Contracted to Justin

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Feb 18, 2007


NOTES>> This is the fifth chapter in the Contracted To Justin series. Safe sex doesn't appear in this story all that often, but I trust it appears a lot in your own lives. Sex does appear quite often though, sometimes quite graphically, and invariably of the gay and BDSM nature, so only read on if the law of your chosen land allows. The copyright is all mine, subject to Nifty's rules on the matter.

Thanks for all your emails so far. Feedback is really appreciated, positive or critical. And just hearing that you're feeling this stuff is great too! As always, let me know what you think -


I woke abruptly. And as I awoke I panicked. Mainly because for at least two minutes I had no idea where I was. All I knew was it was hard for me to move. And that I ached all over. And that I was damp. And I stank. And I had the most horrible mixture of tastes in my mouth. And come to think of it, there was something in my mouth. Justin's jock strap. Again.

Once Justin's name had gone though my mind everything came back to me.

It was hard for me to move because I was back in the kitchen cupboard, with my hands still tied behind my back. I ached all over because of the physical and, more recently, sexual assault my body had been subjected to. I was damp because of all the bodily fluids that had been splashed on me in the last six hours. I stank for the same reason. And the tastes -- the now long standing piss taste that had been in my mouth for well over 24 hours was accompanied by the taste of cum, the taste of blood and, worse of all, the faint taste of shit. The piss taste I had just about learned to tolerate, but this combination was a whole new kind of gross.

In fact, as my mind started to refocus, I realised I was about to throw up. I panicked again, realising that if I threw up with the jock blocking my mouth I might choke. I quickly opened my mouth and frantically started pushing at the jock with my tongue. It fell out just in time. Immediately I started vomiting. My whole body shuck as I threw up, though given my confined state I could hardly move and kept banging my head and limbs on the sides of the cupboard. After a minute or so of retching I regained control of my body. But now I was covered in vomit too. I ached even more. I was damper. I stank worse than before. And my mouth now had the added taste of vomit for me to contend with.

As far as I could see it there was nothing about my current situation that was good. Except... my cock was rock solid hard again. Even though I'd cum three times in the last six hours. And as random images of what had happened to me during that time flashed into my mind my dick started throbbing again. Which meant that, as I slowly drifted off back to sleep, despite the confined space, despite the aching, despite the wetness, despite the stench, and despite the taste, I felt myself smiling.

Everything had begun with Jay's blow job. Justin had told his friends -- Jake, Paul and Jay -- that my blow job skills left a lot to be desired. Jay - the seventeen year old who had already shaved off all my body hair and got hold of my ATM card for his efforts -- had suggested I get some more practice by blowing him. Which is how I found myself, naked, with my hands bound behind my back, on my knees, being ordered to beg to suck a teenager's cock.

"Yeah, bitch boy," Jay said, "fucking beg your ass off".

The fact I was being made to suck off a 17 year old in front of three other twenty-something guys was incredibly embarrassing. I really didn't want to do it. I knew I was going to, but I didn't want to. Which is why I paused slightly before responding to Jay's command. The pause was noted by my audience, and in particular by my master. A powerful kick went between my legs, hitting my balls from behind. Having not long been punched down there the second hit sent a new level of pain through my groin. I toppled forward, onto Justin, moaning in agony.

"He said beg you retard" Justin yelled as he kicked me, "what bit of beg don't you understand?". This was the loudest he'd shouted so far. I think he was a little embarrassed his new sub was showing him up in front of his friends, and that was making in especially angry. "Am I going to have to get my paddle out? Do I have to give you another hunrded swats in front of these guys just to remind you how to beg?"

By this point Justin had grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me back up to a kneeling position. He shouted the last bit directly into my ear.

"I'm so sorry master, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean too, I'm sorry". I was actually crying. Partly at the acute pain in my bollocks. But more so because I had fucked up again. I'd messed up. And not only in front of Justin, but in front of his friends. I suspect it was the best reaction for me to have -- it showed our visitors that I was genuinely distraught at the thought of letting my master down. Still, Justin didn't seem to thank me for it.

