Cops and Robbers

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on May 2, 2005



COPS AND ROBBERS by bawdypen

He spooned a couple nostrils full of coke as the naked young addicts were paraded before him.

"The little guy," he pointed to a cute blond about 16. "Let's see how he shits."

The others were dismissed for the time being. They were all high and several of them sported hard boners. It wasn't that they were that turned on by the slick-haired drug fact, most of them were straight--including the blond. But they were all willing to do whatever was necessary for their continued supply of dope. That included sucking cock and getting fucked up the ass. A few had guzzled piss from cocks!

Luis Pedroza was the young, handsome Salt Lake connection to the Colombia cartel. He enjoyed Utah as his home base because it afforded him less hassle with competition, and because he lusted after young Mormon boys! He found that Mormon lads--with their strict moral upbringing--tended to turn into tigers once they'd been totally corrupted with sex and drugs. Indeed, they easily became quite debauched once they'd tasted forbidden pleasures.

The dope was the driving became willing, strictly as a means to get high.

Luis had many moods. A hot, private affair with a young- ster...or a wild, unbridled orgy with several boys and his specially-picked group of compatriots and followers. Men with big guns, big balls, and a similar taste in boys. He was an inveterate voyeur and often had sex 'shows' performed for his pleasure. And once business was taken care of, sex was in the air. But even they couldn't always keep up with him...and sometimes found Luis' desires downright distasteful!

Such was the case today. Luis was in a 'shitty' mood. Not unhappy or angry, just 'shitty.' Luis liked seeing hot young boys take a shit...seeing sweet turds come from their precious, teenage assholes...and more.

The little blond was 'escorted' to the hassock before Luis. The most innocent of the group, Martin was nervous. He knelt on the hassock, his smooth buttocks facing Luis.

"Give 'im a couple more snorts!" Luis ordered. "Reach down and play with his cock, Rico. High and horny is the way a boy can really enjoy taking a shit for an audience."

"Nice cock, Boss," Rico smiled, easily stroking the boy's short, fat prick into a hard boner. "Want me to push it back between his legs so you can suck it?"

Luis opened his expensive robe, exposing his large, hard dick. He was naked underneath. All eyes stared at the huge weapon. No matter how many times they'd seen it, it still never failed to fascinate them. From the beginning of a sex session-- to the end--they'd never seen the thing in a soft condition. Even after fucking a boy...and ordering someone to suck it clean...he always remained stiff and ready for another orgasm.

Everybody worked for him, so he had no compunction about doing anything he wished...nor about ordering others to perform any act. If they didn't like it, they could leave. Permanently, if their knowledge might be a threat to his operations. He got grumbles on occasion, but not any real flack. He liked being obeyed...especially in sexual matters.

"You suck it, Rico. You're drooling as it is, you fuckin' cocksucker! Lick his bone, but don't make him cum. Push that hassock back more, I'm gonna suck his asshole and loosen it up for that turd I want to see."

Martin, innocently dewey-eyed...and tingling...was astonished at what was being demanded of him. This was even more weird than when he'd had to blow the man--or rather...the men...his first time he'd been on display. He blew Luis... sucked his first cock. Then he was passed around and ended up blowing four others before Luis fucked his virgin ass. With cocaine rubbed on his asslips, he'd managed to take the whole thing up his rectum and give the man a wild fuck! He'd enjoyed it--and sucking those cocks. So much, he fretted about turning into a queer.

But back in the bedrooms with the other boys he'd learned that they were more philosophical about it all.

"Hell, I'm no queer, man," Ferdy made his admission, "but you gotta agree takin' a prick up the ass feels real good when you've had a lot of coke. Get me high enough and I'd suck off the Pope. And I ain't even Catholic!"

"Me, too," another boy announced, nodding, "give me enough coke and pricks taste real good...even the cockjuice! Had me in there one night til I got fucked by four guys and blew two others. Man, I didn't even whimper. I think I even begged for a fifth prick up my ass so I could come a third time!"

"Yeah, I'd sure rather have pussy around," Clark said, "but with all this dope available I'll suck their balls and assholes!"

"ASSHOLES?!" Martin gasped. The others chuckled.

