Connor and the Wolf

By Will Ren

Published on Mar 30, 2014


Connor's heart skipped a beat when his father pointed to the bench on the opposite side of the table. What had the sheriff written in his letter, he wondered. Did he betray them, even though he had promised not to?

Aiden quickly took a seat and turned to face Connor who sat next to him. He pressed his leg against Connor's in a gesture of support.

Bryce held up the letter and then faced the boys. "The sheriff gave me a pretty detailed rundown of what you two have been up to these past few days."

Connor nodded. "Yes father, we were on our best behavior as you instructed."

Bryce nodded. "Indeed you were. Morgan has nothing but positive things to say about you and Aiden." He read a bit of the letter aloud.

"...and the second night I took the boys to the local bath house as a treat. They both thoroughly enjoyed themselves, Connor especially liking the warm water."

Millie shook her finger at the boys. "Now don't go getting any fool notion about me heating water for a bath. That's your father's tub and for special use only." She smiled and folded her hands on the table.

Bryce continued. "He also mentions the horse that I could probably get for a bargain. I'll give that some thought. If you check it over and it seems healthy I want you to bring it home with you in three weeks when you return. I'll send you along with some money for the horse and a few more supplies."

"Yes father." Connor nodded.

"So Aiden," Millie faced him, "what did you think of the village?"

"It was pleasant enough."

"Oh come now, don't hold back. I read the letter too and from what the sheriff says, you're considering moving there permanently." She nodded her head. "That might be a good thing for you; get you around more people than just the three of us."

Connor turned to face Aiden, a look of shock and panic on his face.

Millie saw the expression on Connor's face and shook her head. "No don't be like that Connor. If he wants to move in with the sheriff, we need to support him in that decision. You can always go visit once and a while."

"Are you seriously considering remaining in town next time you go back?" Bryce asked.

Aiden cleared his throat. " I haven't really decided yet, sir. I don't want to be a burden on your family but I also really like it here."

Bryce chuckled. "Well given the time Connor gets his chores done when you are around you are hardly a burden. You are welcome to stay here but if you wish to move in with the sheriff I won't ask you to reconsider."

"Thank you sir, I'll give it more thought."

"Oh my goodness but Morgan is such a generous and caring man. To be willing to take in a boy your age, with all his other responsibilities." Millie stood and moved over to the kitchen area. "We already ate a late breakfast but I'll whip you boys up something to hold you until dinner." She began to rummage around in the pantry area.

Bryce set the letter down. "The sheriff also mentioned you went to see Clare."

Connor wasn't sure whether he should lie about spending the day with Dillon or pretend he had seen Clare. The thought occurred to him that the sheriff had already written that she wasn't home so he didn't dare chance it.

"Actually when I stopped by she wasn't around. I did speak with her mother and she sent me home with a ball of yarn she said mother was expecting. It's in the bag with the spare clothes."

"Oh really?" Millie moved across the room and opened the sack with the clothes for Aiden. "Oh goodness yes! This is prefect. You be certain to tell her how much I appreciate this when you see her on your next visit." She moved back to the kitchen area and continued slicing some cheese.

"Yes mother."

Bryce narrowed his gaze and focused on Connor. "So you didn't see Clare then?"

"No sir. She was out of town."

"I see. Well next visit you be certain to find her and let her know your intentions."

"Yes father." Connor looked down at the table.

"Now then, you two grab a quick bite and then get back down by the river and cut some more fence posts. There are still a few good hours of light before suppertime. I had hoped to have the post holes mostly dug by now but your going into town delayed those plans." Bryce stood, picked up the sacks with his supplies, and headed into the living area. "We will definitely need more room if you bring home that new horse."

Aiden looked at Connor out of the corner of his eye. If they were heading to the river, it could be time for a little fun.

Connor caught the gleam in Aiden's eye and smiled, looking away.

Millie returned to the table and set to sandwiches in front of them. "Eat up and then get going on your chores. You've been on holiday long enough."

The boys ate quietly and when they had finished they excused themselves from the table and headed to the barn. Once inside the barn, Connor placed his hands on Aiden's chest and gently but forcefully pushed him up against the closest stall. He leaned forward, pressed his lips to Aiden's, and kissed him passionately.

Aiden moaned softly and opened his mouth, feeling Connor's lips with his tongue.

Taking the queue, Connor snaked his tongue forward and felt Aiden's, drawing it into his mouth by gently sucking. For half a minute, they kissed and held each other tightly.

Aiden was the first to pull away. He licked his lips and grinned. "Well I'm glad to see you aren't too upset that I'm planning to go move in with that bastard, the sheriff."

Connor frowned. "I don't get it. Why would he say all that about you when you have no intention of leaving?"

