Could It Be You

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Oct 16, 2001


Well guys, I know it's been along time in the making, but here's the next chapter. I want to thank those of you who emailed me and gave me all the feedback. Also I want to thank those who have given me the courage to write once again. I had not planned on continuing this story. There's a lot of stuff that has happened in my life here lately that I've yet to deal with. However, thanks to the encouragement of many I have decided that I owe it to my friends and my fans to continue with at least one more chapter. I will be honest though, this could very well be the last chapter to this story.

If you're not of age hit the back button now. If it's illegal to read about male/male sex then leave now. This story is strictly a fantasy. It in no way implies that any member of NSYNC is gay.

I would usually have a lot of shout outs to do, but for this chapter I don't have any. Sorry.

Chapter 8

To Chase a Dream

"Well I just found out that Tony's will was read yesterday. I got a copy of it this morning and it's very disturbing. Tony provided a clause in his will. If anything happened to him, then Tim was to go live with brother Alex."

Those words were like a brick in my stomach. I had thought that Tony was bad, but if the stories about Alex were true then Alex was even worse. "Is there any way that we can fight it?" I demanded into the phone.

"I'm working on that right now."

"I don't want you to work on it. I want, no, I need results today. Is that clear?" As I stalked around the room, nothing existed but the rage that had filled my very being. With a cry of rage, I threw the phone at the mirror on the vanity shattering it. Even from the grave Tony was haunting us, but I wouldn't lose Tim again. I couldn't could I?

As I stalked over to my dresser I threw open one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts. Slipping them on, I ran a hand through my hair and started down the stairs. I could hear JC's voice asking me something, but I couldn't concentrate on it right now. I had to get out. I had to do something before I hurt someone. As I entered into the garage, I immediately hit the punching bag. As I worked over the bag I could feel my punches getting harder and harder. Then with a "WHOOMP" my fist went into the bag and with a cry of rage, I ripped it back out. As I watched the sand trickle out of the hole that I'd punched into it, I could feel my anger start to drain away and I was left with a calm reserve. With a sudden clarity I knew what I had to do.

As I walked back towards the house, I was surprised to see JC, Justin, and Lance sitting on the porch. As I reached the top stair, the all reached out for me and pulled me into a group hug.

"We'll get through this," Lance said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Yeah, JC told us what had happened. He won't get away with it." Justin said.

"I know he won't," I said the venom in my voice causing them all to recoil slightly. "You see what Tony didn't know is that I've been keeping tabs on Uncle Alex for a long time. Ever since I first started hearing the stories about him, I've had someone watching him. I know everything he does, everything. Now if you'll excuse me I have a phone call to make."

As I walked into the living room, I grabbed the phone and dialed a number that I had committed to memory. The phone was picked up on the third ring.

"This is Joe."

"Joe, Angel here. I need Alex Murchinson's number immediately."

I could hear Joe rummaging through the papers on his desk as he looked for the information that I had asked for. Finally he came back to the phone and within seconds I had the number. "Normal method of payment?" I asked after I'd received the number.

"Not this time. I have a feeling I know what you want it for, and if I'm right then this is a freebie. If I'm wrong it's still a freebie. After all I consider you one of my most valuable customers."

"Joe, I'm your only customer," I said with a laugh.

"That's what makes you so valuable," Joe said before he hung up.

Minute later I was listening to the phone ring once again. As it was picked up the voice that answered sounded so much like Tony's that for a moment I was stunned. Then I started to speak.

"Uncle Alex, what a pleasure. We haven't seen each other in a long time, but I thought that I needed to call you. You see this is Anthony, Tony's son."

"Anthony, how are you?"

"I'm good, now let's get rid of the pleasantries okay? Here's the deal. We both know that Tony's dead. We both know what his will says. We both know what you like to do with teenagers. Now here's what you don't know. You don't know how I know what you like. You don't know what I'm willing to do if I don't get my way."

As I said this, I could hear him swallowing heavily, "What do you want?" he demanded.

"It's quite simple actually. You will sign custody of Tim over to me. You will forget any intentions that you had towards Tim, and you will never see Tim for the rest of your life. And trust me, with the evidence that I have if you don't then that life won't be worth living anyways."

I could hear the squeak of a chair as he sat down in it. After several minutes he finally responded. "Why should I believe you?"

"Either believe me or not. That's up to you. However since I'm a nice guy I'll provide you with proof. You like guys with names that start with a J. Justin's, Josh's, Jason's are your favorites. I'm not getting into what you do with them, but needless to say you have to pay them lots of money to shut them up. So do we have a deal?"

