Complicating Friendships

By Casey Hiscocks

Published on Aug 8, 2013


Thanks to everyone who has read my story and has emailed me!

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Here are a few images of what my characters look like.

Addison (imagine the hair is longer and curly) :












I hope you like! Email me criticism, ideas, and other things you'd like to see happen.


Complicating Friendships Ch 5

Days had turned to weeks and tomorrow the trip would be ending. I'll catch you up super quick though! Addi and the Muses had rocked the club eight more times. Beau and I are dating now. And Audrey and Ezra and I have been hanging out a lot.

"Addi," Saige said, "Its your turn!"

I rolled the dice and moved my piece. "Free parking bitches! I'll take the money in the middle!" I snatched it up as everyone groaned. Ezra smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Time for bed guys," Tommy said from the doorway, "Liz, Saige and Addison have a long trip ahead of them tomorrow."

I guided Audrey and Ezra to the door. Liz and Saige got ahold of Audrey and they started their goodbyes. Ezra grabbed my hand and pulled me off.

"Where are we going?"

"I have something for you." Ezra led me to his car. He opened the trunk and pulled something that was gift wrapped. I opened it to find the oil painting of me.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know you are with Beau. But you are the most amazing person I've met in a long time. Although this painting doesn't do your beauty justice, i really want you to have it. And I really want to kiss you one last time," and before i knew it, his warm, soft mouth was on mine. This time i didn't resist. I kissed him back and then gently pushed him away.

"You are so gorgeous, Ezra. If i wasn't dating Beau, I'd so be with you. Goodbye, Ezra."

"Goodbye, Addi." Ezra said hugging me once more. I walked back to Audrey and hugged her too.

"Keep in touch, Addi!"

"I definitely will!" I watched as Ezra and Audrey got in their car and took off. I went inside, finished packing up my clothes and went to bed.

The next morning Saige woke me and we all went down to the kitchen for breakfast before we went to the airport to catch our flight.

"It was so nice to have you, Addi. Come back again next summer!"Tommy said as he hugged me and left for work. We ate and Jim took us to our terminal and sat with us until the plane took off.

"I hope you had fun, Addison. I'm really glad you came with us," Liz said as we boarded.

"Thank you for inviting me." We went to our seats and sat down.

"This summer is just gonna get better, sweetie! Just you wait. Parties at night, shopping by day, This will be our best summer ever." Saige patted my hand as i laid back and waited for the plane to take me home.

***** Beau's POV *****

"Oh God, don't stop," I said as Jeremiah bounced up and down on my cock. He had surprised me with a visit the week after I got home.

"You love this ass don't you Beau?"

"God yes i do, Jeremiah."

"I fucking know you do." He swiveled his hips and lurched forward as his dick exploded all over our chests. His tight hole clenched and it sent me over the edge and he moaned as i painted his insides with my load.

Jeremiah pulled off my rod and smiled.

"What?" I asked, knowing that smile came with snotty remarks usually.

"How's Addi?"

"I told you we don't talk about him."

"I saw on Facebook you guys went to relationship status."


"So he's your boyfriend now right?"

"Yes. What's the point?"

"You are totally cheating on him."

"Still not seeing your point."

"If you are okay with it I am. That's why I wanted to tell you that my dad got a job opportunity in the next town over so you will be seeing a lot more of me."

"I'd rather be putting a lot more of my dick in you." He smiled as he got down on all fours and engulfed my hard again boner.

***** Connor's POV *****

"Dude, its so hot in here, Con, why don't your parent's believe in AC?"

"I don't know, Chad."

"I'm dying."

"So take off your shirt ya little bitch." I pulled off my shirt and went back to kicking his ass in the video game we were playing.

"I ain't no bitch and you aren't gonna win this game. All you fuckin white boys thinkin you're the superior race," he said playfully punching my arm as he pulled off his shirt revealing his perfectly toned chest and abs.

"Get back to the fields with ya," I said and we both burst out laughing.

I stood up and walked over to the game machine to pick out a new game because Chad had beaten me again. I turned to ask Chad what he wanted to play and i noticed he was staring at my ass.

"Like what ya see, queer?"

