Connors Compulsion

Published on Jul 15, 2022


Connor's Compulsion Chapter 11

Connor's Compulsion - Chapter 11 – A Stand-off

In this story sexual situations are depicted involving underage boys which are very graphic, and will get even more extreme as the story unfolds. If you're under the age of 18, or the material is offensive to you, or is illegal in your locale, stop now and

read no further. You have been warned.

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In this chapter Connor is still very disgusted with DeAndre. His erotic desires haven't really diminished, but the introduction to scat in the last chapter has left him angry and confused. He remains a very horny, perverted little kid, but he has to find other ways to be satisfied. Be aware: this time the action is not so nasty. If you are averse to scat, don't worry - this chapter doesn't include any of that particular element. Now, on with the story:

Connor's anger over DeAndre's nasty abuse simmered down a little, but the boy was still mad as hell at the black bully – because that's exactly what he is: a bully. As days passed there were a couple of developments, or in one case, a non-development. Connor had feared that what DeAndre had done was bound to make him sick, but it didn't. He suffered no apparent ill effects at all; and he wondered about that. But the thing that did change was another surprise: Amazingly DeAndre was completely laying off him. Only once or twice did he even catch a glimpse of the tall black teen in the moiling crowd when the magnate school kids had to pass through the gauntlet. Connor wondered about that, too. But, on the whole, the boy was satisfied just to be left alone.

At breakfast with his mom on Monday morning she set a delicious-looking Belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream in front of her adorable son. He looked up with a curious expression. "It's just a little pre-birthday treat," she said, ruffling his soft blonde hair, "Friday's the big day. You'll be 13, a teenager," and after a pause, "I can hardly believe it. Are you too old for me to throw a birthday party for you?"

Connor beamed at her, diving into his waffle like a starving man. "That's OK Mom," he mumbled between bites, "I don't need a party, but can Evan come over for a sleepover Friday night?" It had been a while since he and Evan had "gotten together"; and, now that he wouldn't have to think about his Saturday sex games with DeAndre, his life could return to something close to normal. Sure, he wanted to have his friend over; but the truth was that he was feeling pretty horny, and some fun with Evan would be a lot better than some lame party.

"OK, I don't see why not," his mother smiled, "I have a little paperwork I can do at home; so, sure, it'll be a fun birthday for you." Connor nodded and grinned, and continued to wolf down his waffle. Yes, it would definitely be fun. His mom had no idea just how fun_._

At school he still saw no sign of DeAndre. Preoccupied with going through the books in his locker, he didn't notice when the black teenager appeared behind him. Leaning close to his ear DeAndre said in a hoarse whisper, "Hey, man, I'm sorry. That was fucked up." It was totally uncharacteristic for the black bully to ever say he was sorry for any of the cruel torments he inflicted on so many kids. The much smaller blonde boy turned and gave him a piercing look, but said nothing. He suddenly realized what a risk DeAndre was taking. Talking to Connor quietly and not whaling on him was liable to raise questions. The black teen hadn't even faked beating up on him.

"Just leave me the fuck alone." Connor hissed as he slammed his locker and stormed off toward the stairs to his upstairs classes. Later, at lunchtime, Connor invited Evan to the sleepover. "It's my birthday, but it isn't, like, a party, you know. It'll just be you and me." Evan was thrilled. He had sensed a little distance between them over the past few weeks, and it had been weeks since their last sleepover; so his best friend was relieved that everything was OK. Connor went on, "Mom offered to take us to the Omni-Max after school, and said she would give us some money for dinner and let us hang out at the mall before the show."

