Counting to Ten

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Nov 1, 2010


COUNTING TO TEN by Andrej Koymasky (c) 2010 Written on September 15th 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Peter Cowley


"COUNTING TO TEN" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


When Ken heard Nando entering his own room, passing through the common door, faced him and asked in an annoyed tone: "Well, where are you been?"


"Answer me, you know that I can make you tell me, don't you?" the man retorted with a tone of menace in his voice.

"I went a Taddeo's home and made love with him!" Nando answered looking him in his eyes, with a hint of challenging tone in his voice.

"Ah, so you disobeyed me! You hypnotized him out of my control!"

"No, not at all. The boy asked me to fuck him, on his own free will. And I fucked him three times, and he wants to be my boyfriend, anyway, without needing hypnosis."

"Yes, because I worked him before in a good way..."

"And I too want him to be my boyfriend."

"Are you able to maintain yourself and him? No. You are not yet able to be a hypnotist by yourself, not at a good level, anyway. And our pact doesn't provide for a third one. Moreover, I don't want to lose you, not yet. Undress and come in my room, in my bed, I want to fuck you." the man said harshly, moving to go back to his room.

"And if I refused?"

"No, you can't. You will come and let me fuck you... relax... now I count to ten..."


"One, two, three..."

"No..." Nando repeated trying to oppose with his mind, but he became aware he was not at all able to resist him.

"Four, five..."

"Stop it, I'll obey!


"I obey..." Nando said, sadly.

Ken smiled and held him his hand: "Then come with me. And promise me you'll never again do something off your own bat." Ken said looking in his eyes.

"Yes... but I... I want Taddeo..."

"If you do all I tell you readily, without question, I may also consider giving him to you... If you let me fuck your nice ass every time I feel like it, without any fuss, I may also decide to take that boy with us... All right, Nando?"

"Yes, Ken, as you want. I promise you I'll let you fuck me any time you want, but..."

"But? You are not in the position to put conditions, aren't you aware of that?" Ken said smiling self-confident, pushing the youth on his bed, and pulling off Nando's underpants.

Ken let his gown glide on the floor, made Nando get on all fours, bent over his back and without more preliminaries, started to strongly fuck him.

Nando was not annoyed, rather, he had learned to appreciate this way of having sex with Ken. But while he was feeling Ken hammering and rocking inside him, he just thought of "his" Taddeo. If Ken really made the boy go with them and allowed Nando to make love with Taddeo when he wanted, the youth was ready to give himself to Ken, without problems... Nando was thinking, just to have his Taddeo.

Ken fucked him for a long while, with more energy and vigor than usual, and meanwhile said him: "Yes, and possibly I'll fuck you while you fuck the boy. Or also, while you fuck his ass, I'll fuck his mouth. Yes, it could be amusing having a threesome, right? Yes, all considered I think we will also take your little paramour with us..."

Nando was annoyed hearing these words, he didn't want to share the boy with Ken... But he thought that, if he opposed, Ken could anyway have his way with him, would win, with his hypnotist's ability...

When he finally could go back to his bed, Nando couldn't fall asleep immediately. He was recalling the fact he had make love with Taddeo, the incredibly intense pleasure he had and the dedication Taddeo had immediately shown to him, and felt happy. But at the same time he also recalled Ken's words, and the fact that he was helpless in the man's hands, worried him. Until now, he never thought about this problem, as he never had a reason to worry. But just the thought that Ken wanted to take profit not only out of him but also out of Taddeo, annoyed him. But how to oppose Ken? How could he have his Taddeo and at the same time not have Ken use him? And, anyway, would the boy accept that kind of relationship, a threesome?

Nando fell asleep almost at dawn. He had a sleep filled with strange dreams, not really nightmares, and apparently not related with his problem, but when he woke up he was all but relaxed...

Ken felt that sooner or later Nando would escape from him, and he didn't intend to lose him. Therefore he thought to use Taddeo to keep Nando tied to him. He could give a hypnotic order to Nando to remain with him, but he knew very well that this order would not last if Nando's resistance grew strong. So, he would allow his assistant to enjoy the boy, and eventually he too would enjoy him, why not. After all, they could have Taddeo with them as a servant for all purposes, without giving him a salary... he would cost him very little money and he would have the boy work hard... Yes, he decided, he had to do so.

