Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 18, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 9 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

When Phil had said the island was little, he had most definitely been lying. It was a large island, with what had earlier been a five-star hotel in the it was vacation home for the Fatone clan.

Joey hadn't been there in years and had almost forgotten jut how breathtakingly beautiful it was. They were all down at the beach, enough people to fill a small village. A family wedding meant a family wedding and Italian families didn't exclude anybody. Chris and Lance's families and Justin, JC and Joey's families were mingled together in one enormous group till nobody was sure who belong where anymore.

It was evening and the sun had just started sinking into the ocean, igniting the sky as well as the water. Ribbons of fire coated the water, dancing on top of the waves. Everything was bathed in golden light.

The priest was standing in front of a small altar set up for the occasion. Fresh flowers were everywhere, scenting the air in sweet whiffs.

As according to customs, Joey and Lance wore white suits, while Chris, JC and Justin wore black.

Pulling at the tie around his neck, Joey was feeling slightly nervous. This was it. He was getting married.

Wondering if Lance was feeling the same as him, Joey tried to locate his friend in the crowd. He was standing with his parents, practically beaming. Nope, Lance was definitely happy. It wasn't that Joey didn't want to get through with the ceremony he just felt a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly he felt a hand in his and a strong arm encircling his waist. JC. "You getting cold feet, honey?" he asked. "No," Joey answered. "Just feeling a little lost..." "Don't be," JC answered, hugging him carefully. "I'm right here, and Justin is waiting for the both of us over by Lance and Chris."

Planting a kiss on Joey's neck, JC continued: "I can't believe that we're actually doing this... I'm so afraid I'm going to wake up and this has all been a dream..." "It's not a dream," Joey answered, smiling and leaning back into JC's embrace. "This is very much real." All his doubts had gone away now. This was where he belonged, together with JC and Justin. And after tonight nobody would be able to break them apart.

"Hey!" a voice reached them. "Are the two of you going to hide over there forever? Come on, let's get married!" JC hid his face against Joey's neck to keep the other from seeing that he was laughing. Joey didn't bother to hide. "We're coming, Just!" he replied. "Don't worry, I'm not going to run away. Yet." The face Justin gave him had them both doubling over in laughter.

"WE better go," JC said, "before Justin has an ulcer. This has him even more hyper than usual. I am not even going to think how Lance is coping with Chris."

Joey took a deep breath. "Here we go. Tomorrow I'll be Joseph Anthony Fatone Timberlake-Chasez...our children are going to hate us for that, you know. They'll never learn to spell that last name of ours."

"Ouch," JC smiled. "We'll better just cut it down to Chasez then..." "Oh really," Joey answered. "I think we'll go with Fatone. I'm giving birth here...I decide last names..."

There was a moment of silence, then Joey sighed. "But Fatone Timberlake-Chasez does have a nice ring to it..."

"It does..."JC agreed. "Now, let's go, before Justin throws a fit, the priest goes home and Lance ad Chris run off together..."

They had just started walking down to the altar and the priest, when JC could hear a quiet mumbling over the other end of the crowd. He looked over to find a tall, gray-haired man standing there, eyes locked at Joey.

When JC stopped, Joey looked up and found him staring at someone he couldn't quite see. "What's wrong?" he asked as he saw the look on JC's face. Then he saw the new arrival. The man took a few steps towards them. "Joseph," he greeted them simply. "Josh." "Oh my God," Joey said quietly. "Dad!"

"You're coming with me," Joe Sr. said sternly grabbing Joey's arm tightly.

"No" Joey said trying to pull away. "Daddy, I love JC and Justin. I'm going to marry them and give birth to their children. You can't stop me."

"I can and if I will" Joe growled. "You're my son and you'll DO as I TELL YOU!"

It grew deadly quiet. Everyone was now staring at the pair as Phil made his way to father and son.

"Joe, let Joey go. He's happy with JC and Justin. They make him complete. Let Joey go."

"Phil it's not about that. I'm not going to let my youngest boy marry two rapists" Joe growled.

"WHAT!" the whole group of people exclaimed.

"WE Never Raped Joey!" Justin exclaimed. "We couldn't. I would never do that to him!"

