Cop Justin Meets an Old Friend

By ku jhawker

Published on Feb 5, 2012



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Chapter 1

Justin was a stud, no doubt about it. He didn't have any problems getting the girls to go out on a date, or saying yes to anything he desired. Justin was a cop, and had been since he was old enough to do the job. He loved showing of his perfect uniform, and the way his ballistic vest made his chest puff out even more than he did himself. He would spend hours getting everything just right, spit shined boots, heavy starch on the fabric of his wrinkle free shirt and trousers, and every pin and button shined and placed in the perfect spot. He loved the look and the power his uniform portrayed him.

Justin would work out at a local gym, after all, had to keep the body matching the uniform, right? He loved to go in after work and show off his uniform and power to everyone there. He turned more eyes than just the ladies too. A lot of guys worked out there that loved the scenery as well, but he did not mind, as long as he got the attention. One woman in particular always captivated him, her name was Emilee, and she was the one woman that did not seem to go weak in the knees when Justin would pass. Man that drove him crazy, so today he decided he would talk to her, and lay on the charm and looks.

A few brief lines, and without even turning her head to glance, Justin was feeling like the thin geek in high school. Shot down as she politely but forcefully asked him to bug off. He left, and went into the locker room to start his routine. Who does this girl think she is? He thought. Not even a slight fear or respect for him or his uniform. It was driving him crazy as he undressed and pulled out his shorts to get ready to relieve some frustration. Down to his boxers, mumbling a mocking "I really need to finish here, do you mind?" under his breath he looked up to see several of the guys looking at him in confusion. Normally he welcomed attention, but not as he stood there in his boxers, looking like he was crazy. He threw on his clothes, and slammed his locker shut.

His work out was a bit distracting. The gym was one large open room and all he could see was Emilee. How frustrating it was to be shot down and then have to try and concentrate as she flaunted in front of him. Just focus, and finish, he thought. At one point he noticed a couple of guys laughing at something and he had recognized them from the locker room, was it him? Were these little fuckers laughing at him? Man it was driving him nuts, he had to finish this embarrassment and call it a day.

Chapter 2

As he left the gym, he carried his uniform in one hand, on a hanger, and covered in plastic, as if he was leaving dry cleaners. Over his shoulder, his gym bag, and the other hand his perfectly shined boots. Today was a bit different, he wasn't walking out all puffed up, smiling feeling like king of the world, he just wanted to get home and have a drink.

As he went to drop his boots to the ground and reach for the keys, he heard his name from behind him. Turning around, he saw Billy, a kid from school. Wow, Billy, what's up? It has been a long time!

Yea too long man, but I just use Bill now, Billy said with a grin.

Wow, you beefed up didn't you, I remember you as that skinny awkward track kid, good job man, you look great.

True, I did start hitting the gym out of school, replied Billy.

He had grown up, no longer a lanky acne covered kid, he was a tall strong ox that Justin might think twice about taking down by just hand to hand in an arrest. But Billy was always a cute kid with blond hair and blue eyes and a smile that just made you trust him, and that much had not changed.

So what's up? Where you working? Asked Billy.

Strange question Justin thought since I am holding a police uniform, but none the less, I'm a cop, decided to go in the direction of enforcing rather than breaking the law, he said with a chuckle.

You don't say? Billy had a strange tone, one of almost questioning, but a bit of a pause. I always knew you would turn out right man, you're a good guy.

Thanks, how about you? What have you been up to?

Oh you know, I guess those years of computers and books paid off, I own my own company, and I am doing pretty well. Got me a little place up in Cutaway Estates.

Little? Ha-ha there is nothing little about that place, has to be one fancy house? Said Justin

True, ha-ha, just being modest I guess. You want to check it out? I have a pretty nice bar, completely stocked.

Really? I should probably get home, got to get a uniform ready for tomorrow, ya know.

Hmm, Billy said as he looked over the uniform dangling from my hand, looks like it's about ready to go to me? How much better does it need to get? Hell I can see my face in those boots.