"Stop sobbing cunt boy", he sneered, "and start begging. Otherwise I'm going to give you such a beating you're going to need one of these guys to take you to hospital".

That threat sunk in deep. Did he mean that? Would he do that? I mean, really? The mere thought of that made me want to cry even more. I'd had pain and guilt before, now I had genuine fear too. But I managed, somehow, to hold back the tears, to take a deep breath and to start begging. And I begged like I'd never begged before. I nearly begged my dick off.

"Please Jay," I said, "please forgive me, I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry, please forgive me, I beg you, forgive me, please, please let me suck your dick, I so want to suck your dick, that's why I'm on this earth, to suck the dicks of real men like you, it's the only thing I'm any good for, that's what I'm here for, please let me do it, I'd do anything for the slightest chance of tasting your precious spunk".

That was just the start of it. I think I begged non-stop for three minutes solid, without taking breath. After a while it occurred to me I was possibly begging too much and that might piss Justin off even more. So I stopped. There was a five second pause. I don't think anyone had expected me to beg quite so excessively. For the first time since this started, they were shocked.

I quickly composed myself, and chose to break the silence. "Please Sir", I said, "please may I taste your awesome cum?".

There was another pause. This time Jay broke the silence.

"Lick my shoes while I think about it" he said.

"Oh thank you sir," I said, my reluctance to submit to someone so young now completely gone. "Please may I lick your shoes, I would love to clean your shoes with my tongue".

"Well, do it then".

I bent over. Which was no easy task with my hands tied behind my back, especially as my balls were still aching intensely following the earlier punch and kick they'd taken. But I managed, somehow, and started licking his left boot. This was weird. The boot had a very different texture to the skin I'd licked in the last 24 hours. And a very different taste. Not an especially horrible taste. A pretty non-descript taste really. But worse than the taste, the shoes were very dusty, and that made my tongue go very dry again.

"That's right, fuck boy, worship my feet" Jay said as I licked rampantly.

The others seemed to stay silent. After a couple of minutes of licking the left boot Jay tapped the back of my head with his right, which I took as a cue to switch feet. I positioned my head over the right boot and licked again.

Then, after another couple of minutes, he knocked my head back and turned round, bending his leg and holding up his left foot, so that the sole was in front of my face. I knew what he wanted. I licked it.

The other guys broke the silence and laughed at this development. Paul said "that's right bro, get this fuck's faggy tongue working". Ah, so Jay was Paul's brother. That revelation didn't sink in till later though. I was too busy licking at the time.

The sole of his boot was much rougher. And even dustier. And, more than that, somehow licking the bottom of his boots seemed more degrading. In fact the taste wasn't all that bad -- especially compared to the piss taste that had filled my mouth much of the day. But there seemed to be a definite statement in this -- being made to lick the soles of a teenager's shoes seemed to resolutely affirm my sub status. The fact the other guys were making remarks like "how low will this fucker go", "that cunt head is fucking low" and "this fag's so fucked up" only added to the degradation.

After licking the soles of both shoes, Jay turned around again. "Take off my shoes", he said.

I didn't dare ask how I was meant to take off Jay's shoes with my hands tied behind my back. I knew that would be the worst thing to do. Though I couldn't see how I could use my teeth for this one. Though I could undo the shoe laces, that much I could see. So I did it. To my relief once I'd done that he eased his shoes off himself.

"And now my socks".

As he'd removed his shoes I'd got a whiff of two very smelly feet. I suppose that shouldn't be a surprise for a growing 17 year old guy. I dreaded to think what they'd be like if he was wearing sneakers. Certainly the thought of taking those smelly socks off with my mouth wasn't very appealing, but I knew better than to question the command, or even to pause before fulfilling it. I leant forward, carefully, it was really hard to not fall over without my hands to steady me, and I bit the bottom of his left sock, being careful again not to bite his foot.

