Could It Be You

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Jul 25, 2001


Well guys, I've been promising this for a while, but unfortunately work and life kept me from getting it out as quick as I'd would have liked to. However, I hope that I'll be able to get a system going to where I can sit down and write more often.


Zak: You can quit bugging me you lil bugger! It's out! But seriously, thanks bro.

Missy: Thanks for everything.

Jeffie: You're awesome. Thanks for being there.

Brad: We had some great times. I just want to say thanks.

Also I would like to make a quick shout out to the chat room that I frequently visit. So this is to everyone at #boybands, thanks for the encouragement. Believe it or not many of my ideas come from things that we talk about in there. I just want to say thanks. And if any of my readers would like to visit the chat room, there's a link on Nifty to it. I guarantee that it's worth the visit.

Disclaimer: This story does have male-to-male sex in it. This story is strictly fantasy and in no way claims that Lance, Justin, or JC are anything other than straight in real life, but a guy can dream can't he? ;p

Chapter 6

Love Revealed?

Last time:

"Tell that to someone who cares," I said with a sigh.

"You don't mean that," a voice said suddenly.

"What do you mean I don't mean that," I asked with surprise in my voice as I turned toward Lance.

"Just what I said, you don't mean it. Anthony, remember I was the one who saw you after you two. I was the one who was out there in the gym with you. If you didn't care to some point then you wouldn't have been in the shape that you was in."

"Lance, that was along time ago. I'm over it."

"Are you? Then why do you keep looking toward the door?" Lance asked as my eyes were once again drawn toward it.

"Because I'm waiting for Justin to get back. That's why."

"Angel, someday you're going to have to wake up," Lance said as he and the others walked out the door.

"Well until I do, allow me to dream my own dreams," I said with a sigh. As I lay there in the bed I thought back to what Lance had said.


It's funny how life works. A couple of days ago I had been the happiest guy on the planet. I didn't have a care in the world, I'd just gotten a job that I wanted, and I had finally felt a sense of accomplishment in myself. Then I'd gotten that phone call, and everything was changed in a heartbeat. That one phone call would become a pivotal point in my life, but I would soon realize but for now I was blissfully unaware of how important it was.

As I lay in the hospital bed, I had a lot of time to wonder about my life. Why was I given the life I'd been given? For the most part my life had been a good one, but there was a very black spot on my soul. It had all happened when I was around five years old. My mother had let me and my sisters go visit my father for the summer. To make a long story short, Tony had sent my sisters back but kept me hid out for nearly half a year. While my mom was looking for me, I'd been convinced that she was in jail and my grandparents didn't want me. Tony was keeping me because he was my father, and all that happened to me was because he had to make me strong like him. It was my fault that it happened. I came to dread waking up in the mornings, knowing that at some point in the day Tony would have to "punish" me. Then my mother had found out where I was and suddenly I was out of the situation. I had never told anyone what happened down there. Not until I met Justin online and started talking to him. I realized that I could trust him with the whole story, not just the part that I'd given other people. Now here I was in the hospital with the source of all my pain gone from my life. I felt relieved, overjoyed, but at the same time I felt an infinite sadness.

Laying there in that bed, I was thinking about all these things, when I heard the door open. Lifting my head a little, I was shocked to see JC silently trying to shut the door. After closing it, he walked over to my bed and reached down and caressed my cheek. As I looked up at him in confusion, he slowly brought his lips down to meet mine, giving me the opportunity to stop him if I wanted to. As he pulled back from the kiss, I looked up at him in confusion.

"What was that about?" I asked with confusion written all over my face.

"Angel, I need to tell you something. You are a great man. You risked your life for the sake of a boy. No, let me finish," he said as he put a finger against my lip to stop me from talking, "You helped Justin and Lance be true to their love to each other, and you even had the time to stop and talk to me the first time we met. I know that I haven't done the best things here lately. I want to apologize for that. I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused you. I can't make any excuses for it because there isn't any that would be worth the pain I've caused, but I was scared. That night was one of the best nights that I've ever had. After you went to sleep, I stayed awake and I watched you sleep and it felt right. I mean here was a guy I'd only known for hours, sleeping in my bed, and I was beginning to have feelings for him already. I didn't want to hurt you though. I'm not going to lie to you, my career come first to me. It takes precedence over everything else in my life. At the time I couldn't see trying to pursue a relationship of any kind with you because of that reason. If we stayed friends, then those feelings that I'd had would still be there. They'd be there every time I saw you, every time I talked to you. So instead I decided to be a jackass and ruined every chance I'd ever had, but when Justin called me and told me that you'd been shot it was like a bullet to me as well. I realized then how much I do care about you. Angel, I'm not asking for a second or even a first chance. I just wanted you to know how I felt about you."