Now he sees the uniform Justin thought. Well I do tend to keep my shit together. I guess it won't hurt, if I'm out to late I think this one will pass my standards, Billy laughed. Besides, Justin needed a drink, this had been one ruff work out, and a drink sounded perfect.

Oh I see the workaholic, prefect image guy hasn't changed hu?

Ha-ha, no, that's still me, Justin said with a grin.

Ok then, just follow me and we can head over, ok?

Sure thing man, see you there.

Chapter 3

Driving up to Billy's house was a little more than Justin had pictured, he was being very modest. Entering through the gate, the house was yet to be visible, but through the trees, and perfect lawn, about a mile off the road, was a very large and old home. It almost resembled a castle, made entirely of rock or a stucco of some sort, and towering 3 stories. It must have taken a few years to build in the day it was constructed, that is for sure.

Stepping out of his car, Billy threw his arms to his side and said; well here it is, home sweet home.

Holy shit dude, whatever your doing it is working out well for you!

True, Billy said with a laugh, come on buddy, I'll show you around.

The two were greeted at the door by a well dressed butler, stating a welcome home to Billy. Billy in turn, told the butler to pull our cars around to the garage area, and added for him to collect my uniform and boots, and have them cleaned, starched and ready to go this evening, understood?

No, man, that's OK, I like to do that myself, I'll be fine, Justin blurted out.

Billy leaned into Justin and whispering said, now don't make me look bad buddy, I pay these guys allot to do this stuff, ha-ha. Besides, I don't want to put you in a bad spot for stopping by when you would be home exercising your OCD ha-ha.

Well I guess its ok, but it needs to be done right, you know?

OF course Sir, the butler said.

Well then it's agreed, said Billy. Oh yes, and don't forget to get the boots and get a good shine on them too, ok?

Of course Sir.

As we entered Billy said how about that? Never pictured someone calling me sir or picking up after me like that hu?

True I said as they both laughed, but I'm happy for you man, you deserve it.

Thanks, now let's get to that bar, Billy said with excitement.

Billy and Justin had to have walked past 20 or more doors leading into the back of the "house", more like an estate if you asked Justin, when we finally reached a large room, entering through a large, solid wooden door. It was better than any bar Justin had ever seen in his life. One large room, a full bar covering one wall, several pool tables, dart boards, everything a man might ever dream about having to call his own. On the longest wall, were full windows, overlooking a wooded land with a river, and stone cliffs.

Wow, man, this is amazing, Justin said.

Yea, it is the original home that owned this entire development, I guess I got lucky.

Yea you got lucky buddy, this is great, Justin said. So who do you enjoy all of this with? Got a rocking hot wife I would guess.

No, I'm not hitched up at the moment, Justin, Never have met that someone to trust ya know?

Well yea, trust would be hard, seeing all that you are worth, but you can probably get anyone you want.

Well some day, maybe. How about a drink?

Sounds good to me, Justin replied, do you have any crown?

Oh yes, one of my favorites, Billy said as he went behind the bar, and pulled out glasses, and started to pour. Drink up buddy.

Justin and Billy drank for a few hours, playing pool and talking over old times. They had been good friends back in the day, and Justin had always defended Billy, and kept him safe from hazing and harassment in high school. It was good to spend time catching up and remembering.

At some point the butler walked in and stated that my uniform was ready to go, as requested.

The two drank more than they should, but the night was still young, as the sun was going down through the windows, and darkening the view of the woods.

Sitting at the bar, they talked about their jobs, and Justin talked about how he really enjoy the respect and community service of his work (of course the respect was very high on his list lol).

Billy was vaguer and humble about his work, very much like the kid Justin remember in school, just stating that he had started investing in real-estate, and along with working for a major software company, he had managed to get very lucky.

At one point the conversation turned much more sobering when Billy decided to tell Justin that he was not completely what he had thought, and that his attraction was for men, and not women. This is something that has not bothered Justin for a long time, having worked with, and had friendships with plenty of gay people in the past and he told him that it made no difference.

Wow, Billy said, I really didn't expect that, I remember your attitude in high school, and I was sure, that would do us in.

Well it was a different time, and we were kids, I guess we all grow up some, ha-ha, Justin said.

