Consented Enslavement

By Subtoy Kimy

Published on Jan 22, 2005


Consented Enslavement (Chapter 1) by Subtoy_Kimy < >

Warning: This story is about gay sex and domination between young adults. If this subject offends you, or if it is illegal in the country where you live, or if you are under 18, then read no further and quit this page now.

(c) Subtoy_Kimy 2004 - All rights reserved


I badly waited for the weekend to have my so deserved rest.

I had spent this month of July, being uninterruptedly subjected to some exhausting treatments, and unbearable humiliations, serving Kevin, a college mate whom I first was attracted to, but who slowly managed to seduce me, and obsess me, till I had no choice left, but to offer myself to his total ownership, and he became my kind of Master.

Every cell of me was at his entire disposal, and I served him with all my body and my soul, almost every afternoon and evening, since our College summer season had started. Finally, he was generous and kind enough to release me for the whole weekend, because, as he said: "I'll be busy training for the Sunday afternoon match, so you better have a good rest, cause if 'we' win, 'we' will celebrate, and subject you to things you never thought to be possibly bearable. And if 'we' happen to loose, it'll be even worse... So you better pray 'we' win, and have a good rest anyway. You will surely need it... Is that clear?"

"Yes Master, it is.... but ahrrr... mm... may I ask who's 'we'?" I dared, very politely.

"Ow! Sure," he said, with a cynical kindness, "I'll be with some new jocks of our team."

"Umghhh!" I swallowed my throat, with panic.

"I promised them a hot surprise," he added.

That was on a Friday morning. The last Friday of July.

But let me get back to where it all started...

For some reason I never knew, Kevin Mc Stuart attempted the Computer Animation Section of TC College, two or three weeks after the first semester had started. He was 19 years old, and yet, tremendously gorgeous.

On his 6.2 feet tallness, anyone would bet he belonged to one of those slender voleyball or basketball players, but his overall body is rather sculpted like swimmers. The unusual and almost insolent beauty of his face, gifted him to gain a self-confidence, like none of us, in our early 20ties had. Silky curls of his light brown hair covered his forehead, to just above the limit of his thin and wavy eyebrows, and dropped on the sides of his neck. Everyone agreed that his beauty is such that it surely would inspire any of the Manga hero creators. At a first glance to his milky white skin, to his dark blue eyes, or to the almost feminine details of his face, noone could ever expect the hardness of character that hides behind that much delicacy. But, judging on his superior attitude, and on the awesome quietness of his face expression, though through his black metal sunglasses, (or because of them), it becomes obvious that he has much more of an agressive butch, than a friendly kind of boy scout.

Everyone talked to him politely, and with a kind of respect that was unusual between us. It was noticeable that even our professors dealt with him differently, and as if he had come from outer space. In the classrooms, when no course was given, we all used to mess up and around, but at the moment he entered, silence prevailed.

There was not a girl in all TC College who wouldn't die for him, or do anything to catch his eyes, or his attention, hoping for a date, and the thing is that he knew it. By just clapping his fingers, he had them all at his feet. Of course, he took advantage of that, and though he was known as Mr. Heartbreaker, he had the ones he wanted, whenever he wanted.

In less than a school year time, he had fucked with most of those who were commonly known as the sexiest beauties of all TC, and the hardest to get, but he never had a further relation with any one of them. In privacy, he showed the hardest side of him, and he treated them like nothing, with kind of an offhand hardness. He could fuck all night with a girl, then the very next day, he could cruely pass across her way ignoring her, just as if he had never met with her before. Most of them ended desperately crazy, or madly in love with him, and this was enough reason for him to throw them away from his life, and leave them at the border of a nervous breakdown...

Even boys fell in the trap of his irresistible beauty, and it cost some of them a tough price, when joining the club of his victims. Of course, no one could ever confirm that Kevin was bi, because not a boy ever pretended to have had a sexual relation with him, but what was broadly known is this: If he learned or noticed that a boy was sexually attracted to him, he made it a self enjoyment to turn the guy on, and give him strong hopes, while using his power on the girls to strike him with an awfully cruel jealousy. Then he gave him renewed and increased hopes again, and so he played this sadistic game of alternated hopes and desperations, until the guy was turned mad with frustrated desires, and ready to fall down on his knees.