"Haven't had a butt put in your face yet, hunh?" Ferdy chuckled.

"Well, when it happens," Ferdy continued, "just go with it. Oh, complain a little bit about how filthy and nasty it is and they'll give you more dope. But don't press that too much. They'll give you plenty, but Luis hates a guy to be obviously greedy. Besides, suckin' ass is fun too. If it bothers you too much, just pretend it's a chick's. After a couple of times you won't even bother doing won't matter," he laughed.

Back in the living room:

"Sweet little asshole!" Luis gushed, lapping his tongue over the pink, wrinkled flaps and inside. "Kinda cheesy!"

Martin squinched up his face...imagining what 'cheesy' meant, and picturing what the man's tongue was licking from his twitching crack. Still, he had to admit it sure felt good. Especially when Luis drove his tongue up his hole and fluttered it around in there! His cock was roaring hard from the manipu- lation Rico was giving it. Unfortunately, he dropped it, fearful that the kid might come. Luis continued his lingual probing, thrusting even deeper. Martin knew the man wanted him to shit, and it felt as if he was trying to reach his tongue up inside his butt to lick on his turd! Then he found out that that was exactly what he was trying to do!

"Push, boy! Go ahead. Push your turd up to my tongue. When I feel it, I'll lick it, then I'll watch you shit. Don't worry where it goes...just shit right on the carpet. I wanna watch your turds fall out of there!"

The combination of sensations soon had him grunting. He'd push his shit right into the man's mouth if that was what he wanted! His prick was leaking and that was all that mattered. The fire in his brain and the fire in his balls. He wouldn't have minded if somebody had stuck a hard cock in his mouth, either.

"Mmmmm, mmmm," Luis moaned under his breath. The bitter- sweet column had reached his tongue and he was licking on the end...tasting Martin's shit juices.

"Mmmm, mmmm!" Luis loved the taste of boyshit. He needed to be quite high himself to indulge so far as to actually SUCK on a turd...but sometimes he'd take enough dope just so he'd get in that perverted mood. Like today.

The naked men were gathered around the couch while Rico held Martin's buttocks apart. None of them were surprised when the turd came out of his asshole with Luis' lips wrapped around it. With a loud, luscious smack Luis pulled his mouth away. Audible sighs could be heard as they saw the boy's meaty turd slide from his greasy rectum...eventually bend from the weight ...and fall out onto the floor. Like the aperture of a camera the hole closed and immediately opened again to release another one...nearly as long in length...but softer and mushier on the end.

Finished, he felt the tongue thrust up his asshole again! Luis was totally unashamed as he licked shit from the boy's asshole and cleaned it with his fluttering tongue.

"Damn, I sure picked a good one today!" Luis declared. "Beautiful clumps of shit, kid. Tasty, too. Pick 'em up, Rico. Show him."

Rico, his own stiff cock hanging menacingly down between his legs as he bent over, picked up the turds and showed them to a totally bewildered Martin. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

"Sniff 'em, kid!" Luis ordered. "See what your turds smell like up close. Take a lick if you want. No? Rico, show the boy how pretty turds like that oughta be treated."

Glancing up, Rico knew what that meant. He gulped. Then right in front of Martin's eyes, he licked the length of both turds several times! Martin gasped and all the men were laugh- ing. He looked at the expression on Rico's face and really couldn't be sure if the man was enjoying or hating it. He merely obeyed Luis' every command.

"Good show, kid. Go find yourself a nice prick to suck on while I decide what's next."

A spoonful was put to his nostril and he sniffed gladly. The rush soon had him glancing around the room. He sure needed something, and a big juicy cock was just as good as anything he could think of right now.

He settled on a younger, skinny guy with a long hang. He knelt down in front of him and put the half-hard prickhead into his mouth and sucked until the cock was raging hard. From the corner of his eye he could see Luis settled back, stroking his big cock and watching him.

"Um, that was the kind of turd you want for Sunday break- fast," Luis remarked, "...every Sunday! Bring that kid Clark in here. He's got the kind of shit you crave about 3:00 a.m. after a Friday night of drinking and doping with every slut and cocksucker in town. Now I'm in the mood for a turd that'll crinkle my eyebrows from the stench alone!"

