Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Apr 15, 2012


It didn't take Connor long to calm down from his orgasm. Comforted by the warm body next to him and his overall exhaustion, he finally relaxed. He pulled the blanket up to his chest and slept.

Aiden took a while longer. He was sore all over and knew his injuries would heal more quickly if he shifted form, but he didn't want to change. He was enjoying lying next to Connor, as a boy...a human.

He rolled over onto his side, facing Connor. His eyes glowed softly yellow in the moonlit room as he watched Connor's chest rise and fall. He moved his head closer to him and softly sniffed Connor's shoulder and neck. He found the scent pleasing, as well as exciting. He lay like that for a while, watching him.

He was pleased Connor had revealed his desire for him as he too had felt a connection and longing. Aiden was worried, however, that Connor's parents would not accept Connor's decision to be with him, instead of a girl from the village. Who was he kidding, he knew they wouldn't.

Connor mumbled quietly in his sleep and shifted position, raising his left arm and resting it behind his head.

Aiden was now staring directly at Connor's underarm, and the small patch of hair that was just sprouting. He felt his pulse quicken as he inhaled a mixture of sweat and teenage boy. The closeness of their bodies and Connor's scent caused Aiden to become aroused. He had not had relief in a long very time and his penis was now painfully erect with desire. Almost unconsciously, his hand found its way to his groin and he rubbed himself slowly. He imagined it was Connor's hand rubbing him, or better yet, the boy's mouth.

How long had it been since his last orgasm? He thought back. He and his brother had both stroked each other that night when they went to bed...before... He sighed, unwanted memories flooding in again. That had been the last time he had felt any pleasure, physical or otherwise. The demon always showed him pain and humiliation, often daily. Pleasure was not for the damned, he had been told.

Now, however, he was with Connor, and had a chance for happiness once again. He thought about all the things they could now do like fishing, swimming, riding horses, and of course the physical pleasure of just being two young boys together, touching each other. He wanted to show Connor everything his older brother had once shown him.

Aiden rolled onto his back, panting heavily, his penis throbbing. Deep warmth was spreading from his chest outward, to the tips of his body, and he began to tingle all over. "Not now." He whispered to the moonlight. "I just want to lay here for a while and then sleep."

For a few minutes, Aiden fought his body but in the end, it had certain needs and he gave in. He quietly slipped out of bed and onto the floor. He crawled to the far corner of the room and surrendered to the wolf within.

He had become used to the sensation. His body shifted almost instantly and a black wolf crouched where a fifteen-year-old boy had just been. He sniffed the air in the room, detecting faint scents a human might miss. There was lingering wood smoke, cow manure, probably on Connor's boots, and ...he growled softly...the scent of fresh semen. Although Aiden had licked Connor's ejaculate off his chest, to the wolf's hypersensitive nose, it was obvious what had recently occurred.

He quietly padded around the room, sniffing the corners and floorboards. It was more instinct that conscious decision. As a wolf, Aiden surrendered part of his humanity when the animal within took over. He was still in control but had learned not to fight the natural tendencies and desires of his lupine self.

In the bed, Connor sighed and shifted position again. His right hand slid off his chest and dangled over the edge of the bed.

Aiden approached it and carefully sniffed his fingers. They smelled nice, a mixture of Connor's scent and the semen from his chest, as well as Aiden's own scent. He resisted the urge to lick them, as that would certainly wake Connor.

After the shift, his wounds had mostly healed, though he still felt extremely tired. The rapid healing after a transformation was one reason his maker abused him as often as possible. There would be no lasting effects and it would usually force Aiden to shift to his wolf form to heal. His maker had hoped that the more time he spent in wolf form, the more likely would attack and kill someone, thus sealing his fate.

Aiden knew he should use this time to rest. He had learned that when he shifted to his wolf form, he had to remain so for several hours. He had never discovered why, other than it was impossible to change back immediately.

He knew he would be a wolf for the rest of the night, and maybe the morning too, but he wasn't concerned. Connor had already seen him as the wolf and he wasn't a monster; he wasn't a true werewolf. Should his parents walk into the room...well...they also knew Aiden could shape shift, though they hadn't seen it.

For the first time since being cursed, Aiden was at peace with himself and his situation. He felt loved and accepted, and what was more, he now had someone to share his own love with.

Carefully, not wanting to wake Connor, the wolf climbed into bed and lay down on Aiden's side. He curled up into a ball and draped his tail over his nose, his eyes fixed on Connor. Then, the softness of the bed and the scent of his new friend finally lulled Aiden to sleep.

Sometime in the early morning, but still dark outside, Connor woke. He was restless and realized he needed to urinate. The toilet was outside and, given the events of that evening, he didn't want to go out alone. No problem; he kept a small pot in his room for just such emergencies.

He didn't want to wake Aiden so he prepared to slip quietly out of bed, but not before looking over at his new friend. He was too attracted to the other boy not to look upon him as often as possible. Connor turned onto his side and half coughed, half choked, rapidly struggling out from under the blanket and into a sitting position at the foot of the bed.