"Well according to Mr. Wright he says you forced you're way into Joey's room and forced yourselves on my son." Joe said coldly.

"Shit" Chris cursed.

"NEVER!" JC exclaimed. "He's lying!"

"Dad, They would never do that to me!" Joey said loudly. "Johnny tried to Rape Lance and myself!"

"Oh dear god" Phil exclaimed in shock.

"You're lying!" Joe exclaimed.

"Dad." Joey said in near tears. "How could you not believe you're own son."

"I have witnesses. Even AJ McLean said JC and Justin forced themselves on you" Joe said.

"WHAT" Kevin, Howie, Brian and Nick exclaimed?

"No. Oh god no" Joey cried. "He's lying. He hit on me earlier!"

Phil went to his child and hugged him. "Joe, I don't believe that. This is my son's wedding day. How could you ruin it!"

"Phil, do you want our child to be married to a couple of rapists" Joe exclaimed. "We'll take Joey back and let him have the twins and raise them. I don't want Joey to be near those assholes."

"Now just wait a minute," Roy Chasez said. "My son would never hurt Joey. He loves Joey to damn much to do that to him."

"The same with my son" Larry Harless replied.

"Dad, please let me go" Joey whimpered. "I want to marry them."

"AJ's lying" Kevin said. "JC and Justin would never do that. AJ did put the move on your son. So he's lying about it."

"Joseph Fatone Senior! Stop this instant!" Phil growled. "Joey is not suppose to have any stress that can harm his babies. He's going to marry those boys. You can't stop it unless you want to start a war between our family"

"Dad don't please" Joey begged in tears. He couldn't believe this was happening. All he wanted was to marry JC and Justin. Now it seems all hell it braking lose. He whimpered a little as he felt the familiar pain return.

Joe turned to his husband. "A war? What do you mean?" "Exactly what I said," Phil answered, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know that that Wright-guy is lying, so is the McLean-kid... Come on, you only have to look at those three together to know that that wasn't the was things happened."

"Dad," Joey said, trying his best to ignore the pain that was burning in his side. "I'm not going to let you do this to me...I want to be together with Justin and JC. I'm sorry for that I didn't come to you and daddy first, but there just wasn't any time for it."

Looking his father straight in the eyes: he added: "I wouldn't get married this hastily if it wasn't for I suspected that you would pull a stunt like this. Now please leave. I don't want you here."

"There will be no marriage," Joe said again. "At least not for you. We're going home..." Placing his hand on his husband's shoulder Phil tried again. "Joe, you can't seriously believe that what Wright told you was true? Why don't we go back to the house to talk this through?"

Listening to the arguing taking place Joey cautiously put his arm around his side. He hope this wasn't going to be as bad as last time, that had really scared him.

"No!" Joey interrupted. "There is nothing to talk about! I am going to..." The world started spinning again...he felt dizzy. He could hear voices coming from far away. They belonged to JC and Justin...he could also hear his parents.

A couple of yards away, Chris touched Lance's arm to get his attention. "I think this is getting too much for Joey," he said quietly. "He is getting very pale."

"I know," Lance said, sounding worried. "I can't believe his dad showed up like this."

Justin had also noticed that something was up with Joey. "Baby, are you okay?" he asked. "I think we oughta get back." "I'm fine!" Joey muttered through clenched teeth. He wasn't going to loose to his dad this time. Even if it meant that their family would be split, What he couldn't believe was that his dad had believed Johnny. How could anybody not see through the falseness to see the evil inside?

And he wasn't even going to start on time Joey saw him he was going to rip his head off himself before Justin and JC even could have a chance.

"This isn't the time or place for this," Phil said. "We're not going to make a scene here on the beach." Stepping up to the priest, he raised his voice and said: "The marriage ceremony will have to be postponed for a little time. Let's all go back to the house. You will all be told when we'll try this again."

There was some quiet mumbling among the people and then they all started moving back to the house. Only JC, Justin, Joey and the Fatone's were left. JC and Justin had told their parents to go back with the others.

"What exactly did Johnny tell you, Mr. Fatone?" Justin asked. "And when did he tell you?" Sending Justin an angry glare Joe Fatone answered: "He approached me with something he told me I needed to know about, and he was damn right too." "But when did he tell you?" Justin pressed. When he heard the answer, he looked up. "That was about a week after he and some huge gorillas of his, attacked Joey and Lance. His intention was to make sure that neither of them would have the babies.