A really sweaty taste filled my mouth. This was much more unpleasant than the dusty taste of the shoes though, where as the shoe licking had done nothing to my dick (which had been pretty limp ever since Jake punched it), as the sweaty taste of Jay's socks filled my mouth I felt my dick start to go hard again. How weird was that? I tugged on the bottom of the sock and slowly pulled it off his foot. It was a good job I had strong teeth. I repeated the same thing with the right sock.

Jay's feet were now in front of me. I'd never found feet especially erotic before. I'd seen a couple of websites where people discussed foot fetishes, but I'd never really understood the attraction. But somehow Jay's naked feet, peeping out of the bottom of his blue jeans, were incredibly erotic. And as I looked at them, and then slowly looked up so that I finally made eye contact with him, I suddenly became incredibly turned on.

"The sick fucker's gone hard" one of the other guys said. I was too distracted to notice who. Now I was begging for real, not because of the threat of the paddle, or the fear of disappointing my master.

"Please Sir, please may I lick your feet. I want to wash your awesome feet with my tongue".

Jay smiled. "Go ahead, but make sure you get between the toes".

I started on the left foot. I liked it all over several times, then pushed my tongue between each toe and licked again. Then I put my lips around the big toe, and sucked on it like it was a little cock head. The sweaty taste wasn't anywhere near as intense as it had been on the socks, and in this milder form I really like it. Jay tapped my head with his other foot again, which I again took as a cue to switch. So I began bathing his right foot with my tongue too. I was aware the other guys were talking more regularly now, and I was sure they were making offensive remarks about my eagerness to lick Jay's sweaty feet. But I was too engrossed in my foot licking to listen.

That was a mistake. Because I wasn't listening to Jay either. I was suddenly yanked back up by my hair, and I heard Justin shouting again, "he said `stop' you stupid fuck, what makes you think you've got the right to carry on licking Jay's feet when he's told you not too, where exactly did you think you'd got that fucking right from". As Justin said his he'd reached round and grabbed my balls with his left hand while he continued to tug on my hair with his right. It really hurt. I was crying again.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't hear him, I'm so sorry".

"You're going to be sorry, you're going to be really really sorry. Now, for fucks sake, listen".

I regained my composure and looked up at Jay. He was smiling the happiest, smuggest grin I'd ever seen. Then he turned round, and dropped his trousers. And paused.

"Please sir," I said, almost by relex "may I sniff your boxers, I'd love to sniff your boxers, can I please sniff them sir".

"You can sniff them while you're licking them".

I leaned forward again, it was easier at this height. I stuck out my tongue, and ran it up his crack through the cotton of his tight fitting boxers. They smelled really sweaty too. I later learned that these guys deliberately got sweaty for these occasions, but at the time I couldn't help feeling this teenager had things to learn about personal hygiene. Despite the smell, there wasn't much taste. Certainly nothing like when I'd licked Justin's piss stained boxers earlier.

After a minute us so Jay pushed my head back and pulled down his boxers, revealing a gorgeous bubble butt almost, though not quite, as perfect as Justin's. Again, I begged on impulse.

"Please Jay, sir, please my I clean your ass with my tongue, I really want to taste your ass".

This time I really meant it. Though the thought of there being something shitty in there still made me nervous, I realised I'd enjoyed the ass licking I'd given Justin earlier so much, it was a risk I was willing to take.

"Do it" Jay said.

I remembered what Justin had told me. I kissed each butt cheek in turn. Then I licked his crack from bottom to top five times. Then I pushed my tongue into where his asshole was going to be, and felt my tongue slide inside his hole. I pushed it in as far as it would go, then pulled it out slightly, then pushed it back in. That strong sweaty ass taste filled my mouth again. That morning I'd not thought I liked that taste. On one level I still wasn't sure. But, like with the sweaty sock, as soon as the taste entered my mouth my dick started to throb. And the good news was there was nothing shitty here either. For a couple of minutes I was in ass licking heaven. Until Jay pushed my head back, and span round again, so that his erect cock was right in front of my face. I nearly died. It was huge. Not quite as big as Justin, maybe 7 inches, but it was really thick, and for a 17 year old it was very impressive. No wonder he was so sexually confident.