The wolf lifted its head from the bed and met Connor's eyes. Aiden had been sleeping, but as animals tend to be, he was still aware of his surroundings. He had felt Connor roll over and smelled the change in air as the boy exhaled in his direction.

Connor froze. He knew it was Aiden, but still, a large wolf in bed with you when you didn't expect one was more than a little frightening. For a moment, wolf and boy stared into each other's eyes. Eventually Connor relaxed and forced a smile. He needed to become accustomed to seeing Aiden like that, if they were going to be together.

"You startled me. I didn't know." He turned and swung his legs over the bed. "I have to..." He pointed to the corner where he kept the chamber pot.

Aiden watched as Connor carefully climbed out of bed and knelt in front of a small, metal pot. He heard the watery sound of his urine as it splashed against the container and detected the acrid smell in the air. He lowered his head to the pillow, inhaling the addicting scent of Connor.

Connor turned and walked back to the bed. "Oh...are you going to lay there?" He saw the wolf's large head on his pillow, its eyes still fixed upon him. "Actually...why am I talking to you? Can you even understand me?" He sat on the bed, keeping a bit of distance between them.

Aiden lifted his head from the pillow and nodded slowly. He could understand Connor perfectly but he couldn't talk to him, at least not as a human would.

"Oh, ok. I wasn't sure if there any of you is in there at the moment." He slowly crawled back into bed and pulled the cover over himself, up to his neck. Careful not to make any sudden movements, he rolled onto his side and looked at the wolf. "You are beautiful."

Aiden huffed softly and lowered his head back onto the pillow. His muzzle was inches from Connor's face.

"May I touch you?" Connor whispered.

The wolf slowly stood. He circled twice and lay down, his back against Connor. As Connor didn't move, Aiden lifted his head and looked over at him out of one eye, as if saying `I'm waiting'.

"You want me to pet you?" Connor began to smile.

Aiden huffed again and lowered his head to the pillow.

"I'd like that." He gently placed his hand on the wolf's side and traced his fingers through the thick, black fur. "Oh wow, you are so soft!" He let his hand wander from the wolf's head to its back legs.

Aiden had never been caressed while in wolf form and found it to be a pleasant sensation. It felt different from when he was human, but equally enjoyable. He closed his eyes and exhaled contentedly.

Connor continued to pet the wolf for a while longer, enjoying the soft fur, and then he fell asleep. When he did, his arm ended up draped over the wolf's side, his hand resting on its chest.

Aiden lay quietly, aware of Connor's arm around him. It was the most peaceful moment he could remember, and ne never wanted it to end.

The werewolf stepped into the river and waded out into the deeper section. The coldness felt good on its body and washed away the burnt hair and blood. It submerged itself for a few minutes and then crawled up onto the bank to rest.

What had gone wrong at the house? That farm boy should be here right now, face down in the mud with the creatures penis buried in his ass, receiving the breeding. Alas, he wasn't. Those humans had been prepared for him, no doubt due to Aiden's treachery. That was the first time anyone had successfully fought off an attack.

The werewolf snarled and its claws raked through the black mud. He would catch Aiden and kill him, slowly. Clearly, it was time for someone new, someone to take Aiden's place. He thought of the farm boy and growled deeply. Perhaps that one would embrace the gift his current offspring had so openly rejected.

Slowly, feeling great pain, the werewolf stood, shaking mud from its charred fur. It climbed up the riverbank and moved off into the deeper section of the forest. Tonight was the last night of the full moon cycle, the last night it would be in its true form, and it needed as much of that time as it could to heal. With the passing of the moon, it would take much longer to heal.

The next moon was less than a month away. For now, it would find a place to hide and rest, waiting for the next opportunity.

Connor looked at the morning light, streaming through the window. He groaned and sat up, stretching his arms. "Do you want to help me with my chores? Have you ever milked a cow?" He turned to Aiden.

The wolf looked into Connor's eyes and whined quietly. Aiden was unable to change back to human form yet, but he wanted to help. He knew the wolf's presence in the barn would be unwelcome so he made no attempt to get up.

"Oh, you are still...furry." Connor smiled. "I don't mind but I'd thought you might be human again." He slowly reached out and scratched the wolf on the head.

Aiden tilted his head to the side, leaning towards Connor's hand. He didn't itch, but having Connor touch him was a wonderful feeling.

"You like that, boy? Got an itch?" Connor laughed, momentarily forgetting Aiden wasn't a dog

Aiden pulled his head away and stared at Connor.

"What?" Connor shrugged. "Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

Aiden stood and shook, a few black hairs falling on the pillow. He turned his muzzle to Connor and licked his face, tasting dried sweat.

"Hey, stop that!" Connor laughed and wiped the slobber off his face with his hand. "Yuck. I didn't kiss you!"

Aiden leaned forward and knocked Connor onto his back with his head. He leaned down and licked Connor's stomach, chest, and face, making him glisten with wetness.

Connor was still naked and rapidly became aroused, his penis stretching out to its full length and hovering above his stomach. He laughed and grabbed the wolf's fur, around his neck, trying to push him away. "Stop, please stop!"

