Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Nov 1, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 5

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 5

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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After seven and half weeks of treatment on the Governance Control Unit, it was decided by Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco that the treatment was successful, and it was time for both fathers to continue their sons' treatment alone in their own homes.

The treatment had proven successful in curbing their sons' excessive masturbation habit; not only the two fathers, but, surprisingly, even the two boys under treatment seemed to have felt the treatment was of some help to them.

Since the treatment began, the boy's grades and attitudes had been steadily improving, and to both fathers' surprise their sons seemed to acknowledge it.

One evening as Mr. Parker was sharing a few glasses of wine with his eldest son, and after a bit too much wine his eldest son, Jimmy, commented in somewhat slurred speech, "Dad, I want you to know that this treatment has been helping me to feel better about myself. Now that I am concentrating more on my school work and getting better grades, the new respect now shown me by my teachers and fellow students inspires me to want to do even better. I am no longer content with having gone from C and D grades to getting B grades; I now want to become an A student."

Mr. Parker could not believe what he was hearing and allowed Jimmy to continue, "And dad, I'm now beginning to feel like a real man for the first time, and I want to start acting like a real man."

"What do you mean son?"

"Dad, I'm sure you and Mr. Tedesco have already noticed that Anthony and I were beginning to act `different'."

"Son, I do not understand."

"Dad, don't pretend. I overheard you and Mr. Tedesco once talk about you felt Anthony and I were beginning to act `different', and you wondered if we could be turning gay."

"Yes son, we did wonder about some things, but that was no big deal to us. Mr. Tedesco and I both feel very strongly that there is nothing wrong with being gay."

"I know that dad, but what I am trying to say is that for the first time in my life I am feeling like a real man, a straight man – and I want to start acting like a straight man, dad! I wanna start dressing like a straight guy. I wanna start playing baseball, `dressing straight guy cool', do my hair like a business-man in the way Randall does, I wanna - I just wanna..."

As Jimmy dozed off to sleep, Mr. Parker helped him up to his room, undress, and get him into bed; even as he was feeling that there was something not quite right about his son's words, as if something was fueling his comments beyond the wine.



On the Sunday afternoon, three days before Anthony was scheduled to move out of the Parkers' house and start receiving treatment at his own home, Mr. Tedesco, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Parker's brilliant and youngest son, Randall, invited Jimmy and Anthony to join them for brunch at little restaurant that was known for its welcoming atmosphere.

Once the greeting formalities had ended and glasses of white wine had arrived at their table, Mr. Tedesco began, "Boys, I don't need to tell you how very proud the three of us, Mr. Parker, his youngest son Randall, and I, are of the improvements that we've seen in your overall behavior."

"And it is clear to the three of us that both of you boys seem happy and appreciate of the treatment you have received these past almost two full months. As you know we will be continuing your treatments at your own homes. And because your treatment under the Governance Control Unit's scrotal cooling system has been so successful, we have already explained to you that we intend to keep you under treatment for several more months."

"We have been exploring further treatment options, and it was, thanks to little Randall here, that we came upon with an adjunct treatment that can be added to your current treatment regimen."

As Jimmy and Anthony looked at each other in wonder, Mr. Parker took over the conversation, "Boys, you have both been doing so well under treatment, and since you both have expressed appreciation for improvements in your life that you have perceived, we are therefore suggesting a new option; and option that can only help `up' your achievement levels."

The conversation was interrupted when the waiter arrived to deliver their brunch orders. For Mr. Tedesco it was a pasta dish. For Tedesco's son, Anthony, it was fish. For Mr. Parker and Jimmy, it was a large salad. Randall, ordered nothing – explaining with a whisper into the ear of his older brother that he trusted the food served at this restaurant as much as he would trust a post-midnight whore.

Once the brunches had been delivered, Mr. Parker addressed Anthony and Jimmy, "Boys, you are doing so well. And Mr. Tedesco and I both know that you are proud of the results that have been showing up in all of your medical and scholastic reports. It is for this reason that we propose a very minor adjunct treatment to your current regimen."

"Boys, what we propose is an additional treatment option that we would like both of you boys to consider, and hopefully voluntarily submit to. We just ask that you try to be objective in your considerations."

When both boys nodded in agreement, to the astonishment of both Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco, Mr. Parker continued, "Boys, all we want to do to the both of you is to do something that will have both of you boys in no time will have you feeling better about yourselves. We already know for a fact that both of you boys are beginning to feel better about yourselves and want to keep on improving your self-esteem."

"Therefore what Mr. Tedesco and I are proposing here is a simple procedure. It's called infibulation."

Since the word `infibulation' seemed to mean nothing to the two lads, Mr. Parker continued with an explanation; "Boys, infibulation is liking having your ear pierced. It's a totally benign, and is also an easy to un-do, procedure. And all that it means is that we want to punch a little hole through your dicks'

foreskins and insert a pin at the front-most part of your foreskin. Then once you are peepee pierced the pins will be secured and the piercing will automatically make both of you feel a lot better about yourselves."

Anthony wondered, "Isn't infibulation what they do to slaves, parolees, free boys with behavior problems, and so on?"

"Yes son, but it is not some horrible treatment that you may think it is, or what the word historically implies. It's really just a piece of cake!"

Mr. Parker jumped in to calm any fears, "Mr. Tedesco is correct. It is pretty much a piece of cake. We have already scheduled an appointment at Social Services for you two boys to get `infibed' tomorrow at 10 am."

At the sound of `Social Services', both boys reacted with something like, "What? We aren't slaves."

Both fathers quickly tried to reassure the boys, with Mr. Parker taking the lead, "We are only using Social Services for this medical procedure because they are the experts; this is what they do all the time to slaves around the clock."

"Every agency in the community uses Social Services for infibulations, they do `infibs' all the time on non-slave personnel such as parolees, misbehaving family members, special needs people, and so on. So, there's nothing to be ashamed of. We're only taking you to social services for your infibulations because they're the experts in the field for doing quick and easy infibulations."

Both boys just stared ahead in silence, seemingly resigned to what was about to happen to their manhood. Needless to say, both Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco were once again surprised by their sons' relatively passive acceptance to the news that they had just received.

Mr. Parker shook himself from his wonderment and continued, "It's all gonna be quick and easy. And once we get you two little guys all infibulated, we plan on taking you out for pizza and ice cream in order to celebrate!"

End of Part 5

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 6

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