"Jay's real name is Justin too", I heard Paul say, "we used to call him Little Justin. But as you can see, that name doesn't work anymore". They all laughed. I didn't really comprehend what he'd said. Just over a day after this all started, and just hours after I'd feared being made to service a teenager, I found myself in complete adoration of the teenage cock that was now in front of me.

"Please sir", I found myself saying, "please may I lick your balls. I want to eat your cum, but I need to thank your awesome balls first, please may I lick them".

"Go ahead".

Again Justin's words from earlier were etched on my mind. "You kiss them, then you lick them, then you suck each one in turn". I did just that. Jay started to moan. A lot. "Fuck yeah, cunt face, lick my sweaty balls, lick em good". Even the dirty language was turning me on. My dick was now harder than I ever remembered it being. I tongue worshipped those balls like my life depended on it.

Then Jay put his hands on my head, pushed me off his bollocks, and then pulled me up slightly so my mouth was lined up with his rock sold cock. I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and he pushed all seven inches of his throbbing cock down my throat in one go. I desperately tried not to gag. And compared to when Justin had deep throated me that morning I did a good job. But I didn't have chance to get my breathing under control, because it was over so fast. He immediately started thrusting in and out of my throat at a rapid rate. I suppose this was a 17 year old kid. After the feet worshipping, the ass licking and the ball sucking he was now so horny he just wanted to cum. He was at that stage of the fuck when an older guy might hold back to prolong the experience, but where a horny teenager will always push ahead to get his nut. In some ways it was a good thing. Now that he was in control, Jay was giving me a pretty brutal face fuck. But in other ways I wish he'd gone slower -- I would have given anything to lick, suck and tease his cock head like I had done to Justin earlier that day. But it wasn't up to me, and after not much more than a minute he plunged in deep and started to unload his spunk inside me.

"Fuck yeah, oh fuck, that's good, eat it cum breath, eat my spunky juices, cunt boy".

The other guys, who had almost lost interest while I worshiped Jay's balls, but who had started to shout encouragement again as he face fucked me, almost cheered when they realized he was coming.

Jay pulled out as he came, so that two loads landed on my tongue, filling my mouth with a brand new taste, the taste of creamy teen spunk. Then Jay pulled out completely so that the last shot went on my face.

"That was awesome" Jay said, catching his breath, "fucking awesome".

For a second I was happier than I had been since all this began, in fact happier than I had been for as long as I could remember. I'd given this stud of a teenager an "awesome" blow job. I smiled.

"Your problem" I heard Justin say to Jay, "is that you're far too easily pleased. You're going to have to learn to control that if we're going to make a proper dom out of you". Justin's words tempered my joy slightly, but I was still so happy I couldn't stop smiling. And when Justin spoke to me -- "OK cunt boy, lick him clean" -- I was more than pleased to take Jay's dick back into my mouth and to lick off the spunk left on it.

Justin, however, knew how to bring me back to earth. "Anyone need a piss before we put him back in the corner?". I really expected Jay to say `yes', but he pulled his pants back up and slumped back into his chair without speaking. "Well, I know I do" Justin continued. With hindsight I suspect the other guys did need to piss -- they'd all been drinking beers for the last hour and would all piss at some point in the next hour -- but the chances are that both Jake and Paul were so boned up after watching Jay fuck my face, they couldn't have pissed even if they'd wanted to. Justin, though, who always seemed to be able to fully control his cock in these situations, was more than able to stick his flaccid dick into my mouth and let lose with another bladder full of piss. After my blow job high, having to do my least favourite thing -- piss drinking -- and in front of our guests like this, was quite a come down. By the time he'd finished my own dick was starting to soften.