The bedroom door opened quickly and Connor's mother looked into the room. For a moment she was frozen, seeing a large black wolf straddling her son in bed, its mouth near his face. They appeared to be fighting.

Before she could think the situation through, Millie screamed. "Bryce!"

Connor struggled out from beneath the wolf and rolled over onto his stomach. "No mother, it's alright."

Footsteps rapidly approached and Connor's father and the sheriff pushed into the room, the latter with the pistol in hand.

"Oh my god!" The sheriff raised the gun.

"NO!" Connor frantically struggled to a sitting position and placed himself in front of the wolf. "It's AIDEN!" He held his arms out to his sides.

For a tense moment, nobody moved. Connor could hear his heart pounding in his chest as he stared down the barrel of the pistol.

Millie regained her composure and placed her hand on the sheriff's arm, pushing it and the gun down towards the floor. "It's alright. I was just shocked to see that wolf...I mean Aiden, in the bed."

The sheriff lowered the gun and carefully released the hammer. "That was too close." He looked at Connor and then left the room.

Connor's father looked at the wolf and his son's naked body, noticing his erection, and then left the room. "Connor...a word please."

Connor's mother just shook her head and followed her husband from the room.

"Oops." Connor hugged Aiden around the neck. "I'll be right back." He climbed off the bed and looked around. On the floor were his sleeping clothes and he pulled them on. He took a moment to adjust his rigid penis into a less obvious position, and then left the room.

The adults were sitting at the table and talking quietly. He took a seat at the end of the bench, next to his mother. "I'm sorry about that. We didn't mean to frighten anyone."

"I thought he was hurting you." His mother said quietly.

"No, just licking me." Connor looked at her and smiled, realizing his face was still damp with the wolf's saliva.

"That is indecent, Connor. He is a boy." She wasn't smiling.

"It's not like that. He's a wolf at the moment and that's how he communicates. We were just horsing around."

"I still don't like it. You two seemed a little too friendly." She left the table and put the kettle on the hearth to warm some water.

"I can't help it if I've always wanted a brother and now I have one." Connor blurted.

"He isn't your brother Connor. He is a guest in this home and I expect him to behave so." She didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry mother. We'll try harder."

"See that you do." His father joined the conversation. "I didn't think he would be changing into that wolf while inside. I don't like it." He scowled. "And you should have been wearing clothes."

"I'm not sure he has a choice about when it happens." Connor was becoming defensive. "Last night was nearly the full moon after all." He didn't respond about being naked.

"Then maybe he should sleep outside if he's going to do that." His mother set a plate of warm biscuits on the table. "He might have fleas."

"Honestly mother, he doesn't have fleas! Just last night you said for him to consider this his home. I guess that isn't the case now." Connor stood and turned towards his room.

"Where are you going?" His father growled.

"I have chores to do."

"Sit back down. You weren't excused."

Connor sat and folded his arms.

"The sheriff had an interesting idea this morning and I want you to hear it." His father faced the sheriff. "Morgan, please repeat your offer."

"Well, as I stated, I don't have anyone living with me and it would give Aiden a safe place to stay while he decides where he should go. I'm going to remain here tonight, just to make sure things are quiet, and then tomorrow I'll leave. He can follow me home."

"No!" Connor shook his head. "He should stay here, with me."

"Connor, we just get by as is, the three of us." His mother scowled.

"But he can help with the chores and we could plant and harvest more, if he stays."

The bedroom door opened and Aiden walked into the common room, wearing Connor's work pants. He had been able to shift back to his human form just after Connor left the bedroom. "I don't want to be a problem." He stood at the end of the table by Connor and scratched behind an ear.

"Aiden, this is a private conversation dear." Connor's mother handed him a biscuit.

"I heard everything." He faced her, not taking the food.

"Were you intentionally listening?" Connor's father frowned.

"No but I have exceptional hearing. It's part of what I am." He faced the sheriff. "I'll go with you if everyone thinks that's for the best."

"Aiden no." Connor shook his head.

"We will talk about this some more, later. For now, you have chores to do. It's time you begin them." His father picked up a biscuit. "Aiden can help you if he wants to."

"Fine." Connor left the table and returned to his room, Aiden following. He removed his sleeping clothes and pulled another pair of pants and two shirts from the chest at the end of the bed. He pulled the pants and a shirt on and tossed Aiden the second shirt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Aiden was sad. "I should have left when I knew I was going to change."

"No. I'm glad you didn't. I was scared at first but then I really liked having the wolf, I mean you, in bed. They are just upset that they saw us like that. It will pass."

"They want me to leave." He faced Connor, his eyes red.

"Well I don't." Connor held his arms open and Aiden stepped into the embrace. For a moment, the boys hugged each other tightly. "I've never been this happy and if you leave, my life will return to how it was. I don't want to lose you."

"I know; I feel the same way. But, they are your parents and you need to do what they say. If I do leave, I'll be ok. Besides, I can come back and visit, I suppose." Aiden tried to smile.

