Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 20, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 13 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

Justin walked up the stairs to get their guests of honor. The boys arrived and AJ didn't arrive. Kevin explained that AJ was too ashamed to come.

He didn't know what to think. Should he forgive AJ for nearly ruining the wedding? Or should he let by gones be by gones. He sighed. right now he wanted to make his husband happy.

Justin opened the door and smiled. There was lance and Joey curled up together sleeping peacefully. It was truly a Kodak moment.

Justin rushed to the closet and grabbed his camera. This was an opportunity he couldn't miss. He made sure camera had film and went back to his room.

He smiled as he took a couple of shots of the sleeping fathers to be. It was too cute. Lance and Joey were face to face as their bellies touched. He was going to show this to their kids' one day. Placing the camera on the dresser he gently woke the sleeping pair.

"What is it" Lance yawned.

"Wakey, wakey" Justin smiled as he kissed Joey's ear. "We have your surprise ready."

"Really" Joey yawned.

"Yep" Justin said as he helped Lance to his feet. "Think you can make it downstairs."

"Yeah" Lance replied. "And if I fall Chris is so dead."

"We gotcha" Justin chuckled as he picked up Joey. HE tried to keep a pain filled expression of his face. He didn't want Joey to break down on him.

"Hon, you okay" Joey asked.

"I'm fine" Justin peeped out.

"I can walk you know" Joey said as he rolled his eyes.

"No, Doc said you have to be off your feet" Justin said in a strained voice.

"Need help Justin" a voice chuckled.

"Fine Kevin"

"Right" Kevin, said as he took Joey from Justin.

"Hey Kev" Joey smiled. "MY hero!"

Kevin was taken off guard as Joey planted a wet one on Kevin's' cheek.

"You're husbands being bad again" Kevin chuckled as he helped Joey down the stairs.

"Yes" Joey pouted.

"God my back"

"Justin, not now" Kevin warned.

"You're mean" Lance pouted.

"Oh boy sympathy pregnancy" Kevin said slightly amused.

"Come on I'll make it up to you" Justin said as he helped lance down the stairs.

Once the four reached outside a big SURPIRSE was shouted.

"Oh wow" Joey and Lance said.

The garden outside looked like something out of a fairy tale. There were flowers everywhere, lights hanging from the trees... And in the middle a large table set with already waiting bottles of champagne.

"It's beautiful," Joey said. "So this is what you have been up to all day?" "Yes," JC answered, "We wanted to do something nice for you!"

"I love it!" Lance sniffled, tears showing in his eyes. "It's beautifuuuuuuuul!" His voice faltering slightly in the end.

"Oh baby, don't cry!" Chris comforted him. Lance just waved a hand at the garden, lower lip quivering.

"Don't cry, Lance," Joey asked, his own eyes starting to become shiny. "Oh no, we're not going to cry tonight!" Justin said, dragging them all into the garden. "Tonight we are going to have fun, no matter what!"

"Ok," lance sniffled, holding onto his somewhat concerned husband's hand.

Brian and Howie had brought their baby and Nick was holding Dustin, all the lights in the trees mesmerized the small boy.

Beside the table and chairs, there were also some more comfortable lounge chairs and Joey found himself quickly place into one of them.

"I love what you have done to the garden," he said to JC. "It's really beautiful. Thanks."

"We thought that all of us could use some cheering up," JC smiled and bent down to kiss him. "Now you just stay put and Justin and I will get you whatever you want, ok?"

"Everything?" Joey asked innocently. "Everything, sweetie," JC answered. "Although we might have to wait with some until it's just Justin, you and me, back in the bedroom."

"I can live with that," Joey decided. "You think Chris gonna place Lance down over here, when he's done trying to stop him from crying? I swear this pregnancy made Lance more emotional than the rest of us added up."

"You're not so bad yourself," JC told him. "And you do have your mood swings too..." "I know," Joey sighed. "And I'm sorry."

"Don't be," JC said, "You have every right to be moody. And Justin and I understand, we really do."

The garden was soon humming with life and a couple of minutes later Lance sat down in the chair next to Joey.

"How are you feeling?" Joey asked as he saw Lance's red rimmed eyes. "I'm fine, honestly," Lance said, "I've just been a little emotional lately."

"Don't worry about it," Joey said with a smile.

"I get moody and you're crying...we make a nice pair." That made Lance laugh. "I swear my hormones is going wild. At one moment I'm bawling my eyes out, the next I'm jumping Chris, then I feel a strange need to re-decorate the whole house...and we just finished it...I don't know..."

"Well, forget about the house, and Chris won't mind if you jump him and cry when you need to," Joey replied.

"Thanks" Lance smiled. "Man this is great."

"Yeah they are so romantic" Joey smiled. "Soon the romance will be on hold."

"I know what you mean," Lance said rubbing his belly.

"But it'll be worth it when our babies are here" Joey smiled.

"That is true."

"Hey we have some visitors" Brian and Nick said bringing their boys over.

"Hey Dustin" Joey smiled as he ticked the little boy who squirmed.

"Hey Jeremy" Lance smiled holding the baby. "He's getting big Brian."

"A Couple of weeks" Brian smiled. "He's so much like Howie."

"That he is?" Lance smiled.

Dustin looked at Nick and then at Joey and giggled as he placed his tiny hands on Joey's stomach.

"That's too cute" Justin whispered as he took some more pictures

"Baby" Nick smiled at his son.