Aiden angrily kicked the dirt with his boot. "Because he can. Now, your parents have it in their minds that I may not be coming home with you next time. He can keep me there and they won't say a word."

"Yeah but I could tell them the truth." Connor crossed his arms. "Tell them what he did to you in the forest and that everything in that letter is pretty much a lie."

"No you can't! If you tell them and they speak with him, he will tell them all about us. Who are they going to believe? Him or us?"

"God, this is so unfair!" Connor walked towards the tack room, Aiden following. He selected the usual tack and yoke and then together they left to harness up the ox.

They led the ox and cart down to the river where they had been cutting trees a few days prior. For the next two hours, Connor resumed chopping trees and Aiden loaded them into the cart. During that time, they spoke about what they might expect during the next visit, in a few weeks.

Connor expressed his determination to keep Aiden away from the sheriff and the man in the forest but Aiden said that wouldn't be possible.

"You know I have to do that or he'll tell your parents about us."

"I guess so." Connor shook his head. "But I swear to you he will pay for this, somehow."

Aiden stopped loading the cut wood into the cart and hugged Connor. Their sweat-soaked shirts pressed together and he licked Connor's cheek. "It makes me happy that you care so much about me."

Connor took Aiden's face in his hands and held him still. "I would kill or die for you." He released Aiden.

"Well let's hope you don't have to do either." Aiden removed his damp shirt. "Come on, let's take a break. I'm drenched and roasting to death."

Connor nodded and removed his shirt. He grinned and threw it at Aiden, the shirt landing on his head and covering his face.

"As much as I enjoy your sweaty clothes, you do realize that this means war." Aiden's voice was muffled under the shirt.

"I'm not afraid of you, wolf boy!" Connor challenged.

Aiden pulled the sweat-soaked shirt off his face and dropped it to the ground. He sat and removed his boots, not taking his eyes off Connor.

"We going into the water?" Connor asked.

"Maybe..." Aiden lay back and lifted his ass off the ground, sliding his pants free of his legs. Now completely naked, he sat up and looked at Connor quizzically.

"Something on your mind?" Connor leaned down and removed his boots. He straightened up and slid his pants down, kicking them free of his feet.

"I want you to suck me." Aiden lay back in the soft grass. "I'm probably pretty stinky at the moment. You want to wait until we clean up in the river?"

"Nope!" Connor smiled and knelt down, straddling Aiden's legs. "I like the way you smell, especially when you are sweaty." He reached forward and began stroking Aiden's penis, causing it to rise.

Aiden moaned softly. "And I like the way you do that." He closed his eyes.

Connor continued to gently stroke Aiden and then leaned forward and sucked his penis into his mouth.

"Ohh!" Aiden gasped and grinned. "I like that too."

Connor sucked up and down the length of Aiden's penis and gently fondled his testicles. He was beyond happy, once again able to pleasure the boy he had come to love as a brother and more. For a while, the recent events with the sheriff were forgotten as he devoted his thoughts and energy toward seeing to Aiden's desires.

For a few minutes, both boys were quiet.

With a muffled groan, Aiden shot his load into Connor's mouth. Several thick ropes of semen landed on the other boy's tongue, as he greedily sucked.

Connor swallowed and stopped sucking; Aiden's penis now in the hypersensitive state. He pulled off and sat back on his heels, grinning.

"How was that?" Connor rolled off to the side and lay in the soft grass next to him.

"That was great." Aiden nodded. He rolled onto Connor and lay fully on top of him, grinding their crotches together.

"I love you Connor." Aiden whispered.

"And I love you." Connor planted his mouth over the other boy's and kissed him hungrily.

Aiden returned the kiss and then rolled off him. "My turn to get you off."

Connor sat up in the grass smiling.

"Except..." Aiden grinned mischievously.


"I want you inside me, in my butt."

"Here?" Connor looked around.

"Sure, why not?"

"Well I kind of thought we might do that in a safer location. Remember, the sheriff spied on us here so someone else could too."

"Your parents won't come down here and that bastard is back in the village. We are as alone as I think we ever will be and I don't want to wait any longer to feel you inside me."

"Aiden, I know we both want this, but.."

Aiden nodded. "But we should wait. I know, you're right." He sighed. "It's just been such a long time since I've enjoyed myself that way. Since I met you I've begun to enjoy all the things I used to and I want to do them all."

"I know and I do want to also, but by the time we get his load of timber back to the farm, take care of the animals, and clean up, it will be time to eat."

"Ok, then let's get dressed and head back." He smiled and stood, picking up his clothes. "But know this, I plan to suck you tonight, as soon as we are alone."

Connor smiled. "I'd like that."

Aiden handed Connor his sweaty shirt.

Connor tossed the axe into the cart and pulled his shirt over his head. "Come on, let's head back."

