Coming out to a bunch of suprises

By James Whitehead

Published on Jul 28, 2012



This is a half real and half fantasy story, the story of how one persons crush created a tangled web.

Before the start of the holiday I was just an average 15, a bit of at and nothing really special, but I wanted to change this so I made a deal with myself, that if I lost all the weight and ended up as a lean mean fighting machine with a rocking body, muscle and six pack galore. Then I would come out as being bi, so with that goal set in my mind I made sure I saw nobody that 9 week holiday and set to work.

Now at the moment 1 week before the start of the school term I had achieved my goal, I had already come out to my family and my closet friends two of which were girls and the other was a boy who had already come out. My training had lead me to become a male adonis, 5"10", blonde hair with the bluest of eyes and that muscle galore look I wanted. Fortunately for me also that summer I hit puberty (I was a late bloomer). And I managed to avoid the acne and B.O, but despite the sudden growth of underarm and pubic hair I kept both shaved, I don't know why I just preferred it.

Today is the first day back at school and I hadn't managed to sleep the previous night with me racking my brain about it, would everyone laugh at me? Would people accept it? Would they even recognize me? I looked completely different from last year my whole face was different almost a different person. When I got to school, wow, it was so funny everyone just looked at me and some said well done and some just high fived me, but then something strange happened the cutest girl in school she was called Rosie, she was angelic, she said "hey, its James isn't it" now that may not seem like a lot but compared to get out of my way last term, it was amazing. I made my way into my study and everyone just went fuck me! They all stared for a minute and congratulated me and went back to their groups conversations as I packed my bag I saw that one person hadnt stopped staring at me, his name was Myles Pountain, he was the richest person in the school, second only to me, we go to a private school and there are some very rich people like us. But Myles was amazing he was a swimmer with a swimmers body which was amazing. Little did he know that this year I might be quicker than him. I decided it was now or never all the boys from our year were here and the girls were in an opposite study, they were all in school house because the other houses had been flooded, normally there are 11 different houses! So I shouted knowing that everyone would here it and someone would run next door and say it, I just ah outed "I'm bisexual!". The room went dead quite and then the bell rang for roll call, saved by the bell, as we walked downstairs the girls filled in and I sat next to Rebecca, she knew what I had done , that whole assembly and roll call everyone from our year was staring at me or talking about me, maybe about being bi or maybe just the transformation. The rest of the day went like the morning had, unfortunately I came out on the wrong day, today was swimming and then athletics, the athletics and actual swimming weren't bad because I finished in the top 3 or 2 every time. But the changing was horrid all the boys were actually understanding and just had a laugh about it, a few took if there towels and said do you like this, just to get them to go away I would say no, a bit small or not the biggest I've seen. My favorite fetish is underwear and compression undershorts for sport and unfortunately the swimming was all done in skin tight shorts so I had to resist getting a boner the whole day but it didn't work, in the shower, which were communal and compulsory this term, last term I would never had set foot in, but I wasn't self conscious this year! Although some people said they liked shaving their pubes like me... Athletics, luckily they had two people blocks to get changed in so I had planned to go with George Stone, everyone knew he was bi he just didn't think he was but we were best friends and on countless occasions he has told me he might be and he wanked at my house at gay porn, he's not the one who came out already. But Myled dragged me into his, not scared if sharing with a bi boy are you? I asked,he gave me a slip to get of games, meet me here in an hour, athletics was two hours. I decided to do the first half then use my note, the coach was impressed, he told me to relax when I got back because he wanted me to be in the athletics team on Wednesday. I got back and there he was dressed only in his boxer briefs, so tight that you could see everything, they were so sexy, he got dressed again, what the fuck? "Your mum said you could come over tonight, my parents have taken brother and sister to Miami for a week so your staying with me until they get back so your mums bringing over a weeks supply of clothes". Fuck I thought I've been friends with him for a while but never done anything like this before. "I was just giving you a little taster, by the way I'm gay!"

"But last term you went out with Rosie?"

"I told her was too stubborn, never mind were going now, ever heard of Anne Summers? My cousin is the manager and she's closed it early for us". So now all of a sudden I was going to a sex shop with the second sexiest boy in school. We went and we got some stuff, dildos bondage whips and things which you tie to the ceiling and ball gags, foot bar, everything bondage and some cross dressing things also 24 condoms, £350 we spent.

At his house my stuff was already there and the house was empty no one there for a week apart from us. "Stip." Myles instructed as he did the same, he was naked and I was left standing in my underwear, I took them of too, Myles had an amazing body with his 7" erect standing out proud while my 8" made itself known, we went and got a drink luckily he had a massive stash of vodka, so we ad coke and vodka. We went up to his room and brought down the playstation and played on a 72" 3D TV, we also connected my laptop to the speakers and listened to some lonely island. While he was playing GTA I went and got the bag from Ann Summers and left it in the room, I also went up to his parent room, I saw it immediately, they had a bondage swing with an array of vibrators and whips ready to use! I grabbed one and had a go with it, amazing! That night we just sat around and give eachother a blowjob. The next day went much the same with everyone asking me about being bi, and Rosie sat next to me in all the lessons we had together, this would make Tom so jealous, he was the fittest boy in school, they went out over the holiday but broke up yesterday. "Wanna sit with me at lunch?" oh shit I had been daydreaming "uhhh yeah" I replied trying to sound all cool apparently my voice was amazing and it could melt hearts when I spoke. At lunch I sat with her and talked about my holiday and how she always knew was bi. She invited me round during lecture, 3 hours of a boring lecture, fuck of. We talked and she described me as her gay best friend, I reminded her I was bi and like girls to, she had only heard I was bi this surprised her, she made her move, she gripped my shirt and dragged me in close and kissed me on the lips, moving her hand down to my knob and I started feeling around her breasts....

To be continued.

James Whitehead

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