Dustin giggled again and kissed Joey's stomach.

"Awe" everyone echoed.

Joey smiled. "You know it is worth it."

"It is" Nick chuckled and then frowned. "Um, Joe where's the bathroom. I gotta hurl."

"Second door on the left" Joey grinned.

"Thanks" Nick said as he rushed off towards the bathroom.

"Poor Nick. Kev is Nick okay?" Joey asked

"He's been like that for a couple of days" Kevin replied. "Maybe it's the flu."

"Maybe" Joey chuckled.

"Kevin when's the last time you and Nick." Joey trailed off.

"Joseph Anthony Fatone Timberlake-Chasez!" JC said sternly.

"What!" Joey asked.

"You don't need to know that?"

"Well Kev looks like Mr. Richardson is expecting baby number two" Joey chuckled. "I know I was sick like a dog when I first became pregnant."

"Nick's gonna kill you cuz" Brian chuckled.

"Hey we were protected" Kevin defended himself.

"Hey we were protected" Kevin defended himself.

Here that Dustin. You're gonna have a little brother" Joey smiled.

"When our babies are born Nick's gonna be four months. By the time our babies are five months Nick should have his second child" Lance grinned.

"Dustin is already almost a year old." Kevin smiled.

"You work fast" Chris chuckled.

Kevin grinned.

"Don't say it" a voice moaned. "And you're getting fixed."


"AM not. Honey it's gonna be okay" Kevin said kissing Nick.

"Then you have the kid" Nick groaned taking a seat next to Joey.

"I would if I could but I can't" Kevin chuckled.

"That's so unfair."

"Nick think of it this way. Every time I get pregnant I'm having twins." Joey replied.


"So I'm not getting pregnant very often" Joey chuckled.

"We'll see about that" Justin whispered to Howie.

"It's a big house" Chris grinned.

"Oh no! You're getting fixed Mister!" Lance replied.

"Okay since we know Nicky's pregnant again. Let's celebrate!" JC smiled.

"Oh joy" Nick replied sarcastically.

"He's as bad as Joey" Justin chuckled.


"Where's the food!" Lance said.

"Yeah Food. Hungry. Eat now!" Joey replied.

Staring at Kevin, Nick said: "Since you got me in this condition, you better feed me." Kissing him on top of his blonde hair, Kevin agreed. "I'll feed ya, honey. Still mad at me?"

Looking up at his husband, Nick smiled. "I really can't can I? After all, I was the one know, that time in the shower, and later...and I ma sure you remember the rest. "We forget about the whole protection issue there, didn't we?"

"We did, sweetheart," Kevin answered. "And now we got another baby coming..." His face lit up in a smile and he looked down at Dustin who was sitting in Nick's lap. "And this little guy's going to have a brother."

A smile started to form on Nick's face. "I guess he is, isn't he."

From over where they sat, Lance leaned back in his chair and sighed. "I want another baby too." "You haven't given birth to your first one yet," Joey said, "don't you think you oughta do that first?"

He made Lance sigh again. "But I don't only want one baby, I want more!" "Feel free to have one of my two monsters," Joey said with a grimace after being kicked in the side again.

Lance laughed. "They giving you a hard time again?" "I wish they could just agree on who gets what side," Joey said, placing his hand on his stomach. "actually I think they're playing football in there, and I don't even want to know what they're using for the ball."

"Ow," Lance suddenly said, placing a hand over his own stomach. "I think this guy took that as a hint!"

Frowning at his own stomach, Joey patted his hand. "Be nice you too. Don't be giving other unborn bad ideas, remember that you're gonna be stuck in there for quiet some months yet."

"So now all of us are starting families," Lance said. "Do you think it's strange that both you and me, Chris, Justin and JC and nearly all of the 'Boys, married someone from in the group?"

"Not really," Joey said thoughtfully. "look at the amount of time we spend together and how close we are. I actually think we wouldn't have been this happy with someone from the outside."

"That makes sense," Lance nodded.

"I know it does," Joey said self-assure, "I said it, didn't I" "OH yes, you did," Lance answered, "that was why I was so surprised that it made sense."

"Hey!" Joey pouted. "Are you trying to insult my intelligence?" "Well, you did after all marry Justin and JC," Lance said. "That was just because I got pregnant," Joey replied.

"I see," lance said. "So it had nothing to do with the fact that they're...?" "And they're great in bed," Joey said. "Of course that is important too."

"Hey you two," Justin said, giving the each a plate filled with food. "Hey babe!" Joey smiled up at Justin, "we were just talking about you."

"Really," Justin said. "and only good thing, I gather?" "Very good things," Joey said innocently. "Very good indeed."

Lance hid a smile. Looking down at Joey, Justin smiled. "Now I know you're up to something, sweetie. And just you wait till later, I'll find a way to get it out of you."

"Promise?" Joey teased, looking at him with big brown puppy dog eyes. "Consider that a promise," Justin said.

"Like I said," Joey continued when Justin had left to go get them their drinks. "I only keep them because they're good in bed."

"Joey, you are wicked!" Lance giggled. "Oh go jump Chris or something," Joey answered. "Hmm," Lance said. "I might just do that..."

Four days later

Joey was sitting on the couch in the nursery. JC and Justin helped him get over his fear and now he watched quite amusing as they try to apply wallpaper.

Lance sat down and offered Joey some popcorn.

"What's with the popcorn?" Chris asked.