"I'm no queer." Chad looked away his face red from embarrassment and anger. I Walked towards him and straddled his lap.

"You sure?"

"Come on man, get off." I twisted my hips and grinded my crotch into his. he gasped a little as i did it again. I started swiveling and rolling my hips and abs. he stared at my body as it moved.

A short while later i began to feel little Chad, hard against my thigh.

"Not queer huh?" I got off and unbuttoned my jeans as he watched. I slowly peeled them off and thankfully today I'd decided to free ball. So there i stood, butt-ass naked in front of this black Greek god.


I grabbed his jeans and unbuttoned them, then i put my fingers in the waistband of both his pants and his boxers and i pulled them off. I got back on top of him and rubbed my dick against his.

"Con, I've never done this before... I don't know about this..."

"Dude, if you're scared that I'm gonna put my dick in your ass, you're wrong." I got up and went to my dresser drawer and pulled out some lube. I tossed it to him and he looked at me confused.

"Grease that cock, man. It isn't that hard."

He glanced at his penis and smiled, "Looks pretty hard to me." I came back over to him as he slicked up his thick-as-a-baby's-wrist, ten-inch monster cock.

"Damn that thing is big."

"It runs in the family."

"It also runs in the hardware store but there we call it a fucking garden hose."

Chad laughed as I climbed on top of him. He brought two slick fingers to my puckered hole and slid them in. I draped my self over him and moaned in ecstasy. Then he slid a third one in and finally a fourth.

When my hole was well oiled and stretched i pushed back on his cock and the head popped through. Chad must have known i would scream so he covered my mouth as i yelped in pain. Tears rushed to my eyes. I started to pull off but Chad grabbed my hips.

"You can do it, Connor. You are a filthy fucking whore and that hole has taken bigger so sit your bitch ass back down on my dick until that pretty little rosebud has swallowed it all."

I looked at him a mixture of confusion and a renewed lust burned in my eyes. I slowly pushed back again getting about two more inches and three more yelps. Chad held his hand fast over my face. If my parents were home, they would have surly come running to see who was murdering me.

I slid my ass slowly down his pole lowering myself till he was balls deep.

"See, Con, I told you, your slutty ass could take it."

"Fuck you."

"Be my guest." He placed his hands on my hips as i gyrated and rocked back an forth trying to further loosen my tight hole. I then proceeded to bounce up and down tears ran down my cheeks as copious amounts of precum ran down Chad's chest.

"Take it you fuckin whore. I know you love this monster cock in your ass."

"Yeah I do." I pulled my ass up till only the head was still inside and then impaled my self with the aching hard pole. Chad braced me and picked me up. He carried me to the bed and turned me so that i was on all fours, never taking his dick out of me.

He began to roughly pound my bubble butt as i buried my face into my bed moaning loudly. I heard a quiet click and looked up.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what? All I hear is my hard rod pounding your little boy pussy." I moaned again as he smacked my rock hard ass cheek. I felt my body clench as load after load of cum jetted out onto the sheets below. Chad pulled out and grabbed my hair and turned me around. He furiously fisted his member until hot, slimy cum exploded all over my face.

"That was fucking hot."

I looked Chad in the eyes. He rubbed his dick across my face getting the remainder of cum off of it.

"You little bitch," he smiled and patted my head. He turned and pulled on his jeans and shirt.

"Later, Con. That was fun."

"I try to make sure all my guests have a good time."

***** Addi's POV *****

When mom and I pulled up to the house We found Beau, Tanner, and Julie sitting on the porch holding balloons and flowers.

"We missed you!!!" Jules came running down and pulled me into a big hug.

"I missed you guys too!" as Julie released me I turned to see Tanner standing patiently by her side.

"I missed you, too." He grabbed my by the waist and picked me up smashing our bodies together in a great big bear hug.

"Tan.. You're... squeezing... too hard.... I'm gonna... die!" He let me down as i sucked in a great amount of air.

"Haha, sorry buddy, I've just missed you so much I have so much to talk to you abo-" He stopped as Beau spun me around and planted a steamy smooch on my mouth.

"Well that was rude," I heard Julie say to Tanner. I pulled off and smiled.

