing his lover, pulling his shirt up from where it was tucked into the pants, revealing a tight, firm abdomen with a light dusting of hair flowing down from his beautiful pecs, which Carl loved. The musky scent of William's chest all the more was signaling Carl's desires to increase. He kissed William after he finished removing his shirt.

As their tongues wrestled once again, William pulled Carl's shirt up, over his head, resting his hands on Carl's side; rubbing up and down his body feeling every inch of him. William loved tracing Carl's treasure trail leading down to a now rock hard cock that is trying desperately to spring free from his pants.

William flipped Carl over and was now on top of him. Again, they were becoming one; one goal, one love, still kissing and grinding their hips together. He marked a trail of kisses down Carl's body, starting at his neck and going to each pec, licking each nipple which brought a deep, dark rumble out of Carl. The scent of his cologne found its way into Will's nostrils, a scent that somehow inebriates and stirs his fiery passion. William carved down Carl's abs like a chisel, licking in between each section. He paid special attention to Carl's navel, pressing in deep with his tongue, swirling the hair around his naval, and deliberately moving down until he reached the top of the jeans. Peeking its head out was William's prize straining to be released from its confines, leaking a huge amount of pre cum.

William slowly unbuttoned Carl's jeans and as he released each button, he went back up for another hot kiss. He spread the fly and slid his hand down into Carl's pants, feeling his hard, raging cock that he wanted to swallow. He lowered himself onto Carl, wanting to feel his body next to his. Carl began to get restless, which was just what William wanted. William positioned himself in-between Carl's firm muscular legs. With practiced smooth movement, he pulled down his lover's jeans, revealing his tight black briefs with a huge tent in them. William rubbed the bulge that was so large he had to have the prize. He slides Carl's underwear down allowing his hard cock to slap against his abs. William marveled at this beautiful man that was lying in front him he thought to himself "He's mine! He's all mine! And I am all his!"

"What are you thinking, baby?" Carl asked. "Just how lucky I am to have you in my life." "Well, how about you show me how lucky you are" Carl replied in his sexiest tone. William had a mischievous grin on his face and threw himself at Carl, attacking his mouth.

Marcus and Davis were basking in the afterglow of their love making "Hey babe, what was the deal with you leaving when Carl told us his secret?"

"Honestly babe, I don't know. I mean, I'm happy that Carl has found somebody to be with, but I guess I felt hurt and betrayed that he hid this from me for so long," Marcus replied feeling really stupid with how he handled the situation tonight. "Love, you as well as I, know how hard it is to come out. Hell, look what happen to me and William, we don't have parents anymore. You are one of the lucky ones. Marcus, your parents and family love and accept you for who you are. I know my aunt and uncle will accept him, but it's still scary." Davis said now looking up at Marcus who had tears in his eyes "I'm sorry Davis, I acted completely wrong, I'm just glad that he forgave."

"He is a very forgiving person." Davis replied "Yes he is and that's why I love him. He's been my best friend for most of my life." Marcus replied leaning down to kiss Davis. They soon fell to sleep together; Davis cuddled in Marcus' arms.

The next morning, Davis started early. He was making breakfast for everybody including his brothers Mario and Tommy. He loved cooking, especially for friends and family. He started the coffee brewing, then started to chop up fresh fruit for the salad. Davis' favorite part of summer is all the delicious fresh fruit there is. Just as he finished the salad, Marcus came out of their room, naked as a jay bird. His beautiful cock swaying between those big firm muscular thighs.

"Snap out of it Davis, you have things to do and perving on your boyfriend is not one of them." I mumbled to myself. "Good morning my love!" Marcus said wrapping his strong arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. "Morning" I replied back he then stuck his hands down my shorts. "Now why does my sexy chef have these on?" he asked. "Well, one, we have guest coming, and two, I don't fry bacon naked. I could burn something." I said with a snicker. Marcus reached down grabbing two handfuls of my ass. "I don't want my playground to be burned," he said lustfully in my ear gently nibbling on my ear lobe.