"We need something to snack on while being amused as you try to put up wall paper" Lance chuckled.

"We are not that bad," Justin said.

"Honey, the three stooges can do better than you" Joey smiled as he dipped his popcorn in ketchup.

"Ewe" Justin shivered.

"You there are better than the three stooges" Lance chuckled.

"Do we have to take this?" Chris asked.

"Yes" Justin, said. "Because our husbands are going to go through torturous pain trying to get our kids out."

"Knowing my luck Justin's kid is gonna get stuck right as he comes out" Joey whimpered.

"Probably because of the curly hair" lance giggled.

Joey laughed. "So true."

"HEY leave my curly hair alone" Justin pouted.

"I wonder how Chris's baby's gonna come out" Lance said.

"Knowing how hyper Chris is probably fast and easy" Joey grinned.

"He's gonna hurt I know that much" Lance laughed.

"It's gonna be hell..." Joey said with a frown.

"So what do you think if we put the cribs next to the window?" Lance asked.

"Well I don't know. I don't want our babies to get sick of if the glass breaks that it would hurt them" Joey replied.

"Point taken. This is Florida" Lance said. "Away from windows. The Changing tables can be next to the window."

"I like that. And the dressers next to the door."

"We're going to die" Justin said. "They're going to kill us."

"Save that for the delivery room" Chris replied.

"Slave Drivers" JC mumbled.

"Hey! You've fucked us and knocked us up so it's only fair we get to be slave drivers" Joey said.

"Ooh, I like that" Lance chuckled.

"He's right you know" Justin mumbled.

"Oh by the way it's confirmed. Nick is pregnant again" Joey chuckled.

"All right Kevin!" Chris cheered.

Joey's cell phone rang and he picked it up. "Hello."

"Hello Joey"

Joey paled. "Johnny."

"What?" JC asked.

"It's me Joey boy. Guess what?" Johnny chuckled.

"I don't wanna know what" Joey replied.

Chris grabbed the cell phone out of Joey's hands. "Listen to me you sick piece of shit. You leave Joey alone. You leave Lance alone."

"Why Christopher such contempt"

"Well let's see. You almost killed my son. Not to mention JC and Justin's. And you hurt our husbands. You think I'm gonna be all giddy when I hear your voice."

"Put Joey on"

"I don't think so" Chris growled. "You're not going to stress him out. So stay the fuck away from us man. "

"Tell Mr. Fatone that Mr. Martin has been released from prison. He's pressing charges against. Mr. Fatone unless he gets in touch with him."

"Fuck" Chris cursed as he heard Johnny hang up on him.

"What" Justin said as he held Joey?

"Lance, why don't you and Joey go lay down. I want to talk to Justin and JC alone" Chris said.

"But" Joey asked.

"Joe, hon you need to rest please" JC asked softly.

"All right" Joey pouted. "But I don't like it."

Lance and Joey left the nursery.

"What's up Chris?" JC asked.

Lance and Joey found themselves back in the bedroom, curling up on each side of the bed. "I hate it when they do that!" Joey said. "It's like they think I can take care of myself anymore, just 'cos I am having a baby. I'm not a fucking invalid."

"They're just looking out for you," lance said softly. "I know Chris is for me. He doesn't want me to worry. And he wants to make sure me and the baby are safe. Justin and JC are doing the same."

"But doesn't it annoy you when he's shutting you out like this?" Joey asked. "I trust him," Lance answered seriously. "I know that he is going to make the right decisions." "Christ, Lance!" Joey stated. "Just listen to yourself...get a grip, boy. I'm not going to let those two run my life just because they're dominants and I'm not."

Turning to his side, Joey got the cell phone lying there. "Joey, hat are you doing?" Lance asked warily. "I'm calling Johnny," Joey said. "I want to know that motherfucker was trying to pull. If JC and Justin won't tell me, I'll just go straight to the source itself.

"Joey, are you sure that it is a good idea?" Lance tried to reason with him. He knew from the look in Joey's eyes that he had set his mind to it and that was that.

"Yes, this is a good idea," Joey answered stubbornly as he dialed the numbers. "Obviously it was about me, and maybe you too, so I want to know what's going on. Come on, Lance, you gotta stick up for yourself sometime."

"I'm fine as it is, thank you," Lance said, crossing his arms and turning away from Joey. If he wanted to go ahead and make the mistake of his life, so be it.

"I knew you were going to call," Johnny chuckled as he heard who the caller was. "I know you are smarter than those two idiots you call your husbands." "Cut the crap," Joey said, "what did you want?"

"Ricky wants to see you, Joey. He was released from prison and now he tells me that he wants to see you or he is going to press charges." Joey couldn't believe what he heard. "He is going to what? For what reason?"

"Oh I don't know..." Johnny's voice was teasing. "Maybe it wasn't you at all...maybe he wants to press charges against JC and Justin for abuse...where did you really get that nasty cut in your head from, Joseph?"

"You know perfectly well where I got that from, Johnny," Joey snarled. "And I'll be damned if I'm going to let you try to stick that on JC and Justin."

"Then you better do what Ricky wants," Johnny said. "Or else he'll be taking that witness stand, claiming that he saw JC and Justin hitting you, and he was just trying to help. He wants to see you. He chooses the time and place. You're going to be there."

Biting his lip while thinking, Joey made up his mind. "Fine. I'll meet him. But I get to set the time. He can pick the place."