Therefore on the following day, he sent Nando away to made some errands, he went to talk to the lift boy: "It seems that you want to be my assistant's lover, right?" he straightforwardly asked him.

The boy, somewhat embarrassed, nodded yes.

"Well, therefore... I have decided I can hire you, but just in change of food, room, clothes... but not a salary, of course. Would you accept?"

"Well, but... without a salary..." the boy murmured, hesitant.

"Take it or leave it. This is the only way you have to be with Nando. So?"

"All right, I accept." Taddeo answered after a short hesitation.

"Then, go and resign from your job, then come to my room to sign our contract." Ken said him, leaving.

Taddeo went immediately to see the hotel manager and told him he wanted to leave his job on the spot. The manager warned him that, so doing, he would lose his last month's salary. The boy answered he was aware of that, and that it was all right with him. He signed the dismissal form, then went upstairs, in Ken's room. The man made him sign his new contract.

Then said him: "You know that Nando comes to bed with me, don't you?"


"And that, therefore, from now on, both of you will be fucked by me."

"But... really, I... I want to be Nando's lover, not yours..."

"You will be Nando's lover, you will do anything you like, but just after satisfying me. Or else, we can tear immediately this contract."

"But, I just gave my dismissal... And then, I want to stay with Nando..."

"And you will. But now undress, boy, I feel like fucking your nice ass."

"But I..."

"You'd better obey me. Anyway I can force you to do it using hypnosis." Ken said with a self assured tone, and the boy knew he was not bluffing.

Taddeo seemed to hesitate, so Ken started: "Relax, I will now count to ten and..."

"All right, all right, as you want..." the boy said with a meek voice.

"Good, you are a wise boy. Undress, then, and go on my bed. Fast!" Ken said with a satisfied smile for the fast surrender of the boy.

While Taddeo was baring himself, also the man undressed. When Taddeo was completely naked, he lay on the bed with resigned air.

Ken went astride his chest and started to brush his half erect member against his face: "Lick it, boy, prepare it nicely, suck it, so later I'll push it all inside your nice ass. You have to earn my authorization to fuck my assistant. Make me enjoy it, and I'll let you enjoy Nando. Go on, give me pleasure!" the man said with a lustful smile.

Taddeo did his best to satisfy him. He wanted at all costs to be able to be with his Nando, and for that he was ready to do anything. The man's member was rapidly becoming turgid and erect, and when Ken pushed it against the boy's lips, Taddeo parted them and let him slip all of it inside his mouth. It was not his Nando, the boy thought slightly confused, but it was agreeable all the same. Yes, he would make Ken enjoy it, so that he could be free, later, to make love with Nando, his young man whom he had lost his head for. Ken, bent over Taddeo, started to move his pelvis back and forth, fucking the boy's mouth with evident pleasure. Taddeo could feel it, big, hot, quivering and teased the slit and the frenulum with his tongue tip, to increase Ken's pleasure.

"Caress my thighs, my balls, my belly!" the man ordered.

Taddeo obeyed. Of course, Ken was not Nando, and yet it was not at all unpleasant. The man seemed to appreciate the boy's blow job, and caressed his head, continuing to fuck his mouth with energetic pushes, often reaching Taddeo's throat with his cock tip. Taddeo was thinking that the more pleasure he gave Ken, the more rapidly he would end that part of his "duty". Later he could enjoy his beloved Nando in peace. He also thought that, if he can make the man cum in his mouth, he could avoid taking it in the rear, as he wanted Nando to take him first. Nando... the man with whom he was madly in love, he, who never made love with a man before, he had never had sex, was now satisfying a man, dreaming of another... All of his life had suddenly changed.

He felt Ken quiver strongly, so he applied himself with greater dedication until, before Ken had time to withdraw, made him reach orgasm. Taddeo drank all and continued to suck even after Ken came.

Then Ken parted from him with a deep sigh: "Good, yes, you are a good acquisition, boy. Make me enjoy it each time I ask you, and afterwards I'll let you amuse yourself with Nando. Anyway, you know you cannot escape my will. You know you can only obey me, right?" the man said sliding at his side and lying down with a sated and satisfied smile.

"Yes, I know. Because you have just to say 'Relax, I'll count to ten and you will sleep, one two, three..' I would like to know how you do it, how it comes that you have this incredible power, really!" Taddeo said shaking his head thoughtfully, while he sat up and looked at the man.

