Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Apr 1, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 16

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "what the hell was that, i think to myself, should i tell Principal Bee about this, i think i will."

Jake POV:

Football Practice:

Coach Williams is working us hard today, i know he wants us to succeed, but sometimes it can be too much.

i get home to the apartment, and my dad is home from work and he says "Jake, come here, i have someone here for you to meet"

i walk to him in the living room, and there is a woman sitting down there, and they look at each other with adoringly. my dad says "well, i wanted to tell you, i met someone, her name is Sophia, its a new thing, and we are taking it slow, but i wanted you to be the first to know.

i sit down, on the couch and say, um ok, I'm not mad your dating someone, it's just, that isn't this a little soon.

my dad says "i don't think so, your mom would want me to move on, and to be happy you too.

i say and become a bit emotional "your right, i just miss her so much, and it just feels weird, no offense to you Sophia, i`m sure you're a wonderful person

she says "no offense here, i know it must be weird, but i am sure if you give me a chance, we could all be happy and i am in no way trying to replace your mother.

i say "I know, i will try,

Conner POV

Principals Office- Before 1st Period

Mrs.Bee, i wanted to tell you something that happened in History Class yesterday.

she says "ok, what happened Conner.

i say "well, Mr.Smith held me after class and told me he was staring at me the whole class and had quote "naughty thoughts"

she says "ok, thanks for telling me Conner, that is totally inappropriate coming from a teacher on any staff member, i will launch an investigation the matter promptly. i will transfer you to another class with Ms.Jacobs for the time being, if he tries to talk to you again, immediately tell me and i will fire him on the spot.

i say "thanks Mrs.Bee

she says "no thanks needed, just doing my job, no students should be subjected to such sexually suggestive comments.

i walk out of the room and feel like the situation has been handled properly. i trust her, even if she is sometimes annoyingly strict (which could be helpful in this case)

After School

i decide to tell Jake about what happened with Mr.Smith the other day. i text him "babe, i have something to tell you"

he texts me back "yes, what?

i say "Mr.Smith hit on me the other day

he says back "WHAT?

i say "yeah, i told Principal Bee and she got me transferred me out of the class and is starting an investigation

he says "Good, if that creep tries anything again, i will beat the crap out of him

i say "No, please dont get violent, i dont want you jeopardizing your future, i love you, i promise you that i am ok.

he then says "your right, i just wish i could do something about it,

i say "there is nothing you need to do, actually i would like to see you, can you stay the night?

he says "yes, ok, i will be there within an hour, see you soon.

for now, i go check on mom and see how she is doing

she is folding laundry downstairs and dad is reading a newspaper. my mom says "Hi Conner, how are you doing?

i say "good, you?

she then says "I`m doing fine, i felt a bit wheezy early, but that is to be expected during pregnancy


i reply so, can Jake stay the night tonight?

she says "yes, honey. just make sure his dad knows

ok, i will text him.

45 minutes later

i open the door, and Jake comes in

i say "hello. he leans in and kisses me and says mmm, you smell nice baby"

i blush a little bit and say "you're nice, my parents are home

he then walks in fully in the house and waves hello to my parents

my mom then says "hey, Conner told me you are having twins, exciting isn`t it?

she replies "Yeah, it came as a surprise, but i sense they will bring good things to our lives.

my dad also starts talking and says "hey guys, i set up the guest room for you Jake'

and my mom starts laughing and i say "ok, i see what you are thinking, nothing is going to happen.

my dad says "you`re right, not when i am in the house.

my mom then says "ok, quit embarrassing them, let them be.

we then walk up to my room with the door open and Jake says "so, are you really ok, Mr.Smith creeping on you.

i say "yeah, it's fine, he didn`t actually touch me, just gave me weird vibes, i told you, Mrs.Bee will handle it.

he exhales "ok, i will leave it alone"

i say "Ok, so what do you want to do tonight?

he says "well, im not sure, just hanging out with you will be enough for me.

soon i hear "Conner Edwards get down here now!

my dad sounds mad, so i walk fast down there and say "what? why are you so mad?

he says " i got a call from your teacher, Mr.Smith, he is saying you skipped his class today?

i reply "no, it didn`t skip it, i was transferred out by Principal Bee

he says "ok, why?

i say "i dont want to talk about it, please dont make me tell you.

he says "ok, i will leave it alone for now, but why isn`t your teacher act like he knows this

i say "i don`t know. and he apologizes for yelling at me.

i walk back up to my room and Jake says "what was that? why is your dad so angry?

i reply "it was nothing, he thought i skipped one of my classes, Mr.Smith called

he says "WHAT? why the hell is that sicko calling your parents?

i say "i am not sure, i just want this whole thing to stop and go away,

soon i get a unknown call and i answer it and Mr.Smith is on the other end saying "Hello, i missed you, could you please tell Mrs.Bee, i didn`t say anything wrong, i could lose my job

i say "well, why would i lie?

he says "because i love you, and i know you do to?

Jake asks who it is and i say Mr.Smith he takes the phone from me and says "ok listen, mister, what you are doing is bordering on stalking, calling a student after school on their personal phone, i don`t know what is wrong with you, but a 25-year-old hitting on a 17-year-old student is not acceptable. go find someone your own age, and leave Conner Edwards Alone. Hang up.

i say "you know, i turn 18 next week

he says "yeah, i do, but he doesn`t need to know that, he could try to call you again, i hope he is too scared that he could face legal action to try anything again

i say "You're right, i just this thing has got out of hand very quickly

he says "i know, i dont want you to suffer the same fate as me and my family, Tasha is crazy and maybe Mr.Smith is too, we just cant afford to risk your or your family safety on a unknown.

he then hugs me and kisses me.

i say "you really do know how to make me feel better.

he says "i hope so, that what a good boyfriend does.

we then walk downstairs and my mom says "Hey boys, can you do something for me?

i say "of course, what is it?

she says "can you get me some fried chicken and some dark chocolate, i am craving it, your dad has a work emergency and needs to get into the office now, and i don`t feel up to driving, i get car sick way easier now.

i say "ok, we will back with your comfort food.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 17

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