Confessions of a Preteen Dominant

By Leafy

Published on Jul 22, 2018


A bit of preamble to describe the format:

This story was always conceived as 5 snapshots in the childhood of a developing dominant. It was to develop the character Jay and take his story forward, and lay the groundwork for something later on. "Confessions of a pre-teen dominant" was the first snapshot, and this is the first chapter of the next. I hope you enjoy this story's direction and narrative.

It was winter, two years later. I say winter but of course this is England, so it was slightly cold temperatures and grey skies. Snow didn't come very often to our part of the world.

A few things have changed as time has gone on. Jamie and I continued to lift and build our bodies. There came a point when we realised a few freeweights weren't going to cut it anymore, so we joined the local gym, which doubled as the boxing club and on Wednesdays, Krav Maga lessons. That mixed us in with a lot of older types, and we made the transition to teens very quickly. Cocky, confident. Sexual.

Of course, we'd kept up with Matty and Richie. In those two years, both of us had grown – in height and in cock – I was now 9 thick inches and Jamie was just under 8. Of course, both of them had grown too, which meant they could take our adult cocks much more easily. Jamie and I would've preferred them to stay young.

I don't think Matty could've handled losing me. I'd been his world for over 2 years. He'd devoted himself to me completely. I had no problem with that of course, but it may be time soon enough to find some young boys again. Although I wanted something fresh, young and tight, I did value Matty – so I wanted to introduce it gently.

Jamie had gone from strength to strength with Richie. I wouldn't say Richie was in love with Jamie the same way Matty was with me, but instead he seemed to get off on obeying. The few times Richie had seen to other people it had seemed to make no difference.

I think if Jamie was still 10, that would've bothered him. Our personalities were forming, our sexual desires and their impact on ourselves. In his struggle to interpret himself, and our lack of knowledge, Jamie at first kept up the idea of boyfriends between us. But by that winter, a couple of years ago, he began to feel he was a round peg in a square hole.

We struggled with it for a few months. We'd committed to the boyfriend thing so I wanted to help, but he was clearly conflicted with his feelings. We never argued, but sometimes he got unreachable.

After those few months he came to me, happy. He'd been reading porn stories online and realised that the best fit for him was something called a "Beta". He explained it to me as like levels. Matty and Richie were below us, he was above them, but I was above him. It was an emotional adjustment for both of us, making a relatively adult change as young boys. Of course, that happens all the time in different ways, not that most adults remember or respect.

I'd learned to act and then to be Jamies' superior. Director. Manager. Owner. Alpha. In one sense, we still had our friendship, he still enjoyed being physically close with me and showing me affection, but he preferred that I gave him less. He also needed me to take the lead, even down to things like deciding what to do after school.

Dan had continued to get off on watching and recording our sex exploits. I think he jerked off more to our porn we made than anything. I tried a few times to encourage him to think about a boy of his own, after all it seemed strange just Jamie and I "really" enjoying. I guess it took me a while to appreciate that he got off more on being behind the camera than truly participating.

Dan knew that I was tiring of Matty. Sexually, anyway. Matty couldn't be a more attentive boislave. I think Richie turned out to be more of a fucktoy, but Matty was truly, deeply, 100% mine. He loved worshipping my thick developing muscle, which over the last year had begun to show veins. He loved taking my cock, especially when I was rough with him. He still couldn't cum yet, but he was as close to as slut as could be at his age.

After the initial shock of the blackmail, Justin eventually calmed down and began really enjoying being our protector. The neighbours had gotten used to seeing us all go to Richies' house – which became our primary meet place, and the Den became more my bedroom. Jamie and Matty would often spend time with me in the Den outside of the meets at Justins' house. It was rare for Dan to come over to the Den now. We'd been going to the gym for about 2 months before anyone had spoken to us. I wasn't sure if people had been told about the kind of things we did (I realised later, that if they knew, we'd have been reported) but for some reason we had a bad reputation. Somehow I didn't care. We had our lives and I'm not sure I wanted outsiders to be a part of that. Until we met Luke (not the same Luke at the beginning of our tale). He was in our year, but travelled out to the neighbouring grammar school. We didn't know him at all after Junior school, and he kept to himself in the gym at first, usually under his headphones whilst working the machines. I somehow had the impression of him before he became a regular that this wasn't his sort of thing – lifting, building etc. He did seem to throw himself into it though.