"Mr. Pedroza?" Clark stood there naked--his cock slowly rising.

"Clark baby, swagger your ass over here and let me sniff your tailpipe," Luis crooked his finger. "Whew, that hairy crevice of yours! Did I ever tell you your turds stink worse than any I've ever smelled?"

"G-gosh, Mr. Pedroza, I..." he blushed.

"Don't GOSH the fuck outta me! Whadda you think you're here for? Damn, that smells good! Can you shit?"

"Sure. I figured just in case..."

"You figured right. Think I'll have you shit on my face. But first, my boys tell me that of all you cocksuckers, you talk about pussy more than anybody. Quite the cocksman, hunh? Yeah. So before I have you take a big shit, I want you to suck everybody's asshole...starting with me!"

Luis flung his legs in the air and pulled his knees back to his chest. His own lightly-haired, puffy asshole was lewdly exposed. Without asking, Clark went to the table and spooned up a couple of heavy snorts for himself. He knew what he could get away with by now. Feeling the rush, he grinned and went right down to kneel at Luis' buttocks. He thumbed the crack apart and licked it up and down. He noisily slobbered over the man's crinkly asslips. Martin stopped his cocksucking to watch.


Martin watched the frantic movements Clark was making with his face up the man's butt. Damned if licking ass didn't look like fun. long as a turd wasn't coming out! He giggled at the thought.

He giggled even more when Clark started licking his asshole...along with every other guy in the room. Clark stayed on his knees, scooting around to each guy that bent over and pulled their butts apart. Some were nice and fresh...others fragrant...a few downright dirty! With the intense stimulation going on in his head, Clark spent more time licking the dirty ones! He was straight. He loved eating and fucking cunts. But Martin remembered him saying that for dope he'd suck balls and assholes. And he was certainly proving it now!

Clark straddled Luis' sprawled body and squatted down. Fingering his cock, he got a screwed-up expression on his face and took a big shit! An extremely long turd hung out...reaching all the way down to where Luis was able to lick it before it went into his mouth! Martin, ordered to watch at close quarters, had his head just behind Luis. He could smell the boy's shit, and totally agreed it was horrendous. He simply could not understand how the man could take it into his mouth and suck it!

Two other boys were brought in. One to fuck Clark up the ass...the other to suck the prick when it finally emerged from that cummy, shitty hole! Bolstered by a heavy dose, Ferdy cleaned the filthy prick, frantically jacking off as he did so. He spewed cum all over as he licked off the streaks of Clark's shit!

Martin came to find that these super perversions didn't happen all that often...but when they did Luis got really turned on. Jumping up, he crouched in the middle of the room and shit! He ordered Rico onto his belly and shoved his cock up the guy's ass.

Maneuvering so his face was next to his own steamy shit, Luis ordered one of the men to get down and lick on it! The guy got down and the two of them were licking, the other smelling the pile of crap! As if that wasn't enough, just when Luis was coming he pushed the guy away and took a big bite out of his own turd! He ate it while his cock spurted up Rico's asshole!

Martin had had a pretty good time so far, but it quickly ended when Luis ordered him to lick his cock! He was turned on enough to do it, but once he had that smelly prick in his mouth he had second thoughts. Too late now. He suffered the bitter- ness and licked it clean while Luis sucked out his own cum from Rico's asshole! One of the men gave Martin another blowjob, then another guy took Martin's piss down his throat.

Obviously not wanting to miss this opportunity, a couple of the other men took shits. One guy was really stuffed up. About 7" of thick shit plopped onto his buddy's chest, followed by another 5" and a last little skinny squirt was squeezed out. It got licked. One man was so excited by the immense turd that he got down and licked the pieces, paying particular attention to the frazzled ends where it had broken off. He licked those frazzled ends smooth while the guy whose chest it lay upon eagerly sniffed the mess!

The other guy shit a healthy turd also, but since he didn't get any takers he got down and licked it himself--after he jacked off over it! "MMMM, MMMM!" he slurped.

Then the cops walked in!

"Well, well, having a little shit-fest! Or is that shit feast?"