"I missed you most, Babe."

"I'm sure you did," I pecked his cheek and turned back to Tanner, "so what did you wanna tell me?"

"It can wait."

"You sure?"


"Okay, I have so much to tell you guys!" We all went inside as I began to relay the whole trip to all of them.

**** Later ****

I walked my three best friends to the door and they each hugged me goodbye. Beau kissed me as he left and then each of them were gone.

"It's good to have you home," Mom said as she cleaned up the dishes.

"It's good to be home. As much as I loved sleeping in California, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."

"Goodnight, Sweetheart. I will see you in the morning."

"Night, Mom." I went up to my room and peeled of my traveling clothes. I pulled out a butter yellow nightshirt and went to my dresser to brush my hair. I was just finishing brushing my teeth when i heard someone sit on my bed.

I came in and saw Tanner sitting there with his hands holding up his head.

"Tan, what are you doing here so late?" i asked, quickly pulling on a robe.

"I told you I wanted to talk."

"Okay, what about?" I sat down next to him and smiled. He looked nervous.

"So... I've been thinking a lot lately and I've started to realize some things about myself."


"Well for starters I really like the music you write."


"Remember when i said i was confused?"


"What I meant was, that I wasn't exactly sure how i felt about that kiss you surprised me with."

"Okay, and?"

"And now i know how I feel."

"How do you feel?" I was starting to get a little nervous.

"I felt... good. IT felt good to be kissed my you. I've never considered you as more than a best friend but lately all i think about is that kiss. And you."

"Tanner-" he held up his hand to silence me and then he pushed his lips to mine. They were so soft and warm. They tasted like cherry chap stick and minty toothpaste. But as amazing as this felt, I knew it was wrong. i was betraying Beau. He would never do this to me. I pulled off and Tanner looked confused.

I stood up and walked away from him.

"I can't, Tanner."

"Why not? This is what you wanted isn't it?"

"Yes, of course it is."

"Then why are you rejecting me?"

"Because BEAU is my boyfriend. You missed your chance. You took too long to figure it out."

"YOU are the one who disappeared for a frickin month!" his voice started to sound angry.

"YOU are the one who stopped being my friend for a month, Tanner! You left me like some perverted gay kid who took advantage of you! And now you think you can waltz in here and kiss me and I will drop everything for you?!"

"What?! You wanted to be with me! And now I want to be with you! This is what you wanted and now you are letting your stupid pride get in the way!"

"Now I'm stupid? And for your information its my boyfriend that's standing in the way, Tan. I won't cheat on him. He is faithful to me and I am to him."

"So break up with him."

"It's not that simple!"

"Why not?"

"Because I love him!" I stopped and my face burned red.

"I thought you loved me."

"I did. But I moved on, Tanner. You rejected me. I cried for days. YOU rejected ME and I found someone else. I'm sorry, you are too late."

"Whatever, Addison. That's total bullshit and you know it. You can't just get over love that quickly. I love you and I'm gonna fight for you. And I will win, and you will be mine. We are soul mates and we are meant to be together." He climbed out the window and started to leave.

"Tanner, You're wasting your time."

"You aren't a waste of my time." He winked and took off to his house.

I closed the window and smiled like a junior high girl. Now what am I supposed to do? I've loved Tanner since we were six and now I love Beau. My life is so complicated!

I flopped down on the bed as my mind raced. I was so lost on what do do all together. One thing I knew for sure was this: Beau is my boyfriend and that wont change anytime soon.

***** Tanner's POV *****

That didn't go exactly how I had hoped. In my mind Addi kissed me back and immediately called- no texted Beau and told him they were over. And we would spend the rest of the night making out. (I'm just not ready for sex yet. I'm barely ready for being gay. Or bi. Or whatever I am.)

I walked home and when I got inside my grandma was standing in the foyer tapping her foot at me.

"Don't think I don't know you sneak out every night mister. All I want is for you to do it a little bit quieter because I swear to all the heavens above that if you clunk your way down that trellis one more time, I'm bolting your window shut. Just use the lumping door."

"Sorry, Grams, I didn't mean to wake you."

"I'm sure you didn't. Now go to bed. Ya butt."