One day, Jamie and I had finished up a set and we were in the locker room having just showered, changing to go home. Luke came in and retrieved his stuff from a locker, and put it down near to us. Out of the blue, he just said "You know, you guys are talked about at my school as being hardasses." Luke regarded us waiting for a reaction. Testing the waters by throwing a bomb in it, I suppose would be the analogy.

"We don't take any shit. Why?"

Luke got closer to us. "Cause I'm looking for friends. I don't know anyone at Charlton Grammar that lifts, and I know you guys are gay. You are like boyfriends, right?"

Jamie and I looked at each other. "Not exactly. It's complicated." I said, remaining guarded to this guy who was next to a perfect stranger.

"Well, I'm gay too. Well, sort of. I don't want dates or anything, and before you say, I'm not asking to get in your bed. It's cool. I just wanted to see if we could hang sometime." We ended up confirming that we would discuss it the next time we saw him at the gym, but we left feeling like we should give him a chance.

That evening, as we were enjoying our boys at Justin's (well, as much as I could anyway) we kept thinking about Luke. I wondered if he'd heard of our sexual exploits and wanted to join in. Jamie thought that he might just be lonely. Jamie's cock was fully down Richies' throat and he was being sucked, almost milked. Jamie enjoyed that a lot. I was ramming Mattys face to the base of my cock, getting off on the roughness more than Matty anymore. Jamie groaned, and I could tell he was cumming down Richies' throat. He sighed a breath of pleasure, his head laid back on the sofa, eyes closed. I was getting there but much slower. All of a sudden, Matty pulled off of my cock and began crying into his hands.

"Whats the matter Matty? I asked him. He just bawled in response. Jamie sat up and tried to be soothing as well, and Richie had his arm around him. "You... you dont... I cant... you dont love me anymore!" I shared a look with Jamie, not really knowing how to handle this.

He just kept crying. I told him "that's not true, Matty... I do love you." He struggled to say "then why cant I please you anymore? I used to make you cum in minutes. I love you so much and... it feels like I can't be your boi anymore." I got him up, and held him on my sofa. We were both naked so he felt the warm strength of my young body. "Sshhh. Its ok. I still love you, and I still want you in my life. But to really get off, I do need little boys."

"Iike I was as the beginning?" He looked at me, sniffling.

"Yea. Im sorry this has to be the way things are. You've always been a great boislave and I couldn't have wanted more from you."

He shook his head. "No. No. I can still be your boy - if I can't please you anymore I will find you boys that will - young ones. Please. I can't just stop being a part of your life Jay."

"No one is asking you to Matty." I stroked his head. He kissed my chest muscles as he had so many times before. Slowly, lovingly.

"You are my Jay, I'll do anything for you. I love you."

"And I still love you. But you are right. I do need young little boys." Matty nodded.

"I hope I can still do things with you. I can still be part of this can't I?"

I hugged him to me. "I want you to be." He smiled a bit through the tears. I kissed the top of his head.

I'd been the total focus of Matty's life for so long, despite it being painful to be partially rejected he still wanted to do anything he can for me. Since Dan had expressed getting off on the idea of sex with his younger brother – albeit with someone else – I did think for a while that maybe Dan should take over. I think I pretty much knew the response I'd get though.

Matty continued coming to our meets and continued being attentive. I still occasionally did sex with him, and was extra rough doing it, and he was all the more grateful. He worshipped the ground I stood on before, but somehow through the intensity of what had passed between us – now he also cherished each time I touched him as well.

We kept seeing Luke at the gym and we both felt we wanted to give him a chance. Jamie and I were laying in my bed reviewing the day and the past week. "What do we do about Luke? Do we stop going to Justin's as much so we can hang with him? He seems fairly normal."

"I dunno Jamie, Matty's working on a couple of his classmates' younger brothers. Very soon we might have to be training boys again. I don't want to take time away from our sex life. Sure, it's been a bit shitty for me lately but that's no reason to leave behind what we've got there."

"Yea, I guess. So what should we do? Invite him over?" Jamie said jokingly. I thought about it twice. "Yea, I mean, I think we should talk about it first. But if he's gonna be a part of our lives I think he has to be a part of our sex lives. We go to school, we lift, and we fuck boys. There isn't much time for anything else."

Jamie grinned. "How do we just mention it though?"

"Let's do it away from the gym. If no one overhears us then no one can back him up. Lets talk to him and meet up with Matty and Richie. We can show him what we're into. Who knows, maybe one of Matty's younger contacts could end up his."

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