Cory Hooks a Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 31, 2022


While frank ate his dinner, Cory came over and slid into the chair next to him. "This may be presumptuous, but I want to ask. " He giggled boyishly. "No reason for a repeat of misunderstandings so.... the restaurant is closed tomorrow, and that means I don't have to worry about early shift, sooooooooooooooo...... any possibility of my staying the night?" "BOING" went frank's cock. He had assumed that Cory was going to have cold feet, or cold balls, or whatever, and leave when they were done playing but.... "Uh, yeah, sure. I assumed you would Sir. I have to get to work but......" He put his fork down. "How about I head out, make sure the apartment is presentable, and I'll wait for you?" Cory smiled. "I will go and get a change of clothes. New undies and everything." frank teased "You wear undies Sir? You don't hang naturally?" Cory clicked his lips and winked. "For the first few dates, I do. After that... Less time spent in prep the better." He ruffled frank's thick hair. "Let me go pack an overnight." He looked over to Adrian. "Adrian, put this one on the house tab, please." Adrian smiled. "It's been taken care of Sir" He went back to his customers. "He's a smart ass," frank whispered. "It takes one to know one. Seriously, yes, he is a smart ass, but he's one of the smartest kids who ever worked here. I usually don't hire out of the university: too privileged, too full of themselves, but Adrian... " "What's he study Sir?" "He's in the theology and religion department. Doing some kind of research on alternate spirituality in the LGBTQ community." "Does he know anthony, Sir?" "anthony? OH, you mean Jake's partner." Cory laughed. "I guess he would, I mean, it would seem natural but.. I really don't know anthony that well. I know Jake better." "Well, just idle curiosity. See you in about an hour?" "You will. Do me a favor, frank..." A devilish look went over Cory's face. "I like to unwrap my Christmas presents slowly, so... don't do something like parade around the house buck naked or anything like that." He pushed a finger into frank's shirt, finding his navel. "I like how you're dressed tonight. It's HOT." BOING BOING. "Yes sir. I'll see you in an hour."

"OH SHIT WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR????" frank spoke to no one in particular. He was back in his place, and a bundle of nerves. Clean up the place? frank was meticulous and there was nothing that NEEDED picking up, but... he laid out his superboy costume on the bed. He thought it was too soon to try to start a scene in it, but... he wanted Cory to see the fetish he had mentioned. He was so nervous, he was sweating heavily. "Did Cory say he LIKES sweat? OH GEEZ I dunno. I really have to change. REALLY." frank had his "rules" and this day was a "black" day so while he would change, he would not change the color. He took off his button front, and pondered: tight t shirt or tight polo? "The polo. I was wearing one when I met him. Should I use that one again? NO, It's dirty. " frank went to his closet and thought again when he saw the black t shirt. He knew it showed off his chest, and it hugged his biceps, but.... so did the polo. The polo it was. Now, tucked or untucked? "Tucked. Definitely," he thought, wishing that Thelma was there to help him. "Ok, ok. I'm set. OH! One thing.." He smiled and pulled out the rope he had that was tinted green, and the roll of green duct tape. "Never know, supes, never know" he muttered.