"Okay, Grams." I ran up the stairs and to my room. I got undressed and laid down on my bed. "I need some music," I decided. I grabbed my Ipod from the bedside table and turned it on random. the first song that came on was one of my all time favorites. Animal (Billboard Remix) by Ke$ha.

"I am in love, With what we are, Not what we should be. And I am, I am starstruck, With every part, Or this whole story.

So if its just tonight, the animal inside, Let it live and die.

This is our last chance, Gimme your hand, Because the world is spinning, At the speed of light.

The night is fading, Heart is racing, And I'm just gonna love you, Like we're gonna die!"

As the melody worked its way into my brain i began to fall asleep. And then I was out like a light.

The next morning I got out of bed and called Julie.


"Hey, Lady. I need your help."


"What is Addi's favorite clothes to see on a guy?"


"Just answer the question."

"Well I guess he likes bro tanks and v-necks on guys. And tight jeans?"


"Wait why did you wanna know?"

"No time to explain, gotta go find me a bro tank!" I hung up and ran to the closet. I dug around but all I could find were some muscle tees. I pulled on the light blue one, Addi's favorite color next to pink, and my tightest blue jeans that showed off my butt.

I got in my car and drove over to Addison's house and rang the doorbell.

Addi opened the door and gave me a questioning look.

"I wanna hang out with you."

"As friends?"

"Well more like a date."


"C'mon, i promise to keep my hands to myself. Unless you want me to."

Addi smiled and rolled his eyes, "Let me get dressed."

I came in and followed him up to his room. HE went into the closet and a few minutes later he came out wearing pink plaid shorts and a solid pink t-shirt.

"Ready?" I asked smiling.

"I guess so." We went to the car and I drove us to our favorite diner.

"We came here on the first day it opened. We were fifteen and you got chicken strips and I got a bacon burger and we shared a chocolate shake."

"How do you remember that?"

"It was one of the best days of my life."

"Why is that?"

"It was the day you finally told me you were gay. I was so happy that you had the guts to tell me before it was viciously spread around the school."

"That's sweet."

"Yeah, I do that sometimes." I smiled and we sat down in the third booth from the back.

"Tanner, we are still friends."

"I know."

"I mean just friends. You wasted your chance with me."

"Well, you are as cozy as a cactus. I know i wasted my chance but I'm gonna make it up to you. Just wait."

"I'm not leaving Beau."

"Not yet anyway. That guy just isn't right. He seems pretty shifty."

"That's just because he's competition to you."

"No, I'm pretty sure he's a snake in the grass, Addi."

"You are just looking for something that isn't there, Frank Hardy."

"I prefer Joe."

"Whatever, the point is that Beau is a really good boyfriend and you are just trying to pick out all his flaws to turn me off to him."

"Anyway, we should order the food!" I smiled and told the waitress what we wanted and then she walked off.

"What have you been up to since I left?"

"A whole lot of nothing. I occasionally hung out with some friends but mostly I've been just thinking about you."

"What about me?"

"You know what," I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I do, I wish you had have felt this way like when i fell for you seven years ago."

"I know, I waited way too long but I was ten, I didn't even know I was into guys, let alone you. That is, until you kissed me. It sparked something inside me, Addison, something I didn't even know existed."

"It doesn't matter now, I'm not available anymore."

"For now."

"What's that mean?"

"How much do you really know about Beau?"

"I know enough."

"You don't even know him. You've known me forever."

"And I know when you are desperate and you wont give up, but I'm telling you its time to give up before you get hurt."

"No," i crossed my arms, sat back and waited.

"No? Fine." He did the same. This kid really knew how to push my buttons. He'd be with me. I knew it. It was fate. It was written in the stars. Beau could never love him like I can.

"So what's next?" Addi asked as the waitress put our food on the table.

"We eat?"

"I mean after that."

"I have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?"

"You'll see."

We finished eating in comfortable silence and after I paid we went to a place a knew he'd love. I pulled up to the edge of the woods.

"The forest?"

"I wanna show you something."