The silence that hung in the air was so thick that I could almost see it hanging in front of me. Then with a defeated sigh, I heard him respond. "Yes."

"Good, my lawyer will have paper's ready for you to sign tomorrow. They'll be faxed to your lawyer and I want them back here my 3 pm, do I make myself clear?"

Without waiting for a response I hung up the phone. As I started to turn around to make my way outside the house I heard a voice behind me.

"I can't believe you would do that." JC said the anger evident in his voice.

"Do what?" I asked as I turned a puzzled face in his direction.

"Resort to blackmail to get what you want. Is that what you're going to do if something happens to us? Are you going to black mail me to make sure that you don't tell anyone?"

"Josh, we're talking about my brother's life here. I would do anything to make sure that he didn't wind up in the same situation he was. If it means resorting to black mail, then so be it. Hell if I had to, I'd have the man taken out. That's how much Tim means to me. I would lay down my life for him. I would do anything to make sure that he's happy."

"But Anthony, if you're able to resort to black mail that easily, what's to say if you and I break up that you won't black mail me? What would I have to do to keep you from telling anyone about us?"

"Do you honestly think that I would black mail you? You of all people? Get your ass out! Get out of my house now. Just get the fuck out."

As JC left the room, I could see that the rest of the household must have heard us, because not one of them came into the living room. As I started towards our room, "No it's my room," I reminded myself, I could see Justin and Lance whispering to each other. As I got to the door of my room, I could hear JC in there packing. Part of me wanted to go in after him but the anger in me won out once again. As I stalked past the room to Tim's room, I was barely able to hold in the tears. When I finally got into Tim's room, I looked down at his still sleeping form. How he'd been able to sleep through the yelling I don't know, but as I looked down at him I was touched once more by the innocence that he seemed to radiate. Reaching out a hand, I pushed the hair back and gently kissed his forehead. I guess the tears that feel onto his face must have woken him because the next thing I knew there was a hand wiping them away.

"Anthony, what's the matter?"

"It's just you and me now kiddo," I said as I hugged him.

"What? What do you mean? What about Josh?" I could hear the confusion in his voice, so I told him the whole story. The whole time I was talking he just lay there slowly rubbing my back as he hugged me. When I was finished with the story, he hugged me tight. "I can't believe you would do something like that for me." He said as tears started to trickle down his cheeks.

"Tim, I've told you several times already. We're family, we look out for each other."

I don't know how long we stayed there talking, but I do know that sometime throughout the conversation I fell asleep. When I woke up again, it was starting to get dark outside. As I started to get up from the bed, I noticed a dark form in the chair next to me. As I got up, I could see that it was JC and he was asleep. As I gazed down at the angel in front of me, I could see the tear tracks that ran down his face. The part of me that was still angry dissolved at that sight and I fell to my knees in front of him. As I reached up and kissed my way up one track and down the other, I could feel him start to wake up. Before I could remove my lips from his face, he had caught my head in his hands and holding it still kissed me. As he kissed me I could feel him trying to put as much of his love as he could into the kiss, and tears started to flow once again.

As I broke off from the kiss, I opened my mouth to talk only to have him put a finger over my lips. "Shh, just listen first. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk today. I don't know how someone like you can even love an insensitive jerk like me. I am sorry, and I love you so much that it hurts sometimes."

I smiled as I kissed his finger that was against my lips. Then I pulled his hand back and kissed his hand before I spoke. "Josh, of course I forgive you. I understand why you said what you did, but you have to understand. Tim is my family. Like I said earlier I would do anything for him."

"And what about me?" he asked as he searched my eyes for the answer.

"Do you even have to ask me that? I would do anything for Josh. I would give my life to see him happy, but for you I would give my life and come back again just to have more time with you."

"Really?" JC said as a smile played across his face.

"I already did once," I said as I leaned into kiss him, "Remember?"

As my lips touched his, I could feel the familiar tingle that I got whenever I came in contact with a part of his body. It was like my body was responding to the nearness of his. After what seemed like minutes, we pulled away from our kiss.


"Yes Ant?"

"Would you hold me?" I asked as I pulled him towards the bed.

As he got into the bed with me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. As I turned to snuggle into his chest, he kissed me on the top of my head. For the first time in my life I felt safe and I knew what love was. The question was how much longer did we have?

All right, that's the end of this chapter. As always there are several ways to get a hold of me.

ICQ: 64742298


AOL: angellenoir


I'm usually hanging around all of these places so if you write me I'll get it. All kinds of feedback will be welcomed. However I reserve the right to use flames as kindling for my room.

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