Very worried now, Lance turned back. "Ok," Johnny said. "I'll keep in touch." The phone went dead in Joey's hand and he slowly put it back on the nightstand.

Seeing from the look on Joey's face what was going on, Lance shook his head. "No, Joey. You can't be serious. Don't tell me that you are going to meet him? He nearly killed you the last time!"

"I have to do this," Joey said. "If I don't he is going to press abuse charges against Justin and JC, that he was trying to help me when he broke in here. I have to make sure he doesn't."

"You know this is a trap, Joey," Lance pleaded with him. "He wants to get you alone and you're walking right to him. Please don't go, Joey!"

"I have to," Joey repeated. "And don't you dare say anything to JC or Justin, or Chris, you hear me? Not a word."

"I... I can't promise you that, Joey," Lance whispered. "Not when I know that you're doing something this dangerous." "Fine," Joey snapped at him. "Then I'll go call Ricky and tell him I'm meeting him today." He pushed himself off from the bed and went out of the room. "Damnit!" Lance said loudly. "I have to tell JC and Justin..." Sitting up, he was about to get to his feet when a sharp pain hit him the back.

It spread, like melting butter, over his sides and to his stomach. The pain intensified, making him curl up in a ball, almost not able to breath. More scared then ever now, lance called out to Chris in his mind. "Please come, baby, I need you..."

Doubling over in pain, he hoped that his beloved could hear him.

Chris finished explaining what Johnny told him on the phone. He felt something was wrong. Something was wrong with Lance.

"I gotta check on Lance" Chris said.

"Wait up. We'll go with you" Justin said.

"Something is wrong," JC said softly.

"Lets go" Chris said as he ran to JC, Justin and Joey's room. "Lance!"

"Chris" Lance whimpered in extreme pain.

"LANCE!" Chris exclaimed going to his husband's side. "Call 911!"

"On it" Justin said.

"Baby, breath. Please honey try to relax" Chris said rubbing Lance's belly. "Hey in there. Calm down. You're upsetting daddy."

Lance keep moaning in pain." Joey."

"Joey, where's Joey!" Justin panicked.

"Stop him" Lance gritted his teeth. "Please."

"Lance calm down" Chris soothed as he pulled lance to him and rubbed his stomach.

"Ambulance is on his way" Justin said.

"What about Joey?" JC asked.

"Went to meet with Ricky" Lance whispered.

"Fuck" Justin cursed. "We got to stop him."

"Said something about him pressing abuse charges on you" Lance whimpered.

JC found a pad with an address on it. "Fuck Johnny. Chris, you go with Lance to the hospital. Just and I are going to get Joey back. If Ricky causes our twins to be born early. I swear I'm going to cut off his balls."

"Ouch" Chris replied. "Gotcha."

JC and Justin left out of there to find their Joey.

Joey arrived at a Motel Six. He shivered. Surly Ricky would have chosen something decent.

He walked up to room 6c and knocked. He rubbed his stomach. He had to make sure Ricky left his husbands alone.

The door opened. "Come in Joey."

Joey meekly walked in as Ricky shut and locked the door behind him.

"Have a seat" Ricky smiled.

"I want to get this over with. I want you to leave Justin and JC alone" Joey replied.

"Oh but why. They have you. You're mine. So why should I leave them alone" Ricky replied eyeing Joey carefully. "You're suppose to be my husband, my mate, and pregnant with MY CHILD!

"You're abusive. You think I would stay with someone who hits 90 percent of the time" Joey growled. "No thank you."

Ricky grabbed Joey and pushed him on the bed. "Listen to me. If you don't want me to press charges against your husbands I suggest you listen to me."

"No" Joey whispered.

Ricky started to shake him. "I mean it Joey. Let me have you for one night. Your body for one night and I won't press charges."

"One night. You'll leave us alone" Joey said.

"Yes I will" Ricky grinned. "Just one night making delicious hot love to your body."

-Please forgive me. I love you both so much- Joey thought to himself. "Fine. One night."

"Oh my partner wants to have some of you to" Ricky said as he motioned for the door.

Joey looked up and saw AJ standing there. "No. AJ no."

"Ricky let Joey go."

"FUCK NO! I've waited to long to touch him," Ricky said as he undressed Joey.

"Ricky get over it. He doesn't love you. He doesn't want this" AJ replied.

"He consented"

"It's blackmail and it's a form of rape!" AJ insisted.

"Must I remind you that I will tell Johnny and he will ruin you" Ricky said as he eyed Joey's naked form.

Joey felt dirty and tried to turn away.

Ricky forced Joey to look at him. "You're even more sexy when you're naked and pregnant. Oh yes I'm going to enjoy this."

"JOEY!" a voice replied.

"FUCK! I told you to come alone!" Ricky screamed as he slammed his fist into Joey's stomach.

Joey screamed out as he felt his stomach clench up in pain.

"JOEY" AJ replied. "RICKY!"

AJ ran up to Ricky who was busy trying to take his clothes up. He pulled him off of Joey. "Ricky I can't allow you."

"Fuck off AJ" Ricky growled as he shoved AJ backwards. AJ fell and his head hit the dresser and went limp.

Ricky smiled as he went back to Joey who was curled up. "Now Joey time to fuck you."

Just then the door was busted wide open.

Frantically trying to move away from Ricky, Joey thought he heard somebody say his name. "That can't be," he thought, the pain in his stomach getting worse as his body tensed in fear. "They don't know where I am, I didn't even tell lance where I was going."