"That wouldn't be the same." Connor released him. "Come on, I'll teach you my chores." He handed Aiden another set of boots and pulled his own on.

They walked past the adults silently, heading to the barn. Connor opened the doors and the animals began to push past, heading to the closest pasture.

"We let them graze in this pasture in the morning and then move them around during the day. I need to clean out the barn and put fresh water in the trough so I don't have to carry it in tonight."

"What should I do?" Aiden shrugged.

"How about start filling those to buckets at the well and fill the trough in here." Connor pointed to two buckets by the door.

"I can do that." Aiden nodded and carried the buckets to the well.

Connor busied himself by cleaning up the barn floor and dumping the manure into a wheelbarrow. When it was full, he pushed it outside and dumped it behind the barn. During that time, Aiden had made a few trips from the well and the trough was filled. He set the buckets down and met Connor in the barn.

"What now?" Aiden asked.

"We need to milk the cows that have older calves." Connor picked up the milk bucket and led Aiden to the pasture. He set the bucket under a grazing cow and showed him how to milk her. For a while, he did the milking, and then let Aiden try.

"This is kind of fun." Aiden smiled as he worked, milk spraying into the bucket. "You do this every day?"

"Only when the cows have calves. Later, you can help me repair the fence in the far pasture."

Connor smiled, happy Aiden was enjoying himself. He leaned closer and their shoulders touched. "I don't want you to leave."

Aiden stopped milking and faced Connor. "I don't want to go but it's your parent's decision. I'm sorry but I will abide by what they say." He resumed milking.

"I know. You are a good person, I can tell." Connor leaned his head on Aiden's shoulder. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Hey, I'm working here." Aiden pulled away and smiled. "Don't you have your own bucket?" He laughed.

"No, it's usually just me or my mother milking, so we only need the one. Let's move to another cow, this one is done for now."

They stood and walked to the next cow, repeating the process. Connor made sure they were again on the opposite side of the cow from the cottage, mostly hidden.

"Aiden?" He faced him.

"Yeah?" Aiden stopped milking and turned.

Connor leaned forward and pressed his lips to Aiden's.

Aiden eagerly returned the kiss and they enjoyed a moment of passion. He wanted to touch Connor but realized they were not completely hidden and he felt certain Connor's mother was probably watching them.

Connor pulled away. "Thanks."

"Sure." Aiden smiled. "I like kissing you."

"I still owe you for last night don't forget. Maybe we'll be alone today and I can continue."

"Speaking of continuing, I need to." Aiden resumed milking.

"I'm going to let the horses out. I'll be back." Connor rose and returned to the barn. One by one, he walked the horses to a different pasture and closed the gate. He returned to the barn and spent some time putting fresh grain in the horse's stalls and cleaning them.

Aiden walked in, carrying the bucket. "I did two more cows. The others had calves with them."

"Thanks." Connor took the bucket. "Wow, we're done already. I've never finished so soon."

"It's the great help you had." Aiden smiled.

"Let's take the milk to my mother and see what else my father wants us to do. I know he has been saying I need to mend the fences."

They walked back to the cottage and Connor put the milk on the counter. His mother was cleaning the dishes and wiping off the table.

"Where is father?" Connor and Aiden stood next to each other.

She faced them. "Well don't you look like a regular farm hand." She smiled at Aiden. "Have you ever worked on a farm before?"

"No ma'am." He shook his head. "Connor showed me how to milk cows."

"Good." She turned away.

"Where is father?" Connor asked again.

"He and the sheriff are out walking down by the road."

"Come on, let's go find them." Connor headed towards the door.

"Just a moment." His mother called after them.

The boys stopped and turned to face her.

"I know you are disappointed that your father and the sheriff think Aiden should go live with him."

Connor nodded. "It isn't fair. He lost his entire family and now he could join ours."

"I know. We talked a bit more after you two started chores and for now, Aiden will stay here with us."

"Really?" Connor beamed with happiness.

"I think this is a better environment for a growing boy. Hard work will cleanse his soul, and lord knows he needs that." She smoothed her apron.

Aiden frowned and looked down at the floor.

"Oh dear I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Of course it isn't your fault that you are...well know what I mean. Anyway, go find your father and see what he needs you to do." She pointed to the door. "Go on now...shoo!"

The boys left the cottage and walked through the grass to the top of the hill. Connor was beyond happy, now that Aiden would be living there. He wanted to hug him and never let go.

"You can stay!" He grinned.

"Yes, and I'm very thankful." Aiden sighed. "I feel like I might finally have a home again."

Connor nodded. "You do. I don't ever want you to leave."

"Thank you."

"Now where is father?" Connor looked around and spotted the two men down on the road, near the forest.

"Come on, there they are." He pointed down the hill. He wanted to take Aiden's hand and run through the grass with him but he knew that would only get them both in trouble.

They walked down the hill and met his father and the sheriff as they were heading back to the cottage.

"Done so soon?" His father looked at them suspiciously.

"Yes father. It didn't take nearly as long with Aiden's help."

