Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Nov 27, 2008


Commander Dick - Part Six I Didn't Even Know My Name by Apussyboy

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(The standard disclaimers apply. This story is intended to be read only by adults and persons who are not offended by sexually explicit gay authoritarian stories. If you are over 21 or whatever the legal age is in your locale and do not find material of this nature offensive, you are welcome to continue reading. If not, do not read any further.)

Stanton Hall looked different by the light of the moon then it had earlier when it had gleamed like a showy jewel in the afternoon sun. As Dick's Jeep wound up the twisting road toward the mansion, Raymond was impressed by how foreboding the mansion looked at night, surrounded as it was by a stone wall with wrought iron spikes protruding along the top. Like some medieval fortress, it was situated in a commanding position at the top of the highest hill in the area. Seen at night, it had more of the appearance of a prison than a mansion, Raymond thought, but he was very tired after all that had transpired this day, and maybe his mind was now playing tricks on him. What was most important to Raymond was that he would now be with his beloved Commander Dick every day, able to serve and worship Dick the way he had dreamed of doing ever since Dick had explained his mission and Raymond had found the very special cause that had given new meaning to his

existence..It was all about Dick.

As if by magic, the massive steel gates swung open as the Jeep approached them and Dick drove through the opening. When Raymond glanced behind him, he saw the gates closing again. The door to the garage bay that Dick drove the Jeep into also opened by itself. Raymond had never seen a garage door that opened and closed automatically, so of course he thought it was wizardry. As he and Dick made their way along the poorly lit corridors and passageways Raymond felt goosebumps rising on his flesh. These halls were a spooky place at night, darkly paneled and dimly lit as they were.

But Dick's room was bright and cozy just the way Raymond had remembered it from earlier that day, and Dick was in a cheerful frame of mind. Once they were in his room again, Dick gave Raymond a big hug and praised him for the way he had conducted himself during his goodbye visit to his family.

"You don't ever have to see those people again, Raymond. I am your family now, and this is your home. You are where you belong, and everything that happens from now on will happen because it is what I know is best. You will get exactly what you really need and deserve, and it will give me great pleasure to introduce you to this new life you will be my property.

"You deserve a reward for behaving so well during your last visit with your father. So, you will have the privilege of giving your Master another blow job before you go to bed. I would even go further and give you permission to jerk yourself off....except I know you have already done that once tonight. Haven't you?"

"Yes, Sir, I did that earlier tonight when you left me in my cell. I couldn't help it, Sir. I just kept looking at that wonderful picture of you on the wall across from my bunk...and I got so very horny, I had to jack off....but how did you know, Sir?

"I have my ways of knowing everything....but I might as well tell you that I have video cameras that I can use to monitor every square inch of your cell. So, I know everything you do while you are in there. That means that if I tell you to do something while you are confined to your quarters you better do it, and if I forbid you to do something you better not do it.

I didn't tell you that you couldn't jerk off while you were in there earlier, so you are okay; but from now on I don't want you touching your little pee-pee without my permission. Do you understand me, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, Commander Dick"

"But....because I am pleased with how well you have obeyed my orders today...I am giving you permission to jerk off once a day. You are only to do it before bedtime after you have been confined to your quarters for the night....and when you jerk off you are to kneel in front of my picture and pray to me as your god and praise me as your master and your king. I want you to be vocal in your praise and worship of your Commander Dick, so that if I am listening to you or recording what you are saying I will take pleasure in your remarks. If I like what I hear you are much more likely to be able to go on jerking off at night...but if I'm not'll be in big trouble. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir, crystal clear, Sir"

"Good. Then there is only one more thing I need to talk to you about before you suck my cock.....and that is your new name."

"My new name, Sir?"

That's right. Now that you are my property, I don't think its fitting and proper for your name to be Raymond...that's the name your parents gave you...and you having that name suggests they own you, but they don't own you anymore.....I own you. So you need a new first that I give you. Does that make sense to you, faggot?"

"Yes...I see what you are saying, Sir."

"You need to do more than see what I'm saying. You need to agree to take the name I have chosen for you, and to be thankful to me for giving you your new name".

Yes, Sir, I am grateful and thankful to you for giving me a new name, Sir. May I ask what name you have chosen?"

"Of course you can, slave. After careful consideration of every name that I thought might fit you well, I have picked the one name that I think will describe you perfectly. I know that when you hear will recognize more than ever before the genius of your Commander Dick. Are you ready for your new first name, boy?"

"I'm ready, Sir".