Then Ricky was grabbed and pulled away from him, by someone. The obvious sound of a body hitting the floor followed. The sound of somebody being hit made Joey curl up again and suddenly there was a pair of warm arms around him.

"It's ok, sweetie," a familiar voice whispered. "Let's get you dressed and get you back home. It's going to be ok." Taking his clothes, Joey looked up and found JC looking back at him. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I thought this was the right thing to do."

Helping Joey getting dressed again, JC said: "Don't think about it. I'm just glad that we got her in time. We'll talk about this when we get home."

"What's wrong?" Joey said, knowing JC was holding something back from him. "I'll tell you later," JC promised. Hugging Joey close to him, he whispered: "I was so worried about you, are you ok, love?"

"I am now," Joey answered, snuggling into JC's embrace. Carefully looking around he found Justin. At his feet was the unconscious, bloody form of his former boyfriend. "I let Justin handle him," JC said. "He really wanted to. I don't think Ricky's going to bother us anymore."

"Justin killed him?" Joey asked shocked and turned a set of large brown eyes at JC. "No," JC smiled, and shook his head. But he couldn't make a case against us to save his life and he knows it. He was using it to get you here, all alone."

"He wasn't ALL alone," Justin's voice, bearing an angry tone made them look at him. "There is another one here, and he's out cold like this bastard." He kicked Ricky lightly to prove his point.

"It wasn't like that," Joey said. "J tried to help me! He was trying to stop Ricky, but Ricky pushed him and I think he hit his head..." "I'll call Kev," Justin decided, "and he'll get him before the cops get here."

"W are not calling the cops," Joey said, his voice getting stronger by the second. "Give me that phone." Getting up with JC's help, Joey took the phone from A surprised Justin. "Of course we're calling the police, Joey, don't be silly..."

"I am going to make sure that he, Johnny, or who the fuck else he's got working for him, will ever bother us again," Joey said. "And if you two know what's good for you, don't even think of stopping me."

Exchanging looks JC and Justin let him place the call. "Dad?" Joey said. "I want you to do something for me... Yeah, him again... Can you please get rid of him for me now, and for god sake's get Johnny too..."

He smiled. "thanks, dad. I'll tell you why later. Yes, he tried something. But JC and Justin showed up. Justin beat him into a pulp, so he's not going anywhere. At least not for a long time."

"Should we let him do this?" Justin wondered. "I don't know," JC answered. "I think Joe Sr.'s people are looking for him anyway, but Joey's practically asking his dad to kill him off for him."

"I'll call Joey's parents later," Justin said. "We still have to tell Joey about Lance. And maybe it's a good idea for Joey to get a check-up too, I cam imagine Ricky not being all too gentle before we came here."

"Thanks, dad," Joey said. "love you too, bye." Hanging up, he turned to his husbands. "Call Kev," he told Justin. "I don't want them to find him here too. Dad's going to send a team here...they're gonna deal with Ricky. Don't even dare think about calling the cops. That didn't work very well, last time remember?

I want this taken care of now. I want this to be over. And dad can do that. The police can't."

"We will have to discuss that later, baby," JC said. "Something happened after you left. Lance became sick, we don't know what is wrong, but he was rushed to the hospital. Chris is there with him now."

"I want to go to the hospital," Joey said. "You have to take me there right now!" "It's ok, angel," Justin said, taking Joey's hand. "We will go there right away. He had finished his call to Kevin and was eager to leave the place. "No!" You don't understand!" Joey said, turning to look at them. "I did this to lance! It is my fault."

"Joe, calm down" JC said. "We want you to get checked out to."

"I went off on him. I shouldn't have...OOOWWW" Joey exclaimed.


"Shit..we got to get him to a hospital now!" JC screamed.

"I'll get the car. Kevin's on his way." Justin said.

Joey grabbed his stomach. "No..please too early."

"Oh no.he's going into false labor" JC panicked.

"FUCK..JC I'll wait for Kevin. Get Joey to the hospital NOW!" Justin exclaimed.

"Right" JC said as he picked up Joey and left the hotel room.

Justin watched as JC placed Joey into the car and then wheeled out of there like a demon on wheels. "Please be okay baby."

Justin turned back to Ricky> "Fucking prick. IF something happens to Joey."

"Justin" an out of breath voice replied.

"You got to work out again Kev" Justin chuckled.

"Oh hah, hah.. Where's AJ?" Kevin asked.

"Right there. He helped Joey" Justin said softly.

Kevin helped AJ up. "We're getting him to a hospital. Come on."

"Right behind you" Justin said as he and Kevin left right as Fatone's men showed up.

"Doc, please tell me he's not delivering the babies" Phil Fatone said in frantic voice.

"It's a good thing JC brought him in when he did. It was false labor. Too much stress. He could have lost the twins tonight." Dr. Phil Edwards replied.

"Fuck' Joe Sr. cursed. "How's Lance?"

"Fine. He's resting in Joey's room. Both need to stay off their feet for the rest of their pregnancy. Joey especially. He's having such a bad pregnancy he really should stay off his feet."

"Will all his pregnancies be like this?" Justin asked

"Hopefully not. Only time will tell. Twins aren't usually an easy pregnancy to deal with."

"Can we see them?" Joe Sr. Asked.

"Yes they're stable" Phil Edwards said as he showed them tot he room.

"Lance I'm sorry" Joey said looking down at his stomach. He had this device strapped on his belly.