"I see. Well then, you can begin mending the fences that I showed you. If you have time, I'd like the far paddock divided into two. I may get another horse this fall."

"I'll need to gather more wood." Connor nodded.

Bryce looked to the forest and then turned to Aiden. "Is...he in there?" He pointed to the trees at the bottom of the hill.

Aiden faced the forest and closed his eyes. After a moment, he opened them and shook his head. "I don't sense him nearby. I assume he has moved away from here to heal."

The sheriff spat to the side. "Will he return?"

"I expect so." Aiden nodded. "There is something here he desires." He looked at Connor out of the corner of his eye.

"Well that's too bad for him!" Connor folded his arms. Now that it was daytime, he was feeling bolder.

Connor's father nodded. "If you think it is safe, take the wood cart to the forest and cut some rails for the fence. Take your rifle and my pistol with you, just in case."

"Yes father." Connor nodded. "That will take most of the day. Is it alright if mother packs us lunch and we wash up in the river?"

Bryce looked at the forest and then up at the morning sky. "Yes, but PLEASE be careful. You know what she will be like if anything happens to you, to either of you."

"Come on." Connor smiled and headed back to the barn, Aiden following.

When they reached the barn, he took Aiden to the tack room and explained the various straps and fasteners. "We will need to hitch one of the oxen to the cart. When we get to the river, he can wander around in the grass while we cut wood."

"Won't he stray?"

Connor handed Aiden some tack, draping some of the leather straps around the boy's neck so they hung around his shoulders and chest. "No, they tend to stay by the cart. If he does wander off, he will just go back to the barn. We can always lead him back if he does."

Aiden nodded and fingered the leather straps hanging from his neck. "These smell nice."

"I know. I love the smell of harness, especially the ones for the horses."

"You should put some on you too so we match." Aiden grinned.

"No, I get this thing." Connor lifted a yoke from the wall. "It's too big to wear, otherwise I would." He smiled. "You look good like that. Maybe I should put you in tack so I can control you."

Aiden looked thoughtful. "I doubt you'd be able to do that."

"What? Put you into those leather straps?" Connor accepted the challenge. "I'm pretty strong, you know."

"No, I'd let you do that." Aiden took a step closer and grabbed Connor's hand, wrapping one of the straps around his wrist. "But I don't think you could control me." He raised his eyebrows and leaned in for a quick kiss, before releasing Connor's wrist.

Connor felt his heart pounding and a bulge forming in his work pants. "Come on, let's get the wagon." He grinned and led Aiden from the barn.

The boys walked to the pasture and harnessed an ox, leading him back to the barn. There, they secured it to a small cart. They led the ox and cart to the cottage, and waited while Connor's mother prepared them a small lunch in a basket. When that was ready, they walked down the road, towards the forest. At the point where the grass stooped and the trees began, they turned off the road, walking towards the river.

"I want to find suitable trees inside the forest, so we don't cut the ones at the edge." Connor stopped the cart but left the ox tethered. "Is it safe to go into the woods?"

Aiden faced the forest and inhaled deeply. He could not detect his maker's scent, nor did he feel his presence. "I think so. Bring your gun, just in case."

Connor nodded and lifted his rifle from the cart. He also picked up an axe. "Let's go."

They boys moved into the forest and periodically, Connor would stop and look at a tree. When he found the first one that looked ideal, he handed his rifle to Aiden and began cutting it down. After the tree fell, he hacked off the small branches and dragged it back to the cart. Aiden helped him lift it into the bed of the cart and they returned to the forest for the next tree.

For three hours, they continued to cut small trees, always keeping an eye on the woods around them. When the cart was half-full, Connor put the axe in the back and leaned against the side.

"I think we deserve a break. Are you hungry?" He asked Aiden.

"I am. Do you want to wash up in the river before we eat? I'm all sweaty."

Connor looked at Aiden and noticed the shirt was clinging to the boy's chest, and damp under the arms. "Yes you are." He smiled. "Sure, let's rinse off and then we can eat while we dry in the sun."

They walked the ox and cart along the forest's edge until they reached the area closest to the river. Connor unhooked the ox and let him wander nearby in the tall grass while they took the basket with their lunch and headed to the river.

It took a few minutes to move through the trees but soon they heard water. They found an area where it was mostly grass on the bank and Connor set the basket of food on the ground.

"You ready?" He smiled at Aiden and motioned with his head towards the river. "I bet it will be cold, this early in the year."

"It is. Remember, I was in the water yesterday." Aiden smiled and began to undress. He lifted the damp shirt over his head and removed his boots.

Connor watched Aiden and felt his penis begin to respond. Aiden was beautiful; his body smooth and toned. He remembered the previous night, when the two of them had touched each other intimately. That was a sensation he longed to repeat. It felt much better than when he played by himself at night in bed or in the barn when he was alone. The orgasm had been stronger than any others, and having another bring him to climax was incredibly erotic.

"Are you going to join me?" Aiden asked. He had removed his pants and was standing naked in front of Connor.

"What?" Connor shook his head, waking from his sexual haze. "Oh, yes." He grinned and began to undress. He untied his boots and set them aside. He then unlaced his shirt and began to lift it over his head.

