Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Mar 2, 2020


Making sure I was still watching - like I could look away - Ryan stroked down His long thick shaft from the base to the slit, getting a giant glob of precum and piss mixture on His fingers. My faggot mouth reflexively fell open and He took that one step forward to shove first one, then two, then three fingers in my mouth. I sucked on His strong fingers, our eyes locked, showing Him what a good cocksucker I would be (even though I knew His big cock would be a struggle!).

Thinking of sucking Him, my eyes traveled down His lithe muscular body from His shoulders to chest to abs to that big cock and low hanging sac. He pulled his fingers out of my mouth and casually began tucking that huge erection back in His boxers and pulling up His jeans. I literally wanted to cry...why was He putting His big cock away?!

"OK faggot - you've had your fun for now. There's still a lot to do here so you need to clean up this piss with your tongue. Set up your phone to video that but don't send it to me. Then finish all the jobs we had for today and update me as you finish each one. Understood?"

The problem was, I did understand - specifically that even with help I would be here until after dark and without help I would be here until the early hours of the morning even if everything went right. These thoughts were fast but He was faster - His open palm connected with my cheek, sending spit flying into the pool of His piss. Surprise overruled my fear, and instinctively I said "YES SIR" much louder than I would have suspected I was able to at that point. His grin widened and He walked out.

When He was out the door, I felt an emptiness in me that scared me. My eyes followed Him as He glanced over His shoulder and said "don't let that cool off" and I knew He meant the piss. I crawled around licking up His piss and as my aching knees reminded me of the abuse, remembered His instructions so set up my phone to video the rest of the cleanup. My tongue hurt and I got dust and debris in my mouth but I knew my place.

When I felt He would be pleased, I watched the video. I was humiliated at the way I eagerly licked up every drop, even unsupervised, and saw the abject look on my face. How far had I fell? My phone went off and it was Him: "You haven't even gotten one thing done yet? Are you stupid, faggot?"

I quickly jumped up and looked around desperately for the quickest, easiest job, instinctively knowing that telling Him I hadn't started was a terrible idea. For the next several hours I rushed around, putting as much effort as I could into doing things right and sending Him regular updates. For several hours I made decent progress, not always hearing back from Him but occasionally getting a "good boy" or "good faggot" back. My breath smelled like His piss and indeed the whole house did, and I realized my little cock was leaking precum constantly, soaking the pouch of my briefs. I was exhausted too, and I started making mistakes, and as my progress slowed He texted and said "You really are worthless aren't you?"

"Yes Sir I am sorry Sir. I am a worthless faggot" I typed, even though what I wanted to say was "I haven't eaten in hours and I hurt everywhere and I can't concentrate because I am still dreaming about Your cock."

I didn't know what else to type and was about to hit send when headlights pulled up out front. It was a quiet street and I recognized Ryan's truck. He stepped out and said "Aren't you?" to which I of course responded in the positive. As He sauntered towards me I realized He had been drinking and was looking cocky and sexy as ever. The sight of Him triggered my sub side and I sunk to my knees in worship.

This brought a big smile to His face. "We've got to be back out here early. You didn't totally fuck up so You can drive me home but I gotta piss first." He had stopped just outside so I crawled out the door and down the steps and stopped at His feet. I looked up at him with adoration and He breathed "Yes boy" letting me know I could undo His zipper. His big cock was mostly soft but still a hot big slab of meat as I pulled it out and guided it to my lips.

He was less aggressive this time and let out big streams then stopped so I could swallow. I'd say "comfortably" but that would be a lie - I felt like I would gag, choke, drown, but He just kept letting me swallow at a speed between what I could handle and how badly He needed to piss. As we got towards the end I realized His cock was growing and that I was feeling a little dizzy - lack of oxygen and digesting His recycled beer!

He pulled His big cock out out of my mouth and stashed it away again then reached in His pocket and turned towards His truck, tossing His keys at me. I was watching Him and it was dark so they hit my face and fell to the ground, making Him laugh out loud. "Hurry up, faggot!" Heading Him call me that outside the limits of the house had me worried and drooling.

As I drove, He mostly ignored me except to give directions. I finally asked, "Sir, what about my car?" and He turned and looked me straight in the face, apparently having sobered up.