They returned to the barn and unloaded the wood, laying it next to the pile from the previous trip. After unhooking the ox and doing the evening chores, they entered the house and while Aiden waited by the door, Connor got clean clothes, the soap, and his wash rag.

Millie looked up from where she was sitting, knitting with the yarn Connor had brought back from town. "You two get cleaned up. Supper will be ready soon."

"Yes mother." Connor tossed Aiden the soap and they walked to the well.

The boys took turns pulling water from the well and washing each other. As cold as the water was they wasted no time in getting clean and dry.

They walked back into the cottage and after Connor put the soap and wash rag away they sat at the table waiting.

Millie rose and set her knitting aside. She walked to the table and paused. "Hands." She held out her hands towards the boys.

Connor went first, placing his hands into his mother's.

Millie turned his hands back and forth, examining his fingernails. "Hmm..pretty good but you still have some dirt here." She picked at one of his fingers and then dropped his hands.

She turned to Aiden. "Come on, you next."

Aiden slowly extended his hands, this being the first time he'd ever had them inspected.

"Quickly now, child. I have dinner to prepare." Millie looked at his hands and then nodded approvingly. "Better." She turned and walked to the sink and began washing some potatoes.

Aiden leaned close to Connor. "What was that all about?"

"She like surprise inspections to see how well I'm keeping clean." He shook his head.

Aiden smiled. "I did better than you."

"This time." Connor challenged.

The cottage door opened and Bryce walked in. "I saw the new timber by the barn. You did a good job today." He moved to the other side of the table, ruffing Aiden's hair as he walked past.

"Thank you father." Connor smiled.

"Tomorrow I want you to focus on longer but thinner trees. I need to start getting the rails for the fencing ready. The thicker ones you've cut so far we'll use as the posts."

"Alright. Should I cut them from the same area, down by the river?"

"Yes, as long as you aren't thinning that area too much. If you are, move somewhere else but remember, I only want long, thin saplings."

Millie brought the evening meal to the table and they began to eat. Little was said during the meal as the boys were very hungry.

After dinner, Bryce sat the boys next to his chair and they discussed the horse the sheriff mentioned. Connor tried to describe it from the little he had seen. It was decided that in a few weeks, when they returned for the full moon, they would again ride a horse together but return with the other horse.

Aiden protested a little, questioning his ability to ride alone, but he was assured it would be fine.

Millie dried her hands on a towel and joined them. She resumed knitting and rocked back and forth slowly in her chair.

"Mother? Is it alright if Aiden and I go to bed now?" Connor asked.

Millie looked up and nodded. "Of course. You've had a productive day." She resumed knitting.

Connor rose and stopped by the table, picking up the sack of clothes the sheriff had given them. "I'll take these and put them away."

She shook her head. "No, let me wash them first. I don't know if they are clean."

"Yes!" Aiden blurted out, a little too loudly.

She eyed him curiously. "Well I'll be sure to do so tomorrow. Good night you two. Don't forget to say your prayers."

"Good night mother." Connor waved.

He and Aiden went into his room and closed the door. Connor stripped out of his clothes and crawled onto the bed. He stretched out and folded his hands behind his head.

Aiden also stripped and climbed up next to him. He pulled the blanket up so they were both covered.

"You cold?" Connor faced him.

"Nope, just want some privacy in case your mother bursts in on us." He grinned and rolled onto his side so he was facing Connor.

"Ah, gotcha." Connor nodded.

Aiden reached over and began to stroke Connor's chest. He gently brushed against his nipples and traced up and down his torso.

Connor sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the contact.

Aiden moved lower and grasped Connor's swelling cock. He rolled the head around between his thumb and finger, squeezing lightly. A soft gasp from Connor made him smile. Aiden moved his hand down a little and began gently stroking up and down the length of a now very stiff prick. "Let me know before you shoot. I don't want to make a mess in the bed."

Connor grunted and nodded, unable to form words at the moment.

Aiden grinned and increased his stroking, careful of the dry skin.

After a few minutes, Connor turned to face him. "I'm ready."

Quickly listening to the room outside, Aiden noted the gentle rocking of the Millie's chair and Bryce's boots at the table. He ducked his head under the cover and sucked Connor's penis into his mouth.

Connor inhaled quickly and fired several thick ropes of semen into Aiden's mouth. He felt the boy's mouth constricting and swallowing and then gently sliding up the length of his penis, milking the last bit of semen from the tip.

Aiden licked his lips and crawled out from under the covers, laying next to Connor, their heads both on the pillow. "You liked?"

Connor nodded, his breathing calming down. "It always feels fantastic."

"I can't wait until I can stick my cock up your butt. You will really like that." Aiden closed his eyes and rolled onto his back.

Connor grinned and nodded. "I agree." He closed his eyes and turned his head towards Aiden, breathing the scent of his friend's hair. "Good night."