"Here, let me do that." Aiden stepped closer.

"Sure." Connor nodded, feeling his blood thumping in hear ears. He noticed Aiden was fully aroused.

Aiden stepped forward until they were only an inch or two apart and lifted Connor's arms over his head. "Hold them like that." He gently tugged Connor's shirt upwards, the sweat soaked material clinging to his skin. The shirt slid over Connor's head and Aiden set it on top of the grass to dry in the sun.

Connor began to lower his arms but Aiden stopped him. "Keep them like that for a minute longer, ok?"

Connor nodded, his penis tenting up uncomfortably in his pants, longing to be freed. He was breathing heavily now and his skin felt cool as the sweat evaporated.

Aiden slid his hands up Connor's raised arms, from his armpits to his fingers and back down. "You are beautiful." He spoke quietly and continued to slide his hands downward, along the sides of Connor's chest, stopping at his waist.

"Thanks." Connor whispered. "He was worried someone might be near and would see them, or that his mother might have followed, to check up on them...but he didn't ask Aiden to stop.

"Is this ok; that I'm touching you like this?" Aiden asked.

Connor nodded and closed his eyes. "It feels wonderful."

Aiden moved his hands half way up Connor's chest and around his back. He pulled Connor close and kissed him passionately. "You are so beautiful."

Connor moaned softly and bucked his hips forward, pressing his crotch into Aiden's. He felt the other boy's penis pushing against his own.

Aiden leaned under Connor's armpit and took a deep breath. It smelled strongly, but not like an adult's odor, rather, a pleasant mixture of musk and teenage boy. He pressed his nose to the skin and inhaled deeply.

"Hey, that tickles." Connor wiggled and stepped back, lowering his arms.

"You smell fantastic." Aiden smiled.

"No, I stink. We've been working hard."

Aiden reached forward and cupped Connor's penis and testicles. "Let's get you out of these clothes." He unlaced the pants and slid them down.

Connor's erect penis sprang upwards, nearly slapping his belly. "Free at last." He smiled.

Aiden looked at Connor's penis and then his face. "Do you want to touch again before we bathe?

Connor nodded. "Sure." His penis bobbed with each beat of his heart.

Aiden dropped to his knees in the grass and faced Connor's groin. He looked up, squinting against the bright afternoon sun. "I've done all this before with my brother but I know you are new to it. Let me know if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"I will."

Aiden encircled Connor's penis with his hand and gently began to stroke him. He was careful not to tug the dry skin but forceful enough to make Connor moan with pleasure. With his other hand, he cupped Connor's testicles and gently rolled them around, tugging lightly.

Connor tilted his head back and moaned quietly. It was ten times more powerful and stimulating than when he masturbated. He lowered his head and gasped as a sudden, new sensation wracked his young body.

Aiden had taken Connor's penis into his mouth and was working his tongue across the head. He slowly took more into his mouth, until he felt his nose brush against Connor's small patch of hair. The scent was overpowering and he inhaled deeply.

Aiden tightened his throat muscles and massaged the penis in his mouth. He was amazed he could take the entire length inside without gagging, as he hadn't done that in a long time. It had taken him nearly a dozen attempts with his brother before he was finally able to, and that was some time ago.

"That feels wonderful..." Connor gasped.

Aiden pulled is mouth off Connor's penis and nodded. "I hoped you would enjoy this." He grinned and stuck a finger his in mouth, thoroughly wetting it, and then removed it and returned his mouth to Connor's leaking penis.

Connor groaned and closed his eyes, tilting his head towards the warm sun. He was in heaven, wondering what new sensations Aiden had planned. He didn't have to wonder long. A moment later, he felt Aiden slide his hand around his butt and push it into his crack. Connor sighed and reached around, using both hands to spread his cheeks. He had an idea where Aiden was headed and was all too eager to assist.

Aiden took advantage of Connor's positive reception to what he was doing and began to rub his sensitive hole. Gently, unsure of whether Connor had ever tried this himself, Aiden pushed his wet finger into Connor, sliding in to the knuckle. He turned his finger from side to side, and it slid in deeper. In a moment, Aiden found Connor's prostate and gently began to push against it.

"Oh my god!" Connor arched his back. He gently placed his hands on Aiden's shoulders, needing to touch him but not wishing to hinder his movement. "I...I'm going to..." He inhaled and winced, the ejaculation almost painful with pleasure.

Aiden felt Connor's prostate harden and his penis thicken and pulled back enough to catch the four, thick jets of semen that shot out the tip. He let them pool on his tongue but didn't swallow. He gently removed his finger and pulled off Connor's now ultra-sensitive penis.

"Oh wow...that was... wow." Connor smiled, panting. "Did you get any in your mouth? I felt you trying to pull away."

Aiden stood and smiled, before tilting his head back to displaying the creamy, white contents on his tongue. He closed his mouth and swallowed. "I got it all."

"Does it taste like it did last night?" Connor smiled.

"Yes." Aiden nodded and licked his lips.

