Coreys Wish

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Feb 7, 2006


Corey's Wish-Copyright 2005-Tenor LK


You are reading a story that is about two men in a consenting sexual relationship. If this disturbs you, you had better hit the x or click the back button on your browser now, or else face the consequences. Also, if you are under the age of 18, or 21 in some areas, you also need to do the same, for the rest of you...Sit back, relax, and enjoy...if you are looking for a quickie release story, this is certainly not the story for you!

Corey's Wish Written by Tenor LK Chapter 2

I should probably take a step back and tell you something rather important....I'm Gay. I have known this my whole life practically, and I'm very comfortable with who I am. I guess I should have told Aaron this, but then again, I'm not quite sure I want to loose my roommate so soon in the school year...

"Jeanie, it's nice to meet you" I said, in my most polite voice.

"And you as well. This is an awesome dorm room Aaron, how did you get so lucky?"

"I just happens...Um, Corey, can I speak to you for a minute?"


I had a feeling how this was going to turn out...that I was going to experience my first sexile from my room...and I wasn't happy about it.

"Corey, do you mind if Jeanie and I kinda fool around tonight...I mean, I can loan you my El pass so you can chill downtown or something...there's gotta be some coffee place you'll love...please?" And would you know it, he used those

"Its fine...go for it, just know that this shouldn't happen too often, I beg of you"

"Man, you are the best...the car is in the lot on the side..."


So with that, I left. I didn't know where to go first, so I walked slowly, and heard someone crying, sitting on a bench on the path leading out to the main street, and though I normally would just quietly pass, I felt compeled to help him.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

"Excuse me?" "I said is everything ok?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just really upset."

"Is there anything I can do? I hate to see a person cry."

"Um...not really, I just need to get away for awhile."

"Really? It's only the first day"

"I know, but it feels like this day has been forever..."

"Well, I'm leaving campus for a bit...would you like to join me?"

"Um, are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude"

"I'm inviting you...there is no way you would be intruding, besides, I could really use the company."

"Then sure, I'll walk with you"

And away we went, talking about small potatoes; I found out that his name was Evan, and that he was a junior Communication Arts major here at American. He was still getting over his tears, and ready to talk to me about whatever was going on.

"Well, I've been talking on the phone to my boyfriend...he decided to stop seeing me, and go back to his boyfriend. It just seemed that John and I were doing so well...three whole years, I was so happy with him...I just don't know what to do anymore...its not fair that I find guys who are awesome...but just don't care about being in a relationship long term."

"I know what you mean...although; I have yet to date a guy..." Did I really just say that?

"You'll be fine; you are a really beautiful person...for reaching out to me and trying to cheer me up," he started, and paused, "Why don't we have coffee sometime? I love sitting in a Coffee bar on rainy days"

I was astounded at what he said, "I do too. It's just really awesome to watch the rain fall or read, or have a conversation and hear the droplets hit the window."

"Well, I should give you my number..."

We swapped information while walking still. Its kinda funny, I felt so comfortable with him just walking down the street.

Evan looked into my eyes and stated, "You know, your eyes tell a thousand stories...I just hope that we can create a story together to add to those." And then he kissed my hand.

I wanted to melt right there, it was so sweet. We just met though, wasn't hitting on me coming a little early in

"Um, Evan. Wow, that really makes me feel awesome...I hope for the same...maybe we should start heading back to the campus"

"Sure thing...just before we go...wait" and he kissed me.

Most people say that their first kiss was like fireworks. Some say it's like experiencing Christmas Morning. For me, my first kiss with Evan was more then those things, it was like a rocket takeoff...He was so gentile, and brilliant.


"Don't say anything, its ok. All you need to know is that you are a very special person."

"But Evan"

"Its ok, you may not want to date me, but that's not why I kissed you. I kissed you because I wanted you to know how I felt about you tonight."

"Evan, thank you...I'm glad that I have touched you so well."

"We should get going...classes tomorrow of course"

"'re right...let's get going."

The walk home was quiet, but I noticed that we were walking closer to each other, holding hands, almost like a couple, It scared the crap out of me, but it just felt right.

Returning to the room was a serious issue for me, would Jeanie still be there...should I invite Evan up....what would Aaron think? As soon as Aaron popped into my mind...what should I do about Evan. I mean, I don't want to appear that I'm hiding myself from him, but would he understand?

When we got to my room, I saw that there was a light on, and I was able to hear the television on, so I opened the door and walked in, the site I saw amused me so much.

Jeanie was sitting in a chair, while Aaron was laying with this stuffed bear on the bed...sleeping.

"Hey' Jeanie responded. "how was your evening?"

"good, you?"

"Great, Aaron and I talked a lot, and he is a very interesting person. Its awesome that he is so open. Who is your friend?"

I'm sorry...This is Evan, Evan, meet Jeanie...ah...she's"

"let's say good friend...Aaron and I met tonight at the Sig Ep party."

"Oh, awesome." Evan replied.

"So, did you and know?" I was trying to milk her for all the information I could get...I know that's probably wrong of me, but I wanted to know if I was going to have to deal with a one night thing...or it seemed at this moment.

"No, actually, he couldn't stop talking about you."

"What do you mean?"

"I firmly believe that he is stuck on you, he likes you...maybe even love you"

Does live ever really work out the way we want? Evan looked at me suspiciously, while Jeanie became engrossed into the television again. All I was able to do was something I got really good at in high school...faint right onto the floor.

Thoughts...Comments...Contact me!

Next: Chapter 3

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