Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Feb 27, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now


"So, Davis, what are you getting Marcus this year for Christmas?" William asked as they were grocery shopping.

"I don't know, William. I really don't. I want to get him something that he could really appreciate and love and that he will think of me when he sees it. What are you getting Carl? "

"Well, I was thinking that I would get him a silver chain necklace with our birthstones in a pendant hanging from the chain."

"That's so sweet, William. I thought about doing something like that but I changed my mind. I want something that will help him forget everything that has happened this year."

"Why not get him a leather jacket? I know he needs a new one."

"Now, that's a good idea. He does need a new leather jacket but I think I'll need something else to go with it," I said losing myself in thought as we continued down the isle getting the stuff we need for the week. I thought long and hard about what to get Marcus. I found a great leather jacket for him but I knew I needed something else, so I went with William to get Carl's necklace and as I was browsing through the show cases, I saw it! A beautiful silver watch with Marcus' birth stone inlaid around the clock face. This would be perfect for Marcus but I wanted to add an engraving of our initials on the back. William came over with the shop owner.

"Do you see something you like, young man?"

"Yes, sir, this watch; my fiancé will love it."

"Oh! That is a fine choice. Would you like anything else?"

"Yes, sir, I would like to add our initials and the date that we started dating." I bought the watch and he went to engrave it and said it would be done in a few hours which was fine since I still had to do some more shopping for the rest of my family. We walked down the street to the bookstore and I picked up a new to-go mug for Carl and chose the "Game of Thrones" books for William, which he has been wanting. I'm glad that I saw them. We went across the street to Best Buy and I bought my brothers matching tablets, I knew they both needed new ones. So, I got them the more recent ones. I was lucky that Best Buy was having a sale on them. While I was there, I found a great leather computer back-pack for Marcus. It was bigger than his old one, so it will be easier for him to carry his stuff to class. Then we walked back down to the jewelry store and picked up the watch. It was beautiful. "Thank you, sir, Marcus will love this." I shook his hand as we left.

"Well, I think I'm done with my Christmas shopping. What about you?"

"Yeah, I just have to get something for you and I'm done." William said.

"Oh, what are you going to get me?"

"I don't know maybe a nice sex swing for you and Marcus. I know how much he likes to bang your brains out." His devilish grin was from ear to ear.

I smacked him on the ass. "Damn, William, now I know why Carl is so happy all the time. You have a very nice ass." I said with a smile.

We brought our things in the house and we wrapped them so that our boyfriends wouldn't try to go snooping, which they like to do. We might have gone a little overboard this year, but hey, I like to give gifts seeing the smiles on my loved ones' faces plus I wanted it to be special since Kenny is going to be staying with us through the holidays. He needs to be with us. He still wont tell us what happened in Houston and as much as I want to know, I don't want to push him, so I have to wait, but I'm guess it is really bad since he never wants to talk about it or even go back to Houston. It almost makes me nervous finding out what happened there. Anytime the `H' word is brought up, he gets tense, real tense, but I hope that Christmas with my family will help him come out of his shell a bit more.


I decided that before I go down to San Antonio for Christmas, I needed to have a talk with Mario. My feelings for him grow as does my attraction for him and if I don't talk to him about it, I might get hurt or he will because I don't even know if he likes me. We are both sitting in the living room and I am looking over at him trying to gain enough courage to say something but nothing is coming out. I feel sick to my stomach every time I try to say something. "Damn, why is this so freaking hard?" I said to myself. "Mario, I need to talk to you for a second." Where did this voice come from? Was that me, did I just say that? Mario looked over at me.

"What's up?"