The name I have chosen for you is... Anus"

My jaw dropped and I'm sure Dick saw the shocked expression on my face.

"Don't be upset with my choice, Anus. Just think of what I might have chosen. I seriously thought of naming you 'Asshole', but Anus has a lot more class to it. And it goes well with your new last name, which will be Stantons....almost the same as mine, Stanton, but with an 's' added onto the end of it to show that you are not a Stanton, but a possession of a Stanton. I think it works really well, adding that 's'. The 's' can stand for slave.....Anus Stantons....It has a nice ring to it...Don't you think so, faggot?"

"I didn't expect this...but if it's what you want, Sir, it will take some getting used to, but I'm sure I will get to like it".

"Fine...since you are 'sure' you will....I have the papers in my desk for the legal name change...You can sign them right now....and my father will get the judge to sign them tomorrow and it will be a done deal...Ok, Anus?"

"Yes, Sir, whatever you say, Commander Dick."

Dick walked over to his desk and got out the papers and brought them to me along with a pen to sign them with. Once I put my signature in each of the three places Dick had highlighted, he took them back and put them back in the desk drawer.

"As soon as everything is nice and legal, I will mail a copy of the name change with a little cover letter to your parents, so they will know your new name too, and so it will be very clear to them that they shouldn't wait around for the return of their son...because it's just never going to happen."

I felt an odd sickish sensation in the pit of my stomach. I knew I didn't want my mom and dad seeing that I had changed my name to Anus Stantons. On the other hand I couldn't object. I didn't want to lose my family, but I couldn't even imagine what I would do if I were to lose my Commander Dick. "I guess that's how it has to be, Sir", I answered.

"Yes, that's exactly how it has to be. Tomorrow morning you will come with me in the morning to school and present your school leaving papers. I have to stay and go to my classes, so Pingo will come with us in the morning. After you give the papers to the secretary in the office, and I go to class, Pingo will bring you back here. Pingo will show you all the things you need to do tomorrow. Do you have any questions, Anus?"

"Yes, Sir. Who is Pingo?"

"Pingo has been my personal servant for many years. He knows exactly what needs to be done to serve me, boy. He'll teach you a lot of things tomorrow. Because you will be meeting Pingo, and maybe other servants that work for my family, I wanted you to have your new name tonight, so you would be better prepared to get into things tomorrow....Well, I know you have other questions or will have, but you don't need to know everything now. You'll learn a lot more tomorrow. Right now I need my cock sucked, bitch. So get to it!"

Commander Dick didn't have to ask me a second time. Before you could shake a stick my mouth was on my Master's cock. and I was making love to it; licking up and down the shaft, sucking his cock head like it was a lollipop; and then taking it all right down to his pubic push. In less than five minutes I had made Dick cum. He ejaculated spurt after spurt of thick creamy baby batter into my willing mouth; and I happily swallowed every last drop. Sucking Commander Dick's prick....that just had to be my reason for being. What else could matter so much to a boy named Anus Stantons.

"Thanks, bitch. That was a great blow job. You are learning to really please your master. Now you need to get your ass into your room and get ready for bed. Six o'clock comes pretty early....but don't forget to say your prayers. I bet you are ready to give that little clit cock a work out, aren't you, bitch? Well, you go for it....but don't forget your worship and praise.......There you go, Anus! Into your cell. and get moving on what you got to do, because the lights will go out in half an hour".

Once again, Dick gave me that same little shove into my quarters that he had earlier, and then I heard the door slam shut and the lock click behind me.

I took off all my clothes, and put the army blanket on the floor in front of the imposing picture of Commander Dick. Then I kneeled on the blanket underneath the giant photo, and began stroking my little prick.

"Oh, Commander Dick, my great exalted king, my mighty god, you are all powerful, all glorious, the ruler of the world, and my beloved Master. I am but a lowly cockroach when compared to your magnificence. You are as brilliant as a diamond the size of Mount Everest, while this lowly slave of yours stinks like a pile of shit. I am nothing, my lord...while you are everything. May I serve you my entire life......"

I went on and on like this...and my little cock got more and more excited until I shot all over. As my cum went flying I kept repeating, "Thank you my god, for renaming me. Thank you for making me your Anus" Since I had nothing to clean up my mess with...i used my hand and licked it clean. I had just lay down on my bunk and put my cum stained blanket over me when the lights went out, and my cell was plunged into darkness.

(End of Part Six. If you like my story and want to read more, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at )

It was such a wonderful release and an incredible release.

Next: Chapter 7

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