"It's to monitor the babies heart beats" The nurse smiled at him.

"Joey, I was worried"

"I know Lance. Thank you. If you didn't tell them. IT could have been a lot worse. I could have lost my sons tonight. I wouldn't have been able to deal with that. Please Lance forgive me."

"You're forgiven" Lance smiled. "You know for the next five months. We're off our feet."

"It's gonna get very boring" Joey agreed. "At least we get to watch Curly, Moe and Larry finish up the nursery."

Lance giggled. "I'll make sure we'll have plenty of popcorn ready. That's gonna be a sight to see."

"We heard that" a voice said.

Chris was standing in the door, smiling at the both of them. "And, believe me, I am going to make sure that neither of you set foot out of bed till the babies are well born." Going over to lance's bed, he bent down and kissed his husband.

"you gave me quite a fright, sweetie, I'm so happy that you're ok." Looking over to Joey, he continued: "And you're in trouble. What the hell possessed you to run off like that? You could have gotten yourself killed, Joey!"

"I know," Joey pouted. "But I had to fix it. And I did. I called dad." "Your dad's out in the waiting area, talking to Justin and JC," Chris said. "Why is he talking to them?" Joey asked. His eyes narrowed. "Justin called him, didn't he? He called him after he talked to Kevin..." Trying to sit up, he went pale. "Ow. I think I'll stay just here."

"You better," a new voice said. "Dad!" Joey said, smiling. "when did you get here?" "I came here just after you were admitted. Justin called and told me that JC and you were on your way to the hospital." "That all he said?" Joey asked, knowing that his father didn't tell him the whole truth.

"He called because he is worried about you, Joseph," his dad told him. "You know yourself that is isn't exactly like you to do what you did earlier. And it wasn't an accident either, you knew perfectly well what you were asking of me."

"I just wanted it all to stop," Joey said, looking down. "I'm so tired of waiting for the next bad thing to happen, knowing that it's just a matter of time before Johnny pulls another stunt and tries to hurt us in any way, and suddenly Ricky shows up out of nowhere... I just don't need any of's driving me crazy when all I really want to do is to be happy over the babies and that I'm married to JC and Justin now."

His father hugged him. "I have taken care of Ricky for you, but maybe not in the way you expected me to. I put him in jail myself, and made sure that that idiot of a police commissioner understood that either he stayed in there or he would be directing traffic down town Orlando next. If he was that lucky. So he is out of your life for good now, and don't worry about Johnny either. I'll make sure he doesn't come near you or the others either."

"That was a good idea," Joey agreed. "You want to see your husbands now?" Joe Sr., said. "Ys," Joey whispered. "OK, I'll come by the house tomorrow to see you. I have some tuff I need to deal with now. I love you, son." "love you too, dad," Joey answered, hugging his father. "See you tomorrow."

As his father had left, JC and Justin hurried in

All of a sudden Joey felt tired and wanted nothing more than to go home to sleep, in his husbands' arms. He hoped he didn't need to stay at the hospital, he hated those places.

Hopefully JC and Justin would understand that he needed to be home right now. Then he really would feel like the bad stuff were over. Here he was reminded to much of what had happened and what had happened to Lance, he still felt guilty about that... He just wanted to go home.

JC and Justin hugged Joey. "God you scared us baby."

"I'm sorry" Joey whispered.

"It's over. We can look forward to the future now" Justin smiled.

"I like that" Joey grinned. "Can I go home now?"

"Doc?" JC asked.

"All right I'm releasing you both. But if I hear ONE word that either you Joey or Lance is off his feet I will have you hospitalize for the rest of your pregnancy. Got that!"

"Got it" Both Joey and Lance replied. "What about going to the bathroom and showering."

"That's different you can do that. But other than that. Your butts better be attached to a seat" Dr. Phil replied.

"Yes sir!" Both mocked saluted.

"It's the drugs" Chris replied. "Thanks again."

"Oh by the way. No sex" The doctor chuckled as he walked out. "It'll cause too much stress for the babies."

"What" three voices said together.

Lance giggled. "Well you three have each other."

"That and hands come in handy" Joey chuckled.

"What about you two?" Justin grinned.

"I think we're past the horny stage" Lance giggled.

"Great no sex for six months. What are we going to do?" Chris moaned.

"Decorate the nursery!" Joey laughed.

"You two are so mean" JC pouted.

"Let's get them home" Justin said. "Then we can deal with them later."

"Oh fine" Lance mock protested.

"Come one" Chris said.

A week later Lance and Joey were looking at the finished product of the nursery. "They did a good job."

"Yes they did" Lance smiled. "Where are our men now?"

"Talking to Jive. They want us to come out and say we're married and we're going to be fathers." Joey said softly.

"I'm not ready for our private lives to be interrupted by fans" Lance said.

"That's what JC said. They went to talk to them. " Joey said.

"So we're alone?" Lance asked.

"No, Kevin and Nick is here" Joey replied.

"With Dustin?"

"Yep oh there they are. Hey guys." Joey said.

"Hey how are you two feeling?" Nick asked as he placed Dustin in the playpen.




"Are my boys hungry" another voice replied.

"YES Dad!" lance called out. "Dad is staying with us for a couple of days. Then Phil is taking his turn. While our husbands are out during the day."

"That's good" Kevin replied.

"Here you two are. Pasta ala ice cream" David smiled.

"Oooh" Both replied as they started to eat.

