Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Apr 20, 2020


I tried to calm down, my balls hurting and my brain scrambled. I took off at a jog towards Ryan's house and finally settled into a fog of nothingness which let me run better than I expected. I knocked but got no response so texted Him. Standing there feeling foolish, hoping no one saw me clearly waiting for my Owner to acknowledge me. Finally about 10 minutes later I got a text saying to hold on a minute boy. Finally the door opened and there my God stood, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel, fresh out of the shower.

God He looked amazing and I really wanted to fall to my knees but He just snapped His fingers and said "Key" which I immediately handed over. He pocketed it and said "Where's dinner? Did I not tell You to bring food?'

I knew I was trapped and this was part of His game. Instead of arguing -- we both knew who would win! - I said "I am a stupid faggot Sir and forgot. May I go get it now?"

"Yes boy, and be sure to stop at the ATM for Daddy." I nodded my understanding as He relieved me of my gym bag and said, "Off you go, faggot!" I tried to think about which route was best when He smacked my ass HARD. I looked over my shoulder and His cocky grin -- and growing cock -- showed me how much He enjoyed this game. "Didn't want you to forget about me, bitch."

I ambled off then broke into a run as He shouted "Faster boy!" down the street. I decided to hit the ATM first and took out the daily max since He hadn't specified, then ran to the store and texted Ryan asking if there was anything particular He wanted for dinner. He told me to pick and I gathered steak and potatoes, trying to keep it simple. I knew this wasn't a date obviously but it was a chance for me to serve Him and be around Him. I walked to His place as quickly as I could, finding the door slightly ajar so I went in and He was on the couch on His laptop. He looked up briefly and said, "What did you get?"

"Steak and potatoes, Sir -- I hope that's OK." (I said it as a sign of submission but really didn't think He would argue.)

"You should have checked with me to make sure that was OK boy. Put it in the fridge and go back and get chicken and veggies."

Fuck. More miles, more time away from Him. I think my pace was faster because I couldn't wait to get back to Him, and I made sure to text Him from the store before checking out and heading back. He took His time responding -- another favorite control trick of His -- as I stood around the store feeling like an idiot. He wanted a picture to make sure it was right so I laid out the food in the basket and snapped a photo. He waited again and told me to get organic or free-range chicken and more veggies. Fuck, this is taking forever and I was so antsy to get back to Him. It was almost an hour before I had it all right and was leaving but when I walked outside I heard a honk and there He was in His truck with a huge grin on His face -- and a huge bulge in His shorts. "You're wasting my time faggot - get in."

My head was spinning but it was nice to have a ride instead of walking. As we walked in His place He told me to get the chicken marinating and then assume my position in the corner in the living room. I did as instructed, and crawled from the kitchen into the living room facing the corner. A glance before I got there showed me Ryan back on the couch relaxing, scrolling through TV channels. A few minutes later He drawled, "I need a foot massage faggot" so I crawled over and massaged His beautiful feet and legs. His head rolled back and He moaned deep, His breath speeding up. God I loved His reactions. Just as I thought I might get His now-hard cock He said, "Enough boy, I wanna watch the rest of this game. Be my footstool."

I was shocked but knew intuitively what He wanted. I got on all 4s and He put both feet on my back then totally ignored me for the rest of the game. I wasn't sure how to feel but my little clit was leaking so I must like it! When the game was over He removed His feet and said "Look at me boy." He stretched His legs out showing off His muscles and big bulge then stood up, towering over me and told me to kneel. I moved quickly, my body sore and aching, and He stepped forward so His crotch was in my face basically and hugged my head to Him. It was so fucking intimate and hot, I wanted to stay there forever. He ran His hand over the back of my head and neck, saying "That's a good faggot" just loud enough for me to hear Him. I was in Heaven!

"Corner!" snapped me out of it and I quickly crawled away into the corner, a little dejected and feeling empty. I was pretty sure He left the room but came back in a minute of two and said "Feet, boy." I went to work on His feet again but He shook His head and said, "I just need you at my feet so we can talk boy, OK?" I nodded, a little scared, and waited.

"You've been a really good faggot boy and I want this to be more official. When we are in private like this, I expect you to always be in the cage of course, wearing a jockstrap, and in this dog collar you bought. Understood?" I looked deep into His eyes knowing this -- like everything else -- was a further step into subservience and we both knew my answer would be yes.