And then, after all that excitement, I was ushered back into my corner. I bent my legs, bowed my head, stuck out my tongue, and stuck the middle finger of my right hand up my ass. Despite having been brought down from my blow job high by Justin's criticisms of Jay, and the forced piss drinking, I was still very happy that Justin had called his blow job "fucking awesome". And for a while that happiness filled my mind, so that I didn't realise how much my body was aching again, or how much I needed to piss and shit.

All that didn't occur to me until after I'd been called back over to the sofa to take a bladder load of piss from Jake. But, shortly after resuming my position in the corner again, the aching, and the need to piss, and to shit, started to take over my body. And once I started to think about those things, they all got worse. What was I going to do? I decided to be brave, and to speak without being spoken to first.

"Please master, may I speak?".

I heard a sharp intake of breath from one of our guests. Someone turned down the TV.

"It better be important" Justin said.

"Please sir, I really need the toilet sir".

"Piss or shit?"

"Both sir".

"OK, wait there". For a brief moment I felt a real sense of relief. He hadn't shouted at me for speaking. He hadn't refused my request to piss or shit. And he hadn't told me to just piss myself where I was, like he had earlier. For a brief optimistic second I expected to feel his hands on my shoulders, ready to usher me back into the bathroom. But instead he seemed to disappear for a minute, and then there was a metallic bang on the wooden floor.

"Come here" he said, sternly. I turned round. He was standing next to the metal bucket I kept in the kitchen. He'd put it down in the middle of the room. "Use this".

My sense of relief disappeared in a flash. He wanted me to piss and shit into this bucket in front of everyone else. Somehow this was the most degrading thing so far. Again I paused. Too long for Justin. "For fucks sake, are you going to shit or not?"

I stood in front of the bucket, bent my legs and squatted over it. It was difficult with my hands behind my back. I couldn't use them to steady myself. And I had to pull them up so they wouldn't be too near my ass. I looked up. I was surrounded by all four guys. Jake and Paul were sitting in front of me on the sofa, Jay was slumped on the arm chair to my right, and Justin was standing above me on my left. I couldn't do this. But, I really really needed to piss and shit. I was going to have to do it. I closed my eyes and was about to push my muscles down there, when I realized doing so would almost definitely make me fart. Justin's earlier warning came back to me just in time. I stopped.

"Please master" I said, "Please may I trump trump?" The guys all laughed.

"Well, fart boy, we've got guests. You'll have to ask them".

I was now blushing a whole new shade of red.

"Please Paul, Sir" I said, looking at the guy who I was now pretty sure was Paul, "please may I trump trump".

"Go ahead" Paul replied.

"Please Jake, Sir, please may I trump trump?"

"Trump trump away" he said, laughing.

"Please Jay, Sir, please may I trump trump?"

"It'll cost you" he said, smirking. "How bout I take another fifty out with your card?"

I looked up at Justin. He said nothing.

"It would be an honour for me to pay you another fifty for your permission to trump trump".

"Deal" Jay said.

I looked up at Justin to see if I'd done the right thing. "Well," he said, "go on then".

I bowed my head and was about to push out my shit, when I felt a sudden slap on the back of my head. "Don't bow" Justin snapped, "I want you to have eye contact with our guests".

I looked up, and scanned our guests, making eye contact with Paul, Jake and Jay in turn. I pushed and let out a long noisy fart. Jay laughed. My face burned red, I was so embarrassed. I pushed again, and started to piss, while the first lump of shit started to come out of my ass hole. The falling piss clattered onto the metal bucket, providing enough liquid to ensure the first bit of shit that fell made a splash. The nasty smell of my fart and shit wafted round the room. It didn't seem to bother the guys, although Jake did get up and open a window. Either way, I cannot begin to tell you how embarrassing it was to squat in front of these guys and piss and shit into a metal bucket.