Not waiting for an answer: he went on: "And he did that after JC hit him. Let's just say that he either wasn't too happy to find out that Chris and Lance are together and the three of us are together. The Backstreet Boys have had the same problems with him, so did the NKOTB have. He is just out for vengeance."

"How do I know that what you're telling me is true then?" Joe replied. "How do I know that you're not out just to save your own butt?" "Dad, please," Joey said, putting his palm to his forehead. His head was starting to hurt.

"I really don't need to listen to this now," he said, "I just want to..." The world started blurring out of focus again. The pain in his side had spread, and sunk its claws into his back

A wail of voices came from somewhere around him; an arm took hold of him. After hearing his daddy ask what was wrong, everything around Joey went pitch black and he passed out in his father's arms.

"Oh god' Phil exclaimed. "We got to get him to a room. Joe, Joey is having a difficult pregnancy. He has to stay stress free."

"Shit I'm sorry. Is he?" Joe said softly.

"He needs to rest" JC exclaimed as he took Joey from Joe. Justin helped JC carry Joey back into the house and into a near bedroom.

"See Joseph. They love each other. You come and make accusations. Joe, when Joey wakes up let's hope he won't hate you. You could very well lose your son tonight" Phil glared. "You might even lose a husband!"

"Phil" Joe asked watching his husband leave.

"Serves you right" Chris hissed. "Joey has been going through some heavy stuff right now. You just made it worse. If he loses those twins I swear to god I'm gonna kill you!"

"I didn't want anything to happen to him. I wanted to protect him," Joe said softly.

"But not believing your son isn't right. Johnny tried to have his way with us" Lance said softly. "He kept punching Joey's stomach knowing Joey was pregnant. He tried to kill Joey's babies."

"Oh my god" Joe said sadly. "I'm so sorry."

"You should tell Joey that," Lance said as he waddled after Chris.

A couple hours went by and Joey was laying in bed. Phil Edwards, Joey and Lance's doctor told him he could move around after getting some rest. He also told Joey not to become anymore stressful or he'll have to prescribe bed rest for the next five months. Bed rest for the next five months. He hoped not. He sighed. Why is everything going against him today? All he wanted to do was get married.

And be with JC and Justin for the rest of his life.

"Hey baby" Justin said as he sat down on his bed. "The priest said he's going to wait. I said we could forget the whole thing."

"No" Joey said. "I love you and I want this to last. Fuck my father."

"That would be gross" a voice chuckled.

NICK!" Joey smiled.

"Hey how you feeling?" Nick asked as he came in.

"Better" Joey said. "I swear these two hate it when I get stressed."

"That's your babies for you" Lance smiled. "Really Joey we could wait."

"I want to get married. Because I love JC and Justin. Let's do this." Joey said. "I'll deal with my asshole father some other time."

"You sure?" JC asked.

"I'm sure. Let's get the party started" Joey grinned. "I want to get marries so I can get straight to the sex."

"I can live with that" Justin grinned.

"Let's go then," JC said as he and Justin helped Joey out of the bed.

"Excuse me boys," a voice came from the open door. "Could I speak with my son alone for a minute?"

Looking to Joey who nodded, JC looked back at Joe Fatone. "Ok, just remember that he doesn't need any stress. It can hurt the twins."

A strange look crossed the other man's face, then he nodded. "I understand. I just need to talk to him."

"We'll be right outside, sweetie," Justin said and kissed Joey softly. "Just call if you need us, 'kay?" "Ok," Joey answered, sinking down to the bed again. His legs felt a little shaky. JC kissed him too, and rubbed his hand protectively over Joey's stomach, then Justin and him left.

"Are you ok, Joey?" Joe asked, sitting down next to his son on the bed. "Yeah," Joey answered. "It just got too much, the twins have a sorta brutal way of letting me know when enough is enough."

A twinge squeezed at his left side as if the babies had heard him. "Ow," Joey mumbled under his breath. Rubbing the sore spot, he caught his father looking at him.

"It's just one of the babies that's kicking me," he explained. "Justin's baby...JC's one sleeps all the time..."