"Umm. . . Well, I don't really know how to say it, but for about a year or so now, I have been having these urges at first for you, then I started having dreams about you and now I have strong feeling for you Mario. I don't know where they are coming from and I really don't. I have never looked at you in this way before and I don't know why I am now but I can't stop thinking about you. You are always on my mind. I have talked to Davis about it but he just told me to let the chips fall where they may." I felt myself starting to ramble and I couldn't stop until I felt a pair of lips touch mine and realized that they were Mario's. It was soft and sensual but I could feel sparks in this kiss. His lips brushed mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I wanted to pull away before I lost myself but I couldn't seem to... In the space of an instant, my senses were thoroughly seduced and I could no longer think clearly. As Mario straddled my lap, my member went to full attention from his weight on my crotch.

"I have been having the same feelings about you, Tommy. They started for me the day we were all at Marcus' pool and you were in your speedo. You looked so hot I had to stay underwater so you wouldn't see my erection. I was embarrassed that I was having these feeling about my best friend. At first I thought that they might have been feelings of desperation because of the other guys in our group but as time went by they just developed more, and I realized that I was falling for you. Then, I was scared because I didn't know how you would feel because I figured that you were straight and how cliche is it for a gay man to fall for a straight man."

I was stunned. All this time I feared that I would lose my best friend if Mario found out about this. Yet Mario was having the same feeling as I was. I leaned in for another kiss and this time it was more intense. I hesitantly looked up at him. The waves of emotion I saw there made me gasp, lust and desire. However, before I could ponder about it further, he lifted my face to his and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. As our lips crushed together, I felt like I was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have imagined and I opened my mouth with a low moan. Mario pushed me back onto the bed and pressed his crotch into mine. It felt so good to be in this position. I loved the smell of him, that mix of soap and musk. He was intoxicating. My hands roamed over his back, feeling each strong and firm sculpted, bulging muscle. I started to pull his shirt over his head but just as I got it to his shoulders, Mario pulled away from me.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

"I don't want to go to far right now, Tommy. I don't want you to regret moving too fast. We still have a lot of talking to do before we have sex and I want you to be ready both mentally and physically. I love you, Tommy, always have, but I will not rush this. Sex is supposed to be a beautiful thing that bonds people and brings a couple closer together to feel united." He leaned forward giving me one last kiss before getting off my bed and going back to his and sitting down. We talked for hours, well into the night. We decided that we will go on a date the next evening.

"I do have one question?"

"What is that?"

"What do we tell everybody when we get down there? I mean, it's going to be hard to hide it from Davis. You know that."

"Okay, we will tell Davis, but that's it. We don't know what we are yet so we will tell him that we are dating for now. Okay?"

"That will be perfect, Mario. Hey, have you finished your Christmas shopping?"

"Nope, I still have to get something for Davis and I have no idea what to get him this year."

"I know what you mean. I can't think of what to get him either. Maybe we could go shopping tomorrow and get him something from the both of us."

"Yeah, that would be great."



I woke up in a cold sweat, even my sheets were soaked. The nightmares are getting more violent and now I am scared, so scared, that if he finds me he will kill me, if he finds me. I just hope that he doesn't look here. I don't want to bring that drama to my friends here. Worse yet, I don't want them to get hurt because of me. I don't know what to do. I don't know how much longer I can put off hiding this secret from them, especially Davis, he is very perceptive. I know that he knows something is wrong. I just don't want to tell him. I'm afraid. So scared, a part of me feels like I deserve what happened to me. I mean I am nothing more that a `slim whore'; well, that's what Derek called me.

I was able to get back to sleep but it wasn't a good sleep. When I awoke the next morning, I had to hurry I was running late, I was meeting Davis for coffee this morning. I dressed as fast as I could and started walking to the coffee shop on the corner which is the halfway point for Davis as well. I got there and he was already sitting down with two cups of coffee and croissants, my favorite.

"Hey, buddy, you okay?"

"Yes, and no, I didn't sleep well last night. I had a really bad nightmare that scared the hell out of me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Davis, I do but I'm scared to. It involves my past and I don't want to bring you into that."

"Kenny, we are friends and I want to help you. We will worry about the drama later. But, on another note, there is a very handsome man that has been looking at you since you sat down."