The intercom rang, and he heard Cory's sweet sounding baritone. He was getting excited: too excited. He felt a drop of pre squirt into his jock. "PLEASE DON'T SHOW UP ON THE JEANS. PLEASE..." Cory was at the door, a small bag in his hand. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . I'm so glad you came.... " Cory smiled. In the hour, he had come up with the outlines of a plan - a scene or a roleplay if you like. He was glad that frank hadn't put on a superhero costume: his plan was to act something out in two parts and tonight: the capture of superboy, his domination but as his alter ego. Part 2: nailing superboy. "Do you wanna see the place?" frank asked, eagerly. If he were a puppy, his tail would have been wagging. "There's time for that. For now...." Cory smiled, and reached out for frank's nipples. "Do we need to review your five hot spots, frank." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. DEFINITELY SIR. DEFINITELY. I may have forgotten them. " Cory saw the coil of green tinted rope on the side table. "Turn around, frank. I'm gonna tie you up." frank gulped. "yes sir," he whispered, and presented his back to Cory. "GOD you've got a beautiful ass. SO FUCKING PERFECT." Cody yanked frank's wrists behind him, and began coiling rope around them. He did his best to lower his voice. "It took me awhile to figure out that you're superboy, frank, but now that I've got the kryptonite ropes and I've gotten in your house.. I've got you." "You.. YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS." frank pushed against the ropes as Cory put him into a chair. "KEEP THOSE LEGS SPREAD WIDE SUPERSLAVE. OR.... I'll rope you with more kryptonite." "NO.. I"M NOT... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH." Cory had sat down opposite frank, and smiled as he dug his foot into frank's crotch. "Maybe I DON'T need more. Tied up like you are, you're just a big, strong helpless man... "He paused . "And I'm gonna FUCK you." "NO. NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" frank squirmed as Cory got up, picked up the roll of tape and wrapped several circles of it around frank's mouth. "Good imagination," he thought, as he put the tape back. "OH, it is gonna be fun to watch you struggle with that hot mouth of yours taped up, frank." Cory's fingers went back to frank's nipples and began working them. He squeezed.. HARD. "POINT THEM OUT SUBERBITCH OR I'LL SQUEEZE THEM HARDER" "mmmmmmmmmmmph" frank was as hard as he ever got at that point, and he presented those nipples. Cory chuckled. "Without your powers, you're just a step above a sissy sub, aren't you?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph," frank began to slump, but he shook his head in resignation. "Five hotspots. Let's get to number 2. And without your super powers, I bet a wound shows up, heh heh heh." Cory got up and stood behind frank. First, his tongue caressed frank's ear while his fingers continued their assault on frank's nipples. He whispered "You know who's gonna get FUCKED, superbottom?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPH" Cory's tongue and his fingers were turning frank to super mush, and then when the scruff on Cory's chin found his neck. "OMMMMMMMMMMMGD" was the best frank could get out of the tape. Then Cory laughed. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph. " frank's voice was high, almost plaintive, as the scruff ran across his neck. He felt Cory digging in deeper, and he wasn't sure about showing up to work with a hickey. That's when he felt Cory grab his hair, hold his head to the side and whisper. "You're in MY command now, superboy. You don't make decisions. BE STILL." "mmmmmmmmmmph" frank tried to answer "yes sir." He didn't even realize that Cory had slipped his hand inside his shirt and was working his nipple, flesh on flesh. "You are SO FUCKING HOT FRANK. I hope someone's told you that," Cory whispered as he pulled his hand out of frank's shirt. "Time for you to get to work. " He pulled the tape off frank's mouth and pushed him out of the chair. "GET ON YOUR KNEES, SUPERBITCH. GET READY TO TAKE MY COCK." Breathing hard, frank gasped "yes sir. Yes sir. ALL of it Sir?" "EVERY FUCKING BIT OF IT." Cory unzipped and his huge rod came out. "I... I don't know...." "What do you think of a kryptonite cockring, bitch? Hmmmmm?" Actually, frank thought that was REALLY HOT. He'd go into chastity for this man if... "OPEN YOUR FUCKING SUPERHOLE AND TAKE IT." "Yes sir. Right away. SLUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP" frank was an experienced cocksucker and he got more of Cory's dick down his throat than most had. Cory smiled. "You'll learn. You're gonna have to . " He whispered. "DAMN it's gonna be HOT fucking your face when you're in that suit." That was all frank needed, and he deep throated Cory's whole cock. He needed his experience, and he worked on it, kissing the slit, licking the head, circling the glans, and essentially putting Cory in a position where he had to stop or he was never going to be able to take frank's ass that night. He pulled his cock out of frank's mouth and then yanked him up by pulling on frank's hair, taking that little curl in the front with him. "Get your shirt off. Then get on the bed. I'll take care of the rest." "Yes sir." frank was so hard, and so excited, he'd do anything Cory told him to do. He was laying there, face up, when a buck naked Cory walked into the room. He had handcuffs in his left hand "So... Heh heh. I guess I'm gonna have to get some krypto cuffs, but these will do for now. " "Yes sir.... " frank lifted his hands above his head. There WAS a hook in the wall so Cory could place them there. He heard the "clink" as they went on his wrists. He saw Cory next to him and felt Cory's hand stroking his hairy chest and belly. "Who the hell would think you were a bottom, stud? Sure glad I took the chance." "Me too sir. Me too." Cory opened frank's jeans. frank had kicked off his shoes when he got on the bed, and now, his skin tight jeans went off, but not without a struggle. He laughed, and Cory sneered. "That's gonna cost you ten minutes of tit torture, stud." "Oh shit. I may... I may..." "You better not... I COULD get a krypto chastity cage." "GULP! Yes sir. I'll hold back. I'll try..." There was still a little moisture from the blow job on Cory's cock, and again, frank's experience helped him as he closed his eyes and got ready for the big, hard cock he knew was coming. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR YES SIR YES SIR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"