The week passed uneventfully – still no confrontations with DeAndre. After so much fooling around with the big black teen Connor was feeling unsatisfied without it. He was really looking forward to the sleepover with Evan. He wondered idly if Evan had started to make cum yet. "Nah," he thought, "He would've told me if he could." Friday came, and Connor's mom got home early to take him and Evan to the mall and Omni Theater. She gave Connor four twenties, and told him to have fun. It was enough to cover the tickets and dinner at the food court – with cash left over. The boys headed for Bela's Pizza and decided to buy a whole deluxe pizza. They found a table and started scarfing it down. "Hey Connor," Evan grinned, "That old guy over there is checking us out." Connor turned, not so subtly, and looked at the middle-age man, who smiled back at the deliciously cute boys. "See," Evan giggled, his mouth half stuffed with pizza, "I bet he wants to suck on our pee-pees." He went into a fit of laughter, and then made his favorite obscene motion of circling his fingers and bringing his hand to his mouth in a dick-sucking gesture. He even used his tongue to poke out his cheek as if there was a big cock going in his mouth, just as he had done with Gabe at the skate park.

The dirty little display was not lost on the man. In fact, it made his dick twitch in his pants as he watched the two stunning boys cutting up. Yes, he would have loved getting those two in his car for a little fun. After finishing his drink, the man was drawn to Connor and Evan like a moth to a flame. Walking casually over and then awkwardly standing by their table he quietly asked, "You guys want to go over to the Game Station? I'll treat."

"Uh, that's OK, we don't have time. We're going to the movie in a few minutes," Evan told him. Self-consciously the man turned and walked away. "See, I told you he had the hots for us!" he hooted, "We could ask him to go to the movie with us. I could use a blowjob." Connor told him to shut up, and looked around to see if anyone had heard all that. They still had time after the pizza was devoured, so they ambled around the mall. When they reached Spencer's Gifts they ducked inside. The place was pretty busy, so they were able to sneak back into the adult area unnoticed. They loved all the naughty stuff, but knew they couldn't get by with buying any of it. "Look at this," Evan said, holding up a box, " `Weenie Linguine Penis Shaped Pasta'. Cool. Maybe your mom would cook some of this for us." Connor frowned and shook his head.

"This is messed up. Look," Connor pointed at an `Ass Tray Ash Tray'. It featured a pink ass sticking up in the middle of a ceramic ash tray. A large hole was thoughtfully provided for a cigarette to be snuffed out between the tiny ass cheeks. Evan picked up the obscene ashtray, held it to his face, and poked his tongue into the hole, laughing hysterically. But what they both thought was hilarious was the Li'l Dick in a Box. It was a like a small jack-in-the box, only with a little rubber dick that popped out on a spring. `The Gift That Keeps Giving' it said on the package. They were busily playing with the open sample on the shelf, making the little penis pop out over and over again, when a store clerk walked over and demanded that they leave. "Well," Connor said, acting hurt, "We'll take our business elsewhere then!"

At the Omni box office it suddenly dawned on him that he was now 13, and so was Evan. He would have to start buying adult tickets now. He looked at the bored teenager selling tickets, and politely asked, "How old do you think I am?" When the blank-faced girl said `I dunno, maybe eleven', Connor just smiled sweetly, and said, "Right." He got away with paying for two child's tickets, but he was a little pissed that she thought he looked eleven.

There weren't many people at the showing, and none at all near their seats. Feeling horny and a little bold, they felt each other off in the darkness, but were not quite comfortable with pulling their pants down or even unzipping. Squeezing Evan's very hard dick through the fabric, Connor leaned over and whispered, "I think yours has gotten bigger." Evan grinned and nodded, using his fingers to massage his friend's equally firm little boy-dick. "If you don't stop I'm gonna..." Connor whispered, glancing around to be sure no one was watching. Evan pulled back his hand and Connor did the same, and both boys turned their attention to the movie again. They would have their fun later.

As they left the movie theater, Evan asked, "Did you hear about the guy that took his girlfriend to a movie, and got some popcorn in one of those fold-out boxes, you know. At their seats he pushed his hard dick through the bottom of the box; and when his girlfriend reached for some popcorn, she felt his big ole dick in there." Evan giggled uncontrollably at his own story, and went on, "Oh, man, I swear it's true. My cousin's next door neighbor actually knew the guy that did it. We could'a done that. Butter or no butter?"