Aiden mumbled an `uh huh' and the two boys drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Connor woke with the first light of the morning and roused Aiden. "Come on, time for chores."

Aiden groaned and rolled over, stretching his arms above him. "I'm up." He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "But just barely."

Connor smiled and leaned forward, kissing him on the mouth. "Then let's get going."

They climbed out of bed and dressed. The main room was dark and quiet as they left the cottage, heading towards the barn.

Together, they put the animals out to pasture, milked the cows, and collected eggs. It was still early in the morning when they returned to the cottage to find Connor's parents up and seated at the table.

"Here are the eggs and milk, mother." Connor handed her the basket of eggs and pail of milk.

"Done already?" Bryce eyed the boys.

"Yes." Connor nodded. "I thought after breakfast we can get started on gathering the wood for the fence rails."

"An excellent plan." He nodded. "If you can get enough today we can begin digging holes tomorrow."

"I'll try." Connor sat at the table.

Aiden sat next to him and yawned.

"Someone needs more sleep." Millie smiled as she placed a plate of warm eggs and bread on the table.

"Yes ma'am." Aiden nodded.

They ate breakfast quietly and as soon as they finished, Connor and Aiden went to the barn. Once inside, they again engaged in a few minutes of passionate kissing and then got to work harnessing the ox to the cart.

They spent the day cutting thin saplings to be used for the pasture rails. Once again, before returning to the barn, Connor sucked Aiden.

That night, Aiden returned the favor and they decided that would be a pleasant and safe routine to adopt.

The days passed quickly and the pasture began to take shape. It took nearly a week to dig the holes and prep the posts. The week after, they helped Connor's father begin to attach the fence rails. It was slow going as they had to keep switching the cut saplings depending on how closely they posts were to each other.

The third week since returning from the village saw the pasture nearly completed. All that remained was the gate section and one corner section. Bryce once again sent the boys to the river with the cart, to cut the last limbs they would need.

The day was much warmer than previous visits and by the time they had the cart ready to return to the barn they were drenched in sweat.

Connor wiped his brow with a cloth and squinted at the sun. "It's still early but I'm beat. I don't think I have it in me to cut anything else."

Aiden shrugged. "Will this be enough?"

"I think so. If not we can always come back tomorrow."

"Connor?" Aiden looked slightly upset.

"What is it?" Connor tucked the rag into his pocket and stepped closer.

"It's nearly the full moon." Aiden looked down at the ground.

Connor reached out and took the other boy's hands in his. "I know. I suppose we should give thought to returning to the village."

Aiden nodded and met his gaze. "Yeah...and the sheriff."

Connor released Aiden and wrapped his arms around the boy. "I feel sick over this. I don't want to go there."

"What other choice do we have? I don't want to put your parents at risk, and definitely not you."

"Could we go somewhere else?" Connor asked.

"Sure but where? We should stay around as many people as possible. Plus, we need to go see that old witch. She said to stop by next time we are in town."

"Oh right! I'd forgotten about her." Connor grinned. "Maybe she has good news for us about the priests who could help you."

"I hope so. I'll do anything to be free of this curse."

Connor kissed him briefly. "But then I won't have my wolf boy."

Aiden playfully pushed him away. "I'll still be yours, just not as hairy."

Connor laughed and pushed him back. "Come on, let's go get cleaned up."

They walked to the river and stripped out of their clothes. The early afternoon sun felt good on their skin and dried the sweat.

"Can I suck you?" Connor grabbed onto Aiden's penis.

Aiden looked out towards the far side of the river and smiled. "I've got a different idea."

Connor released his penis and turned to look where Aiden was facing. "What?"

"Follow me." He stood and walked towards the river.

Connor smiled and followed him, slipping his hand into the other boy's

They reached the riverbank and Aiden stuck a toe into the water. "Brrr...this hasn't warmed up very much."

"It doesn't get much warmer but towards the end of the summer it will be a little nicer."

"Let's hope so." He stepped into the water and pulled Connor in after him.

"Yikes! This is cold!" Connor grimaced.

"We should move across the river to that part of the bank that has been in the sun all day. It will be warmer over there." Aiden pulled him across the river.

"Do we really need to?" Connor shivered as the water reached his thighs.

"Just come on would you?" Aiden laughed.

They made their way across the river, carefully avoiding the larger rocks on the bottom. The far bank was bathed in the bright sun of early afternoon, warming the area nicely. It was a flat area about twenty feet between the water and the spot where the bank rose and became forest.

"Yeah, this will do nicely." Aiden stepped up onto the bank.

"Aiden wait!" Connor called out.

Aiden's took two steps out of the water and his foot and lower leg disappeared into the thick, creamy, black mud along the riverbank. He turned back towards the river and faced Connor. "What's wrong?"

