Confessions of a Preteen Dominant

By Leafy

Published on Nov 21, 2017


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Monday, after school. Jamie walked home with me, and we almost missed a parcel on the kitchen table while I was getting us a snack. I said Jamie should see who it is for while I got us both a drink. I expected it to be for Mother, she often bought things online.

"No its for you. It's not been posted, and it's from your gramps. He wrote see?" I bussed our snack and drinks to the table and took it.

"He said he was going to come back today with something for me." I opened it up to find a packet of condoms of all sizes, and some lube. There was a note too.

Put these to good use and be safe. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what these are for. If you need more just let me know.

Jamie and I giggled and finished our snack.

We took the new supplies down into The Den, and got naked. We kissed and felt each others' young muscular bodies. We were both really hard at the prospect of what was to come.

Then, the door opened, and Dan and Matty came in. Matty was wide eyed to see us embraced naked. We turned to face them, our erections bouncing.

"Hey Dan, Matty." Jamie smiled and nodded.

Matty looked at us both. He looked at our large young cocks and seemed overcome with the situation. I nodded at Dan, and he put down his backpack and started getting undressed too. Matty noticed his brother getting naked.

"Should I take my clothes off too?" He asked, a bit uneasy.

"Yes you should, Matty. Today we're going to do sex stuff with you. And you always need to be naked to do that."

Matty looked at me not understanding. "Sex stuff?"

I came close to him and held his cheek. "You'll see. You've got to be a good boy for us today. You must always do what we say. Do you understand?" Matty nodded.

"The first rule of The Den, and any sex stuff that happens here, is that it stays in The Den. We don't talk about it outside, not at school, not even in the garden. It's a safe place for us. You must promise Matty." He nodded his head.

"We need a proper promise." I got a piece of paper and wrote a short contract, and read it aloud to him:

"I Matthew Weaver swear that I will never talk about The Den or anything that happens there outside in the boring ordinary world."

I handed it to him with a pencil so he could sign it. He smiled and wrote quickly, seeing this as a game.

"That's good, now get naked." He schucked off his clothes and left them in a pile by the door. His thin little body was well proportioned, with a tiny bit of puppy fat covering up ribcage and bones only in some places. His smooth skin had a slight V line down to his tiny boycock. Like his brother he had a skin tone that was like a permanent light tan.

I stepped forward and ran my hands over his cute body. "Very nice." I said to him. My penis twitched and he noticed.

"Why did it do that?" He said, pointing to my cock.

"My cock? Because it's excited and eager to do sex stuff with you. And so am I." I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. My hands ran down his sides and cupped his tiny asscheeks, and my forefingers traced along his tiny buttcrack to his hole, which I felt flutter a little.

"Ohhh..." He said with a thickness in his voice, his little boycock very stiff, his eyes hazy. He looked up at me with a look in his eyes, somewhere between lust, adoration and fear. Dan began to wank himself slowly watching us.

"You see what Dan is doing? He is enjoying this." Matty looked at his older brother and back at me. My cock was hard and had a drop of precum on my pissslit. I saw him eying it. "Lick it Matty." He looked up at me. I nodded. "Go on boy."

He leaned his tongue down and lapped at my cockhead. I groaned outloud and my cock twitched again. "Keep going. Put it in your mouth and suck on it Matty." I encouraged him to get closer with one hand on the back of his head.

He just about managed to get my cockhead inside his mouth. He looked up at me and I smiled down at him. "Now move back and forward on my cock Matty. Swallow it and breathe with your nose." He looked a bit unsure but he tried to move forward a bit. Dan was now recording with his phone while wanking.

He tried to manage it, but he wasn't sure what to do. Jamie came to Matty's eye level, and showed him some boyporn on my phone. "This is how Matty. Like this." The video boy was swallowing and sucking down a much older boy's cock greedily and both boys were moaning loudly.

Matty looked back up at me, so hot, and tried again. He got a sort of rhythm going, his first little blowjob. I smiled big at him. "Oh Matty, you are doing well. Your first blowjob ever." I began encouraging him to go deeper with my hand on the back of his head again. It felt amazing. The tip of my cock was grazing the back of his throat, and I moaned loudly. My leg muscles twitched to keep me upright, and I breathed hard as I pushed into his little throat.

I saw a tiny bit of fear in his eyes, but he didn't choke. "That's it boy. The more you take the better it is. You've taken down nearly 5 inches, your such a good boy. One day I want your lips here." I pointed to the base of my cock, then stroked his little cheek while he kept sucking me. I never let up the pressure on the back of his head. Mattys hands went to my naked butt and held me whilst he sucked my cock, deeper and deeper. He was trying to get to the base.

I looked down at him, so proud of our little boy. Less than 10 minutes being a sexslave and he already wanted to please. It was too much. I held him deep on my cock and shot straight into his throat. I almost screamed in pleasure. I stroked his hair and pulled back, letting him have a taste of my cum.

"Oh fuck yea." I said, waves of tingly sexual pleasure rushing through my body. After I'd finished cumming, I pulled my cock from his mouth and held it in front of him. "Kiss the tip Matty. Thank my cock for cumming in you." He looked up at me and smiled a bit. He Kissed it gently.

I moved back, and took Jamies' hand in mine. "You did well Matty. Next, you are going to suck Jamie." Matty nodded. He was engaging with this better than I expected.

Jamie moved forward and stopped a couple of inches from Matty's body. Matty didn't need to be asked, and took Jamie's cock in his mouth and began sucking. Maybe it was the practice, or that Jamie wasn't as thick as me, but Matty was taking him down easier than his first attempt with me. Jamie sucked in a breath and groaned out loud in pleasure. I saw his legs twitch from behind, and I moved behind Matty and encouraged his head with my hand. "Deeper Matty. Remember it feels better the deeper you go." Matty tried harder and was getting closer to Jamie's base.

Jamie was taking in deep breaths and switched between keeping his eyes tightly shut and staring down at Matty pleasuring him. Dan moved forward to get a close up, and dry came watching his little brother. His body convulsed, he moaned gently and almost lost his balance. I put my other arm around Dan's shoulders to steady him, and kept up the pressure on Matty's head.

Matty made an odd gurgling sound, looked up at Jamie and smiled through a mouthful of cock. He'd got to the base. His eyes looked happy. I leaned down and kissed him on the head. "Well done, Matty!"

Jamie didn't last much longer after that. He bent over suddenly, gasping, and cried out a little. Matty stopped sucking and kissed Jamie's pulsing end. Jamie sighed and slowly stood upright, and held Matty's head close. "Good boy." I told him. He looked back at me and beamed.

"Do I do Dan too?" I looked to Dan for an answer.

Dan said "No Matty. Just do what Jay and Jamie say. I'll take videos of you." Matty nodded.

He looked at me. "What's next?"

I hope you enjoyed. Chapter 4 to follow soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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