"Okay..." I motioned him forward. We started walking. I lead us off the foot path and a little deeper into the forest. As we continued on we heard the faint babbling of water. We walked into a clearing where a waterfall about six or seven feet long danced into a sparkling pond. Pretty little lily pads floated softly over the sunkissed surface. Light green grass dotted with pretty white, yellow, and pink wildflowers gathered around the lake creating a scene so breathtaking I almost needed an oxygen tank.

"Oh.. my," was all Addi could say. His eyes darted around taking in the gorgeous sight before us.

I laid out the blanket and sat down. I patted the spot next to me and Addi got down.

"This place... Its like a fairytale."

"I know. When I found it I instantly thought of you."

"I've never seen something so beautiful."

"I have," I said as I looked into his eyes. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips on mine but I had made a promise. Addison blushed and looked up at me as he tucked his hair behind his ear. He looked like Ariel in the lagoon during the "Kiss The Girl" scene.

I stood up and took off my shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"That water looks so refreshing on this hot day, I'm goin for a swim!" I shucked my pants and ran to the water. Addi laughed as I jumped into the deep pool of fresh water.

"C'mon! Its amazing in here!"



"I don't want to!"

"Because you can't swim?"

"I can swim just fine!"

"So what's the problem?"

"I don't have swim trunks!"

"So just wear your underwear!"

"I don't have that either!" his face got red with embarrassment.

"Oh my," I said in a different voice. We laughed. I quickly tore off my underwear and tossed them onto the bank.

"Now I don't either! C'mon, hop in!"

"You butt!" He slowly pulled off his shirt.


"Turn around."

"What? It's not like I haven't seen your penis before!"

"We are under different pretenses now."

"How so."

"Before you never noticed my body because you were straight. Now you will be sizing me up because you want it. It's completely different circumstances and now I'm self conscious."


"I guess I didn't wanna swim," he said picking up his tee.

"Oh fine!" I turned around until I heard a splash. I laughed as Addi came up for air, his hair was completely covering his face and he looked like cousin it.

"You never notice how long you hair is until you are eating it!" Addi spit his hair from his mouth and smiled.

"Get a haircut hippie!"

"No! I love my locks!!!"

"Isn't the water nice?"

"Yes, it is."

"I love this place."

"Its so tranquil and... perfect."

"We should come out here and picnic sometime. Or just read books."

"That sounds amazing."

"Yeah it does."

***** Connor's POV *****

Is being constantly horny just a teenager thing or does it continue a you get older? I logged onto one of my favorite porn sights and started typing in something when I stopped. There was a picture of a hot ass being fucked by a black cock. Ah the memories. I clicked on it because it was a short album.

I started clicking through the picture and on about the fifth one I stopped. My heart ceased. I stared at the picture. My face was turned to the side as the bottom half of a black guy roughly fucked my ass.

Chad had taken pictures of us. Chad had posted them online. Online is permanent. My life is ruined. Tears started to roll down my face. Embarrassment, anger and fear flooded my body.

What if kids from school see this? What if my dad sees this? He'll kill me. My judgment started to cease as a hundred scenarios ran through my mind. I began to bawl like a child. I was over. There was no use. No use in anything. No use in living.

Tears clouded my eyes as I rifled through my mom's medicine cabinet. I grabbed the small orange bottle. I fumbled with the cap. I threw my head back as the contents of the container emptied into my mouth. I drank as much water as I could and sat down next to the toilet, crying.

***** Addi's POV *****

I was laying in bed when I my phone beeped. I picked it up and unlocked the screen. A message from Julie read across the screen:

"Connor attempted suicide." I immediately called her.

"What?" I asked.

"Connor took a bottle of his mom's sleeping pills. A maid found him convulsing on the ground in the bathroom. She called 9-1-1 and they have him in intensive care right now."

"Oh my God. That's terrible."

"I don't care what a shit-head he was, no-one should ever think that suicide is the only way out."

"We should go see him."

"He's still a shit-head, Addi, i was just saying there were other options."

"Oh hush, Jules. I will go alone."

"That's not a good idea."


"He hates you."

"Well I forgive him."

"I hate how saintly you are. Fine, I will take you to him tomorrow."

"I can just drive mom's car."

"I don't want you going there all alone. I will take you."