I was setting up breakfast and sent Marcus to get dressed. He wasn't too happy, but I slapped him on his butt and sent him to our room. Just as I had finished getting the muffins out of the oven, Tommy and Mario arrived and both were hungry. "Hey bro, something smells awesome in here!" Tommy said coming into the kitchen for a hug. I waved to Mario over Tommy's shoulder.

Carl's POV

I am lying in bed with man I love and I'm out to my best friend and cousin, now I'm about to be out to two more people. Is this moving too fast? Am I ready to be out to everybody in my life? This might be moving too fast for me. I love William and I want him to be happy. He is so important to me, lying next to him watching him sleep; listening to his cute little snore. I can't have these doubts. I love William and I want him to be happy, plus it does feel better to start getting this stuff off my chest but in a couple of weeks. I will be coming out to my parents. I know they will accept me but it's still scary to think about.

We were sitting around the table, eating, laughing, having a nice time enjoying the breakfast Davis had made; stuffing ourselves like pigs. But who wouldn't when you have all of this great food? The guys went into the living room to relax that's when Carl decide to do it. "Tommy, Mario, I have something I need to tell you guys" he began "I am seeing someone, have been for a while now, I'm very happy in this relationship" "Is it William?" Tommy blurted out. Everybody in the room had a shocked expression on their face they couldn't believe he just said that "How ??. How did you know?" Carl asked. "Remember when we went over to William's that night when Davis and Marcus where here alone?" he stopped to look at Carl and William they both shook their heads yes, "I saw you two kiss that night when I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, I saw you and Will still kissing. I didn't want to be rude, so I went back to the bathroom and made noises so you would know I was coming." Tommy said.

"How come you didn't talk to me?" Carl asked. "it wasn't my place Carl. Just like Davis, I knew before he told but I wanted him to tell me. It wasn't for me to confront him about it, the same with you. It had to be your decision and it didn't mean I loved you any less; I just wanted you to come to me and tell me". Carl got up and hugged Tommy followed by Mario "I will say, I was kind of hoping of going out with William but I am happy that he has someone to love him." Mario said.

William's POV

Am I pushing Carl too much about our relationship? He seems happy, and so far, his family is accepting, which I'm happy for. I knew they would but I understand them being a little angry about him hiding it for so long. I am nervous about his parents' response, they took me in. I hope they don't get upset with me. I just don't know how they will react to this news. I love his parents; they took me in when mine threw me out and beat me. I'm just scared. Maybe it's a little bit of what happened with you know who, but I can't shake that feeling inside of me.

They fell back into their old routines of just hanging out, working, playing and went to the pool a couple of times for a good swim. Marcus being who he was always went in a speedo and damn it took everything Davis had to not jump him right there, that bastard knew what he was doing to him and Davis would see to him later. Carl could have been from the cover of "Bodies Beautiful". But I am not ashamed in how hot I think my fiance's body is, it's a fantastic work of art and I love exploring every inch of it.

Carl's POV

4th of July is this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. My family is having a barbeque, then we are going to watch fireworks. Marcus' family is also going to be there. I will be coming out to my parents and hope they aren't too upset. I don't think they will be, I mean they both love William to death. Maybe I'm just over-thinking the whole situation. I don't know why I'm nervous. I guess it's just normal for any one coming out. I think it will go fine. I just need to stop thinking about it so much.

"Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a second?" Carl asked. "Sure son, what's up?" his dad said as they walked to the den. Carl had been putting this off the whole time of the party and he just need to put on his big boy pants and do it. "Mom, Dad, I have something really important to share with you. It's something that I have been struggling with for a couple of years now but recently I decide I needed to talk about it." Carl stopped to draw a breath. "I'm gay and I'm dating William. I have been for two and half years." Carl finally got it out. The room was silent for a few seconds. "I was wondering when you were going to tell us, son," his father replied. Carl eyes shot open like a deer in head lights "How ?. how did you know?" Carl came out to his parents and both smiled at him.