When I was done Justin said: "OK, shit boy, back to your corner, and get that finger back up your ass". I did as I was told but, having not been given the option to wipe after shitting, I dreaded to think what would get on my finger while it was stuck up my ass. Nevertheless, I slid it in as far as it would go, and resumed my position -- bent legs, bowed head, tongue out. I heard Justin carry the bucket into the bathroom and assumed he'd thrown its contents down the toilet, though I never heard the toilet flush.

And then my master and his guests got back to watching TV, while I stood quietly in my corner. I'd say I stood there for well over an hour. Certainly it was the longest I'd stood that way so far. And the pain got worse the longer I stood. So much so I was actually relieved when, on two occasions, I was called over to take another helping of piss. Once from Jay and once from Paul. I could really do without even more piss in my tummy, but I guess I'd got rid of the previous loads when I'd pissed myself, and at least it meant that for a minute or too I could kneel down rather than stand. And in a way the piss refreshed my tongue, which had got very dry being stuck out for so long.

They didn't talk much. Occasionally one or the other would disappear into the kitchen and return with more food or drink. Occasionally they made comments about the TV shows they were watching. But that was it really. Until, abruptly, the TV was turned off and Justin said, in a clear load voice, "OK, let's fuck the cunt".

I could hear all four guys get up, "Jay, Jake, go and get the kitchen table and bring it in here. It's pretty sturdy," Justin continued, "Paul, go and get some rope out of my bag on the bed. I need to have a word with the cunt here".

I heard our guests get about their appointed tasks, as Justin appeared behind me and squeezed my still tender balls again. "OK pussy boy, I've been doing all the work so far, it's time for me to have some fun. You better take it all, otherwise I might have to reconsider our set up". Damn, that threat again. He didn't have to say another thing. I'd do whatever he asked. And he knew that.

It all happened so fast. The kitchen table appeared in the middle of the living room. The other furniture was moved to the side of the room. The curtains were drawn, and the uplights turned on. I was pushed face down onto the table, much as I had been yesterday. Justin untied my hands from behind my back, and then tied each wrist to a table leg so that my head was hanging over one edge. My legs were then pulled apart and tied to the other table legs, providing easy access to my ass. And, finally, my already rock hard cock was rearranged so it pointed under the table.

Then, after all that activity, there was a moment of calm. Jay was straight ahead of me, leaning against the wall, and drinking his bottle of beer, with a cocky grin on his face, looking so much like the arrogant dom he would soon become. Jake and Paul were out of my sight. Justin was clearly at my ass, because he was moving a finger up and down my crack. Unbeknownst to me he was already naked from the waste down. I'm pretty sure he must have been fully erect already - perhaps he was wanking himself with one hand while using the other to play with my ass.

"So are we watching you burst this bitch's cherry?" Jake asked.

"Fraid not," Justin replied, "Rent boy Simon's already been there. Six times. But you know Simon, nice guy, little cock. Too nice actually. Wouldn't know how to properly fuck a pig like this even if you paid him which, amusingly, this pig did. So you could say I am bursting his cherry. Simon got it ripe, I'm going to burst it. Believe me, he's never felt anything like what I'm about to do to him".

This talk got my heart racing. I was more terrified now than at any point since I'd left the lift yesterday afternoon. The paddling, the punches, the shaving, the blow jobs, the piss drinking -- none of them had made me this fearful. I wanted to scream, shout and cry out "no". But I couldn't. Justin's last words echoed around my head: "You better take it all, otherwise I might have to reconsider our set up".

Then it happened. I heard him spit two times, presumably to provide some token gesture lube. Then I felt Justin position his wide cock head onto my tight hole. And then I felt pain on a whole new level to the beatings I'd taken so far. Justin pushed. Hard. And as my tight ass finally gave way to his rock solid dick he continued to push, ever harder. Pushing until all 8 inches of his rock solid seven inch thick cock was in my ass. It took no more than ten seconds of pushing and his dick was fully inside me.