For a moment, neither boy spoke. They stood facing each other, basking in the happiness that comes from such a powerful experience, shared between two people. Eventually Aiden smiled.

"So I take it you enjoyed that?"

Connor nodded quickly. "I did, thank you. Can I...that is...would you mind teaching me how to do that?" Connor looked down, ashamed to be asking such a sinful question.

"Sure, but only if you want to."

"I do." Connor mumbled but didn't look up.

"Are you certain?" Aiden encircled Connor with his arms and held him. "You don't sound like you do."

Connor lifted his face and their noses bumped. "I really do. I'm just thinking of what my parents would say if they knew how I feel about you and what I just asked you to teach me."

"I know. I had it easier with my parents as they knew my brother and I were really close. I suspect they knew what we were doing in bed each night, but they never spoke of it."

"Well that isn't the case with my parents." Connor shook his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if they make you sleep in the main room from now on, rather than in my bed with me, after this morning's incident."

Aiden took a step back and released Connor. "Well that won't be any fun."

"No, it won't."

"Still, I will do as they request."

"I know you will." Connor nodded. "So will you show me?" His smile faded to a sheepish grin.

Aiden nodded. "Yeah, but let's lay down in the grass." He stretched out on his back and smiled up at Connor, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.

Connor knelt down next to him and smiled. "What do I do?"

"Slide down by my feet and place your hands by my hips."

Connor did as instructed and his mouth lined up with Aiden's groin. He noticed Aiden's penis bobbing up and down slightly, the head glistening with wetness.

"Now, open your mouth and lick the head, or kiss it if you'd prefer. This needs to be pleasurable for you too or I don't want to do it." Aiden coaxed.

Connor was thoughtful for a moment, considering what he wanted to do, and then he slowly lowered his face to Aiden's penis and kissed the tip. He felt and tasted something wet, against his lips. He licked them and considered the taste.

"It really doesn't taste like much. Maybe a little sweet but that's it."

"I haven't done anything yet silly. That's just the slippery stuff that comes first."

"Oh right. My dad told me that stuff makes it easier to push your penis into a girl." Connor began licking the tip of Aiden's penis.

"Or into a boy's butt." Aiden smiled slyly.

Connor lifted his head and met Aiden's eyes. "Oh. Have you ever done that...I mean either of those?" He lowered his head back to the task at hand.

Aiden closed his eyes as Connor resumed licking the head of his penis. "I did it to my brother a few times. Usually he did it to me, which also feels really good."

Connor moaned softly and took the entire head into his mouth, slowly sliding his mouth down. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to have Aiden slide his penis into him, as he said had done to his brother.

"Take is slowly or you will gag." Aiden clenched the grass in his fingers as waves of pleasure began in his groin.

Connor began to suck the shaft and used his tongue to rub all around the sides. He wondered how far into his mouth he could take Aiden's penis so he continued moving downward. He wanted to take the entire length, as had been done to him.

"Oh Connor, that feels great. You're doing a fantastic job." Aiden encouraged him.

Connor increased his sucking and moved down some more. Suddenly, the tip of Aiden's penis hit the back of his mouth and he choked, gagging at the same time. He instantly pulled off, scraping the shaft with his teeth.

Aiden inhaled, hissing softly. "Careful, watch your teeth please."

Connor coughed and nodded. "Sorry. That was too much."

"I warned you to go slowly." Aiden laughed and sat up. "Maybe you can try again later."

Connor placed his hands on Aiden's chest and firmly pushed him back down. "You're not going anywhere."

Aiden laughed and lay back in the grass. "I guess not. Next thing you know I'll be bound in that leather harness stuff you showed me this morning."

Connor nodded. "That sounds like fun actually. I'm pretty good with tack so I bet I could tie you up tight." He lowered his head again and sucked in most of Aiden's penis, careful not to go too far, and mindful of his teeth. He sucked hungrily and moved his hands around and under Aiden's butt, massaging the soft flesh.

"Oh yeah, that feels good." Aiden moaned softly, pleased he was finally going to feel release after going so long without.

For the next few minutes, Connor continued to suck as best he could. It was his first time after all, and his mouth was rapidly tiring.

"I'm almost there, Connor. You can stop now and I'll finish myself." Aiden wasn't sure Connor would like a mouthful of semen, not so soon in their friendship. He placed his hand on Connor's cheek. "It's ok."

Connor pulled a hand out from under Aiden's butt and gently slapped his hand away. He increased his sucking and moved down just a bit further. Maybe not this time, but he knew he wanted to take the entire length of Aiden's penis into his mouth; to feel his nose against the other boy's abdomen.

"You are determined!" Aiden smiled and lay back, no longer trying to hold off his orgasm. If Connor wanted a mouthful of his ejaculate, he would be more than happy to give it to him. He tightened his ass muscles and felt the pressure building.

Connor noticed Aiden was stiffening beneath him and although his mouth was aching with fatigue, he continued to suck as hard as he could. He felt the boy's penis thicken along part of the shaft a moment before something warm and salty sprayed against the back of his mouth. He pulled most of the way off and felt several more shots land on his tongue and roof of his mouth.