After the movie the boys walked outside, and there was Connor's mom patiently waiting – just as she had said she would be. It was late, but though both boys were officially teenagers, she still needed to hover; so she was there – right on time – when they came out of the theater. On the short drive home she smiled at the two kids acting silly in the back seat. They didn't sound like teenagers – she would have thought they were 7-year-olds giggling and cutting up.

At home she admonished them to "get some sleep", but before the words were out of her mouth she knew it was a pointless suggestion. Connor and Evan thundered up the stairs with "'Night Mom," and "'Night Mrs.Sinclair," echoing down the stairway. She shook her head and smiled, "Boys..." she whispered to herself, "You gotta love `em."

Predictably when the boys were behind closed doors, they began to strip. Just to be safe, Connor locked the door, though he doubted that his mother would come up there; and then he switched on his computer. Within a few clicks the kids were on a twink website with free videos. "Have you ever seen this?" Connor asked, scrolling through the selection of sex scenes. When he found what he wanted he clicked on it, and a full screen image popped up. It was an extreme close-up of a mouth with a dick head resting on the tongue. There is a barely discernible "Ooooh yeahhhh," background sound as the penis starts oozing a big cum load right onto the thrust-out tongue of what looks like a young teenage boy, not much older than 13 or 14. The flow of cum doesn't shoot out wildly like most cum-eating scenes, but rather oozes out in a slow-moving viscous, almost lumpy discharge, completely covering the kid's tongue. When the last jizz gobs burble out the mouth closes, lips come together, and there is a faintly audible gulp as the creamy load is neatly swallowed. Then the kid opens his mouth to show that he's done a good job. The short video continues with a couple of more similar cum-eating scenes, one showing more of the boy's face almost in profile – and he does look like he could be maybe 13 or 14. Connor quickly hops to another video – this one apparently of the same kid, but with the dick coming from a different angle, pointing from above and aiming right onto the boy's tongue. As the thick cum rolls out of the piss hole and flows down a voice can be heard murmering, "Mmmm, that was a good one," answered by a much higher-pitched "Mmmmmmm."

Connor knew he had to be careful. If he let on that he had gained a lot of experience Evan would want to know if he had been messing around with someone else. They pulled up more videos, but were soon so boned up that they needed to get some relief. Evan lay back on the bed, scratching his tight little nuts, and Connor got between his outspread legs to take his friend's very firm perfect cock between his warm lips. "Mmmmm," he moaned, mimicking the boy in the video, and he let Evan's plump dick flip stiffly out of his mouth, "Yeah, Evan, your dick is definitely bigger." Then he took it back into his mouth and began teasing it with his tongue. Still, Evan's small cock was nowhere near as big as DeAndre's, so Connor was able to take it all into his mouth so that the grape-size head nestled right at the opening of his throat. With one hand he massaged his friend's little balls as his moved his lips up and down the slender white shaft.

Evan groaned and grabbed Connor's blonde head to stimulate his throbbing dick faster. He loved the way Connor tickled it with his tongue as he sucked. Was that new? Arching his back Evan tried to poke his boy-cock deeper into his friend's throat as his climax built. Neither boy was new at sex, and rather than being shy and fumbling as pre-internet kids probably had been, they imitated the hard-core sex acts they had watched so many times while beating their immature little dicks. If there had been someone filming the boys could have passed for professional porn stars, kiddie porn stars.

At last Evan groaned and froze with his back arched upward, and – for the very first time - squirted a watery load of young teen cum deep into Connor's sucking mouth. The blonde boy didn't even give it much thought before he started gulping it down. He realized that Evan had actually shot cum in his mouth, and maybe he should have reacted with more shock, but he couldn't help swallowing. "Awwww fuckkkk," Evan gasped, "That was fuckin' awesome!" When both kids had flopped back onto the bed, and had caught their breath, Evan grinned at Connor and asked, "Could you tell when I shot cum in your mouth?" Conner smiled and nodded, and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. "You swallowed it. That's so fuckin' hot," he went on excitedly, "I didn't tell you `coz I wanted it to be a surprise. I started shooting cum about a week ago. I was watching some porn and jacking off, when all of a sudden, wham, drops of cum started, like, spraying all over the place – like a fuckin' sprinkler. It wasn't a lot, but if felt so amazing. Since then I've done it every day. I couldn't wait to show you."