"Boy, you are right to be thinking about practical matters but also need to stay focused on making my life easier. We have to be back there in just a few hours so you'll be sleeping at my place." My mind was racing - what about His wife? where would I sleep? would I see Him naked? - but before i could verbalize a question He said, "And that's all you need to know now. It's just around the corner there."

We were in a part of town close to where I had heard Him say He lived, but it occurred to me He hadn't mentioned His wife and we might be going somewhere else. As we walked in I saw a small neat house with very little in the way of possessions. He said "put the keys on the counter and get on your knees" as He flopped down on the sofa, legs spread. I groaned as I hit my sore knees and my eyes were drawn to His bulge. He was silent until I looked at His face - His perfect, sexy face.

"You are here to serve me. Period. You can look at my crotch all you want but need to always be aware if I want or need anything. I shouldn't have to tell you this or ever wait for your attention. You understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy, follow me" He said as He stood up. Following his skinny little butt, I quickly looked up to make sure I didn't miss anything - trying to read His mind and body. As He walked He pulled off His shirt showing off His muscular back and dropped the shirt on the floor. I picked it up and I followed Him to the bathroom door. I hesitated - He hadn't told me I could or could not follow but this seemed private - when He turned and said "come get me undressed so I can shower."

Could this really be happening? I sank to my knees in the small bathroom right in front of Him and He rubbed my head like a dog - I was in heaven. "Shirt" He said and I handed Him His now dry sweat-soaked shirt. He covered my face in it and said "breathe your god's scent boy" and I inhaled. Something in my mind turned off and I just lived His scent. There was nothing outside of Him. He pulled the shirt away and moved one boot forward. I reached down to untie it and He growled "no hands boy."

Fuck. His mood seemed to change so often, my head was spinning. I used my teeth to untie and pull loose the laces on one boot, taking too long. He said "hurry up faggot" and I did my best in a frenzy, not knowing if He would be pleased or not. He kicked off that boot and a wave of odor from His foot overcame me - I groaned deeply and bowed further to get closer. But even in my fog I knew I was there to please Him so I quickly bit down on the end of His sock to pull it off. The other boot and sock came off in the same manner, then He shimmied out of His jeans and boxers.

Oh my God. He was standing there naked, every inch more perfect than the last. He looked down at me and I panicked - what do I do to please Him? - then jumped up and turned on the water. He smiled and stepped in, enjoying the hot water cascading over His smooth skin. After getting wet He said "unless you want those clothes to get wet you might want to take them off before cleaning me."

I was embarrassed for Him to see me naked of course - I was old and fat and ugly. He didn't react until I pulled off my underwear and my tiny cock came out - then He threw His head back and laughed and said "you poor little bastard." I was mortified but He handed me a bar of soap and I got to work on lathering Him up without comment.

My shame was replaced by lust for this Man. I reveled in soaping up every nook and cranny, spending extra time on His big cock, sexy sac, little ass crack, feet and armpits. I almost didn't want to soap them up so I could smell and lick them but He was tired and I knew this was not about me. He took the soap from me and handed me the shampoo. I massaged His scalp and neck and He was really enjoying it when I realized I was too - my little dick was rock hard, throbbing and leaking! Fuck, please don't let Him see!!!

He stepped into the water and rinsed off while my eyes devoured His ass. He turned around, opened His eyes and saw my little dick. He laughed again and said "that might be the last hard-on you'll ever have boy" and stepped out to let me towel Him off. I didn't know what His comment meant but was scared.

"Shower and then sleep at the foot of the bed" He said as He walked out. He had left His clothes laying on the floor and my cock was already thinking about getting stroked while I smelled His shirt and boxers, but the last thing I heard Him say from the hallway was "obviously you won't be touching your little cock boy...don't even soap up that clit or think about it."

I stood there stunned, about to cry from frustration, but my muscles moved me into the shower and I mechanically cleaned up then walked into His room, seeing Him sprawled out naked on the bed, a thin sheet on the floor at the foot of the bed where I was to sleep Resigned, seeing it was 3:17am and we had to be back at 7, I fell to the floor and tried to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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