"Lt. Marshall," Luis wiped his lips. "What brings you here?"

Gene Marshall looked down at the long hanging cock between Luis' legs. "Came for our payoff, Pedroza."

"Yeah? Funny. You know full well Capucci will be there tomorrow as usual. Sure you didn't come for some of this?" He wagged his cock back and forth and stepped forward. "Or maybe you came to get that fat ass licked, hunh?" he chuckled. "Want me to call more of the boys in?"

"Sounds good. My men need some of that stuff we can't get anywhere else."

"Ah, can't raid the dope lockers any more, hunh?"

"Not that. I mean boy cocksuckers and shit lickers. Call in the young ones you keep on tap. I wanna start on this big bone!" He knelt down and took Luis' cock in his mouth, brazenly sucking it in front of his fellow officers, showing he was a master bone-licker!

Luis lorded over him, fucking him in the mouth. He jerked a finger to have some boys brought in, letting the ones there to leave. He knew how horny these pigs could be, and wanted a fresh crew to handle 'em.

The other cops quickly dropped their pants...taking them off but leaving their boots on. Hard, hefty pricks sprung from their loins and they stroked them anxiously as the boys were brought in and the coke passed around. These cops loved having boys on their knees with their young faces buried in their crotches, making them lick their sweaty balls and suck their pricks.

It didn't matter to the boys. Able to get about as high as they wanted, one prick was much the same as another. They even got a thrill out of the smell of their leather belts and boots, and their swaggering military attitudes as they got blowjobs.

The cops didn't mind the smell of shit that permeated the room. They knew what went on here...they'd been here before for little sex parties. One time they even brought along their own punk kid off the street because they all wanted to fuck him. The kid stayed with Luis.

Luis regularly paid them off for protection, but he figured he could probably dispense with offers of money if he allowed them freer access to his boys. But money was no problem. He preferred to keep the boys on call for himself and his men.

Still, little parties like this on occasion were okay... especially since Luis had the hidden cameras turned on for better insurance! They all get a kick out of watching the videos after the cops leave.

"Here, kid," one cop turned around, "lick my hairy ass!"

"Yeah, me too!" another bent over. "Suck out my big asshole!"

The boys went to it without complaint...or at least with no more complaint than it took to get another hit. Some butts weren't nice, but they generally were a lot cleaner than the guys around here. A little cop sweat on an ugly asshole was still better than a ring of shit on a nice one! Too bad, too, cause Luis' men were all pretty hot dudes. Had to be...Luis sucked and fucked them all, and never knew when he might want a turd from a nearby asshole! He didn't have much control when he got in that mood. He'd hate to wake up in the morning remember- ing that filthy turd he'd eaten out of some ugly man's ass! At least he could feel proud to have eaten the shit of these handsome men.

But the cops gave him the opportunity to enjoy a good show. Marshall was a pretty good cocksucker, and always started with Luis. After blowing the drug pusher, he'd take his pants off and go for the boys...always having another lad beneath him licking out his asshole while he sucked cock and licked a few bungholes himself. But outside of a few licks and sniffs, he preferred having a prick in his mouth most of the time. He loved to suck out the juice from a boy's balls.

His fellow cops, on the other hand, had varied favorite diversions of their own. Stuff that was too dangerous to try on the streets. They couldn't just pick up a queer because, being cops, they weren't exactly trusted much. And even making the attempt wasn't good for their image. And punks they were about to arrest were too seldom cute enough to pull that "put out or get busted" scam.

One enjoyed jacking off into a boy's open mouth while getting his asshole rimmed. Another couldn't get enough of eating out boy ass. He'd spend the whole time having boys sit on his face, one after the other so he could taste them all. He'd be getting his own cock jerked or sucked during this, and generally came several times. Damndest thing was, he always had his last orgasm by having one of his fellow cops squat his ass down to his mouth!?! "Lemme suck your ugly ass, Bronson!"

Officer Tilton was definitely a candidate to quit the force and join up with Luis. He snorted the most coke and had an intense interest in watching one of the boys shit...preferably into someone's mouth. When a pretty kid had done it once into the mouth of one of Luis' men, he'd gotten so turned on he bent down and licked it while the kid shit! Had he been a better- looking guy, Luis might have made him an offer.

