Country Roads


Published on Apr 12, 2015


Country Roads. Chapter 1

Warning this story contains underage sex of the same sex! So if it's not legal where you are back out now! This story is completely fictional! All characters are made up with made up names! They are not supposed to represent anyone I know! Please do not copy or paste this story without my permission! Thanks and enjoy

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters Colton Jonathan Fell: Age 16 Danica Scarlett Fell: Age 16 John Fell: Father of the two. Age 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please donate to Nifty they keep this thing going so People like me can still write and post our stories to read! Also there will be A note at the end of each chapter be sure to read it!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sitting on the porch swing letting the warm Texas air hit my chest; I lean back and swing for a moment. "Colton, put on a damn shirt!" sister Danica yells at me as she comes out of the house the screen door slamming shut.

"It's hot and I just helped dad with all those dang bales of hay!"

"Well Samantha is coming over, and you already know how she feels about you." Danica says sitting next to me.

I look over at my twin and smile, "Yeah well too bad I'm not into her, or girls for that matter."

She laughs; dad says she looks like mom did at sixteen when she laughs. My parents were high school sweethearts. Then at nineteen my mom got pregnant with Danica and I. It was a complicated birth; my mom didn't make it through. My dad was distraught, he kind of still is. My Grandparents helped raise us; my dad inherited the farm and the construction business my grandpa built. They moved out to Sugarland, Texas to "retire." My Grandpa still piddles around the house. He was my hero he always accepted me for who I was. I am very much like him I am quiet and tend to stay to myself.

"Stop staring at me weirdo!" Danica says nudging me.

"Couldn't help it you're so ugly!" I say smiling.

She rolls her eyes at me, "We are twins dork!"

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess." I say putting on my white t-shirt as I see Samantha's car pulling in the drive way.

"We seriously need to get you a boyfriend, or for you to go out with your friends!" She says getting up off the swing.

I came out to my grandpa when I was 12. I knew I was attracted to boys, and I cried like crazy. I was scared that he would hate me, and be disappointed in me. He actually wasn't at all. He told me he knew for a long time. He convinced me to come out to my grandmother and my dad. They both took it harder than my grandpa did. My dad actually stormed out of the house and didn't come back home till late. Later that night I heard him and my grandpa arguing outside of my window. I thought my dad hated me, but turns out he was just scared for me, he didn't want me to go through a rough time in life. Grandma took a little longer for her to come around, but she finally did.

Samantha gets out of her car and waltzes up the front steps, "Oh my GOD Dani that dress is too cute on you!" She says loudly.

My sister compliments her on her skinny jeans and tank top. I stand up and Samantha comes running over to me and hugs me, "Oh gross Colt you're sweaty!" She yells.

I just give a lopsided grin, "A little sweat won't kill you Sammy!" I tell her.

She rolls her eyes, "I hate when you call me Sammy!" she whines. Which I know is untrue, because my sister has told me how Samantha loves it.

"Well get over it. I am going to shower, guess yall are going out?" I ask.

"Yeah we are going to the mall. You should come with! You could use more than just regular t-shirts, jeans, and your stupid cowboy boots." Sammy coos at me.

"Wow thanks Sammy I am pretty sure you just insulted my whole wardrobe." I say faking hurt.

"Text me later Dani, I might meet yall if you go to eat." I say heading inside.

I hear Sammy, "I totally didn't mean to offend him!"

I just smile and head upstairs to my room. I walk to the dresser and pull out fresh boxer briefs, and head to the shower. I start the shower, and I hear my stomach growl in protest. I have no time to myself, I shower fast washing my hair and my body. I get out and reach for my towel drying my hair off. I wipe off the mirror and look at myself. My sandy blonde hair needs to be cut its gotten a lot longer; my bangs are almost to my eyebrows. I am always told I have the most gorgeous honey brown eyes, and nice white smile. This works perfect for my deep Texan tan from working out in the field with my dad.

I run my hand over my smooth chest and stomach, I smile at my six pack of abs I worked hard on. It looks good on my skinny frame. I flex my arm, and laugh at my goofiness I really like how I look. I grab my briefs and pull on my pants.

I walk out and hear a gasp, and a giggle as Sammy goes into Danica's room. I roll my eyes and head into my room, and grab my phone. There is a messages from Jeff.

J: Wanna chill?? J: Dude where are you????!!! Me: I was in the shower. What you have in mind? J: Food, idk maybe hang around the town center. Me: Guess so I am hungry.

I pull on a red shirt, and my boots...I kind of chuckle to myself, Sammy was kind of right I don't have a very vast array of clothes. I grab my wallet from my desk and head down stairs. "Where you going" Danica asks.

"To town, Jeff wants to meet up." I say.

"You still hang with that idiot?" Sammy asks.

I shrug, "yeah he is my best friend. He isn't that bad once you know him." I say waggling my eyebrows.

She makes a face, "Eww gross Colt!"

I laugh and grab my keys on the way out of the door. I walk down the front porch steps and pass my dad. "Where ya going?"