"Yes Sir," I breathed, turned on to cement our bond even more, "thank You Sir." He smiled and reached over to the bag from the sex store when He had put the collar and handed it to me to put on. I hesitated and quickly asked, "Sir, would it be OK if You put it on me?" His eyebrow arched up in curiosity. "I love the feeling of being owned and in Your control, Sir." He liked that a lot based on the huge smile and told me to kneel while He stood up. He once again buried my face in His crotch and I held my face there while He snapped on the collar then tilted my face up towards Him to see His big smile.

"Open wide," He said and drooled a glob of spit down into my faggot mouth. He was fully hard -- raging -- and pressed my face back into His groin. "Good faggot," he purred, sending shivers through me. "That's hot as hell," He said as He pushed me back a little to take a look. "That collar shows I own you boy, doesn't it?" I nodded as He asked, "You know what else is great about it?"

"No Sir," I said.

All He said was, "This" and pulled out His huge dick, letting me take it in my mouth. As He began thrusting in and out He was holding the collar, using it as leverage. Oh fuck -- I could barely breathe and there was saliva and snot and tears running down my face. I felt like I might pass out as I had all but the last thick strong inch of His huge tool thrusting in and out of my face. His chest was heaving and His sac pulled up tight! My hands found His ass and grabbed tight which He really seemed to like. Was I about to get His cum?! Finally??

He slowed down, showering me in disappointment. I kept working but realized He was holding back. Still using the collar to control me which really seemed to turn Him on -- but no ultimate prize for me today I thought. He finally pushed me away and sat down, His dick soaking wet and waving around as He spread His legs wide.

"I have something for You faggot," He said. I hoped it was His load but He reached into the bag and pulled out a tail with a knob on the end. I had never seen one before but guessed it was a dildo with a dog tail on it. He laughed as He saw the realization cross my face then told me to turn around. His hands spread my ass cheeks and He spit on my hole! He started rubbing it around with His strong fingers, going deeper into my tight hole as He added spit. He was also inspecting the shave job I had given myself and found some longer hairs in parts of my crack which He yanked HARD "so I would remember where they were and fix it." He soon added a second finger and started spreading my hole, leaving me gasping and writhing. I felt like I was being invaded!

"Turn around boy," He said and I quickly spun on all 4s. His dick was HUGE and dripping even more. He made me suck the knob of the toy and told me to leave it wet with my spit then rubbed it on His cockhead, adding precum to my spit. "It's time," He said and I bowed my head and turned around, presenting my hole to my Owner. He spit right on it, making me flinch, then started working the toy in. It took more spit and a lot of pushing and He losing His patience so I pushed back hard on it and it popped right in! But not without a lot of pain and I groaned deeply, hearing Him moan in lust and satisfaction. "Wag your tail for me boy," He said lustily. I shook my ass from side to side and His hand smacked my cheek, causing my hole to tighten on the toy.

"Turn around boy," He said and I turned to look up at Him, my eyes full of lust and love. He grinned and said "show me how much you love being my faggot boy." I wasn't sure what to do but shook my ass again making my tail 'wag' and let my tongue pant out before rubbing against His hairy leg like a devoted pet. He laughed out loud and said "good boy, maybe I'll scratch your ears later but you look like you want to play. Do you want to play boy?" I nodded my head enthusiastically and He reached over to grab and finish off a water bottle on the table, crushing it flat and saying "FETCH" as He tossed it across the room.

I scrambled after it, the tail flying everywhere (I could feel it hitting my ass and lower back) as He laughed out lout. I had to get my face low and really work to get the bottle in my faggot mouth, which left my ass up high and Ryan rolling with laughter. I scurried back to Him on all 4s, proud of fetching for Him, and He patted me on the head and threw the bottle a couple more times. He was rock hard and said "that's a good boy -- now go get showered up and make Me dinner." Play time was over and I crawled to the shower where I removed the tail then went to the kitchen to make dinner for the Man of my dreams.

I was a little rushed making dinner, wanting to stay in sight of Ryan at all times. He shouted, "Slow down boy, make it good" when He heard me banging pans around in a hurry. I tried to relax and got His dinner ready then went to the living room to hand Him the plate. He smiled and said "looks good boy, now please my feet while I eat." It was so hot licking His strong feet, massaging them and His legs, then sucking His toes. That was the sensitive part and He moaned loudly, throwing down His fork and rolling His head back as I licked and sucked between each toe and slobbered across His soles. "Shit boy that has me so wired, focus on my calves so I can finish eating."

When He pushed His plate aside I asked, "Did You like it Sir?" He said it was OK, gave me feedback on what He liked and didn't like, then put the plate on the floor for me to eat the scraps He left. I was so used to be hungry that I didn't scarf it down like normal, and I could feel His eyes on me. When I looked up He was rock hard in His shorts. I smiled, happy.