"I'm going to have to get use to that" Kevin said.

"Yes you are" Nick chuckled. "David you know what this means."

"BABY SHOWER!" David grinned.

"All right Party!' Joey said.

"No husbands allowed" Lance smiled.

"Just us submissive males" David chuckled. "so have you two though about names for the babies."

Arriving home at the same time, Chris, JC and Justin entered the house. "I wonder if David's still alive," Justin said. "He was alone with the two of them all day."

"I hope he's ok, he's probably glad to see us. Joey's mood swings has totally hit the roof and Lance is hitting a cranky period. Just when I thought he was going to drive us all mad with the perkiness," JC sighed.

"It'll pass," Chris said hopefully. "I know Lance, he can't stay mad at anyone. You know I do kinda prefer him this way though, the teary period was sorta...exhausting."

"I know," Justin laughed. "I think those two spend too much time together, even their mood swings are in sync." Chris rolled his eyes. "Cute, curly, just cute."

The first floor was quiet. "They're probably upstairs," JC said. "Kevin and Nick was over earlier and David said he were going to make them both rest afterwards. They're probably sleeping."

As they came to the living room upstairs they found David. He placed a finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet. "They're both asleep," he said. "I think the babies are wearing them out, Lance was out like a light and Joey didn't even protest over having to lie down. They have been sleeping for about an hour."

"How was Nick doing?" Justin asked. #Nick was doing fine, he said," David told him. "The second pregnancy are usually much easier than the first."

"Hope so," JC said. "Because if Joey gets pregnant again and it's the same as this time...he is going to kill us. Or do worse things to us... Regarding the mood he has been in lately I'm surprised he hasn't thought of it already."

"I wouldn't put it past him," Justin agreed.

They spent a quiet evening at home, all of them content with just taking it easy and doing what normal couples did.

"I'm going to go see if Lance's woken up yet," Chris said, getting up. JC looked at Justin. "I'll think we'll let Joey sleep. He gets cranky if we wake him."

Chris smiled. "You know you two are so whipped, don't you?"

"Hey, you go wake him up if you want," Justin suggested. "Ahm, I don't think so," Chris said, trying to look serious. "I don't want my head bitten off."

He left Justin and JC and wandered down to Lance and his room. It was dark inside when he opened the door. He got just barely make out a sleeping figure in the bed.

Tiptoeing over he got into the bed and laid down right behind Lance. Putting his arms around him, he laid in the silent room listening to his husbands deep, even breath.

He had been so scared when lance suddenly had gotten sick. Before he had entered the room, he had just known something was wrong, that he needed to get to lance in a hurry. Luckily everything had turned out all right, but it was a harsh reminder of what might have happened. Hopefully Johnny would be stopped and there wouldn't be any other attacks from him.

Entwining his fingers with lance's, Chris wasn't so sure about that. It seemed like the more attacks they managed to stop the more determined Johnny became.

Lance moved a little in his arms. "Hey, baby," he then said, sounding sleepy. "Hey. love" Chris answered, kissing him on the neck. "Did I wake you?"

"Yes," Lance answered, "but it's ok. I could feel that you were worried. What are you thinking about?" "Nothing," Chris said. "I'm just hoping that from now on, things will be a little calmer around here, so we can enjoy this time. I want you to be able to be truly happy over the baby."

"But I am," lance protested. "I am, Chris. And nobody can take that away from me. I love you, and we are married and we're going to have a baby. There is absolutely nothing in this world that can change how I feel about that."

"I love you too," Chris said, holding lance tightly to him. "And the peanut," he continued, rubbing his hand over Lance's stomach. "I just don't want anything to happen to the two of you."

"We'll be fine," Lance assured him, turning so he was facing Chris. Softly kissing him, he snuggled up to him. "From now on everything is going to be fine."

Joey stirred in his sleep. He tossed to one side and then the other but he couldn't have a peaceful slumber.

He was dreaming. He watched as he was in the delivery room.

"OH GOD IT HURTS!" He cried out.

"Joey it's going to be okay. Breath in..breath out" Justin coached.

"FUCK THE BREATHING! JUST GET IT OUT!" Joey screamed as he was hit with another contraction.

"Joey you have to breathe. Delivering the baby depends on the breathing" JC said softly as he wiped the sweat away from Joey's brows.

"BUT IT FUCKING HURTS" Joey cried out as he gripped the sidebars.

"Push Joey Push!" the doctor replied.

Joey fell against he bed as he gathered enough strength and began to push down hard.

"That's it Joey a little more. I can see the baby's head now" The doctor replied.

"IF YOU TWO FUCKING COME NEAR ME AGAIN I'll FUCKING CUT YOUR DICKS OFF!" Joey screamed in pain as he continued to push.

Both JC and Justin stepped back. "We love you to dear."

"There I got him Joey" The doctor smiled as he gently pulled the baby out from Joey. He cleaned it off and turned it around and smacked it's little bottom.

A Loud cry was heard as Joey fell back exhausted from all the pushing and the pain

"Congratulations it's a boy" Dr. Edwards smiled as he handed Josh the baby.

"He's here. Our little boy is here" Josh said softly as he hugged the tiny baby to his chest.

"He's beautiful Joe" Justin smiled as he held Joey's hand.

"OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!" Joey screamed out as a contraction hit. He grabbed Justin's hand and squeezed really hard.