A similar sound was coming from Jake and anthony's bedroom, except... things were a little different there. Sometimes anthony's mind wandered, and that whole Sunday, he couldn't get that sexy grad student.... ADRIAN... out of his mind. anthony almost never fantasized about topping but that boy... he had an animal quality about him and his longish hair... he couldn't explain it, but... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ANTHONY?" Jake had come into the bathroom while anthony was jerking off, thinking about his cock in anthony's ass. "OH. SIr... I... I ... I was imagining....." Jake folded his arms. "You were imagining without my permission. Now go get the ice bag. We're gonna have to get you down to normal size before you go into chastity. One week." "yes sir I'm sorry Sir." anthony stepped out of his khakis, because he knew what was next. He sucked in his breath as the ice bag went on his dick to bring it down. "LOCK IT ON YOURSELF" "yes sir," Jake always increased the punishment by making anthony lock himself up. After he was done, he assumed sub position in front of Jake: his hands locked behind his head, his eyes down. Jake walked up to him. He pressed his lips to anthony's. "This is for your own good anthony. I love you so much. TOO MUCH. I can't stand you thinking of anyone else but me." He shoved his tongue down anthony's throat, and when he was done he commanded. "On the bed. Shackle your wrist. I'll shackle the other one. "Yes sir." Chained down, anthony got ready for Jake's fucking. He knew it would be brutal and it was... He had to fight not to mention Adrian's name.

As anthony was giving up his ass to Jake, Adrian was cleaning up in the restaurant. He couldn't help thinking about that sexy professor of his. The seminar was tough, and having a fox like anthony leading it.... No one stopped him from jerking off in the bathroom of the restaurant, but Adrian was especially careful to make sure it was clean. The restaurant would be cleaned that night, and they were closed tomorrow, but... and OH SHIT. Tomorrow afternoon was the seminar. That fox, always in some shade of pink or lavender. Lashes of cum shot out of Adrian as he imagined his ass filled with his professor's dick.

Adrian's jizz shot out about ten minutes before Cory began to fill frank with his own juice. It had been a long, methodical fucking. "GOD I NEED THIS" Cory thought. He'd deal with the superboy fantasy, but frank was... he was SO DAMN HOT. He didn't need it. He thought how good frank would look in a harness. That party? Yeah, it was months away but maybe, just maybe.... "Do you cuddle when you sleep, Sir? I like cuddling. " "I do too frank. Just be warned... That fucking didn't empty me. I may want you again. " frank rolled his eyes. He remembered the last time he had been fucked twice in a night. It wasn't that long ago. But the guy's cock was... tiny compared to Cory. He was glad he stood most of the day at work. As he cuddled into Cory, he smiled and thought: "GOT TO have lunch with Thelma and... if anthony is at the gym, BOY am I gonna brag."

Next: Chapter 4

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