"Where is he?"

"He is right across the street."

I looked and my heart stopped. It was Derek and he found me. Dear lord, what am I going to do? I must get out of here. I should abandon Davis and everyone here. I must go now. "Davis, we have to go now." I said sternly.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"That man is the reason I had to leave Houston. I will explain but we need to get to your house now."

We left quickly and jogged down the street. Luckily, Davis' house was only a couple hundred feet from the coffee shop. We made it inside before Derek could discover where we went or so we thought. Little did we know that he had been in town for a week watching me, so he knew where my friends lived.

"Kenny, what the fuck is going on? Who is that guy?"

"That is my ex-fiance. I left him last year after I finally got up the courage to leave him."

"Why did you need courage?"

"Because he beat me every day, both physically and mentally. He would also rape me and pass me around to his friends and let them use me however they wanted." I had to take a breath and calm down before I cried. "When I met him, I thought he was a great man; handsome, intelligent and has a great job. I thought he was someone that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But then, after we got engaged, he changed and he started to get angry at me for no reason. Then he started degrading me and the hitting started. When that wasn't enough, he would rape me. Afterwards, he would give me to his friends who would run trains on me. After a while, I became used to it like I deserved it, like this was all. I was a good-for-nothing whore." I broke down completely becoming uncontrollable. Davis held me to his chest firmly.

"How did you manage to get away?"

"Well, that was the hard part. I didn't have much money since he somehow got a hold of my checking account information and changed my information to where he controlled it. Luckily, I had a secret account that he didn't know about, so I was able to withdraw all the money from that account and get a bus ticket to San Antonio. I have been hiding here ever since and I know that he has been looking for me because the only friend I have left in Houston told me that he came to him and asked him questions about me. My friend doesn't even know where I am. I keep it that way because I knew he would eventually go to him for information and now it looks like I have to run again."

"No, I'm not letting you run again. You are a good man, Kenny. You deserved a lot better that to be treated as nothing more than a whore. You deserve to have a good man, you deserve a good life, you deserve a life where you are not treated like a sex toy." It was then we heard bang on the door.

"Kenny, get your fucking ass out here now! You are coming back home with me!" Derek said in a voice with so much anger that it could have melted the lock on the door.

"Kenny, go upstairs and don't come down until I tell you, and call the cops!"

"I can't leave you down here to face him alone."

"Yes! You can Kenny; I can take care of myself. Don't worry about me. He will wish he never came to this place." Kenny reluctantly went up stairs to my room while I went to the door. "Kenny's not here! Get the fuck away from my house now!" I shouted.

"Don't try that with me, you bitch! Now, give me my property or I will come in and take it!"

"You just try and you will regret that decision!"

He repeatedly banged on the door. I knew that if the cops didn't get here soon that he would eventually get in. I had to act quickly. My baton was upstairs so that was out. I know how to defend myself but this guy is super pissed and he is big. Suddenly, he broke through the door. He stood there framed in the doorway like a bull locked onto his target. I knew I had to defend Kenny at all cost and after everything he told me, I wanted to kill this mother fucker.

"Where is he?" he asked with so much anger in his voice he shook.

"I will never tell you. He is never going back with you and I will die before I let that happen." I said standing confident in front of the stairs. He charged at me, swinging wildly. I blocked every single hit. He wasn't a good fighter at all. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, after I elbowed him in the gut, slamming him into the ground. He stood back up and came at me again. I heard the sirens now so I finished it. I jumped-spun in the air, landing a blow to the side of his face, landing in front of him. "Don't you ever come near Kenny again or next time I will kill you." I said to him just as the cops came to the door. I went upstairs to check on Kenny, to see how he was doing.