Sergeant Garsden enjoyed having a man fuck him while he blew boys. One of the things the cops never did was lick a dirty prick. But Garsden enjoyed seeing a boy suck on the cock he'd just gotten fucked by. Seeing a kid lick his shit was a real turn-on for him.

Of course, Luis and his men didn't just stand around during this when they weren't personally involved. They'd work on each other, or call in more boys. And if Luis wanted to lick or eat a turd, he sure didn't stop because the room was full of cops!

A few months back Officer Tilton watched him licking a boy's turd and got so worked up he walked over to them, crouched down, and spit out a big fat turd of his own. Even Luis thought it was a disgusting sight! But rather than offend the man, he ordered Rico to get down and give it a couple of licks. Ever obedient, Rico took a deep breath and put his face to the mess and licked over the cop's filthy pile!

"There, you got your shit licked," Luis scowled. "But don't try that again. You guys got certain privileges, but shitting all over the place ain't one of 'em. From now on, a cop takes a shit here he'd better have another cop there to lick it. That we could enjoy watching!"

"Uh, sorry, Pedroza. Got carried away. Thought you guys liked shit?"

"Yeah, well, I don't wanna upset you fine specimens of masculine hunkiness, but take a look around. Discounting yourselves, do you see an ass in this place that isn't pretty? If you think somebody'd enjoy eating shit out of those fat cans of yours, then you shouldn't mind doing it yourselves!"

"Okay, we get your point. Any of you guys game for that, speak up now. Here's the place to do it." They were silent. That was settled...until Tilton nervously spoke up.

"What the hell. I come here cause you guys do this stuff. Tomorrow, when I'm down, remember I didn't say this, but... Milkin?" He looked over at his partner. "Cops always turned me on. That's why I'm on the force in the first place. I've blown you before. Yeah, yeah, you guys can're all cocksuckers! Anyway, Milkin, I'm fuckin' higher than a kite right now and might not get another chance cause I couldn't say it when we're alone. But...if you can take a shit right now... I'd like to lick on your turd!"

"Buddy! You fuckin' blow jockey! Yeah, you would be hungry for some cop shit, wouldn't you? He's always blowin' me in the patrol car, fellas, tryin' to get my legs up so he can lick my ass."

"Oh, like you don't let me, you prick! Well, just let me go on record right now. I've sucked that bastard's hole so much and so deep I could rim twenty guys blindfolded and tell you which one was his! I know his taste. That's how I know his turd will taste good!" Milkin enjoyed the vulgar compliment and grinned.

"Looks like you got a deal, Pedroza," Marshall grinned. "Any chance I can get my turd licked by somebody if they do it?"

Thinking of the camera, Luis smiled brightly and nodded. "Sure, I'll find some kid so out of it he'd rim a horse!"

"Thanks for the compliment, asshole! I was kinda hoping you'd do it...seein' as how you like it so much!"

"In your dreams, pig. Not from that fat ass! Besides, you'd probably like it better if a sweet youngster did it to you... don't shit me, so to speak."

"Come on, Milkin, before I change my mind," Tilton urged. "Shit me a big stinker...I wanna lick your hot cop turd!"

"Damn, man...this is kinda embarassing!"

"Fuck it...they're all shit-lickers around here anyway!"

"They are, but what about our buddies?"

"Hey, I just spent an hour licking out boys' assholes, chump," a cop chuckled. "Let 'im suck your turd if he wants!"

"Okay, fucker. How do you want it?" Milkin agreed.

"Uh, gee. As nasty as possible. Best way would be to squat over my face, but I'm afraid you'd shit right in my mouth and choke the hell out of me. I don't wanna eat your turd, man, I just wanna lick it! How about bending over and I'll kneel behind you? That way everybody can see me do it. Damn, I'm hot for this!"

They got into position with everyone watching. Tilton spread his partner's cheeks and openly sniffed his hole as he pried it apart. Then he licked it...up and down...brazenly tasting his shithole. "Aw, man, fuck the boys! Shit a big fuckin' dirty turd outta that fat ass! I wanna taste some cop shit!"