"Go clean everything up boy," He murmured as He stroked down His hard cock, leaving a big wet spot in His shorts where the head reached. I worked quickly in the kitchen then returned, finding Him on His laptop. "Boy, I need to pay my AxEx bill and my bitch of a wife ran up a couple grand in charges. Are you going to pay it for me?"

I was taken aback -- that was a lot of money -- and my mind raced as to how I would pay, if I had enough in the bank, etc. He saw this and offered up that maybe if I paid half it would be better for me. I quickly agreed, feeling like that was lot easier to afford, and pulled up my bank info on my phone as He handed me the laptop. He was smiling, rock hard again, and watched as I entered in the payment details showing half of the bill. He motioned for me to hand Him back the laptop so He could press the button to make the payment when I saw that the button said SUBMIT. I was breathing hard and said, "Sir, You know I submit. May I press the button please?" His grin widened and the wet spot spread in His shorts as He indicated I should do so. I pressed the button, my stomach falling a bit at the money but happy to please Him.

Once I handed Him the laptop He said, "I'll pay the rest later." I don't know what came over me but I couldn't help myself.

"Sir, can I ask a favor? May I please pay the rest Sir? Please?" Fuck. I just wanted Him happy and stress-free. His huge smile melted me and He stood over me as I paid the remaining balance. He fished in His shorts for His huge cock, pulling it out and dripping precum on my faggot tongue before spitting in my mouth and wiping His finger through some on my lips. He shoved His strong finger in my faggot mouth and I sucked on it slowly, relishing the connection we had. He finally withdrew His finger and slapped my face lightly before sitting down and looking down at me still kneeling there.

"Faggot, you've done good. I'll miss you this week."

What? The confusion and disappointment had to be apparent on my face. He laughed, not cruel, just enjoying my consternation. "There's a job a couple hours away, Mr. Snead is paying me extra to go up and help them out since they are behind and there is a big performance penalty if we're late. I'm not going to drive 4 or 5 hours a day back and forth so they're putting me up in a hotel. You'll stay here and work hard, work out hard, and clean this place like a good sub, right?"

"Yes Sir," I said but my heart was breaking. I worked so hard and just wanted to please Him. He told me to start His laundry and get clothes packed for Him for a week or so. It was my pleasure and duty to do this, but my heart was heavy, missing Him already.

As I went to start the laundry He called after me, "Yeah, you can sniff my clothes boy." Mmm, I took Him up on His offer and thoroughly smelled all His clothes when throwing them in the machine, saving a pair of boxers with extra piss and cum stains until the very end. He appeared next to me and said, "Lick it boy -- lick and taste that piss, that dried cum." I worshiped the underwear, my tiny clit dripping non-stop in my jockstrap. "That's enough boy, you like it?"

I threw the boxers in the washing machine, knelt and looked up at Him. "I love it Sir. It smells and tastes perfect. Like You."

This was the right answer as He spit in my open mouth and leaned over for a quick kiss. "Follow me," He said. I followed Him to the bedroom and He laid out on the bed saying "CORNER."

I of course immediately moved into position and heard a drawer open. "Look at me boy." I looked and He was holding a large dark green hand towel. He smelled it and said, "This is my cum rag boy. I shoot into it every night before I fall asleep." He tied a large knot in the middle of it and playfully threw it against the far wall saying FETCH BOY!

I quickly scampered over and fetched the towel. It was difficult to pick up and the smell was overwhelming. His cum scent invaded me and I played with the towel like a dog them returned it to Him. He was clearly enjoying it and started stroking His big cock. Every time I returned the towel His dick was wetter and I thought He was close. After about a dozen throws I was retrieving the towel when He gasped "Hurry faggot!" and I returned the towel just in time to see Him cum on it!!! Holy fuck -- so much cum, I could smell it and was out of control with lust and need. When He calmed down He ran a finger through the fresh load and languidly licked it clean. FUCK! Another scoop -- and this one was for me!!! I sucked that fresh cum off His finger, my eyes glued to His, thinking I LOVE YOU SIR so loudly I thought He would hear.

"Go throw the towel in the wash and come back and please me boy," He sighed. I did as instructed, thinking of licking off the fresh cum but knowing I shouldn't without permission. I returned to find Him sprawled naked face down and crawled between His legs to lick His hole. He sighed and as He drifted off said, "Lick my hole 'til the laundry needs to go in the dryer, then move it over and get some sleep. Wake me up at 4:30." As my beautiful Alpha drifted into a deep sleep, my tongue deep in His perfect hole, I knew I was in love.

Next: Chapter 10

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