This time I really screamed. I screamed my lungs out. I had never felt pain like this before. It was completely different to the pain when Justin had paddled me. And it was completely different to the pain when Simon had fucked me for the first time. Both of those had hurt, but having this huge dick pushed inside me without any lubricant, and all in one go, caused a whole new kind of pain. It felt like I was being literally ripped into two. I desperately wanted to beg him to take it out of me - but knew that would be the wrong thing to do. So I didn't speak, I just screamed. For two minutes straight. Then I stopped. I still wimpered in agony, but I didn't scream. Not because the pain had subsided (though it had lessened ever so slightly), but because I no longer had the energy to scream.

Then Justin spoke. "Someone put a dick in that mouth will you, I can't stand the screaming".

Paul appeared at my face almost immediately, already naked. His dick was already fully erect. A little smaller than Justin's. Actually, about the same size as his brother's. Cut. "Open up suck boy" he said, as he pushed his cock head into my mouth. Following Justin's lead he went all the way in, in one go. Now not only was I in agony, I couldn't breath.

They both paused for what seemed like an age, but it can't have been any longer than a minute. Probably 30 seconds.

"Ready?" Justin said casually.

"Ready" Paul replied.

I felt Justin slowly pull out of my ass, though not completely, meaning my ass hole still burned like hell as it stretched out around his cock head. Paul's cock still filled my throat. Then I felt Justin reenter my ass while Paul began to pull out. I didn't get what was happening at first, but after a minute, as they got into a really neat rhythm, it suddenly made sense. They were fucking in sequence -- so that at any one time either my throat or my ass was filled with cock. They took it quite slowly, which didn't seem much of a benefit at the time, given that any friction on my unlubed ass hurt like hell, but compared to the full on fucking I got later it wasn't so bad.

In fact, as I slowly -- very slowly -- accustomised myself to the pain, and to having something so big in my ass, and as I sorted out my breathing to work in tandem with Paul's face fucking -- I realized I was starting to enjoy this. On one level at least. This was a pretty brutal fuck, but my own cock was rock solid again, and in amongst the pain I was feeling a new kind of sexual sensation that I had never dreamed possible. I closed my eyes, and dedicated all my energy to focusing on the good sensations, and blocking out the bad. It took every ounce of strength I had left to do it, but somehow I managed it. So much so the next hour became something of an ecstatic blur to me.

There were moments when I was brought back to the real world, and the pain became almost unbearable again. Firstly when Paul started to speed up his fucking so he could cum, getting himself out of sync with Justin, who continued to slowly and steadily fuck my ass. Again when Paul finally shot his load into my throat and mouth, and when he pulled out so that Jake could take his place. And again when Jake shot his load, and Jay took his place.

But by the time Jay shot another load of cum down my throat, and then pulled out, leaving my mouth empty, I was in such a state of ecstasy I didn't notice. In fact, it was only when I realized I was now audibly moaning that I realized there was no cock in my throat. And only then did it occur to me that Justin had been steadily fucking my ass for over an hour.

Then he slammed his fists onto my back and started to speed up his fucking. It was hard to ignore the pain now, he was fucking me so hard. So hard that a couple of his thrusts pushed me and the table I was tied to forward a couple of inches. Yet, while the pain was increased by this new level of fucking, so was the sexual sensation. After a few minutes I realized I was on the verge of cumming, even though my cock hadn't been touched once all evening. And then, before I could say anything, I felt cum gushing out of my dick.

I'm guessing that what Paul had said earlier about subs cumming while their masters' dicks were in their ass was true, because as I came Justin's moans, that had come on and off during the hour long ass fucking, became constant and louder, and it wasn't more than a minute before I could feel his dick expand inside me, and then six powerful shots of cum fill my shoot. And then he collapsed on top of me, his softening dick still in my ass.

I was spent. He was spent. Our three visitors were spent. Following Justin's climax a new air of tranquility filled the room. I couldn't see Jay or Jake from where I was tied down, but Paul I could see. He was sitting on the floor just in front of me, drinking another beer, still naked, sweat glistening on his body. He'd cum first of course, and was now erect again. He gently stroked his cock with his right hand.