"To town center with Jeff, gonna get food and walk around." I tell him.

He shakes his head, "That damn goofy kid. Be good, tell him I said hello."

I climb into my Ford Raptor and crank her up. I worked my ass off all summer for this truck. My dad said he would get me one if I busted ass with him this summer, and I did. Even though my sister didn't do anything my grandparents got her a VW bug.

I get another text from Jeff saying hurry up. I hook my phone up to my stereo and put it on shuffle. I have been friends with Jeff since I was a baby. NO he is not my boyfriend nor does he know I am gay. He is like a brother to me. A redheaded step brother that is, he is a redhead and that's why Samantha thinks it's gross that he has the biggest crush on her.

The drive to town isn't long I get half way through a Jason Aldean song, and I pull into Sonic and spot Jeff in his black Mazda 3. He loves that car; I don't really care for it. I pull up beside him and grin. "Sup man?" I say.

"Nothing been waiting here for forever!" he says getting out of his car.

"Dude I had to help pop with some things in the field." I tell him getting out of my truck.

We put the tailgate down and sit on it. "Why does your dad even bother with the hay? He makes an insane amount of money with the construction business."

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know man. I guess cause Grampa worked hard for all of it."

"Well I am starving man!" he complains.

"Get the brown bag, it comes with two burgers, you're buying cause you still owe me!" I tell him.

"Fine!" he says getting off the tail gate and hitting the order button.

I get a text from Dani asking where we were. I call her instead of replying, "We are at sonic." I tell her as she answers.

"Okay....we might come by, but keep Jeff away from Samantha!" Dani says.

I laugh, "I will try. See ya soon." I tell her hanging up the phone.

"Who's that?" Jeff asks.

"Danica and Samantha are coming here." I say watching as more kids from school pull into the sonic to hang out.

"Dude you have to hook me up with Sammy! She is so fine!"

"You know she isn't into you man!" I tell him laughing.

"Yeah well convince her otherwise, please man I am begging you!"

I shake my head, "I will try man but no promises."

He hugs me, "Dude if it wasn't totally gay I would so kiss you!" he says laughing.

I laugh a little...I finally see my sisters car pull up next to my truck. I get off the bed of the truck and meet her at her car door. She opens it laughing, "You are so bad Samantha!"

I roll my eyes, "What is she so bad for?"

"Just stupid things. So what is poppin tonight?" She asks following me to the bed of my truck.

"Nothing at all!" Jeff says eating his burger that the car hop just brought out.

"That is so freaking lame." Dani says.

"Hey Samantha!" Jeff says smiling.

She rolls her eyes. "Hi Jeff..."

"H-how are you?" He asks.

She sighs, "So Colt, when you gonna take me out?" She asks.

I shift nervously and look towards Dani she just shrugs her shoulders, "Umm..when I have time I guess."

"When will that be?" She asks.

"No idea."

"Well what are you doing tomorrow night then?" She asks moving closer to me.

"Um..Nothing I was just going to hang with Jeff." I say.

"Then take me to Matthew's party!" she says.

I try to take a step back because she is practically in my lap. "I don't know I don't do parties much. Plus where is his party at?"

"Well it's a pasture party."

She leans in close to me, "If you take me then I will go on one date with Jeff."

"Fine." I say.

"Yay, you're the best Colt!" she says hugging me. I break the hug and look and Jeff and shake my head.

"Dani, are you going?"

"Yeah, for a minute I have a date later though." She says smiling at me.

I roll my eyes, "What about you Jeff?"

"Can't parents want to have dinner."

I roll my eyes at both of them, "I guess I will drive." I tell her.

She squeals some more and I shudder, "You have to wear something more than just your normal get up! Maybe like a tight fighting muscle shirt, and some other jeans besides wranglers, and NO BOOTS!"

"No deal." I say and pull out my phone.

"Ugh! Fine you can wear boots and whatever pants but let me buy a shirt for you PLEASE!"

"Fine." I say.

She squeals and hugs me again I pat her back. "Guess just meet at my house?"

"SOUNDS PERFECT! Let's go Dani! We have shopping to do!"

I watch them run off to their car. I look back at Jeff and punch him in the shoulder.

"OW! What the hell was that for?" He says rubbing his shoulder.

"For leaving me hanging I'm doing this for you she said she would go on a date with you if I did this!"

"Holy shit dude! If it wasn't gay I would kiss you so hard right now!" he says laughing.

I just let out a sigh and shrug my shoulder, then pick up my burger to eat.

Thank you for reading the first chapter into something amazing I hope! First I wanted to start off and Say I am sooooo thankful for my editor/the guy who always deals with me! M! you have been good to me and patient I thank you so much and by the way he came up with the title because I have 6 chapters done and he was like this is ridiculous I just put this up there because I was tired of seeing untitled. Again I couldn't do this without you so thank you so much!

Also I have always had a facebook page but I am probably going to close it down I do have a tumblr where you can get to know me and ask me questions, and get the inside scoop on all stories and things

Next: Chapter 2

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