"JC, what are you saying?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.

"Anthony, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. From the first moment I saw those dark brown eyes, I felt myself getting lost in them. Ant, you are perhaps one of the most gorgeous guys that I've ever met. When I left you at your house that day, it was all I could do not to run back and kiss the pain away. I tried to throw myself into my work, but everywhere we went something would remind me of you, and now that I have you here, I wanted to tell you how I felt."

"JC, I don't know what to say," I started before a voice next to me interrupted me.

"Just shut up and kiss the boy," Tim said with a laugh in his voice, so I did and I did.

As our lips met again, it seemed like all of the emotions that we'd tried to keep bottled up from each other finally came out. This kiss literally took my breath away. Finally breaking the kiss, I reached out and grabbed JC's hand. "Just promise me one thing." I said as I pulled his hand to my lips.

"What's that?" he asked softly.

"No matter what happens, you'll let me decide whether or not you're hurting me. It hurt like hell when you gave me the cold shoulder that morning. I felt like a $20 whore, like I was just a toy that you'd used to get your rocks off. From the moment I first saw you JC I was attracted to you. I don't usually have one-night stands. It's not my style, but there was something about you that attracted me to you. Then when you did that to me, I wanted to hate you so much. I tried to convince myself that I hated you, but I couldn't do it. I'm not going to say that I love you, but I definitely have feelings for you as well. Just promise me that you'll never leave me like that again?" I said as I pulled him down next to me.

"I promise," he said as he climbed up on the bed and held me in his arms.

"Good," I said as I nuzzled my head into his neck and fell asleep once more.

When I awoke the next morning JC wasn't in the bed with me. With a frantic jerk, I pulled my body up and looked around but no one was in the room with me. "It was only a dream I thought," as I sank back down into the bed. As I lay there, I felt the tears start to trickle down my face. Hearing the door open, I turned my face away from the door and tried to compose myself. As I angrily wiped the tears away from my face, I felt a hand reach out and caress my face. Turning back over, I looked up into JC's face. With a cry, I grabbed his hand and pulled him down on me ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

"I thought I'd dreamed it all." I said as I hugged him close.

"Shh, it's okay babe. I'm here. It wasn't a dream. I'm here," he kept whispering to me as he stroked my back giving me what comfort he could.

As the tears finally came to a stop, JC looked down at me with a smile on his face. "I promised I wouldn't leave you," he said before he leaned down and kissed me once again. As the kiss heated up we both failed to hear the door open and were unaware of anything happening until the flash of a camera startled us. Looking up we saw Tim, Justin, and Lance standing there. "Now that's what you call a Kodak moment," Justin said with a laugh as he put his camera back into his pants. "Well, we've got some good news and some bad news for you," he went on, "Which do you want to hear first?"

"Well I always prefer good news first." I said with a smile.

"Okay, the good news is you get to go home tomorrow. The bad news is the doctor wants you to take it easy for the next couple of weeks. That means no dancing, no performing, and absolutely nothing to do with the theatre. You need your rest."

"What? I can't do that. I have a show to put on in three weeks!" I said as I struggled to sit up in bed.

"No you don't," Justin said with a sad smile. "It's already taken care of. I called Erin and she called Dan. Aaron is going to be the lead role now. He did say that he'd talk to you about another script that he has ready to go. He hopes that you'll be able to do it."

"Okay, I guess if I have to then I'll do it. Now come here Tim," I said as I motioned the boy to me. "Tim do you have anyone that can take care of you? I would love to have you, but I need to make sure that I won't have to fight anyone over you."

"Tony was the only one I had left, Ant," he said with tears in his eyes.

"No he wasn't. You've always had me," I said as I pulled him close to me. Hugging him tightly I whispered to him, "I'll never let anyone else hurt you. I promise."

"Lance, could you do me a favor," I asked as I suddenly turned to him.

"Sure what can I do for you?"

"I need you to get a hold of my lawyer. His name is Micky Buchanan and his number is XXX-XXXX. Would you call him and tell him that I need him to check into my half-brothers life and see if it would be possible if I get custody of him. He'll know all the information that he needs to know already, I'm sure."

As Lance started to go out the door, I stopped him once more. "Oh and Lance?"



"For what?"

"For what you said yesterday."