"Son we aren't blind. We have noticed things like how you to always sit next to each other to where you are touching, or the looks at each other plus seeing it in both of your eyes. Then there was the kiss on New Year's Eve y'all shared in the back yard but we wanted you to tell us when you were comfortable," his father replied, pulling his son into a hug. "Just know that we love you both very much and we are happy that you both have found so much love in each other." his mom said. Carl started to cry, releasing all of his emotions; everything he had felt for the last two years is going away. Being scared of rejection, it was all gone, and now all he felt was love.

"Welcome to the family son" Seth said coming up behind William giving him a hug. "I thought I already was, dad" William replied

"Son, Carl just told us about the two of you and we already knew and love you both very much," Seth said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks dad, I am so happy and I love Carl very much. I wanted to tell y'all so badly but I respected Carl's wanting to keep quiet about it"

"And that, my boy, is why I know that you are perfect for my son. We saw the love in his eyes for you, and the same for you to him. Mom and I love you like you are our own, we love you baby boy and can't wait till you are officially our son."

"Slow down dad, he hasn't proposed to me yet." William chuckled

"Well you never know," Seth said looking at him with a smirk. "Okay, he knows something I do not." William thought to himself.

Carl's POV

The night went on and we all went to the fireworks show. Davis and Marcus sat in the back of the truck along with myself and William. I loved having Will in my arms watching the fireworks it is so beautiful. I reached into my pocket and pulled the ring out of my pocket "William would you marry me" I said as I brought the ring around in front of him.

William's POV

I'm sitting here in the arms of the man I love, watching beautiful fireworks. I feel Carl moving under me I wonder what he is doing but I just let it go. I see Davis and Marcus smile out of the corner of my eye. They both have their phones out recording the fireworks, I thought. Then I hear, "William, will you marry me?" and then I see him bring his arm around and he has a ring in his hand I turn around and look at him I start to cry "Are you sure you are ready for this?" "Baby I have never been more ready for anything in my life. I love you and I want you to be my husband for the rest of my life." Carl replied "Yes Carl, oh yes Carl. I will marry you!" William replied while Carl slipped the ring on his finger. He leaned forward to kiss Carl he didn't have to hide who he loved anymore, "See, I told you." William heard papa Seth say. William turned around and saw papa Seth, mama Marie, Marcus' parents, Tommy and Mario looking at them from the end of the truck and Davis and Carl smiling at them. They all got hugs and congratulations from everyone.

William and Carl had parked farther away from everyone else because there was no room. Tommy and Mario rode with them and they were walking to the car when this group of guys fell in behind them unnoticed by anyone. "Well, boys, looksee what we got us here! A group of Fags!"

Carl and the others turned to look behind them but kept walking. "Aww, the fags don't have anything to say to us."

Carl was about to say something "No, don't; that's what they want Carl, don't let them win"

"What? You fags don't have nothing to say? Well, why don't all y'all jus' get on your knees and suck our cocks. Wouldn't y'all like that?"

"That's it! Listen, you redneck mother-fucker, I ain't gay but my brother, my best friend and cousin are, and I will not have you disrespecting the people I love; who have done nothing to you. So either back the fuck up and move on, or you and me are going to have a big problem! Believe me, you don't want that!"

Tommy was having a stare-down with the jerk. "Is there a problem here, gentlemen?" the sheriff said coming toward them. "No, not yet, just teasing a bunch of faggots; no one important." With that being said, Tommy swung and connected squarely on the jaw, sending the bastard sprawling on the ground. Mayhem erupted at that point

So this is chapter 14 I hope you like im enjoying writing this story as always you can reach me

Also a very big thank you to my good friend Paul you push me everyday to be a better writer. sometimes it brings out my ugly side but a lot of good comes out of it I love you buddy thanks for being my editor.

Next: Chapter 15

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