"Well, you showed me all right," Connor laughed, "Sooooo, I finally got to taste cum. It's not so bad – a little weird, but OK. Have you tasted it yet?" The sweet blonde boy couldn't tell his friend that he had swallowed lots of thick cum – not just a thin little squirt or two – from DeAndre's big black cock.

Evan smiled guiltily, and said, "Yeah. I did it like some of those guys online who suck their own dicks. I can't do that. My dick isn't big enough; but I got it right over my mouth and jacked off `til the cum shot straight in," and after a thoughtful pause he went on, "It's not that bad, but I wouldn't want to have to eat a lot of it," and then, "Can you cum yet?" His cute blonde friend smiled a little wistfully, and shook his head. He was jealous that his sex buddy had started making semen before him. Then without hesitation Evan leaned down and began to suck Connor's still very hard little stalk. He tightened his lips around it and moved his head up and down and tried to use his tongue like his best friend had. Evan liked doing it – he loved the naughtiness of having sex in Connor's bedroom and of checking out some seriously fucked-up porn. And he kind of liked giving his suck buddy blowjobs, but he had to admit that Connor was `way better at dick sucking.

Before Connor reached his climax he pulled his stiff little dick out of Evan's mouth, changed positions, and maneuvered his friend so he was on his hands and knees, and his cute butt was sticking up in the air. Then Connor planted his angelic face squarely in his friend's trench, and started licking and kissing it, not seeming to notice or care about the funky boy ass odor and taste he found there. Right after the incident with DeAndre, Connor had decided that rimming anyone's asshole was disgusting; but now – here with his good friend – he couldn't help himself. He wanted to do it. His pointy tongue plunged in and out of Evan's hairless little hole, tongue-fucking him until his schoolmate moaned in pleasure. Eating out his friend's ass was making him so hard his dick was like a steel spike. As he lapped at Evan's quivering hole his thoughts wandered to DeAndre's black ass. What would it have been like if Evan had done what DeAndre did? Would he have been OK with it?

He had to get some relief, and soon; so he took one last swipe at Evan's asshole with his tongue, roughly rolled his young friend over onto his back, and straddled Evan's head. Evan opened his mouth, and Connor shoved his slender dick in deep. Stretching out over Evan's head Connor mouth-fucked him good, hunching his hips rapid-fire, desperate to reach his orgasm – and wishing he could flood his buddy's mouth and feed him a huge cum load. When Connor reached his peak he arched his bald groin downward, pressing Evan's head into the softness of the mattress; and at the same time lifted his torso and head high up with his arms like a wolf baying at the moon. The boy's ecstatic climax was like an electrical charge coursing through his slender body. Again and again his little dick pulsed in Evan's mouth. But there was no cum for the young dick sucker to swallow – not yet.

Collapsing from the exertion, Connor's body draped over his friend's head. "Mmmmffff," came muffled sounds from Evan. Connor's softening dick was still lodged in his mouth. Grabbing the limp blonde boy by his hips Evan managed to roll out from under him. "Damn Connor," the brown-haired boy gasped, "You nearly smothered me!" Then both boys giggled, and rolled close together. Settling down Evan said in a low voice, "That was pretty awesome – just like a real porn video," and he went on, "You did that thing again, you know...sticking your tongue in my asshole." Connor smiled shyly and nodded. "You like doing that?" Evan continued, "I mean it feels incredible, but ..."

"But what?" Connor whispered.

"I don't know," Evan answered thoughtfully, "It's just kinda weird is all. I've seen it in a lot of porn, but mostly guys are just getting ready to fuck. Ya know? But I just don't think I want to do it." He yawned, and within a few more minutes both naked boys were sound asleep.

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Dan Price

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Next: Chapter 12

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