"I was going to tell you that isn't solid ground."

"Yeah I found out several weeks ago, remember? You found me all dirty in the barn?"

"Oh yeah. I didn't know this was where you got all dirty." Connor shrugged.

"Well it wasn't here specifically but river bank mud is pretty much the same. So come on already. The sun has heated this up nicely. It's really warm." Aiden took another step and his other leg disappeared into the mud.

"You want me to stand in the mud too?"

"Well I kind of hoped we'd be doing something other than standing." He eyed Connor devilishly.

"Hmmm..." Connor looked suspicious but stepped into the mud, standing next to Aiden. His legs sank up to the knee and he noticed how warm the mud was. "You are right. The sun has heated this up nicely."

"Well of course I'm right; I'm always right." Aiden laughed and then let himself fall backwards, into the creamy, black mud.

He landed with a soft splat and sank mostly into the muck. He used his hands to sweep mud from the side and covered his abdomen and chest. It now covered him completely, except from the neck up. "This is nice and warm." He moved his arms side to side.

Connor's penis rose up from where it had been hanging, shrunken from the cold water, and pointed outward. "That looks fun."

Aiden lifted both arms out of the black mud and let them plop back down into the ooze. "So come on already, get in here with me."

Connor nodded and slowly turned around. He sat down in the mud next to Aiden and sank down so he was covered up to his abdomen. He stretched out his legs and they disappeared under the black ooze. " I am."

"Lay back next to me." Aiden encouraged.

"I'm cold."

"You won't be once you are covered. The mud is warm. Plus you won't feel the wind on your wet skin anymore."

Connor nodded slowly, as if trying to convince himself that he would be more comfortable under the mud. He cautiously lowered himself until he felt the mud on his back. "Ewww...this is slimy."

"Yeah but it feels nice." Aiden continued to cover himself with the mud, rubbing some on his neck and cheeks.

Connor wriggled his back a little and sank down into the mud. He followed Aiden's example and shoveled mud over his chest with his arms. "Actually, this is pretty warm and now that I'm not standing in the wind I do feel better."

"See? I'm right again."

Connor turned towards his friend and smiled. "You are. I just never got muddy like this before."

"To tell you the truth, I've never purposely done this but it seemed fun." Aiden laughed.

"What?" Connor maneuvered himself so he slid on top of Aiden and looked down on him. "You've never done this either?"

"Not like this specifically."

"Hmmm..." Connor looked down on him. "Well, this is kind of fun."

Aiden raised his arms out of the ooze and wrapped them around Connor. "Good. I only want to make you happy."

Connor leaned forward and kissed Aiden's mouth. "You always do." He sat up, straddling Aiden's waist. "So, what do you want to do, now that we're all dirty?"

Aiden scooped two handfuls of mud and rubbed them on Connor's chest. "Oh, we aren't `all' dirty yet." He grinned devilishly.

"Uh oh..." Connor grinned.

Aiden closed his eyes and shoveled two, large handfuls of mud onto his own face, rubbing it around and into his hair. He repeated the event and then opened his eyes.

"Now I'm all dirty, but you aren't."

"I'm muddy enough." Connor shook his head.

"Please?" Aiden looked hopeful.

Connor sighed. "Will it make you happy?"

"Uh huh." Aiden nodded.

"Very well." Connor looked down at the mud and took a deep breath. Before he could change his mind, he slid off Aiden's waist and dove headfirst into the mud. He used his hands to rub the mud into his hair and then lifted his face out of the ooze.

"Oh wow! I hadn't meant for you to dive right in." Aiden laughed. "I figured you would just rub some on your cheeks and maybe your forehead."

Connor spit mud from his mouth and shrugged. "Well, if you can get totally covered so can I."

Aiden sat up and hugged Connor, mud squishing out between them. "I love you so much."

Connor hugged him back. "I'm glad. I'd hate to think I was sitting in the mud with someone who didn't like me."

They released each other and both laughed, laying back in the mud next to each other.

Aiden shoveling more onto his chest. "So?"

Connor dragged some up onto his chest as well. "Yeah?"

"Will you make love to me?"

"I'd like to try." Connor nodded. "We could go into the hay loft I suppose."

Aiden shook his head. "No, I mean right now, right here."

"In the mud?" Connor stopped moving and rolled onto his side, sinking down into the muck.

"Yeah, it will be great." Aiden grinned.

"Do you really think so?" Connor's penis rose out of the mud.

"Yeah. We need something to make it slippery and this slimy mud should do the trick."

"Ok, I'll try. What do I do?" Connor grinned.

"Slide on over here." Aiden lifted his legs out of the mud and pulled his knees up to his chest.

Connor moved over so his erect penis was pointed at Aiden's butt. He looked around , confirming they were alone, and then scooted closer, the tip of his penis contacting Aiden's hole.