"I can't believe you're having twins," his father sighed. "For what it's worth, I can't even believe that you're having babies. When did you grow up, Joey?"

"A long time ago," Joey replied. "I guess we haven't seen to much of each other to actually notice, have we?"

"No, we haven't," Joe sr. said. "You always being on the road, and I being in Italy taking care of business..."

"Do you really believe in what Johnny told you?" Joey asked, turning to look at his father. "JC and Justin could never do that to me. It was a mutual thing when we mated. I'm not sorry that we did it."

"Are you happy with them?" Joe asked. "Is this what you really want?" "Yes, it is," Joey answered sincerely. "I want to spend the rest of my life with JC and Justin, that is what I'm meant to do."

"OK," his father said. "I can see that you're being serious, Joseph, and I won't stand in the way for your happiness. You have my blessing to marry JC and Justin. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you."

"You mean that?" Joey's face lit up in a broad smile. "You're fine with this?"

"I am," his father nodded. "After seeing the three of you together I know that there is no truth in what Wright told me. Not after what I heard he did to you and Lance. He's going to pay for it, be sure about that." "Dad!" Joey protested. "It's my wedding day! I don't wanna talk business!"

Joe sr. smiled and ruffled his son's hair. "All right. We'll discuss that later. By the way, your brothers are a little miffed at you for beating them to getting Phil and me heirs to the family. They still think of you as their little brother."

"Well, I'm not little anymore," Joey said, pushing himself to his feet. "I'm huge! And I'm even getting bigger." "How far along are you?" Joe asked. After he had gotten the answer, he was slightly frowning. "You're actually not huge enough to be at that stage, son. When Phil was where you are, he barely fitted through the door. And he wasn't having twins. I want you to see the family doctor, Joseph."

"I will," Joey promised. "Now, can I please go get married? And get some thing to eat? The twins demand food."

**** Everything was being prepared. Again. Joey and Lance was in the kitchen, both feeling the need to re-stock on energy. At the moment Lance was having carrots, which was his latest obsession food wise, and dipping them in chocolate syrup. "How on earth can you eat those things?" Joey asked. "I like it," Lance shrugged. During his pregnancy his cravings had gotten from weird to weirder which didn't help Joey's case of acute morning sickness until he reached the fourth month.

Spending almost every morning with his head down the toilet wasn't exactly going to be a fond memory from his pregnancy. As for cravings, he had just gotten a desire for an Italian type of ice cream that his daddy was happy to supply him with.

As for lance, he didn't feel sick at all, which Joey marveled at, with all the impossible combinations of food he could come up with.

Now Lance munched happily away at his carrots, coated in thick chocolate syrup and Joey was just amazed.

Placing a hand on his belly, Lance made a little face. "I swear this little guy's all Chris. He's never still. It's feel like I have a whole football team in there."

"Ay," Joey said. "That's gotta hurt." "It does," Lance admitted. "But when it get to bed I just curl up to Chris and let him rub my stomach, it calms the baby."

"That's sweet," Joey smiled. "Actually I have to remember case Justin Jr. acts up again."

"They're ready for you," Lance dad said from the doorway. "Let's get this marriages on the roll."

"Ready" Lance, asked.

"Yeah" Joey smiled. He looked at his belly and rubbed it. "Hey in there. Behave okay. Let daddy get married and then kick me all you want. Then JC and Justin will do anything I say."

"You're bad Joe." Lance giggled.

"Ready" Joe, said. "I want to walk my son down the aisle."

"I love you dad" Joey sniffed.

"I love you to my baby boy." Joe sniffed. "It's so hard letting you go."

Jim was near tears. "Our boys Joe. They've grown up. Our babies are having babies."

"DAD" both Joey and Lance replied.

"Come on. Let's get you two married. You going to be okay Joey" Joe asked.

"I'll be fine" Joey smiled.

"Well then" Jim asked holding his arm out for his son. "Let's get going. We have three grooms who feel like hurling all over the altar."

"Mr. Bass, please don't say hurl" Joey said softly.

"Sorry" Jim chuckled.

Joey took his father arms. "Lets go."