When Aiden had no more than a dribble to offer him, Connor pursed his lips and gently slid his mouth off the boy's penis, milking the last semen from the tip.

Aiden sat up, panting heavily. "That was incredible. It's been over a year since I've had any release and I'd almost forgotten how wonderful it felt."

Connor smiled and tilted his head back, opening his mouth. Inside, a large amount of Aiden's semen pooled on his tongue and floor of his mouth. He made an "ahhhh" sound as he displayed the slimy contents.

"Wow...that's a lot. Sorry I had so much but I guess it's been building up over the last year." Aiden laughed. "You don't have to swallow it. Just spit it out on the ground if you want to."

Connor closed his mouth and faced Aiden. For a moment, he just looked at the other boy, noticing the redness in his face and the rapid breathing. Then, slowly, he smiled.

"What?" Aiden began to smile too.

Connor swallowed deeply and licked his lips. "Yummy."

Aiden smiled and then looked away.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked quietly.

When Aiden turned to face him, his eyes were moist with tears. "Nothing."

"Then why are you crying?" Connor reached out and took Aiden's hand. "You aren't mad at me for swallowing are you?"

"God no. I love the fact that we are so close now. We really are like brothers."

"Then what?"

Aiden shrugged and smiled. "I'm happy."

Connor laughed. "Well you sure don't know how to show it. I bet you laugh when you are sad then."

"No!" Aiden moved forward and tackled Connor onto his back. They rolled around in the grass briefly and then settled down, with Aiden on top of Connor.

The boys stared into each other's eyes for a moment and then Aiden began kissing Connor.

It wasn't a quick kiss, but rather the long, passionate type that says `I love you'.

The kiss was eagerly returned by Connor, who wrapped his arms around Aiden and pulled him tightly down against his chest.

"I can't breathe." Aiden smiled and stopped kissing Connor.

"Oh sorry." Connor released him and rested his hands on Aiden's butt.

"You afraid I'm going to get away or something?" Aiden smirked.

"No, just enjoying holding you."

"Thanks, I like it when you hold me."

"Aiden?" Connor held the other boy's eyes, again noticing their strange color.


"I love you." He held his breath.

"Oh yeah?" Aiden raised an eyebrow.

"...yeah..." Connor looked away.

"Guess what?" Aiden kissed his cheek.

Connor turned around, hope shining in his face.

"I love you too." Aiden kissed him on the lips and then pushed himself into a sitting position, straddling Connor's legs.

"I'm going to catch hell from my parents."

"Only if you tell them."

"Well I kind of have to. It's pretty clear now that I'm not going to go looking for a girl in the village."

"Hmmm...there is that." Aiden scratched his head.

For a while, neither spoke but they continued to stare into each other's eyes and faces.

Connor shifted beneath Aiden. "You are getting heavy."

"Sorry." Aiden rolled off to the side and moved up to lie in the grass next to Connor.

"I suppose we should clean up in the river and take the wood back to the barn so we can cut it into fence posts." Connor rolled to his side and faced Aiden.

"Yeah, probably should."

"Aiden?" Connor whispered.

"Hmmm?" He rolled over to face Connor.

"Would you..." He closed his eyes.

"What's up?" Aiden traced his fingers across Connor's chest.

"Would you put your penis in my butt?" Connor opened his eyes and gauged Aiden's face, trying to determine if he had offended him.

"You really want me to?" Aiden's face softened into a gentle smile.

"I think so. No, I know I want that. I've wondered about it for a few years now, imagining I was with one of the boys in the village. We would take turns doing that to each other."

"I see. Wow, you've given this a lot of thought."

"I suppose so." Connor rolled onto his back and stretched in the soft grass.

"Sure, I'll do that with you. But only if you do it to me too." Aiden rolled over on top of Connor and bit his nose.

"Ow! Why did you bite me?" Connor laughed.

"I am a wolf silly." Aiden laughed and stood, looking at the slow-moving river. "Come on, let's clean up."

Connor rose and took his hand. "I meant it; I want to have sex with you."

Aiden nodded. "I know, and I meant it to. I'll do you, if you do me." He hugged Connor and kissed him on the mouth, pressing their groins together. Then, he released him and jumped down the small bank, into the river.

"Christ! This is cold!" Aiden ducked his head under and splashed around, ruffling his hair under the water.

Connor smiled and jumped in after him, yelling loudly when he landed in the frigid water.

For a few minutes, both boys splashed and dove under, cleaning off as best as they could. When they couldn't take the cold any longer, they climbed back to the grassy area and used their hands to wipe the water from each other's bodies, often tugging on the other's penis or kissing part of his body.

Off to the side, concealed in the trees, a man had been watching the boys frolic in the grass and discover each other's bodies. A sinister grin had spread across his face when he saw them orally pleasing each other. Thoughts and desires arose in his mind and plans began to form about how to use this information to his advantage. He adjusted is own leaking penis and stepped back, further into the trees, so as not to be discovered.

Next: Chapter 5

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