"That feels nice." Aiden grinned.

"Do I just push inside you?" Connor looked at him.

"Yea but take it slowly at first. I'll need a moment to adjust to you."

Connor nodded and inched a bit closer. He gently leaned forward and tried to push his penis into Aiden's butt. It was slow going at first, as he didn't want to injure his friend.

"You can push a little harder; I'm not made of silk." Aiden encouraged.

"It doesn't want to go in." He sat back in the mud.

"Try sticking a finger in first." Aiden encouraged him.

Connor nodded and gently pressed his finger against Aiden's hole. He smeared some mud around and then pushed inside.

"Yeah, that feels nice." Aiden relaxed and lay his head back in the mud.

Connor moved his finger in and out and side to side. He smiled and then added a second finger.

"Uhgh..." Aiden moved his hips around in the mud.

"Am I hurting you?" Conner held his hand still.

"No but it's been so long since I've done this I'm not loose anymore, not like I was."

"Should I stop?"

Aiden lifted his head out of the mud. "Hell no! Keep doing that for a little longer and then put your dick in me."

Connor nodded and resumed moving his two, muddy fingers around in Aiden's hole. He kept it up for a few more minutes and noticed the pressure around his fingers had weakened.

As if Aiden noticed the same thing, he lifted his head out of the mud. "I'm ready." He lowered his head back to the mud.

Connor removed his fingers and scooped some mud up, rubbing it against Aiden's butt. He then leaned forward and the tip of his penis popped through Aiden's ring. He let out a small gasp and stopped.

Aiden purred happily and smiled. "You ok?"

"Yeah it feels...well...really nice."

"I knew you'd like it. Go on, keep pushing."

Connor leaned down and bucked his hips gently forward. The remainder of his muddy penis slid into Aiden's butt and he felt his testicles touch Aiden.

"You are all the way inside me." Aiden cooed softly.

"Yeah." Connor nodded, his breathing labored.

"Here, wait a second." Aiden relaxed his legs and extended them, resting his ankles on Connor's shoulders. "Lean over me some more."

Connor leaned forward and Aiden tucked himself into a ball beneath him.

"Yeah, that is easier." Connor smiled. "You are sinking!" He laughed.

Aiden's body was being pushed completely under the mud, with only his head above.

"I'll be fine. Now, work yourself in and out. Go at whatever pace feels best."

Connor began thrusting and pulling out. It was similar to when he had played alone in the barn, with a cloth sack and a bale of hay, but this felt so much better.

After a few minutes, Aiden leaned back so only his lips, nose, and eyes were out of the mud. He grinned up at Connor and then sank completely under the mud. He squeezed his ass muscles, tightly gripping the penis that was moving in and out of him.

Connor felt the constriction on his penis and he couldn't hold out any longer. A great tension built inside his groin, rushing outward. He erupted inside Aiden with the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced. He thrust a few more times and then gently placed a hand behind Aiden's head and pulled him out of the mud.

Aiden spit the mud from his mouth but didn't open his eyes. In fact, it was hard for Connor to tell he had any eyes as his face was one large blob of mud. "I felt you explode inside me."

Connor was panting hard, mud and sweat dripping down onto Aiden. "I've never felt anything as powerful as that. Did it feel good to you too?"

"Yes. We are now truly joined. Two people can't get any closer that we have become." His voice wavered and he grew quiet.

Connor sensed his friend was troubled. "What's wrong? You aren't ashamed of what we just did are you?"

Aiden wiped his eyes so he could open them. "No, not at all. I just...I'm thinking about my brother, that's all."

Connor gently pulled his deflating penis from Aiden's butt and lay down in the mud next to him. He draped his arm across Aiden's chest and one leg over his legs, as best he could with the other boy under the mud, and hugged him.

"I'd like you to think of me as your brother. Is that ok?"

Aiden struggled upwards in the mud and sat up, Connor sliding off him. "Yes, it's great." He leaned over and hugged Connor, mud squishing out between them.

"Good. Now, we had better clean up and get the timber back to the barn before my parents wonder what we've been doing." Connor sat up and scraped as much mud off his face and chest as he could.

"Connor?" Aiden placed a hand on the other boy's shoulder. "Do you want to try it? Have sex?"

He turned to face Aiden and then looked down at the mud beneath them. "Yeah..."

"Are you sure? You don't sound like it. I don't want to do anything that you don't want me to."

Connor faced him. "I've known for a while now that I want to have sex with another boy, the way we just did. I don't want to do any of this stuff with Clare, just you."

"Or maybe Dillon." Aiden grinned and rubbed a handful of mud on Connor's chest.

"Yeah, that would be fun too." Connor looked away. "I just can't help thinking this is against everything I've ever been told and that I'm a bad person for having these lustful feelings, especially for another boy."