Then my view of Paul was blocked. A naked Justin stood before me, with his cock in front of my face. Despite the fact I myself was coming down from the biggest climax of my life, I immediately figured what he wanted, before he said, in a dominant but relaxed way, "Clean".

I looked at his softening dick. It was covered in his cum, but that didn't bother me. What bothered me was the fact the cum was mixed with a red substance. And what bothered me even more were the specks of brown. It didn't take a genius to figure out what this stuff was. He didn't want me to just clean up his cum. He wanted me to lick up my own blood and shit too. Despite everything he'd said, I found myself saying "Please master", about to beg him not to make me lick clean his cummy, bloody, shitty cock. But he interrupted me before I had chance.

"You better be about to beg to suck my dick clean, or this is over, forever".

I lifted my neck so to make eye contact with my master and then, despite ever instinct in my body, I said "please master, may I suck your dick clean".

"Be my guest".

He pushed his cock into my mouth and I started to lick. There wasn't really that much shit or blood, and it was the taste of sweat and cum that dominated. But there was a faintly shitty taste -- I knew it had to be the shit that had that taste, because it was the most repellant thing I'd ever tasted. It wasn't strong enough to make me throw up, but just the thought of what I was swallowing brought me right back down from my sexual high.

"So, who's next?" Justin asked, as he pulled his cleaned cock out of my mouth.

And so the evening continued. It was hard to keep count of how many times I was fucked, though the pulling out of one cock, and the pushing in of another, did often break the ecstatic blur I was experiencing, so I was definitely aware both my mouth and ass were fucked a multiple number of times. I'd say each of the four guys fucked my ass at least once and my mouth at least twice. It may have been more.

Sometimes they came inside me, sometimes they came over my ass, back or face. Between blow jobs I licked clean any dick which had been in my ass. To my relief, while the cocks I cleaned still seemed to be covered in my blood, the specks of shit become less and less as the night progressed, so that there was none by the end. And at least two of the guys pissed down my throat between fucks, which meant the taste of piss soon drowned out the taste of anything else that had been in my mouth. Though that slight shitty taste would keep reappearing for a few hours yet.

But for the time being I didn't care. Because for much of the hours that followed I was in that special place -- experiencing that unique sexual blur that I still can't properly describe to this day. All I can say, is that I came two more times that night, despite my dick not be touched once.

And then they stopped.


Strangely, it wasn't the lack of cock inside me that made me realize the fucking was over. What brought me down from my own sexual high was the realization that Jay was pissing on me. Not in me, on me. He was standing right by my face, but rather than pissing into my mouth he was directing his piss over my back.

And then they were done.

I felt my arms and legs being untied, and my arms being retied behind my back. Then Justin was telling me to stand up. I tried, and got half way there, but was in such agony after my physical and sexual ordeal, I immediately fell to my knees. No one seemed to notice or care. Justin had something in his hand. I could just about register it was his jockstrap. That jockstrap. He used the jock to wipe up the cum that was on the floor beneath the table -- my cum presumably -- and then he shoved it back into my mouth.

"Come with me" he said. I couldn't bear to stand, so I followed him on my knees. He didn't seem to care. Then we were next to the sink cupboard in the kitchen again, and he was telling me to get inside. I somehow wriggled myself in. Then the cupboard doors were shut. I slumped. And then, despite everything, I immediately fell asleep.

The whole evening had been a blur. The last bit especially. Hence my panic and confusion when I woke abruptly two hours later. Presumably my body jolted itself awake so I could throw up some of the piss and cum and shit that was gushing round my stomach. I was in a nasty horrible place, mentally as well as physically. But despite that, as you all know, as I began to recall the night's fuckings, despite the confined space, despite the aching, despite the wetness, despite the stench, and despite the taste, I felt myself smiling.

Next: Chapter 6

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