I went to my room and opened the door slowly so that I didn't scare him. He was curled up in the fetal position, facing away from me. "Kenny, buddy, it's me. It's over; you can come down stairs now. He won't be hurting you ever again, I promise." I said as I laid down and cuddled up behind him. He instantly relaxed and stopped shaking. I was rubbing my hand on his stomach calming him down he turned to me and I don't know why but I kissed him. I wanted him to feel love to show him that I did love him. His lips were very soft and moist, almost like silk. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and tickled his; they liked each other. We kissed for a few minutes until I pulled away "Feel better now?"

"Yes" was all that came out of him, ever so quietly.

"Kenny, the police want you to go to the station tomorrow to file a report with them. Do you have any proof that you were abused?" He shook his head yes and stood up taking off his shirt then his pants and underwear he turned around and showed me the scars on his back and the back of his legs then he bent over and his hole was torn up badly. I touch him and he shuddered. I gasped, "Good lord, Kenny, are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just not use to people being nice to me when I'm naked. Then he showed me something that shocked the living hell out of me. He sat down on the bed and spread his legs showing me branding marks on his inner thigh. I had to turn away or I was going to puke. He fell to the floor crying. I went to him and held him. "I'm going to make this right. I don't want my friend feeling like this anymore."

"Hey, what's going on? Davis, where are you?" I heard Marcus shout.

"In our room!" I shouted back while still holding a trembling Kenny.

"Davis what's going on? What happened?" Marcus asked. I saw William and Carl close behind him. I told them about the situation with Kenny and his ex-Derek. William had tears in his eyes while Marcus and Carl had rage. I gave both a stern look to back off and calm down. I felt Kenny start to shake. "Guys, can you leave for a few minutes please?" They all nodded their heads yes, and left.


"I'm beyond angry right now! How could somebody treat another person that way? Kenny is a great guy who should be loved and not abused or used as a whore. How can there be such evil in this world?" I said to William and Carl.

"Marcus, buddy, calm down. We must be there for Kenny now. I'm sure this is far from over with him, and we can't go off and be angry right now. Believe me, I want to beat that mother fucker too, but that won't help Kenny." Carl said.

"I know, Carl, but I can't help it. I just don't get this world. I mean, there is so much hate going on and then for a gay man to do this to another gay man. . . it just gets to me, that's all!"

"I know, Marcus, and that's why we love you, because you care so much. You have one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen." William said intently.

"I think Kenny should move in here immediately. We have the spare bedroom. It's his if he wants it. I want him to feel safe and to be around friends. We are his family and he needs to be around family." William and Carl both liked my idea and agreed that he should live here.

Meanwhile back in Marcus and Davis' room . . .

"How are you feeling, Kenny?" I asked, still holding a naked Kenny as we sat on the floor.

"A little better now; I'm going to get dressed now." he said and got up putting his cloths back on. He sat on the edge of the bed. I could tell that he was fighting his emotions.

"Kenny I want to offer you a proposition." Kenny looked at me. "I can tell that you are still scared to go back to your place, so I want you to move in here with us. You need to be around family, people who love you, who will support you, who will be there when you need it most." I saw the tears forming in his eyes; they were happy tears but also tears of relief. "So, is that a yes?" As if I didn't know.

"Yes, as long as it's okay with everyone else. I don't want to step on anyone's toes."

"Oh, don't worry about that. If I know Marcus as well as I think I do, then he is probably having a conversation with the guys downstairs about this same subject."

We went down stairs a short time later and spoke with them. Sure enough, I was right about Marcus. He had been having that same conversation with them about Kenny. Later that day, we went to Kenny's apartment. We packed all his belongings and moved him into the town house with us within a few hours. I could already see the difference in his behavior. We were seeing a whole new side to Kenny, a more bubbly, happy personality which I liked seeing very much. He was now on the road to mending but I knew it would still have quite a few curves remaining before he is well.

It was time for Christmas with my family arriving on the twenty-third. I was very excited to have them all here for our first Christmas in our new house. I was also excited because Tommy told me that he had something to share with me and I had an idea of what it was but I wanted him to confirm it for me.