Well great, now that that's out of the way, what's next? Billy said.

I don't know man, I guess I better be getting home.

Nah, you can't drive, you know that, you're a damn cop for crying out loud! Billy said

Ha-ha I guess you're right, but I don't want to impose.

Ha, how can you do that, I can give you a whole wing to yourself! Billy said with a smile.

That is true, this is defiantly some house.

Come on we can get you set up, Billy said.

Well it's still pretty early, how about we hang out some more.

Ok, Billy was suppressed, but more than happy to continue their conversations.

As the night went on, Justin asked allot about Billy, his interest, hobbies, and finally, about his love life. Billy was careful on what to say to Justin, he knew that his kink may end up in a bad reaction, and he limited the conversation to keep it vague. Justin continued to drink, and began to pry more about the type of guy he liked, Billy was very careful not to just blurt out, YOU! You're the kind of uniform hunk I love. But, Justin continued to pry.

Finally, Justin asked Billy, what about me, what you would think about me if you just met me, slurring a little when he talked.

Wow, tuff question, I have never really thought of you that way, Billy lied. Yea you're ok.

Just ok? Justin asked, wow, shot down twice in one day, what am I doing wrong?

Ha-ha, Billy said, what you want me to like you?

Hell yes, doesn't mean we are gonna fuck or anything, but I want to be HOT, slurring the words.

Well you are, man, you are. And of course, that sexy uniform doesn't hurt. Billy said

I know, right? I put hours into that, and I look damn good in it.

Ha-ha, yes you do man, you always have.

Justin ready to pass out from the crown, did not quite catch that Billy had given away the fact that he had been secretly watching him almost his entire career, and was now getting the nerve to make some sort of effort to reunite their friendship or maybe more.

Come on buddy, let's get you to bed, you got to work tomorrow.

And with that Billy helped his cop buddy stumble up into the bedroom in the guest wing.

After getting him into the bed, Justin was out like a light. Billy was excited to see this passed out stud lying motionless in the bed. He pulled his shirt off, and removed the shorts. They had a great musty smell of man on them and Billy could not help but smell how nice they were. Pulling back his boxers Billy noticed his buddies cock, relaxed and resting, and decided that Justin was way too drunk to remember anything at this point. He left and returned to the game room, and retrieved the cops stuff and headed back to the room.

It wasn't long before Billy had stripped his clothes off, and dressed in the cops fresh uniform shirt, and wearing his shined boots, but naked from the waist down. He pulled Justin's boxers from his body, and gazed on a naked, muscular, unconscious stud cop. He could not control himself, he straddled the top of Justin, and began to rub their two dicks together, bodies grinding. In Justin's unconscious state, it was probably impossible for him to realize as his cock grew hard, but to Billy it was pure ecstasy. He continued to rub as the two got more and more aroused. Justin was beginning to make low moaning noises, but was dead to the world. Then Billy felt it, his cop was beginning to let go, the warm fluid could be felt as it spurted out and Billy exploded as well.

He laid on Justin for a min, enjoying what he had just felt, and then leaned up to straddle the unconscious cop. He looked down to see a mixture of cum, part from him, and part from Justin sinking into the tail of the nice perfect uniform shirt.

Well Justin, looks like you nice clean pressed shirt has some imperfections on it, he whispered in to his ear as he laughed. Guess you should not have been so curious tonight.

Billy thought to himself earlier, now why would this guy be ok with me likening men, and then practically twist my arm to say he was hot. Billy could only assume that Justin was wanting it, and just afraid to admit it.

Funny, I was not planning on messing up your shirt, and making you got to work tomorrow wearing the cum from our little experience, but you had to pry, and that my friend is enough to get me turned on. He said as he leaned down to Justin again. Oh, yes, one more thing. He then scooped up the remains of the both him and Justin's cum, and opened Justin's mouth to scoop it in. I'm a little bit kinky too, he said.

With that, Billy got a towel and cleaned up the mess on Justin, tucked him in and hung his uniform back up at the door for him to climb into tomorrow.

Sleep well my cop buddy, I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

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