Aiden took Connor's muddy hand in his own. "Hey, listen to me. That's your parents talking, nothing more."

"My parents..." Connor faced him. "I don't even know what they would do if they heard what I just told you, or what I just did with you."

"I'm sorry. My parents weren't nearly as strict as yours. But hey...I turned out alright." He smiled.

Connor nodded and scooped up a handful of mud, rubbing it down Aiden's face. "You are better than alright."

Aiden spit mud from his mouth. "Hey, no fair!" He scooped up two handfuls of mud and rubbed it around Connor's face and then pushed him down onto his back.

Connor wiped his face with his hand and smiled. "I deserved that."

"What you deserve is to be happy." Aiden traced his fingers through the mud on Connor's chest.

"I am happy and I need to start living for myself and not worry about pleasing my parents all the time."

"That's the spirit!" Aiden smiled.

"So..." Connor slowly pulled his legs up and out of the mud, bringing his knees almost to his chest.

"Are you sure?" Aiden began stroking his own dick with a generous amount of mud.

"I am."

"I'll go slowly and if you want me to stop just say so."

Connor nodded.

Aiden wiped a handful of mud along Connor's crack and gently probed at his hole with a finger. "I'll start with just one finger." After playing at the edge for a while he pushed inside and paused, gauging Connor's reaction.

When Connor relaxed into the mud without complaint Aiden continued to move the finger around inside his butt.

For a few minutes he gently opened Connor's hole by adding a second finger, always using the mud to keep things slippery.

Connor's penis had quickly risen out of the mud and bobbed in the air to his heartbeat.

"I'm going to try entering you now." Aiden cautioned.

"Mmm..huh.." Connor didn't lift his head from the mud. His head was half sunken, the mud up to the corners of his eyes. He was thoroughly enjoying Aiden's fingers in his butt, especially when he pressed against a certain spot deep inside. He grabbed a handful of the warm mud and began stroking himself.

Gently, Aiden pressed the tip of his muddy dick against Connor's hole and just held it there. His pulse was thumping in his ears as his lust reached its highest level. Finally, he was going to have sex with the farm boy who had become like a brother.

Aiden leaned forward and the head of his dick broke through Connor's outer muscle.

Connor inhaled slightly but continued to stroke himself.

"Did that hurt much?" Aiden paused.

"No, it's fine now." Connor rolled his head from side to side in the mud.

Aiden pushed in further, feeling the tightness of Connor's virgin ass gripping his dick tightly. "I'm going to go all the way in now." He gave brief warning and then pushed fully inside, until his testicles were mashed up against Connor's butt. Fully inserted, he held that position briefly as he felt Connor's ring clamping and relaxing around the invader.

"Oh god...that feels fantastic..." Connor moaned softly.

"This will feel even better." Aiden pulled slowly out and then pushed fully inside. When he did, the head of his penis rubbed over Connor's prostate, sending a wave of pleasure through the other boy's body.

"Do that again..." Connor pleaded.

Aiden pulled out and thrust back inside.

"Yes..." Connor quickened his stroking , mud flying off his erect penis. With his other hand he scooped a large amount of mud and dropped it onto his face.

Aiden looked down on Connor, who was now almost completely under the mud, and smiled. He was both happy and amazed that Connor had given in to his desires, knowing the strict family upbringing he had endured.

Aiden grabbed Connor's ankles and positioned them on his own shoulders. He leaned forward and continued to piston in and out of Connor, pushing him back and forth in the creamy mud.

Connor's ass clamped down suddenly and he shot several globs of semen onto his muddy chest.

Aiden groaned with pleasure as the pressure on his dick increased and had is own orgasm. He shot what felt like a dozen long ropes of semen into Connor's ass. His legs gave out and he sagged forward, onto Connor's chest.

Connor wrapped his arms around Aiden and even though both of their faces were completely slimed with mud, he mashed his lips to the other boy's. It was a gritty kiss but he loved it.

Aiden bucked his hips a few more times, trying to pack his semen deeper into Connor, and then relaxed, sliding out of his friend's butt. He slipped free of Connor's muddy embrace and flopped onto his back, the sunlight warming his face.

Connor was breathing heavily and stretched in the mud. "That was incredible."

"Glad you liked it." Aiden rolled onto his side and wiped some mud off Connor's face. "We should probably give thought to getting cleaned up and head back. I bet we've been in this mud for an hour."

Connor sat up and looked down at Aiden. "Yeah, let's clean up." He held Aiden's gaze a moment longer and then, with a devilish grin, scooped up a large amount of mud and pushed it into Aiden's face. He smeared it around and then quickly got out of the mud, waded out into the river, and dove under.

