Continuing Experiences

By Joey A

Published on Aug 7, 2001


Hey - this is our first story - it chronicles our gay experiences so far in our lives. Our names are J and G. At the beginning it starts with G's experiences but J will probably write some of his own soon enough. Both of us work on each episode, editing, adding and proof reading.

The experiences all start in school. It's all set in the UK where we live, at a boarding school in Wales. It's an all male private school (some people get all the luck:) We hope you enjoy this first episode. After reading stuff on the archive for years and years now (both of us! - we aren't going out btw - just best friends - and at some point we may get round to mentioning the one time...) we thought we'd better get down and write something

If you enjoy this story please write to us! At - all emails will be replied to and flames are welcomed!

Disclaimer don't read this if you are under the age you're not allowed to read this (blah blah blah) - We encourage underage reading of these stories as we have been reading them since we were little and enjoying them! Some of the names have been changed to protect them or something like that.


Continuing Experiences

Part 1: New Findings

"You wanna have sex?" The question was a bit of a surprise, after all Nick was straight. "Not now Nick, maybe later." I was quite excited about the offer, although I knew it was only a joke. We went on as if nothing had been said, although I was startin' to wonder...

Nick was one of my roommates in boarding school, we were 12 going on 13 and Nick and I shared a small dank room with Dan. Nick at the time was about 5'3" with light brown hair and a medium build. Being Welsh he had this sexy accent, deepened by his raging hormones. As I shared a room with him I often noticed his defined muscles, with the beginnings of a six-pack and large pecs. His nipples sat on top, small and manly, ready to be taken in, licked and nibbled. As you can tell, I had been looking and studying him for some time now!

Now you have that mental image in your heads, imagine taller, more defined, bigger and sexier. Dan could only be described as a god. He was then (and still is!) one of those people who will always be handsome. Everyone finds him attractive, male or female and everyone wishes they could be him and have his body. His eyes shone a deep green perfecting his face whilst some stubble made his young face older and more manly. If you had this body, with abs forming a washboard stomach and pecs just shouting to be licked and played with, you wouldn't hide it. Dan loved to parade around the whole house topless, taunting the younger and smaller boys making them hard with envy. Being in a room with him was even worse as then he could show off the rest of his unusually developed kit... You will hear more about Dan later, for now back to the story.

We were usually sent to bed at around nine o'clock with the house master coming 'round and turning off our lights, then patrolling for a few hours to make sure we weren't talking. As usual Nick, Dan and I were whispering, just general stuff, when Dan decided he needed to go to the toilet and promptly left the room. Nick and I were left on our own and so I thought I would go 4 it and use this chance to offer my services. I had been shakin' for ages and was so nervous about what I was goin' u ask, but I figured if he went mad I could always pass it off as a joke...

"Do you want a blowjob?" I went for the subtle approach :). Silence. "From a girl? Course I'd want one!" "What about from me?" I gulped nervously "Are you jokin'?"

"", I lifted the covers on my bed, got out and made my way over to his bunk. Both of us were breathing heavily in anticipation and I was obviously hard with my loose pyjama bottoms stretched over my throbbing cock. I pulled back his duvet cover and wow. He was naked, and rock hard. Now all you have to have been in this position b4! - glistening cock with a drop of precum resting teasingly on the end! I had to have it. Now! So wasting no time I bowed my head and took his meat into my mouth. He was only about 5" (hey, this is a true story - none of that 3 foot shit:) but 5" is quite big for 13! I wrapped my tongue around the head and started a vague rocking motion. It was my first time too and I had yet to discover nifty so I wasn't so sure on technique. Pretty soon though he started moaning - and I could tell I wasn't the only virgin in the room! I was a bit worried about other people hearing our animal grunts, as the house is kinda thin walled so I quickly thought of a good way to shut him up....

I came off his saliva soaked dick just long enuf to gesture to my own dripping manhood. I was worried what he would do but sure enough he shifted on the bed makin space for me and I clambered up next to him, feeling his heat along my torso. I took down my loose bottoms and let my dick bounce out and hit my stomach. I wiggled round on the bed and got into the obvious position, even if I was too young to understand the number. I was about the same size as Nick, if maybe a little thicker. His warm drooling mouth felt great on my virgin dick, and looking back it seemed like he was doing it as a pro, swirling his tongue around my sensitive head and really concentrating on my pleasure. After a few minutes I was getting very close to cumming, and with a quick moan of warning he took his mouth off and watched me spurt my hot man-juices all over my pecs and abdomen. After I had recovered my breath and my orgasm high I realised Nick was still next to me, achingly hard and looking for reciprocation. I grabbed his dick with renewed strength and began to slowly and painstakingly jerk him off. He reached down to my chest and grabbed a handful of my load taking it into his mouth like it was honey. 'Even better to share' obviously came to his mind and soon we were kissing and sharing my bitter tasting cum, and exploring each others' mouths.

My slow jerking motions were obviously getting to the stud on the bed next to me and he grunted for me to speed up but I had to keep my slow pace just to see him squirm. However soon I couldn't help but speed my hand and watch his reaction. Sure enough he told me he was close to cumming and reaching down to his aching blue balls I felt a definite tightening. That same instant I felt his dick really stiffen up and a pulse of his head was the final sign. I let the first shot fly onto his slightly defined left pec, oozing over his nipple, then I dived down onto his cock head, tasting his seed like a fine wine, swirling is around my mouth to prolong the sensation and savour the taste. Nick groaned loudly but I was beyond caring as I continued my sucking, vacuuming out the last of his juices. The situation, the time and the imminence of Dan's return made me jump out of bed and pull up my pyjamas and I jumped back into my own bed just as we heard Dan coming back in.

Phew...What A Night!

One thing for sure was that had to happen again. Soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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