"Lets just meet there."


I hung up and drove to the local hospital. I went in and asked the receptionist where I might find him. She gave me a room number and I walked slowly down the hall. His maid paced the hall quietly.

"Mr. Addison! Its so nice to see you," she said in her thick Spanish accent.

"And you, Dianne." She embraced me and I hugged her back.

"How is he doing?"

"No idea, they wont let me in. I'm not family."

"At least he is with his parents," I said somberly.

"No... Mr. Connor is alone. His parents were busy."

"With what?"

"Mr. Rick is golfing with the boss and and Mrs. Helen is at the spa."

"What a pair of monsters!"

"Yes. They are."

"I can't believe they aren't here. Their son just tried to kill himself."

"Helen said he was just being an attention whore."

"She'd know." Dianne chuckled and sat down.

"When can we see him?"

"Whenever the doctor says."

Sitting here, worrying about whether Connor was going to did or not brought me back to the day we met.

I had just turned fourteen and I was hoping Tanner would finally notice me. Obviously he hadn't yet but there was one boy who had. An older boy. Only by a year but still. His name was Connor Teauge. He was blonde and just started developing muscles. He was so cute and he liked me.

"Wanna play video games sometime?"

"Yeah, how about tomorrow?" I smiled.

"Sounds great. I'll be over about noon."

Noon, the best time to be over, Mom would be working and I'd have the whole house to myself. When he showed up we went directly to my room and sat on the bed.

"So what kinda games do you like?"

"I like all kinds of games," he said as he put a hand on my thigh.

"What are you doing?"

"I know you aren't stupid. And I know you aren't straight. I though maybe you and I could have a little bit of fun."

"Like what?" He undid his gym shorts and pulled them off revealing his hardening boy cock, "oh.."

"Wanna taste it?"

"Yes." And I did. I opened my mouth and took my first taste of penis. It was salty and there was another taste, one I can't describe. All I know is that I loved it. And that's what started our little trysts.

Somewhere along the way we started to fall for each other. He used to write poems for me and I would sing him our favorite songs. And when I turned sixteen he asked me to marry him.

I laughed of course, it was such and absurd thought! But he looked me dead in the eyes and said he was serious.


"One day when we are old enough I want to marry you. I want to spend my life with you. We will have to run away though because my family will never understand." He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down our vows. I giggled as I signed it: Addison Teauge.

He photocopied it and gave one to me to keep with me always. Then came the day that he ruined my life.

We snuck away during class to meet in the bathroom. It'd been a week since we last had sex and we wanted each other. Badly. I planted my lips to his and almost instantly one of his football buddies walked in on us.

Connor pushed me forcefully and called me every gay slur in the book before walking off and telling the whole school that i was a queer perv. He called me fifteen times that night. I cried for days. Then on the fifty-third missed call I texted him that I never. Ever. Wanted to hear from him again. I tore up our wedding vows and burned all of his love notes.

We didn't speak again after that besides his usual harassment and my snide rebuttals.

"You may see him now," A nurse with a kind face told us. We walked in and he looked at us.

"Addison? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how you are."

"Can you give us a second, Dianne?"

"No, Mr. Connor. I have been waiting for almost twelve hours to see you. Besides, I know everything that happens with you anyway. I'm your maid."

I laughed and sat down next to Connor.

"Why would you want to see me? Isn't this what you always hoped would happen?" Connor asked as tears filled his eyes.

"No. I would never wish this on anyone. There was a time that I loved you. When I heard about you trying to... you know, all I could think about was that scared little boy I once said I would marry."

Connor smiled as I grabbed his hand, "I"m so sorry for the shitty way I've treated you the past two years."

"I know."

"I wish I was strong like you."

"You are strong but in a different way, Connor. You just need to remember that."

"I'm so tired."


"Will you be here when I wake up? There is just so much I need to say to you."

"Yes. Sleep and I will be here when you wake up."

"Will you sing to me?"


"Our song?"

"Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper I love you. Birds singing in the sycamore tree, Dream a little dream of me." As i sang his eyes grew heavy and soon he was asleep. His hand held fast to mine but I had no intention of leaving just yet.

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