"OH JOEY! OH JOEY! FUCK THAT HURTS!" Justin screamed trying to get Joey to release his hand.

"Ready for baby number two" The doctor replied.

"AS SOON AS HE LETS GO OF MY HAND!" Justin screamed..

"Breath Joey! Don't forget your breathing!" JC exclaimed as the nurse took his son.

Joey let go of Justin's hand and fell backwards. He wanted this to be over with. His body was hurting him. Giving birth was a bitch, getting a baby out took a lot out of him. He don't know if he could do it again.

"Tired, can't..don't wanna" Joey whined.

"Honey you have to. The baby will be out soon" JC soothed. Justin would have said something but he was still nursing his hand.

"Tired" Joey whimpered.

"Do you want it to hurt more?" Justin said calmly.


"Then you have to push" Justin encouraged. "Soon our baby will be in the world and can sleep for ages."

Joey nodded as JC wiped his sweaty forehead and pushed with all his might. "OH SHIT!"

"That's it Joey keep pushing. I see your baby. Come on, you can do it." Dr. Edwards replied.

"Pain! too Much pain" Joey grunted. He grabbed the sheets and screamed as he gave a final push.

"Got him! You can stop pushing now Joe. your baby is here" Dr. Edwards smiled as he cleaned the baby off and slapped his butt.

Another loud wail of protest entered the room as Joey feel backwards relieved that it was finally over with.

"He's here!" Justin beamed. "Our beautiful son is here. Can we hold him?"

"I'm afraid not boys"

"Why not" Joey said. "I did the work."

"You see Joey, you have to be punished" the doctor said as the scene got colder, the room turned darker.

"What's going on?" Joey asked. "JC, Justin!"

He turned and found that they were no where to be found. he panicked. "What..who are you?"

"Such beautiful babies Joey" the voice said as he ripped off his mask.

"JOHNNY!" Joey said. "Don't, Give me back my babies!"

"You will be punished Joey" Johnny smiled. "By taking your babies from you."

"NOOOOOOO" Joey cried out trying to reach for his sons.

Johnny just laughed as he broke both babies necks. "Say bye, bye to daddy boys."


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Joey screamed as he sat up with a start. "No, my babies."

Joey breathed hard as he touched his stomach. It was only a dream. Johnny didn't kill his babies. It was only a dream. It didn't happen yet. He shivered. It was so powerful. It felt so real.

He sat there taking deep breaths. he could hear footsteps running towards his room.

"Joey, Sweetie, are you ok?" JC threw himself on the bed, pulling Joey to him. "We heard you screaming, angel," this was Justin's voice, and Joey felt another pair of arms around him. Sobbing into JC's shirt he tried to explain. "I was dreaming...about the babies... And then Johnny was there, and he... He..." Joey couldn't bring himself to say the words, afraid that saying them would making them somehow come true. "Oh baby," JC said. "It was only a dream, sweetie, I know it scared you, but he won't be coming anywhere near you or the twins, I promise." "I promise too," Justin added. "If he so much as thinks about you, I'll rip his head off."

"Really?" Joey asked in a small voice. "Absolutely," Justin said. "I promise I won't let anybody hurt you, angel, or the twins." "Come here," JC said, "let's get you back down in bed." Don't leave me," Joey panicked, "I don't want to be alone!" "We'll stay," JC comforted him. "WE are not going to leave you, of course not."

All three of them lying down in bed, Joey couldn't help to but fear the event that was going to take place in just four months to come. He sure as hell wasn't ready for it, and he doubted the next months were going to do any difference. Too exhausted to even think, he all but passed out again, lying in between JC and Justin.

"He's sleeping again," JC said quietly. "Christ, that must have been one hell of a nightmare, I have never seen him like this." "I know," Justin said, softly stroking Joey's dark hair. "We have to do something about Johnny, Josh. This can't go on."

Feeling the grip Joey had on him even in hi sleep, JC knew that Justin was right. "I think this is an issue Joe Sr. would be the best to help us with," he said carefully. "The police have come up with squat. And this needs closure now. Joey is going to work himself into hysterics when the labor hits."

"Ok, so we'll dad-in-law a call," Justin said, chewing his bottom lip. "And then what? He's gonna make Johnny swine with the fishes for us?"

"No more Francis Ford Copula-movies for you, that's for sure," JC said, smiling a little in spite all. "And I don't know, really, just get Johnny out of our lives...for good this time."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Justin sighed. "I know Chris worries for Lance too. After that time when Joey disappear he is totally sheltering him. And I'm guessing we're like that with Joey too. If it wasn't for David here, I would never left the house. And when I am out, all I can think about is going back. Just to see for myself that everything is all right."

"I know that feeling," JC answered him. "and I not sure if we're doing the right thing either. Joey hates when we keeps stuff away from him, because we don't want to worry him. And I think we 're doing that now. But things can't go on like this."

"So, you wanna make the call, or should I?" Justin asked. "One of us needs to stay here." "I'll do it," JC said. "After what just happened, I don't care what they do to him. If that is what needed to make Joey feel safe, that is what's going to be done."

Easing out of the bed, Justin quickly took over JC's spot and pulled Joey closer to him before the sleeping man could sense that one of his husbands had moved away. Frowning just a little, Joey was soon calm again, cuddled up to Justin's chest.

"See you in a few minutes," JC said, tiptoeing out. "love you." "Love you too," Justin whispered back.

================== End Chapter 13 ==================

Next: Chapter 14

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