I was busy in the kitchen preparing dessert for Christmas dinner and of course much of my time was spending swatting hands out of my mixing bowl. I still had pecan pie to make and Christmas cookies. The cookies are easy to do but I have never done a pecan pie by myself. As I'm putting the filling into the pan, I hear the doorbell ring. Carl said he had it. I continued my work when I felt a pair of arms around me and I knew they were my brother's but I decide to play a little.

"Marcus isn't around and my brothers will be here any minute and I don't want to give them a show. Well at least not in the middle of the kitchen."

"Weirdo!" Tommy said and I busted out laughing, turning around giving my brother a big hug. I missed him so much. Then my other brother Mario came around the corner with Carl and he grabbed me and gave me a bear hug.

Kenny came down to meet my brothers and they really liked him, of which I'm glad. About an hour later, our parents and in-laws arrived and we all talked and enjoyed each other's company. Our parents had a room at the hotel not too far away from us. Mario and Tommy bunked in the office. Before I went to bed, Tommy and Mario wanted to talk to me. I was wondering when this was going to come up.

"So, guys, what's up?" They both looked at each other and kind of blushed. "Let me guess, you two are together." Mario shook his head yes as I lunged at them and hugged them. "I'm so happy for you two, especially you Mario. I know how hard you took it dealing with not being able to have your dream of getting with me and now you are with my equally hot brother. I think you did very well. Oh, I will say, I know my little bro is hung like a horse!"

"DAVIS!" Tommy chided as Mario was blushing a deep red.

"So, how long? Give me the details." We talked about their walk and what happened. I loved seeing them like this, it made me happy. Tommy had a certain glow about him that I have never seen before and Mario is shining like a lighthouse with how happy he is. We enjoyed talked for a little while more but I had to end it because I knew I had a horny man in my room waiting for me.

I went to my room and there was Marcus in all his breathtaking glory and I do mean glory because his flag pole was at full staff which made my mouth water. "Well, what do I have here?"

"I don't know but I think somebody has missed his warm hole. He feels neglected and wanted to get your attention." Marcus said with a growing grin on his face that would rival a clown's.

I laid between his muscular thighs and looked at his magnificent manhood. "Did you really miss me, buddy? It hasn't been that long since you have been home." I said speaking to his cock, then lightly kissing it on the head which got a moan from Marcus. "I think your daddy missed me more that you did, didn't he?" Marcus flexed his cock as to say yes which made me laugh. I started kissing him at his toes, slowly moving up his muscular body. Inch by inch, with my hands slightly ahead of my advance. His back arched as he anticipated where I would soon reach. The worries of the day were melting and all I wanted was for him to fuck my brains out. I stopped at his navel and pressed in to his tight muscles as I climbed higher towards his chest. I reached the Christmas tree between his pecs and spent time kissing and licking at his stiff nipples. Slowly I started to devour his neck as he let out deep bass rumbles and moans that let me know he felt every touch of my lips. As I approached his lips he grasped my head and pulled me in, short circuiting all my resistance. Each kiss was intense and fiery as our tongues wrestled with each other.

Marcus rolled us so that he was on top of me. Our bodies started a dance. We fit together in a fashion that was saying we were always meant to be this way. He started pressing our bodies together at every point while grinding his hips into mine, making me so hard and desirous of him. I wanted him inside me so badly. He started kissing my neck, moving slowly down my body, paying close attention to my nipples. Teasing them as his hands slowly traced my ribs. He knows this drives me crazy. His fingertips were like fire on my skin, numbing my mind to all my senses, making me feel paralyzed from the overflow of electrical pulses overloading my brain. He is the only one for me and can make me feel so alive.