"Oh that," he said with a smile. "I'm surprised it worked. I was talking about Justin after all," he said with a sly wink and a laugh as he headed out the door.

Turning back to Tim, I saw tears in his eyes. Reaching out, I hugged him to me as tight as I could. "You don't mind me taking care of you do you?" I whispered to him.

"Not at all, I just wish it would have happened sooner."

As I hugged him, I felt another pair of arms enclose us. Smiling I looked over my shoulder at JC. "I could definitely get used to this," I said with a small laugh.

"What getting hugged?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"No, being the center of attention," I said with a smile on my face.

The next morning I was released from the hospital after signing several forms. After being reminded that I was not to be very active, and promising that I would take it easy I was finally out of the hospital and on my way to the airport. When we pulled up in the airport it seemed like there was a million people there. I knew that the boys usually got this no matter where they went, but this was a first for me. As we pulled up to a stop in front of the airport, I was dreading making my way through the crowd. JC must have seen the expression on my face, because he reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." He said with a slight smile on his face.

Nodding my head grimly, I got ready to try and fight my way through the crowd as the door was opened. I was surprised to see that the crowd seemed to be remarkably calm. As I stepped out of the car, I was immediately met with the flash of camera's going off in my face. Half blinded I stumbled against the barricade that had been erected. Squinting my eyes a little I saw the guys running through the crowd, and then I saw JC turn back and come toward me. About that time the crowd seemed to overwhelm the people that had been holding them back. As they separated JC and I, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up there was Tim, with a determined look on his face. Grabbing my hand, and keeping my close to him, he made his way through the crowd. I'm surprised that we weren't trampled, but I guess Tim's elbows and kicks had something to do with that. When we finally made it into the lobby, JC and the guys came running up to us.

"Are you okay," JC asked with obvious concern written across his face. "I tried to get back to you, but the crowd wouldn't let me."

"I'm alright babe. Tim managed to get me through it."

As we loaded our flight, there was no room for me to be surprised when I saw the guys were there too. It just seemed natural now that they would be coming back with me. I didn't know how long they had managed to get off, and I really didn't care. Right now they were there for me when I needed them the most. As I settled down in my seat, JC came over and sat in the seat next to me. Reaching down he grabbed my hand in his and squeezed gently. As I sat there, I drifted in and out of sleep. I don't know when it happened, but at one time I woke up and my head was against JC's and I was wrapped in his arms. Looking over at the other guys, I noticed them all smiling. With a gentle smile of my own, I settled once more into the darkness that was threatening to overwhelm me.

Almost 6 hours later we had sat down in Little Rock, and 45 minutes later we were pulling up at the house. As I slowly made my way out of the car, I heard the door open and before I knew what was happening Erin had me in a hug that threatened to break every one of my ribs. As I cried out in pain, she immediately broke the hug and apologized.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Ant!" she rambled on as I tried to get my breath back.

"That's okay Erin, I understand," I said with a forced smile on my face as I tried to ignore the pain that was coursing through my body. "Erin, this is Tim," I said as I noticed her gaze go to him. "He's my half-brother."

The expressions that went through her face were amazing. I'd never seen someone who showed feelings like Erin did. Everything that she was thinking crossed her face in that moment. I saw the confusion, the anger, the hurt, and finally the compassion as it all flickered through in a matter of seconds. Then she pulled Tim into a hug that was almost as fierce as mine had been. "Pleased to meet you," I heard her mutter to him before letting him go.

As we made our way into the house, I was surprised at how home I felt. This was definitely where I belonged. Taking my stuff to my room, I was a little surprised when JC walked into it behind me and put his stuff down. As he dropped the bags, I looked at him in surprise. With a smile on his face, he came over and hugged me gently.

"We have the weekend off and the guys decided that we'd spend it with you." JC said as he looked down into my eyes, "Not that I'm complaining, but I would kind of like to spend some time with you alone." He said hastily.

"And is that why you have your bags in my room?" I asked with a small smile on my face.

"No, this is the reason," he said as he leaned in and kissed me. I'm not sure how long that kiss lasted but it had to be one of the best kisses I'd ever had in my life. I felt a tingling in my body that was indescribable. We were still kissing when we heard someone clearing his or her throat from the doorway. As we broke apart and looked toward the door, Erin was leaned up against the door with a bemused expression on her face.

"I was going to ask if you wanted Tim to sleep in here with you," Erin said with a shake of her head, "but I think that you might already have a sleeping partner. I'll just put him in the spare bedroom with Chris and Joey."

