Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Dec 8, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 24

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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a sigh of relief flows over me, i was scared that he would break up with me over this, i don`t know why i thought that. but my brain is overdrive right now and my emotions are all of the place.

Jake POV.

Conner did call me later that night, and we talked through it, how my grief for my mom will never fully go away, and suggested it would be better for me to return to therapy.

he is so caring and understanding about the situation, and i am so lucky he is my boyfriend.

Monday- History Class

i am sitting down at my desk, reading through my notes on the history of the American Red Scare when Ms. Jacobs says " Jake, can you tell the class which Senator was a key Architect in the Red Scare Era.

i say "Senator Joseph McCarthy.

she says "Correct Jake, Damien can you repeat to the class what your classmate said

he responds "um, "Ms. Jacobs i couldn`t hear what he said"

she then replies, "that`s because, you were too busy on your phone, hand it over to me please, you will get it back once class is over."

he does so, and unlucky for me, my phone buzzes from a text from Conner, Ms. Jacobs looks over at me with a disapproving look.

i say "Sorry, Ms. Jacobs, i will turn it off."

End Of Class.

i arrive at my Apartment after football practice and my dad is home from work early with Sophie and says "Hello Jake. Their is something important we wanted to tell you.

he goes on and says "well, you know Sophie and i have been going out for a few months now.

and i think we are ready for the next step in our relationship. i invited her to move in with us, what do you think Jake?

i say "well to be honest, i don't know if is such a good idea right now, as this a small apartment. 3 people may be too much.

my dad then says "Jake, thank you for being honest, i actually am looking for a bigger apartment right now, so it shouldn't be too much for a concern for very long."

i then reply "alright, then if you are truly happy and sure of your decision.

but when exactly is she going to move in with us?

Sophie interjects and says "sometime next week, I have to get a few things ready, and Jake If you don't feel comfortable with this arrangement, I won't do it.

i reply " it fine, I'm sure you guys will make it work"

Later that day

I am Sitting in my bed and Conner calls me, i answer it and he says "Hey, Baby did you miss me."

i said "its only been a few hours since i saw you at school, are you alright?

he says "yeah, I'm fine, its just that the new babysitter is here and she is demanding to meet you, i told her i was gay and said she "always wanted a gay best friend" so i guess it wouldn`t necessarily be a bad thing to indulge her on.

i say "yeah, i guess so, how much do you know about her"

he says "well she is 19, takes night classes at the local university on economics and her name is Kylie Garcia

my parents were thrilled with her resume and "young energy" and hired her.

i say "that`s good babe, right?"

he says "yeah, your right, you know i worry too much, everything should be fine. want to hang out tonight?

i say "yeah, just got finish up some homework and i will be there in 45 minutes.

he says "sounds good. see you soon. Bye" 45 minutes later

i arrive at Conner`s House and then a young woman, who must be Kylie walks up to me and says "Hello, can i help you"

i say "yeah, my name is Jake and I'm Conner's boyfriend, can i come in?"

her jaw drops in shock and says "wow, i guess i didn`t expect that you would look, well pardon me for saying so hot.

my cheeks turn red from embarrassment and say "aw thanks" and then i walk into the house.

Kylie then says to Conner "you didn`t tell me your boyfriend was so hot and fit, he looks like an athlete

Conner says "well he is an athlete, he actually the captain of the football team at school.

Kylie then says "the Captain of the football team!?? wow.

she then says "i have to say, you guys do look really cute together"

Conner then says "alright, we are going to go now,

she then says "you guys don`t have to go anywhere, i am not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry, i am not the greatest at noticing social cues.

i say "its fine, you seem very nice and not too bad looking either"

Conner then hits me in the shoulder and i say "babe, you know i am not flirting with her, i am just trying to give her a complaint, besides nobody can compete with you, looks and personality.

he smiles in response.

Kylie then says "its time i go check on the twins now, their feeding should be anytime, nice meeting you Jake."

i then follow Conner into his room and he then asks me "what do you want to do tonight"

i then says " i wouldn't` mind if you made one of your world famous dinners"

i say "well i am hungry and i wouldn't mind cooking for my amazing boyfriend tonight, so how does Homemade Mac & Cheese with a garden vegetable side dish sound?

i reply "sounds really good."

he starts cooking our dinner, while i leave him in the kitchen, i sit down on his bedroom with my phone, and Damien texts me "Sarah, she is getting more clingy and i don`t know how to tell her with hurting her feelings, any advice?

flashbacks to the party emerge back into my head, when she was heavy flirting with me and telling me about their "extracurricular activities" with other people.

i text him back and say "you can tell her gently, but honestly how you feel, and if she really loves you she will at least try to understand."

he sends me another message "thanks man, i just don`t know, who else to talk to about this stuff, since my parents are constantly fighting and talking with them is not really and option

and m i am not really comfortable enough to tell my other friends this kind of stuff"

i reply in a follow up message "its fine dude, you are my friend i am glad you feel comfortable to tell me"

Conner then walks in and says "dinner is ready"

i say "alright be down in a moment"

and then the i hear the door bell ring and my dad`s voice, so i head downstairs and say "hey dad, what are you doing here?"

he says "its Sophie, she had an accident, she was going to leaving the apartment and a car swerved into her car and she was injured'

"i say "oh my god, is she ok,"

he says "yeah, she called from the hospital, she not hurt to bad, but she is going to need a neck brace and need to use crutches for a few weeks, i just hope the pain is manageable, and not to bad.

i say "i hope so to dad, are you ok, should i come home with you"

he says "no, i will be ok, you stay here for the night, i am going to go the hospital tonight, and you can come visit tomorrow with me.

i say "ok, dad bye, see you later.

he then is about to walk out of the house when Conner who was overhearing the conversation comes and tells my dad says "i send my warmest regards and get well wishes to Sophie.

my dad then responds says "thank you Conner, that is very nice of you, ok bye you two"

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 25

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