The wedding march blared through the crowd. JC, Justin and Chris looked in awe as their soon to be husbands were being led down the aisle by their fathers. They wanted to faint.

"Gotta be strong," Chris said trying not to run and flee. It was scary settling down. But this is what he wanted. He wanted to be with Lance forever. He smiled and found that he stayed put.

JC and Justin could hardly stand still. They wanted to hold Joey to tell them that they loved him and would do anything for him. That was the truth that they would die for him. They were glad that Joey and his father reconciled. Now the rest of their lives were just beginning.

Joey and Lance made their way to their waiting husbands. Joey patted his stomach and told Justin James to keep calm it will be over soon and then he'll have as much pickle ice cream he could eat.

The priest smiled and nothing but love in their eyes. "Who gives the grooms away?"

Jim smiled and hugged his son. "I give James Lansten Bass to Christopher Kirkpatrick. Take care of my boy."

"I will Jim" Chris smiled as he took Lance's hand so he could join him.

Joey stepped up and Kissed Joey on the cheek. "I give Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. to Justin Randell Timberlake and Joshua Scott Chasez. Please take care of him."

"We will Joe" JC said.

"Forever more" Justin added as they helped Joey stand next between them.

Joe and Jim stood back and joined their husbands at the front of the row.

"We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two couples, Joshua Scott Chasez, Justin Randell Timberlake, and Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. and couple two of Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick and James Lansten Bass whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one. They now desire to profess Today is a new beginning for each couple. I give my blessing and hope that nothing will come between them. As they journey into marriage the union and protector of the male will always be strong and endearing. They're love knows no bound" The Priest said. We before all the world their intention henceforth to walk the road of life together.

To these two young people, this marriage signifies the birth of a new spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yet not of any one of us alone. This "birth of spirit" reminds us of spring, the season when all life is reborn and looms again. It is appropriate, therefore, that this wedding of Joshua Scott Chasez, Justin Randell Timberlake, and Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. As well as Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick and James Lansten Bass be in the spring, and that it be under the open sky, where we are close to the Earth and to the unity of life, the totality of living things of which we are part.

The beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these two people are perhaps best expressed in the words of poet Kahlil Gibran:

"You were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days. Ay, you shall be together even in your silent memory. But let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heaven dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bondage of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup, but drink now from one cup. Give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping, for only the hand of life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in shadow."

Do you, Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr., knowing this man's love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take Justin Randell Timberlake and Joshua Scott Chasez to be your lawfully wedded husbands?

Joey smiled as he looked at his handsome future husbands. One word and he would be there and they would be his forever. He grinned and maybe stand there for an hour thinking about it.

"Well I dunno.." Joey started.

"What" Both exclaimed.

"I have to think about it" Joey said causally.

Joe looked at Phil. "I hate when he decides to play coy."

I did that to you" Phil giggled. "He gets it from me."

"Yes he does. I feel so sorry for those boys" Joe said as he shook his head.

"Joey!" JC exclaimed.

"What! I'm thinking! I mean this is forever and I can't flirt with anyone anymore. this is a big decision" Joey stated.

"I'm gonna have a heart attack at 19. Thanks a lot love" Justin pouted as he grabbed his chest.

"Justin, I'm Sorry. I DO!" Joey answered.

Justin smiled. "Okay."

"HEY! Why You little!"

"Nice going babe" JC chuckled.

"I think those two can handle Joey" Phil Chuckled.

"good" Joe Sr. smiled.

The priest smiled. "Place the ring on his finger."

With Shaky fingers Joey placed the rings on Justin and Joshua's fingers.

The priest then turned to Lance. Do you James Lansten Bass , knowing this man's love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take Justin Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Lance took a deep breath and replied shakily. "I do."

The priest smiled. "Place the ring on his finger."

Lance took the ring from the ring bearer and slipped it on Chris's finger.

The Priest then turned to the Grooms. "Do you Justin Randell Timberlake and Joshua Scott Chasez knowing this man's love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning form them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. to be your lawfully wedded Husband?

Justin felt like crying when his eyes met Joey's and saw pure happiness in them. He knew without a doubt that this was what he wanted. "I do."

Josh smiled. His dream was coming true. He was marrying two of the world's gorgeous men. He wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. "I do."