As she walked out the room, JC and I looked at each other and laughed. Looking up at him suddenly I pulled him into a tight hug, and whispered "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked with confusion all over his face.

"For being a jerk all year long myself. I've been fighting my feelings for you as well Josh. When I would wake up in the morning you were the first thing on my mind, and when I went to sleep at night you were the last thing I thought of. You haunted my dreams, and just made my life a living hell. But as much as I tried to deny my feelings for you, they grew stronger. Thank you for giving me another chance," I whispered as I brought my lips to his once again. As the kiss grew hotter, so did the action of our bodies. As I ground myself against him, I could feel his answering ache as both of our cocks ground against each other. Grasping his asscheeks, I pulled him as close to my body as I could manage. With a moan, his lips left mine and busied themselves with my neck. As I felt his lips seeking and nibbling, I lifted my head back to give him access to the skin that he was seeking. Reaching up, I ran my hands across his back and then let them pull his shirt out of his pants. Lifting it up, I ran my hands across the skin of his back, but it wasn't enough. I had to feel more of him. With an impatient tug, I managed to get him to lift his arms long enough to pull his shirt off of him. As I ran my hands across his back once more, I let my body melt against his. JC must have had the same thought that I had though because suddenly he was pulling my shirt up over my head. As our lips met once again, so did our chests and upper body. The feeling of his tight pecs against mine sent a shiver through my body. Breaking our kiss, it was my turn to nuzzle in his neck. After spending some time there, my lips were drawn to that tight, hairless chest. As I kissed my way down his chest to his nipple it immediately grew hard. Flicking my tongue against it I was rewarded with a groan of pleasure. Encouraged by that groan, I made my way over to the other one and kissed and licked on it as well. As I started to make a downward trail of kisses, I stopped at his navel and flicked my tongue into it. With a groan of desire, Josh reached down and pulled me back up to him forcing his lips on mine once again before he dropped to his knees in front of me. As he nibbled and licked on my naked skin, I groaned as lust and desire swept over me. Reaching down I started to unbuckle my pants when a pair of hands stopped me. Looking down I saw JC's hands on mine.

"Let me," he growled at me, lust filling his voice until it seemed to overflow.

With a nod, I moved my hands away from my pants. With a growl that was almost feral, JC moved his head down toward my still clothed dick. Nuzzling and licking at the jeans, he was definitely making me want to cum right then. Then with one quick motion he had opened my jeans and let them fall to the ground. Once again going back to his prize, he sucked and licked on my boxers until they hung wet against my dick. As his teeth gently gnawed on my dick through the cloth, I could feel the pre-cum oozing from my tip. Then he teasingly snuck a finger through the fly. As he teased one ball with that fingertip, more pre-cum seemed ooze out and soak my boxers even more. With a groan of lust, he ripped my boxers off of me and stared at his prize. Licking his lips with relish, he slowly leaned forward and wrapped his tongue around the head of my dick. As he cleaned all the pre-cum off of the tip, more leaked out to fill that wanting mouth. Gently easing his mouth down on me, I could feel his tongue working overtime as it tickled the underside of my dick and that was all I could handle. With a shout that was sure to alert everyone in the house, I came. I could feel Josh's throat closing around me as he tried vainly to swallow every drop, but he couldn't as some started to trickle out of the corners of his mouth. As I felt my knees collapsing under me, I reached down and pulled Josh with me as I fell to the bed. Grimacing slightly as he landed on me, I reached up and stroked his cheek. Wiping up what cum had slipped out of his mouth, I fed it to him from my fingers. As he cleaned each finger off, the look of love that was in his eyes bore into me.

"You know, I think I was wrong earlier," I said with a whisper, "I don't just think, I know that I love you." With those words I hugged him tight to me and just as we were drifting off, I heard the door to my room close.

Well guys what do you think? I know it's not a lot, but hopefully it'll satisfy you guys. Now I'm going to try and manage to get out a chapter a week from here on out. Work is finally cutting me enough slack that I might be able to do it.

So who was in the room? Did they see JC and Ant in their loving embrace? Is it going to come back to affect them later? If you want to know the answers to these question then come back and read the next chapter.

As usual feedback is appreciated, and I can be reached in several ways. I need not to remind you that flames will be ignored, but if you have some snow or ice to send my way then I'll definitely take them. After all with it being summer, I need something to cool me down.

ICQ (where I'll mostly be): 64742298 AIM: angellenoir MSN:

The other place that you'll find me is at the #boybands chat room. I'm there almost as often as I am on ICQ. Chances are you'll find me there before you find me at any other place.

Next: Chapter 6

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