He continued his exploration down my body. Then he looked at me and said he was going to make me beg for release. He delved into my navel causing me to let out a small uncontrolled gasp for air and followed the trail down to my secret garden, licking the head of my stiff rod, cleaning off my leaking fluid, moaning in such a way that I felt the vibrations. He continued to lick just to the right and left of the base where I was ticklish, causing me to squirm. Placing his hands under my knees, he pushed them towards my chest as he started on my taint. All I could do was moan, "Please, Marcus, please, now!" He smiled at me as he proceeded to make love to my hole with his amazing tongue. "Oh, Marcus. . . don't. . . stop. . . please don't stop. Ohhh, work it, get me loose, nice and loose. I want your cock to slide home nice and easy." Electric shocks were shooting through me. My moaning seemed to make him hornier and he went after my ass with a vengeance, which made me writhe with pleasure, trying to push against his tongue. He came back up to me planting a hot kiss on my lips, hard and yet soft. While he is kissing me, I hear the cap of a bottle open and feel the cold slickness of it as Marcus applies it to my ass slightly slipping his finger inside of me causing me to moan more. He leans back and aims he big cock at my hungry awaiting hole. Slowly pushing into me, feeling him breach my awaiting doorway. My head pressed back into the pillow as he filled me. He seemed harder and thicker as he passed through my entrance. With slow, undulating movements he pushed into me. I let out a long, never ending sigh of pleasure as Marcus bottomed out in me, feeling his pubes tickling my ass.

Damn, I love this feeling whenever any part of Marcus body touches my ass; it sending a myriad of sensations throughout my body. He slowly pulled out then back in keeping a steady speed. It changed my breathing, moaning in rhythm with his every move. Marcus knows how to satisfy a guy and I'm glad that I'm that guy he satisfies. YES, Marcus! YES.......YES........OHHH FUCK YES!!" I screamed as he sped up. I could feel my balls tighten. "Ooh, baby, I'm close, really close!"

"So am I, baby. Cum for daddy. Come on, cum for me baby, clap that hole around daddy's dick." I couldn't hold back shooting my load on my chest. My ass clamped down on his pole wanting to keep him all the way in. He quickened his pace, pounding me unmercifully as the bed creaked and banged against the wall. "Oh, fuck yeah, that's it baby! That is just what daddy likes! You're so tight. Ooh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!! AAahhhh!" I felt him fire shot after shot of cum, coating the inside of my ass every time. It took him a while to finish emptying into me. We lay there catching our breaths. I loved watching his abs flex as he breathed heavily.

When Marcus makes love with me and he shoots inside of me, I feel connected to him more and more, like he will always be a part of me no matter where we are. We will have a mental and physical connection to one another. I know it sounds weird, believe me, it did to me to when I started feeling like that too. I guess when you really love someone, you get that connection after having sex with them or maybe I'm just weird. Who knows? All I know is that I have this connection with Marcus and I don't ever want to lose it.


"Hey, Mario, damn!! Sounds like Marcus gave it to Davis good, huh?"

"Yeah, it did. It was pretty hot to listen to those two." Mario replied, smiling at Tommy.

"Mario, I'm sorry." I said glancing down.

"For what?" The look of concern was on his face.

"That I'm not ready to do anything sexual yet."

"Tommy, I don't care about that right now. This all new to you. You'll be ready when you are ready, no rush."

"Thank you, Mario, I do want to make love to you and you to me. I'm just a little scared and our relationship is so new that I don't want to move too quickly." I leaned over and kissed Mario on the lips, gently slipping my tongue into his mouth. We had never kissed like this before but I really enjoyed it. I pulled Mario closer to me, making the kiss more intense and filled with passion and desire; our hands roaming each other's well sculpted bodies. I decided to go a little further and reached down the back of Mario's pants and cupped his firm ass. Oh man! This feels so good. . .

Hey guys thanks for continuing to read my story I hope you like this chapter, sorry it took a little time but this one might be my last for a little bit as well lots of stuff happening with school coming up.

Thank you to my editor Paul once again for making my story better with his adding of spice.

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Next: Chapter 20

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