The Priest then turned to the Grooms. "Do you Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick knowing this man's love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning form them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take James Lansten Bass. to be your lawfully wedded Husband?

Chris watched Lance for a second. His breath caught in his throat as he realized that this was forever. That No one can take Lance from him. Lance loved him with all his heart. And He loved Lance with every inch of his being. "I do."

The priest looked on with pride. "Place the ring on his finger. Let these rings serve as locks not binding you together, but as keys, unlocking the secrets of your hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closer together forever.

And now Justin Randell Timberlake, Joshua Scott Chasez and Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. as well as Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick and James Lansten Bass, seeking the fulfillment of love and marriage, find again that the poet Gibran speaks for them:

"Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks to another day of loving. To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home eventide with gratitude, and then sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips."

I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your husbands."

Chris brought Lance's face to his and kissed him passionately on the lips.

JC kissed Joey first before pulling away and watched as Justin kissed Joey.

"May I present to you. Joshua, Justin and Joseph Timberlake-Chasez and Chris and Lance Kirkpatrick." The priest announced.

The crowd started to cheer.

As the wedding ceremony was performed, there was a party to get at. At last they were all married, no problems to darken their futures. At least not until they got back from the island.

But tonight they were going to celebrate that they had all gotten married, after a long and rocky road, and then...there was the wedding night...

"OK," Phil yelled to get heard over all the clutter. "Back to the house, we have on hell of a party to conduct!" General amusement spread amongst the crowd and they all went up to the house again.

When the two couples stepped inside they stooped dead on their tracks and just stared. In the hall there was a big banner, showing two photos. One of JC, Joey and Justin, and one of Chris and lance. It was decorated with dancing cherubs and valentine red hearts. There were fresh red roses everywhere and a thousand candles flickering from every corner.

"Oh my God, it's beautiful!" Lance said. "And dangerous," Joey said. "If daddy burns down this place, dad's never going to forgive him. I was conceived in the master bedroom upstairs.""

"You have a way of ruining the mood," Justin chuckled. "Now, go let's find the party. Shouldn't be too hard..." Music and laughter floated out from what had been the ballroom earlier.

The middle of the floor was cleared and a band was playing on a small stage in a corner. Along the walls there was tables and chairs and a buffet complete with a champagne fountain.

And on the end of the table there were several non-alcoholic brands. Joey was sure that his collective family would throw a collective fit if he had a drink, so he decided to be a good boy.

And he wouldn't want to do anything to upset the babies, because he knew what would happen it the little buggers wasn't happy, then they made sure he wasn't happy. And tonight was too important; nothing could mess that up.

Lance's parents stepped up on the stage with glasses with champagne in their hands. "Oh no!" Lance said. "They aren't going to...they are going to give a speech! Chris, hide me!"

"My parents are up next," Chris said not looking happy either. "Well, they better get it out of their system...I don't want them to go all mushy at the christening of our child and ceremonies like that. Daddy gets emotional and dad gets too, but he tries to hide it...2

Several embarrassing speakers later, Lance was ready to deny all connection with his family and Chris was blushing. JC, Justin and Joey had tried to sneak away, but were caught.

At last it was over. Lance was standing at the window looking out at the moonlit sea when he felt a pair of strong arms embrace him from behind. "Hey sweetie," he said and leaned back into Chris. "Having fun?" "This is the best day of my life!" Chris exclaimed. "Because now I have you, we're actually married now..." "I know," Lance said. A naughty smile flashed over his face. "Wanna make a break for it? The beach looks awfully nice and romantic rig

Softly kissing Lance's cheek, Chris agreed. "Let's go take a walk on the beach. By the way, have I told you that I love forever more and always today?"

Joey really, really, really wanted to go somewhere and just be alone with his husbands, but unfortunately a great uncle or something like that, of Justin, had attached himself to him, telling him in living colors what a great catch Justin was.

In the end, Joey was so utterly bored that he was ready to knock the older man's lights out. The guy just didn't know where to stop. Of course he knew what a great catch Justin was, he had married him, hadn't he? "I have to go now," he then said. "I want to have wild, kinky sex with Justin, and JC, and quiet frankly, you're boring me." With that he turned and left.

================== End of Chapter 9 ==================

Next: Chapter 10

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