Till the midterms exams came, nothing has hinted me that I was Mr. Heartbreaker's next and ultimate target. Why me? I just don't know. Of course I always knew that I am very cute, as I am often told, but I never behaved as such, and I never really believed I was much cuter than many other guys. And was that enough reason, anyway? But no matter what the reason was, the thing is that he had planned to submit me, and I had just started to feel something about it.

Yet, at this time, I just didn't want to admit that I was secretly attracted to him, but I was. Indeed, never a boy has had such an impact on me, but I knew from others' experience how dangerous it would be to show it. So the question for me was to know how long I could hide it, and keep my feeling under control. Say, when we went supporting our TC football team, where he played as a striker, I just couldn't take my eyes out of him, for as long as the match was played. Anyone who would have watched me then, could have surely guessed that I also was becoming crazy with him.

On Mondays and Thursdays afternoon, we both happen to have empty periods, so we got used to meet at the Cafeteria, where we chatted and joked about things and others. Though he was about two years younger, I really was proud to show that I was one of those few privileged whom he sake to join. But beside that, I had my heart beating like hell, as long as he was there.

One day, we kept on chatting till everyone had left, and we found ourselves alone. The weather was hot that day, and I wore short pants. He was simply telling me about the hardness of a new football training exercise, and while he explained how burning it felt, he laid his hands on my knees, and brushed firmly against my thighs. Of course, this was like a spontaneous gesture that naturally came along with his explanation, but I just didn't expect the sensation of it. The palms of his cold hands were so firm and so smooth, and his long fingers so graceful, that I felt I was like electrified. I never thought one could be turned on that fast. Later that day, when I went into my room, and I got on my own, I jerked off and ejaculated twice in a raw, while in my hottest fantasies, he was the actor.

Form this very moment, and with my awakening and growing desire for him, something in our relation has started to change, cause day after day, Kevin invaded my mind.

I passed the mid June finals with distinction.

After the finals, more than half of the students left the campus, either for summer jobs, or for training, or just for holidays, while the rest chose to take summer credits, which both of us happen to do.

My room was on the second floor of the gents' dorm building, while he had rented a furnished flat nearby the campus. He shared it with a bunch of four British students, whose fathers were somehow related to the British Council. No one in TC held those guys in his heart, cause they were extremely snobbish, and never wanted to mix with the others. Of course, they were all nicely handsome guys, looked perfectly preppy and clean, and they were also undeniably cute, but the thing is that they knew it, and always behaved as such. The four of them, but especially the Woodward cousins, Frederik and Adrian, used to consider people with kind of a defensive politeness, along with a superior attitude, that built an unbreakable cold barrier where only cool friendship should have its place. I always wondered how Kevin could get along with these guys, but of course, never could ask.

For the three months of summer, the 'snobbrits', (as we got used to call them), were all back in England, so Kevin had his flat for his own.

"Why don't you come over and be my guest? You'd save three months of rent," he said to me.

"Ow!... Thanks Kevin. I really appreciate, but July's already pre-paid," I replied, without hiding my surprise.

"What about the rest?"

Deep inside me, I was as much tempted and thrilled by his proposal, as I was scared about it. And I was even more scared to say 'no'.

"But Kevin, we're still in June," I just said, "let's not think about it now."

I expected he would insist and reiterate his offer for as long as he didn't get my word, but he didn't. He only said something that I couldn't catch, because it sounded as if he had talked to himself. It's only few weeks later, that I will learn that what he said then, was:

"No problem, you will soon beg for it."


What I didn't realize then, is that a process, which inevitably leads to my enslavement, was on the rails, and it went out of my control to step back. My total submission was a matter of days, and the ball was in Kevin's hands...

(To be continued)

P.S. I apologize if my English is what it is. Readers who know French would probably guess that I couldn't get rid of thinking in French, though writing in English.

Names featuring in this story are fictional and totaly invented. If they happen to belong to existing people and / or places, it's only by pure coincidence.

All your comments (positive or negative), your corrections, and suggestions, are mostly welcome. < >

Next: Chapter 2

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