Ken was lying with a relaxed air, his eyes half closed. Taddeo looked at him for a while, then asked: "May I get dressed, now?"

The man didn't answer, didn't move. Taddeo looked at him waiting for an answer then, as Ken said nothing, he just slipped out of the bed, asking himself if the man would let him go now. Ken didn't react.

"I go in the other room to wait for Nando..." the boy said hesitant and, as the man again didn't answer him, the boy withdraw to Nando's room. He thought that possibly Ken, appeased and satisfied from the strong orgasm he got, had simply fallen asleep. He hoped that he would not show up while he was making love with Nando. He again undressed and lay on the young man's bed, waiting for him with longing desire.

Waiting for Nando, Taddeo fell asleep.

He was woken up by Nando, who was gently caressing him.

"Are you still dressed?" Taddeo asked him with a sweetly provocative smile.

"Taddeo, what happened between you and Ken?" Nando asked him, looking at him with an attentive air.

The boy blushed: "He... he told me that I can come with you, and be your lover, we have already signed a contract... but he... he wanted me... well, he wanted me to make him cum and... if I refused he would have hypnotized me, therefore I accepted... but just because it was the only means to stay with you... believe me, I didn't really want that, but..."

Nando stopped that flow of sorrowful words putting his finger on the boy's lips: "Yes, Taddeo, I understand that, but... what did you do to Ken?"

The boy blushed again and lowered his eyes, then murmured: "I made him cum with my mouth... because I wanted to be you to take my ass, you and not him..."

Nando caressed his head and gently said: "Yes, but then, what did you do to him?"

"After that? I? Nothing at all, I came immediately here to wait for you. Really."

"Taddeo, when I came back I went to give to Ken the things he sent me to buy... and Ken was... is lying on his bed, inert, still... Ken has been hypnotized... and it must have been you..."

"Me? What are you saying? I'm not a hypnotist, I don't even know how to do it..."

"And yet Ken is in a hypnotic sleep, and besides you... Come to his room, Taddeo. Wear this." Nando said handing him his gown.

While the boy was tying it, they went in Ken's room. Taddeo at once noticed that the man was still exactly in the same identical position he had left him.

Nando told to the boy in a whisper: "Now, listen to me carefully. You have to say to him exactly what I'll tell you, do you understand?"

"Yes, sure, but... isn't he just sleeping?"

"No, believe me. Ask him what he plans to do once he wakes up." Nando said.

Taddeo asked Ken the question.

"I'll go and amuse myself with Nando and Taddeo." the man quietly said.

"Even if they don't like it, don't want it?" Nando made Taddeo ask him.

"They have to do what I want. They know that."

"But they love each other, they don't want another person to have sex with them."

"I don't give a shit." the man answered in a calm tone.

Then Nando made the boy give the hypnotic order: "Each time you see Nando or Taddeo naked, you will lie on your bed and masturbate yourself, and you will be convinced you are making love with both of them. Now I will count to ten and you will wake up, and will remember nothing of these orders, but you will believe that you just had sex with both of them. One, two, three..."

Ken moved, looked at them and smiled slyly: "Well, you can go to sleep, now. It has been a really great fuck, boys. Yes, I'm really glad to have you both at my service, at my orders." he said with a satisfied air.

The two lovers went back to Nando's room. Here the boy asked in a whisper: "But really from now on, he will..."

"Yes, sure."

"And I... I have this power?" Taddeo asked really amazed.

"It seems so. And you are also very strong, to have been able to hypnotize a great hypnotist like Ken so easily! He didn't expect that, of course, so he didn't resist, but all the same... But you have to be very careful, you are not yet able to control your power, it could be really dangerous."

"Oh, don't worry! I'm not interested in using it... only to be able to stay with you in peace."

"You could become even greater and more famous than Ken!"

"Do you want me to become so"

"Why not? We would earn a good living, and we will be completely independent from him. And I could be your assistant, so we can work together."

"All right. But now... why don't you take me to your bed?" the boy asked with a sly smile.

"Yes, you are right. We will have time to talk about that later. Come, Taddeo..." Nando said with sweet desire, starting to undress. The boy made the gown glide away from his body and quickly went to the bed, waiting for Nando with a wide smile and his eyes were filled with sweet longing.


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Next: Chapter 7

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