With his hands on his knees, and keeping an eye on those watching, Milkin gave out a lewd, exaggerated grunt like a guy taking a shit in an outhouse. "YEAH, EAT MY FUCKIN' SHIT, YOU PRICK!" he yelled, jacking off, as his asshole spread open and a fat dark tube appeared.

Overwhelmed, and extremely excited, Tilton rushed his face up there and licked around where the turd was escaping. He licked the puffy, bloated asslips and slid his tongue over the greasy turd...licking the glistening slime!

"Man, he really digs that!" a cop gasped.

"Oh, you bet I do!" Tilton cried. "Man, this fuckin' turd tastes good! Hold it there, buddy, I'm gonna fuckin' suck on it!" He put his mouth over the protruding turd and sucked it, rocking back and forth on his feet. His cock was stiff and throbbing, and just as he shot off Milkin busted loose, sending it all out! A good eight inches of hot shit bolted from his ass and the whole thing fell to the floor. Still shaking in orgasm, Tilton pressed his lips to the gaping hole and sucked it out! The way his mouth was moving it looked like he was eating some final clumps out of there, but nobody was sure. He definitely cleaned out that craphole, everyone's delight!

While Milkin straighted up, and Tilton wiped his mouth and blushed in sated embarrassment, Lt. Marshall lay on the floor.

"My turn! Bring me a turd-licker, willya!"

"Sure, Marshall," Luis said. "A cop full of shit, hunh? So what's new?" He walked to the back, jacking off his huge prick from the excitement he'd just witnessed, and went through the door. In a few moments he was back with two naked kids who had stiff boners. He was yanking on their arms, pulling them to the middle of the room.

"You little bastards! I told you guys not to fuck around back there! Little creep was getting his ass fucked." Luis doubled the boy over and started wildly licking out his asshole. Then he pulled the other boy closer and began to suck on his slimy dong. "Oh, yeah, this taste so good! HOT SHIT FROM A SWEET BUTT-HOLE! Bring some coke over here, Rico. These boys are gonna continue what they started."

He arranged them, letting the boy fuck the other one again.

"Shove it in there, kid. Get some more shit on your prick so I can lick it off! Meanwhile, punk, you get down there between that fat cop's legs. You're gonna lick his stinkin' turd while you get fucked! Snort that line and don't give me any trouble. Just do what you're told!"

On hands and knees, with his butt up, the kid's face was shoved down to where Marshall was holding his legs back, exposing his gigantic ass and grungy asshole. It already smelled bad because his turd wasn't very far away. The boy could see that his shithole was opening up. He resigned himself to his punishment...and that big dick lodged back up his ass again sure didn't hurt matters. They must have been fucking for a while, because when Luis made the kid continually pull his prick out so he could lick the smelly cock, the boy's hole just stayed gaping open.

Besides, he had other things to worry about. It was really lucky that he was so hot. Hell, he was half out of his mind from all the coke he'd sniffed that night. When the cop began to poop, he got right down there and licked the damned thing the whole time the cop was shitting!

Luis was watching and reached under to jerk the kid's prick. The handjob, and having that big bone rammed deep up his ass, make him care less that he was licking on shit. Even when Marshall had finished, and was now turned around watching and masturbating, the boy still licked all over the stinky turd! He cried out as Luis' hand was filled with cream and his rectum was flooded with more of it! When the cock came out, Luis licked it clean and sucked on the boy's ass, drawing from there all the cum and shit he could vacuum out! The boy raised his head and took the cop's prick in his mouth...blowing him off!

As the cops were leaving, Tilton whispered to Luis, "Even more than cops, gangsters turn me on. How 'bout I come back some time, alone? I'd sure like to suck on your greasy turd!"

"Sure. You can come back without your buddies. I'll stuff your piggy mouth with hot shit, but my boys get to watch."

"Sure...sure...gosh, that'd be alright. Uh, thanks!"

It just so happened that they were very near a microphone when this whispering took place. They all got a charge out of watching this on the video afterwards.

"Heh! I told you guys cops were all shiteaters!"

"Yeah, you shoulda been a cop, boss!" They all laughed.

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