He surfaced a few feet away and looked back to the mud. Aiden was standing now, wiping the mud from his face and body.

"I will get you back for that!" Aiden playfully called out.

"Come on already, get in here and clean up. I'm freezing." Connor rubbed the mud from his body and the water turned a dark color as it flowed away from him.

Aiden joined him in the water and they helped clean each other until they were free of the black muck.

Not able to stand the cold water any longer, they got out and ran back to the grassy spot in the sun, where they had left their clothes.

After a few minutes of flapping their arms and rubbing their bodies they were dry enough to dress. Connor located the ox, who had wandered off a ways, and hooked him back up to the cart. They returned to the house and unloaded the timber, laying it next to the pile they had previously gathered.

"How much more wood do we need to cut?" Aiden looked at the pile.

"I'm not sure but I would bet that's most of it."

Connor unhooked the Ox and led him into the barn for water and hay. He hung the tack on the hooks and together, he and Aiden moved the cart out of the way.

"I'm hungry." Aiden smiled.

"Mother should have dinner ready shortly. Let's go inside and see." Connor reached for Aiden's hand but quickly pulled his back. "Oops." He smiled. "None of that!"

Aiden reached down and cupped Connor's ass, gently pushing his middle finger up into his crack and against his hole. The material of his pants kept him from penetrating but the message was clear. "I wish I were back in there."

Connor pushed back playfully. "Me too. Come on, let's see what my mother is doing."

Together the boys entered the cottage and saw Connor's mother busily preparing the evening meal. His father was laying down in his room so they kept their voices low.

"We are done cutting wood mother." Connor gave her a hug.

Millie set her knife down and turned in his embrace. "Good lord boy. Your hair is all wet." She sniffed. "And you stink like the river." She lovingly pushed him away. "Shoo!"

"We had to clean all the sweat off after such a hard day's work. The river was the closest water."

"Well before we all gather at the table I want you boys to head straight to the well. And use some soap this time!" She shook her head and resumed cutting some potatoes.

Connor sighed and quietly went to his room to get his towel. He returned and motioned for Aiden to follow him back outside. The boys walked to the well and undressed.

It took a few cold minutes but soon they had soaped up and rinsed off, smelling much cleaner than the river water and hint of mud. They returned to the cottage and saw Connor's father sitting at the table.

"How did the cutting go?"

"Fine father. I don't know how much more you want us to gather."

"I'll take a look at what you've cut so far and if we need more, it will probably only be one more day's worth."

Millie arrived with dinner and for a while nothing more was said. They each chewed quietly until the meal ended.

"Boys, take care of the animals and the barn and then you should get some sleep. Tomorrow it's time to head back to the village." Bryce lit up his pipe and moved to a more comfortable chair.

"Yes father." Connor rose and pulled Aiden up by his arm. "Come on."

"Oh dear", Millie frowned. "Is it the full moon already?" She glanced at the door, noting the new wood around its frame.

Aiden faced her. "Almost. But for two days either side of the full moon he can regain his true form. Tomorrow night is the first of those two days."

"Well then you two had better plan to leave tomorrow for certain." She nodded.

"Yes mother, we will." Connor led Aiden to the barn where they began the evening chores. It took them about an hour to get the stalls prepped and return all the animals to the barn. It was dusk when they left the barn.

Connor closed the doors and slid the securing board into place. He traced the deep scratches with a finger and shuddered.

"We will be safer in the village." Aiden draped his arm around Connor's shoulders and gave a protective squeeze.

Connor leaned into Aiden and sighed. "But then we have to stay with Morgan." He spat on the ground. "One monster is as bad as the other."

Aiden nodded. "I suppose you're right."

The boys returned to the house and after saying goodnight retired to Connor's room. He closed the door behind them, not caring if his mother would want it left partially open. Connor removed his boots and then undressed. He quickly pulled his sleeping pants on and shivered briefly before jumping under the covers.

"Still chilled from the river?" Aiden asked as he undressed and pulled Connor's other sleeping pants up to his waist.

"Yeah but I'll be warm once you get in here next to me." Connor pulled the cover up to his chin.

Aiden shook his head and crawled under the covers. He leaned over and kissed Connor on the cheek and then scooted closer. "This better?"

Connor nodded and grasped Aiden's hand. "Uh huh."

"I'll make sure I stay right up against you all night." Aiden chuckled.

"Damn right you will." Connor moved his hand down and rubbed Aiden's groin.

Aiden moaned quietly and scooted closer. "You keep doing that and I'm going to make a mess in these pants."

"After our fun today I just want to do it again and again, never stop." Connor pulled his hand away and folded them over his chest.

"I know, I feel the same way." Aiden stretched.

"Good night wolf boy." Connor smiled.

"Good night farm boy." Aiden closed his eyes.

Next: Chapter 10

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